The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Official Publication
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
State Historical Society "fn
It&Owv- ,
Good reasons why you should
do your Jnnking business
First National Bank
of Alliance
Because it is the largest, strongest and
best bank in western Nebraska.'
Because it is progressive, up-to-date in
every respect and aggressive.
Because it is managed by men ripe in
banking experience, who have stood the
test and always "made good."
Fourth Because your business, be it large or
small, is appreciated and always hel4 in
strict confidence.
Because it is always in' funds to loan on
approved security.
Because its condition is healthy and f
you be a depositor your money is alvays
ready and cheerfully paid oyer to yoy.
The Glaze Marble Works
Hemingford, Nebraska
We receive our marble in car load lots, thus sav
ing freight and agents' commissions, which customers
must pay when buying from agents of non resident
dealers. A full line of Monuments and Headstones in
our yard 'at Hemingford. You can see the marble
before ordering and can examine the work before
accepting it. Satisfaction guaranteed.
SO Cents
is the special trial price for the Lincoln Daily
State Journal from now until January ist.
The big Sunday paper will be included for
25 cents extra. The paper will be stopped
promptly when the time paid for is up. Why
not send for it today and get the
are all of the highest quality we
can get and are all examined crit
ically after we receive them in
Btock here before a single one is placed
on sale we do everything in our power
to be on the safe side. A good thing
for you to remember.
X. I .-j-
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
A. P. Lee, Mgr.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Election Returns
Wo arc now arranging to liavo
the complete county return by
phone and stato returns by wire
at The Alliance Herald office on
Tuesday night. You are invited
to be there and hear them.
Next Thursday's edition nvill
have the complete state returns.
Get a copy. Phone 340.
Laid Over
We are compelled to lay over
till next week a lot of interesting
reading matter, including .cor
respondence from Belmont,
Hope and Hubbell Plats, obitu
ary of Mrs. Nellie Heath Trenkle,
several wedding notices, n fine
lot of school notes, etc. We" re
gret this more than we can tell,
but it can't be avoided this time.
The fact is we're "up against it"
for help, and it is only by strain
ing every nerve that we are able
to give as much reading matter
as we have. !
Ye Olde Towne Quartette
Ye Olde Towne Quartette has
been selected because of their
ability to sing songs that
Each member possesses an 'ex
cellent solo voice, and by long
training and work together the
quartette is able to give unusual
ensemble results. The Quar
tette numbers in costume, to
gether with readings, solos, and
crayon work give just enough
variety to their program.
TIipsp four vrmnrr tnpn liftvo
annrr tncrathno fnv rnn,.l ilwn Mrs. H. W. Beach ljBS received
""t! lUhVIIV.I iVi J.V.UU.Y WIIV. , , .. . - .. It. . . 1
..h,. i v.n..n .,. .,.,-..,, . ... worn irom ner sister, airs. w. a. koo
frr?i,x r:raJ: wr -lawr - k m?
' " wci i.uui,ginuiua, A. i,,,i i,n mnn I s
J. J. Vance informs us Hint he has
nil the cement work contracted that lie
can do before winter sets in, hence
orders his ad in The Herald discontin
ued until towards sprint;.
Miss Lunette Zehruntf will nnive
home tomorrow from Springfield, Mo.,
wheic she has been attending business
college. She will remain at home un
til the first of the year, and her vaca
tion will without doubt be a most en
joyable one with home folks and many
Alliance friends.
E. T. Kibble has returned from n
two weeks' trip on business in the .east
ern part of the state. He visited York,
Seward, and several other towns in
that vicinity and reports the prospects 1
for business in Box Butte county lands
to be excellent. While there lie closed
up a deal for a good sized tract of land
in this county.
The demand among The Herald sub
scribers for copies of the Pictorial
Charts which are being offered as spec
ial premiums to Herald subset ibers, is
big. The supply is limited and the
opportunity to get a $1.50 set of maps
with the 19:0 census, by simply pay
ing two years' subscription in advance,
will not be found again.
The Alliance roller skating rink was
the scene of n merry gathering last
Thursday evening, when a masquerade
skate was given. A big crowd was
present, both on the floor and as spec
tators. The prize of an eight dollar
pair of roller skates for the bet cob
tunie was won bv Orville Keck who
was dressed as a clown. Judge Bull
ock, C. A. Anderson, and Cat. Vinsel
uere the judges.
Kev. J. M. Huston, having received
an offer of the pastorate of the Baptist
church at Wymore, decided not to
leave Nebraska, but has accepted the
offer. Mrs. Huston and the children
left for that citv the last of last week,
We sincerely regret to Jose Rev. Hu
ston and his estimuble family from our
city, and as sincerely wish the most
pleasant surroundings- in their new
SLi -
Male Quartette is a number that
is always well received, on lyce
urn courses year after year. To
the courses we commend with
out reserve 'Ye Olde Towne
Quartette" as musicians and en
Lyceum Lecture Course, at
Phelan Opera House, Tuesday
evening, November 8th. Tickets
.on sale at ioisten's, Monday
New High School "Stunt"
We, the Juniors of the Alli
ance High School, in order to
establish a more perfect school,
do advise that the law passed
after the Sophomore outburst be
enforced and that the members
of the faculty that took part in
this disgraceful stunt be ousted
from the Alliance High School
We know that this was a di
rect result of the Seniors' and
Sophomores' folly, but we will
not consider that in this case.
We can not have a perfect
school with such conduct as this.
This is the third offense and we
must live it down and show the
patrons' of our school that we
are here for a different purpose.
And with the co-operation of the
remaining faculty and students
we will try to wipe out this dis
graceful affair.
Therefore it remains the duty
of the Juniors to carry out the
dignity of the A. H. S.
(Signed) Juniors.
By Com. Norman McCorkle
Websteii Bernhardt
Nell Shrewsbury
Martin Nolan
Harold Thomas
Anna Bernhardt
Ruth Rice
Mabel Worley
Legislative Candidates
Favoring County Option
about two montns ago wttn ner son,
Jordan, for treatment at the American
School of Osteopathy, that th'e boy
is slowly recovering from the paralysis
with which he has been afflicted for
about three years. The information
regarding his improvement will be wel
come news to his friends at Alliance
Since the Alliance Telephone ex
change was purchased by tfie Nebraska
Telephone Company, Manager T. H.
Beeson has been kept busy installing
the regular systems used by this com
pany. Among other changes will he
the issuing of the phone directories
every four months. The Herald Pub
lishing company has just been awarded
the contract for the ensuing year and
the first edition will soon be out,
Mr. Wm. James of Dorchester,
Nebr., who is superintendent of the
agricultural building at the Nebraska
State Fair, was a visitor in Alliance
recently. While here he purchased
several car loads of the famous Box
Butte county potatoes, like he saw at
the exhibit this year, and looked over
the country thoroughly. He was much
interested and said that the fine exhibit
which Box Butte had at the fair had
interested many of his friends besides
The special sale of dry goods and
shoes advertised in The Herald last
week by the Phillips Grocery company
is starting off with a rush. Some men
with large families have been taking
advantage of the low price on shoes to
stock up and have literally bought
them by the bushel. One mau, who
has nine children, bought a two bushel
sack full of shoes last Saturday and
another bought a bushel. We are in
formed that this sale of dry goods
and shoes is not interfering with their
grocery trade.
Conductor Clyde Miller is laving off
for a few days.
Fireman John Castle is on the switch
engine this week,
Fred DeGroat is a new day switch
man employed this week.
Chas. Mathews, now of Maryland,
was in Alliance Tuesday.
Master Mechanic Stnhy went west
with Mr. Young Monday.
Among other trains from the west
Monday were two eighty car drags.
Dr. Bfcllwood, company physician,
had business in Marsland Monday
Gen. Supt- E. E. Young in his car,
No. 77, went west Monday noon.
Mr. Griggs, trainmaster on the Sterl
ing division, was in Alliance Sunday.
Trainmaster George Griggs left Wed
nesday noon for his home in Sterling.
Brakeman B. Alexander left last
week for a ten days' vacation in Den
ver. Engineer A. E. Nelson has been on
the east end passenger for several
days. '
Conductors Conn and. Pedersen of
the east end were in Alliance this
J. A. Moore is a new brakeman
hired Oct. 29th- He comes from the
C. & N. W.
MGeneral Yard Master Shrever re
tutfd Tuesday from a visit to his
Supt. Weidenbamer and Trainmas
ter Nelson were in Edgemont Friday
pn company' business.
Brakemen Snyder and Obcrholtzer
,left Tuesday noon for Denver and
other southern points. &tJ
MTs.rA. E. Nelson and' Miss Delia
left on No 43 Tuesday for a three
days' visit in Newcastle!
John Ellisand family of Havelock
came in Saturday noon for a short via
il with relatives and friends.
Office, Room iq, Rumer Block,
Phone 525, Alliance, Nebr- 42-tf
We have been requested to publish
the names of candidates for the state
legislature who have declared in favor
of countv option. Those in the north
western part of the state are: W. H.
Reynolds, Chadrou, and W. V. Home
land, North Platte, candidates for the
state senate, both republicans; B. S.
Harrington, democrat, Ainsworth; John
F. Carr, democrat, Springview; W. R.
Kent, republican, Hay Springs; Berton
K. Rustiee, republican, Kimball; candi
dates for state reprebetitativeh.
v : -HH:-H-M-
Services and meetings for week commenc
ing Sunday, November 6tb will be as fol
lows Sunday; Holy Communion and sermon
at 11 A. M Evening Prayer (Vespers)
at 4 P. M , Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Thursday Cboir practice lor boys at
4:30 P. M.
Friday: Cboir practice at 8 P. M
The Ladies' (Suild of St. Matthew's will
meet on Wednesday at 2 30 P. M. with
Mrs. Philips, 1004 Laramie Ave. There
will be an election of officers for the en
suing year, and all members should attend.
Below is the program for Vesper service
on Sunday at 4 P. M.
Processional Hymn, No. 510
Anthem, Just As I Am
Magnificat, F, A. O. Ouseley
Nunc Dimittis, Turle
After the collection for aid against perils,
Hvmn no 535
Hymn No. 504
OOertory Solo by Mrs. Nicholson
Recessional Hymn No. 481
Special Agent N. Hoag is taking a
thirty days' vacation. He will spend
most of the time in Colorado.
Fireman Martin, , who was hurt in
the wreck at Angora, was able to g'O to
his home in Denver Monday.
Conductor Bob Evans and wife re
turned Saturday from Lincoln, Evans
took out Miller's car and crew.
H. H. Giles returned Wednesday
noon on No. 43 from Chicago, where
he had been on company business.
On Monday the Alliance yards were
blocked. Two crews Bet out their
trains at Hemingford and came in
Mr. and Mrs- Chas- Bennett left on
No. 44 WedneBduy for their home in
Ravenna, They are preparing to move
to Alliauce.
Dispatcher Cox 'of Dead wood has
been transferred to Alliance. He has
spent the past week on freight trains
learning the road.
It is rumored that Conductor George
Young will purchase the lumber yard
at Marsland and retire from the ardu
ous duties of railroading-
Conductor Simonson is enjoying a
visit from his wife of Ravenna. They
will move to Alliance as soon as they
can find a suitable house.
Chas. Olson, formerly conductor out
of here, has packed his household
eoods to move to Billings, where lieii
will switch for the N. P.
Harry Johnson of the clerical force
at the store house, has been very busy
enlarging his candy kitchen. It is
now double the original size-
U. N. Hoskins has bought a' lot on
Box Butte Ave,, next door to Judge
Ridgell- He expects to erect a six
room, modern, brick bungalow soon.
After being off for some time with
two broken fingers, Brakeman Fred
Vaughn reported for work Tuesday.
He went out with Conductor Johnson-
Engineer Guy Miller has bought the
house formerly occupied by Mr. Bas
kins. It is a corner lot on Toluca
avenue and is a very desirable property-
Engineer Johu Wolverton, with a
new K5 engine, No. 2141, and Engi
neer W. A. Bennett, with engine 1958,
have been assigned to the west end
Mrs. Harry Hamilton and daughters
left on No. 44 Wednesday for Lincoln.
From there she will go to Aurora and
Chicago. She will be accolupauied by
another Mrs. Hamilton of. Lincoln,
The friends of Mrs- R. W. Reed of
Biush will be torry to know that she is
now in a hospital in Denver, she hav
ing had a very serious operation per
formed on her throat.
Engineer C, F. Clark of the Sterling
division is again at work. He has
been off on account .of the serious ill
ness of his nine-year old son with ty
phoid fever. For a time the doctors
thought he would not live, He is now
out of danger and slowly rccovcting.
The O. R. Cs. held election of offi
cers in their hall Tuesday afternoon-
By n unanimous vote J as, Armour waa
chosen Worthy Master for another
term. Kad Randall was ro-elcctod
secretary, No comments on" their
good work the past year are necessary.
On Monday afternoon a coal car in
the train of Conductor Simonson, extra
1248 west, jumped the track about two
miles west of Girard. About five cars
were ditched. Conductor Ketincr took
the wrecker from Alliance. No. 43
was delayed one hour and thirty min
utes. Mrs. J. W. Reed and Miss Ruth
have gone to Lincoln, where Ruth will
attend business college, Mrs. Reed
will rent rooms for light housekeeping
and will stay in Lincoln. Ruth is a
very bright and talented young lady
and we are sure has a veiy glowing
Mr 8. A. E. Nelson has been enjoying
a visit from her sister and brother-in-law
of Livingston, Mont. They have
been for some time in Rochester,
Minn., where Mrs- Beaver has been in
the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver
and little son, Arthur, left Tuesday
noon for Newcastle where they will
visit a short time with relatives.
Sam Burchell, who has been a resi
dent of Alliauce for the past four years,
left for his home in Spalding, Nebr.,
Wednesday night. Sam Jias fyeen an
engineer for ovjer a. vear and lias a
large number o'fffien'dV otj"1 ihe road
In the K. Cs, he was a leading member
and will be greatly missed among the
young folks. He has a business open
ing which he considers better than rail
roading. On Sunday morning at Angora at
1:35 a.m. occurred what might have
been a very terrible wreck, Denver
passenger No 301, Engineer McFall
and Fireman Martin struck the way
car of Extra 3125, south, Conductor
Hagenberg and Engineer Savage. The
engine men on the passenger jumped
and were badly bruised. Fortunately
no one was on the way car. The
freight conductor bad sent back a flog
and was doubling into Angora.
301 was brought back to Alliance
the track was cleared.
Hallowe'en Party
Last Saturday an umber of ladles
received invitations on pu tnpkin color
ed stationery decorated with small
pumpkins, inviting them to a party at
the Mitchell home' Mouday afternoon.
They were signed by Mrs. Wm. Mitch
ell and Mrs. Harry Gantz, Promptly
at 2:30 p.m., Monday, thirty-six ladies
sat down to the small tabtcs prepared
to play "500." Each lady was given
a score caid and a pumpkin pip to pin
it on- When the games were counted,
Mrs. Claude Lester and Mrs- Mort
Johnson wete a tie. In the cut, Mrs
Lester cut a king and Mrs- Johnson
an ace. The prize was a handsome
plate. The consolation prize, hand
painted salt and pepper shakers, was
given to Miss Souls. A dainty lunch
was served.
y . ...
coal Phone your order to No. 15b
Chiropractic is the1 science of restor
ing health without medicine or surgery.
We remove the cause of the disease
by adjusting the spinal column. What
ever your afflictions, there is hope for
you in chiropractic adjustments. Call
at my office for examination, and coun
sel, Free. Office in Opera House
Block, rooms 2 and 3- 47-254
4-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk T
uver rostotace. a.
'Phone 391. ;;