The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 27, 1910, Image 7
New Grocery Customers Everv business dnv we hnve new customers added to our larcrc patronnge. There is u reason for this. ' The most satisfactory, thing about it is that they continue to be our customers clay after day. That certainly means that we are giving- them satis faction. We study to please our customers. We give them the goods they want, and we send out nice, clean, fresh groceries; neatly wrapped and handled by experienced delivery men who deliver them when promised. Do we make mistakes ? Yes, occasionally, for with a business of the magnitude .of ours some mistakes must necessarily occur but we always rectify them at once and guarantee satisfac tion. We're reaclv to take' vour order phone 2. GEO. DUNCAN dc SON Majestic We believe it the duty of an up-to-date hard ware store to carry in stock the best goods they can secure. Discriminating people demand the best for their money. We know that the Majestic Range is the best built. Here are a few reasons: Body is built of Charcoal Iron adds 300 to the life. Malleable Iron is used all joints riveted; perfectly airtight. Movable Reservoir heated by contact; no pipes to freeze. Oven is rivited making it absolurely airtight; saves fuel. Asbest os Lining guaranteed, held in place by open grate; Warming Closets malleable iron; will not break; handy doors. Lower Warming Closet mighty handy for many purposes. Draft Door gives perfect control of fire; saves fuel. Other reasons Oven doors, ash cup, oven rack, ash pan. See the ranges we have in stock. "We will be glad to demonstrate them to you at any time. i. L. ACHESON ALLIANCE OTIS Sc BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CEHENT WORK Twelve Years' Experience All Work Guaranteed 307 Toluca Ave. ALLIANCE. OCTOBER BULLETIN THE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS on the ist and 3rd Tuesdays to the West, Southwest and South offer an excellent op portunity for a journey of inspection or pleasure, during the autumn and winter, through these fast growing lo calities where land is constantly increasing in value. THE CHEAP ONE-WAY AUTUNN RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST are in effect this year only until October 15. Go early and es cape the final rush for sleeper accommodations. Every day round trip Coast rates are in effect this wftiter; gen eral basis $90.00, and $15.00 higher via Shasta. THE DAILY WINTER TOURIST RATES to Southern resorts become effective about November ist. These rates with their desirable routes and privileges, together with the out door and hotel attractions of the Southland, should ap peal to many looking to avoid the rigors of a northern winter. K3X3SSS23C za KitiraaHacaJsiEstiJiiirffiEa Ranges A SPECIALTY Phone 613 NEBR. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Commendation of Suggestive Questions The recognized high scholarship of the clergy of the Episcopal church, and their appreciation of helpful litera ture, make it an especial pleasure to publish the following endorsement of the Suggestive Questions from Kcv Dr. Harris: St. MATnir.w's IUctouv, Ai.i.tAXtK. Nkiiii., Sept. 2d. 1010. DBA 11 Sin:- I have been interested In the litblloul juestlMis by Rev. T. S. Llnoott. D 1)., now appearing in our loenl paper, nutl 11 ml them i.ceUint uml very helpful. II. llAHHIS, I) ., l'h.l).. Hector St. Matthew-. In two weeks our Bible contest starts. This levival in Bible study is welcomed by all the chinches. i We ate glad to have the co-operaf, Hon of the churches, the pastors, and Sunday School workers in this import ant undertaking. The piize6 that are offered aie in trinsically valuable, and the Diploma Suggestive Questions for OctoDer 30tn, tiU. Un-iyriplit. I'UO by Kcv. T. S. t.ltmott, P.Ii ) The Anointing of Jesus. Matt. xxvi:MG. Golden Text She hath done what Bhe could. Mark xlvtS. If we do what wo can h thnt as ac ceptable to God as If we could do n thousand times more? Why? Verse 1 Can It ho demonstrated that the sayings of Jesus, which wo have, make n complete statement of Christianity, even If they were not supplemented by any thing else? Gie your reasons. What, if any, reason Is there to be lieve that Jesus had eluded his ene mies until he had said all he wanted to siy? Verses 2-5 What was the underly ing motive which Induced, that great and baaed body, the Jewish Snnhe tlrln. to plan to bring about the death of so good a man as Jesus? If an Assembly of Christian Minis ters, or laymen, gives way to jenlousy, or hatred: are they liable to do ns cruel n deed as the crucifixion of Je sus, and then persuade themselves they are doing right? What aie the chances for the Intel lect formlr.g right conclusions, on matters c' disputed personnl religious experience and teaching of others, If the heart is not filled with Jove to God and man? Verse 0 -Which place, the home or the pulpit, affordi a Kjnisrtr the better opportunity to do spiritual work? Why? Why, or whr not, is a pastor under obligation to vhlt all h!s members, at their homes, for personal comersation on spiritual matters?- When a church gets too large for a pastor to visit all its mombers. regu larly, ought It to divide Into two churches, or to let the members go without being visited, or what other steps should be taken In such circum stances? Verse 7 Is It either right or neces sary, today, for women to spend more upon Jesus than upon any other per son? Why? This was a love offering, which got the more good from it the giver or Jesus? Many in these days are hungry for food, but more are hungry for love and sympathy, is it as much a duty to minister to the one craving as to the other, and why? Verses $$ Why did the disciples object to this expensive love offering? Which In the long run does the more good, and why, those who wisely and lovingly feed hungry mouths or those who feed hungry hearts? (This ques tion must be answered in writing by members of the club.) What good is accomplished by send ing flowers to funerals, and to sick people? Would the money be more wisely spent in feeding the poor or for missions? Verses 10-12 What should be the degree of blame for criticising a lov ing act? What effect Is such criti cism likely to have upon those wfio would do good, and upon the cause of God? Verse IT. Does the Influence of a work of love upon n human being ever cease? Give your reasons. How often has this story of love been told, and what has its effect been upon, the world? Another New Business The Colorado Film Exchange Co., of 320 Charles Building, Denver, and which is one oi the largest moving pic tut e show supply house? in the west, has opened up a branch in Alliance. J. R. Carter, who is a thorough busi ness man, is in Alliance opening up the branch, which .will be located in the basement of the Phelan Opera House. A complete stock of moving picture machines and films will be kept at this branch and the trade in the surround ing territory will be supplied from Alliance iustead of Denver. This company handles the Edison 'Hiograph aud are western agents for the Motio graph Company. They sell all makes of picture machines and do an enorm ous business. The fact that Alliance is the logical point for handling the western Nebras ka trade is emphasized by the new busi nesses that are constantly adding to the 1 1 rowth and rifltice ftf the civ. given to all who complete the conrso will coufcr a great honor upon them; hut the greatest prUe of nil is the study itself; no words can overstate its value. All teachers of hovs and girU, say of fifteen years and over, should urge them to take up this course. Adult Bible class tenchets will find this contest to he a great stiurulus to their work if they personally got be hind it and set the example. Many pastotscatl attention to the I. P. B. Q C fiom the pulpit nud urge their people to join and paiticipate in its benefit. We have no doubt that the pastors of Alliance and neighboring towns will not be behind thosf of other towns. We have reasons to be lieve that parents are encouraging their grown-up children to tako this course and we urge upon all parents to follow the good example. The Herald is neccstary for these studies, so order it for ourself or a friend- Oct 30 and Nov. 6, 1910 verr.-3 H-lr. Old Judas oithor hate or desplso Josus, mid, whothor or no, why did he want to betray him? Did Judas expect that his botrnynl of Jesus would lend to his crucifixion? Why? November 6th, 1910. (Copyright, Kilo, by Kcv. T. S. Untvott. .D.) Tho Last Supper. Matt, xxvi: 17-30. Golden Text This is my body which is given for you, this do In remem brance of me. Luke 22:19. Verse 17 What was the feast of the passover, nnd whnt did it commem orate? What purpose docs tho feast of tho pnmover serve as evidence of Bible history? What Is the practical benefit of an niversaries, icligious, national nnd peional? Verse IS Has Jesus the right to day, as in thnt day, to Invite himself and frlend3 to any man's house? Why? Was Jesus' "time," for his crucifix ion, a necessary or a contingent event, i. e wn the event fixed by Cod or would he have preferred that the Jews had accepted, and not rejected Jesus? Verse 10 Whnt are the nd vantages of making prope- preparation, In ad vance, for religions services, that Is of the heart and mind, ns well ns for the place and the services themselves? Verse 20 Which time 's preferable for the nic-t solemn anil Impressive sei vice, the morning or tho "even," and why? Wouldlt tend to spirituality, and cul tlwwrTplrlt onbve and'unity, If the children of God were to sit down and eat together, at their experience, or prayer meetings? (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) Verse 21 DM Jesus know that Jud as was going to betray him from pass ing events, or supernaturally? Glvo your reasons. If human actions are contingent, nnd not necessary, how can God know In advance what they nre going to be? Veises 22-23 Were the loyal dis ciples actually In doubt, as to whether they were going to betray Jesus, nnd, whether or not, whnt wns their state of mind? Are there some acts which we may be absqlutey sure we will never com mit, or should we always Btand In doubt of ourselves? Give your rea sons. Verses 24-25 Could Judas have re frained from hetravlng Jesus, and have been loyal t,o him. had he chosen to do ao? Give your reasons. Verses 20-28 Did Jesus' blessing of the bread and the wire change its na ture and II not, what 'effect did it have? What was the precise thought Je sus meant to convey by the words, "this Is my body," and "this Is my blood?" What reasons nre there to believe that Jesus meant this sacrament, of the Lord's supper, to bo kept up per petually? What blessed purposes are served by keeping up the Lord's supper? Verses 29-30 Will there be eating and drinking in heaven and. whether or not, what did Jesus mean hy these woids? Lesson Tor Sunday, Nov. 13th, 1910. World's Temperance Sunday. Matt. xv:32-51. Death of Little Child Harry H. Reeves, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs- F. C. Reeves of Alliance, age one year and ten days, died Friday morning, Oct. 14. 1910. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the Baptist church, Rev. Huston conduct ing the services. Thus over the happy home the shad ow of a little grave has fallen; and, as another has said, it is wonderful how long a shadow a little grave can throw. This beautiful baby life was so precious, so frougbt with blessing to its parents that it seemed a flower of paradise permitted to bloom for a brief season by their side, then recalled to its nature skies, Jeaviag the earth road for them dark and lonely indeed. Card of Thanks To those who have been with us in our bereavement and by kind words and kindly acts have tried to lessen our sorrow, we extend our sincere hVs. F. C. Reeves and wife. SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES YIELD TO ZEMO A CLEAN LIQUID PREPARATION TOR EXTERNAL USE ItolstrtY PruR Store in so confident that ZEMO will rid the skin or scalp of infant or grown persons of pimples, black hoads, dandruff, eczema, prickly heat, rashes, hlves, ivy poison or any other form of skin or scalp eruption, that they will give your money back if you are not en tirely satisfied with tin' results obtained fiom the use of ZEMO. '1 he first application will give prompt relief and show an improvement and in everv instance where used persistently, will destroy the erra life, leaving the skin in a clean. htaliliy condition. Let us how you proof of some ramrrk able cures mariV by K .t) and give you a j p.iE booktw li to preserve the skin HoMeo s 1'rag store (p The ! taf"Y tiuytnwg p BAMWG f Thai Kake3lfte Baking BgI lot .L , - pti iVni'ft i n;'fis.','o with C.l f V U.iow : i t It will i;lv jou l. tier rci.i' Wolinnw th i- -V talking wi;i be pvrer 11 wliolr.nmu. W linn lli-i- it vvt!t li mrtn, pt.nrlv rLliFCl. Aixl we kno Unit Cnluirt't Is mom ivni'iniiu, iiui lit UN uu nmiciist. Wr know tluwj tilings IxjCjiusu wo jibvv imi inc nmimy mio n ue rn o K-rn ii uicu 'i in evf-rv way. ii lg d tiowln nliimns nf liomes unit IU Milts ore urowinu daily. It it the t;.' virn baLini;tur. Hnve you tried il? Chlumrt f highest In quality u.uuciiiif in price. Received Hichett Award Wurld'4 Pure Food Exposition. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This man will be here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma. chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. Time Table Alliance, Nebr. OI0 EtBT All. m. x iv,m.f. No 4i, Da ly Lincoln Fly- or utoptutBfni'i'a, Ilrnk en now, Itiiveiirm, etc ...,1S:S8 a.m. lAiu.itt I No. 44. Daily, I.ix'al from I Alllancu toSvmvu: llieuct) 1 ....... ... M........ t.. ai1 il a. .Mill,.,. J.imri( IHIH, JUI.Vlllli., CU" .. . .,J.J ,1.111. No 3. Dully. Krmn t-dnt" niont und Dt'iulvMMHl . ...11. p.m. No. 40. Freight OstOp.iu. l:00).tn. 10 p. in !)IM; WEST All. C. T. I.V. H. T No. 41, Dully. I'ler -EilRt-HKJiil, Dea(lw(xHl.Xuwcu8 tle, ntc 4:10 a. In. No 43, Locitl, EdKemont. Newcastle, and went 1.05 p.m. U':-J5p.m. u 115, Dally, KUKcniunt and I lead wood No. 4- Freight ".....4iXu.m. 3:30 a.m. & LV. M. T. 12:50 a.m. M)DTn No. 301, Denver Flyer No. 3(0, Denver Locm con nerU at Urldireport with (Juortispy local No. 300. Freight KM p.m. 2:M0 Alt. M. T 3SS0 H.m. 11.30 a.m. 6:55 COMING .NOHTII No, 302. Flyer from Denver. No. 304, Local from Denver and Uuenmoy No 30C, Freight , ... WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT THEM RIGHT HT BAKING POyl Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324 V. Fifth St. Phone 205 EDiTiriirwAN TBAOIIKU C3P PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 424 Laramie Avenue Phono il '-1 0 A. F. 13ALDRIDGE ATTORN F.V-AT-LAW Lund OllU'e Practice a Specialty JJomU'd Abstractor in Oilico OIlliM.' III MrOorkU- lilock, lioxt Ui (J. 8. Lnml Otlco. EUOEn1T13UR: Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEY Office First National Bank Uldfc. 'Phone t8o. ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. ri. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AI.LIANC1C, XN'ICB. fTTlroome UMi .flTOHNEY LonKcx)urlimceiv Itcculvui t,'.S. Lund Oilico I a KumiuiU'i' for proiniit nnd ulllcienl, siirvlco. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA RTTcliMlLCr Lawyer and Land Attorney l'rnrtltl'iner In civil court olnco 18K) nnd llculMer V. S. iJiiul Offlco from 1003 to IW7. Infornutlnn by nmll it itpocliilty. nrricK in uand ofi'icb iiuii.niNO ,11.1.1 AMOK NCIIItASKA. OIllRroiM'EItNOLIi lies. I'lioiiu M V. J. l'KTEHSKN lion. Phono 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS Rooms 7, 8 and j, Rutncr Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, IMIVSICIAS AMI SURQKOII Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. ri. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AM) SI' It (ICON (Successor to Dr. .1. n. Mooro) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Offli'O hours H-12 it.m. S-4 p.m.'7;30-n p, tn. Oflicel Phone G2 Res, Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. I'lijslclan and Surccou Phono 300 Calls answered promptly day and nlfrht from otlllro. Otllci'Hi Alllimco Xatlonak Uant uniKimn over tno rost unico. DR. CHAS. E. SLAQLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Dr. L. W. Bowman PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ruiner Block, Rooms 12 and 13 Ofllcelionrx, 10. to 12 11. m. 1:30 to 4. 7 to 8 p. m. Office Phone 65 ReS. Phone 16 Dr. H. R. Belville PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, UndertakerjndEmbalnier TIIONL J07 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director and Embalmer rUNEfUL .SUPPLIES Office Phone 49S Res. Phone 510 J. Pf HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, X LLIANCK, NEBRASKA Parties nut of town should write, us 1 am out inneh of the time. Charge wilt not ex ceed $5.00 and expends per day. E. C. WHISMAN Practical Painter & Paper Hanger Full line wall paper samples PHONE 700 ALLIANCE, NEBR E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-class PHONE 2rM niiD BASEMENT ZBINOEN BLOCK ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty, Shop en Second St, between Box Butte and Larasut ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA -VK'.V TT-- .