Classified Advertisements tj , i. ; I. "5 W &W-' i 3 V 1 T V Jfc Tlie following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Ratios Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Ckedit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty-live cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Good Things to Eat Wright's old-fashioned buckwheat Hour is PURE. Wright u rones no man. .... "5-4 Lovers of oysters should go to the Keystone. Oyptets shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them in any quantity. 42tf F. B. Dismkr. Pardey's cottage bread is baked by expert bakers and is good to eat Flour, feed and stock salt, E. I. Gregg & Son, 212 Larmie avenue. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. Phone 155. 4.1-tf To Rent For Rent--Furnished rooms. Apply 315 Big Horn Ave. 453t-23i Furnished rooms for rent, steam heat, electric lights and bath. Some for light housekeeping. Three blocks west of Alliance National bank. 321 West Third street. Phone 582. 43tf Mrs. Nijlliu Heath. Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath, etc., with or without board. Mrs. J. H. Curtis, 518 Toluca avenue. Phone iG. 42 tf For Sale FOR SALE Gentle driving horse, harness and buggv. Mrs. S. J. Hoi dnge x- 4 5-it 230 1G0 acre farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres uuder the Tri State canal and balance under the Government canal. 25 acres under cultivation. House, barn, cow stable, etc. Price only $40 per acre. Address Jos. Moititt, Minatare, Nebr. 44tf 1 95 Buy your stoves of T 401 Box Butte Ave. Threlkeld, 43-tf A good buggy for sale at a bargain if taken this week. L. M. E. Anderson, 713 Larmie Ave., Alliance. 4i-tf For Sale Houses, Etc. First class boarding house at a bar gain in a good location. Call at Her ald office. Mrs. L. M. Anderson. 46-4J-241 1 sell furniture and house furnish ings cheaper than anybody. T. J. Threlkeld. 43-tf A modem, six room house for, sale at a bargain- Inquire at George Sny der's. 40-tf Eight room house, partly modern, barn, two lots, for sale. 900 Yellow stone avenue. Phone, Green if. 40-10 Help Wanted GIRL WANTED for general house work. Phone 605. 45-tf'227 WANTED To hire a bright young man for clerk and general work about store, either before and after school or all day. Must be strong and willing worker. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 45-227 BOYS1 GIRLS! FREE COLUMBIA BICYCLES for a little easy spare-time work for Hampton's Magazine. Send postal for wonderful FREE Bicycle Offer. Address "Bicycle CIud." Koom 538, 66 West 35th St., New York. 44-4t ACTIVE AGENT WANTED FOR BOX BUTTE COUNTYIi Best land proposition ever offered. We give free transportation to JPalm Beach, Florida to examine lands. $10.00 per month for twenty-five mouths. Good (active agents make big" money. For particu lars and literature, write CREW and PHAIR. General Agents, St. Paul, Nebraska. 453t -213 WANTED AT ONCE Hampton's Magazine wants a reliable man or wo man in Alliance to sell the fastest growing magazine in America. Earn $1.50 to $5.00 a day. Write immedi ately for ''Salary Plau" and Free out fit. Address "VON," Sales Mgr., Hampton's Magazine, 85 West 35th St., New York. 44 4t Employment Wanted D R ESS M AKIN G Experienced dressmaker. 319 Yellowstone avenue. Phone 535. Mrs. Bakni2m. 44-tf-205 DRESSMAKING My dressmaking parlors are again open to my customers and others. Satisfaction guaranteed. -Mhs. Hbiszbnhuttel, 127 Yellow. stoue. Phone 354. 44-4t-i97 Wanted Plain bewing. Call at 117 West Fourth (Montana) street. Phone .611. ' 43-4t ,S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone ififi red. 39tf Wanted- -Work b day or take wash ing home- Phone 45 blue. tt Shoe Shining Machines ON.S''y" When you want your shoes shiued right and in a hurry drop into the Alli ance Shoe Stote. 30G Box Butte Ave., and have the work done by one of those wonderful electric shoe shining machines. Two machines, one for black and one for tan shoes. It takes only a uickle in the slot, and in three minutes both shoes are given a first- class shine. The work U done by sets of brushes run by electricity, and can not hurt the tenderest feet. 3G-lf Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Business Opportunities For Sale One-half Interest in hardware busi ness. Curries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop In western Ne braska. Firm Is doing good business. Reason for selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. FOR SALE One span of mares, 7 and 8 years old, both with foal. Weight 2.700 pounds. Call on or write C. H. Gillespie, f.08 W. Dakota. 43-tf Now is the time to buy your Brown Leghorns. Call or write me at 024 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr. B. H. Perry. 41-tf Three milk cows, ' eleven pigs for sale- two sows, and Inquire Teater 40-tf lirottiets. I'hone to Household Articles Let me frame your pictures. T. J. Threlkeld. 43-tf An immense stock of household art icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods and notions, on which 'you can save money at the Bee Hive. Repairing, Etc. " The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store, First-class work quickly done, at reasonable prices. 4otf Miscellaneous Wanted 3 or 4 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call at Herald office. 4G-it-237 For purity and flavor use Wright's pure old-fashioned buckwheat flour. 45-4 First class board and room for one young man. Call 713 Laramie Ave., or phone 394. 45-11-225. COAL Phone 15 if you want coal. Carey & Vaughn. 44-tf-2of I have 400 tons of good hay for sale, good location to feed stock. J. D. Hagertv, 41-tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. Get your school supplies and candies at the Bee Hive. 36-tt We have a good position open in this county for a man of good standing to take charge of branch oil and gaso line station, to sell direct to the farm ers in barrel lots- Must be able to give cash security as we carry a car load of oil to each station. Will pay good salary or commission ' to right party. Address, Milwaukee Oil & Refining Company, Aberdeen, S. 1). 46 21-235 LEARN WIRELESS & R. R. TE LEGRAPHY! Shortage of fully 10,. 000 Operators on account of 8-hour law and extensive "wireless" develop ments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students when qualified- Write for catalogue. NAT'L. TELEGRAPH INST., Cin cinnati; Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Paul, Minn.; Enid, Okla.; Columbia, S. C; Portland, Ore. Anyone having clothing of any kind which they do not care to keep, and which they desire to put to good use, will confer a favor by phoning Mrs. W. H. Zehrung, phone 287, Supt. of Mer cy and Help Department Alliance Epworth League, or Mrs. S. K. War rick, ph'one 102, Supt. Mercy and Help Department Alliance W. C T. U. This clothing will be used in helping the poor of Alliance this winter. tf. It's the World's Best No one has ever made a salve, ointment or balm to compare with Uucklen's Arnica Salve It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Hums, Hruises, Sores, Scalds, Moils,, IMcers. Kczema. Salt Rheum. For Sore Kyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains, it's sifprerae Infallible fur I ties. Only 25c at r. J Hr-.nnan s BMW jMtB ana (aa w .a-a . W 1 Engineer Jacobv of Ravenna was in Alliance Monday. Con. Dick Rentier has teporled for work after a few days F. P. Martin is a new brakeman. He conies from Wvmore, Nebt. Fiieman Ray Meeker has resigned and gone to his home in Missouri. Passenger brakeman Fred Vaughn returned Motulav from Broken Bow. Fireman John Castle, who has been working at Hecla, returned to Alliance. N. Ryan is filling D. B. Wagner's place as chief clerk to Trainmaster Nelson. Brakeman Ray Hoag reported for work Tuesday morning after laying off one trip. Conductor aud Mrs. Robert Evans left on No. 42 Tuesday for a trip to Lincoln. Miss Avers, sister-in-law of Mr. Waguer, now has charge of the depot news stand. Timekeeper Wetherall has returned from Chicago, where he went on com pany business. Owing to a shortage of crews in Seneca, Con. Conn had to come to Al liance Monday. Engineer Geo. Hicks was in Alliance Motulav collecting rent and looking after his property here. Brakemen O'Brien and Bennish have severed their connection with the com pany and will try ranching. Miss Ethel Nolan went to Lincoln last Friday, where she will spend ten days shopping and sight-seeing. Conductor Lawsou, who has been working out of Alliance for some time, has been assigned to the east end. Chief Clerk Wagner has been very sick at his home for several days. He was threatened with typhoid fever. It is reported that there will be three of the Ravenna-Seneca brakemen sent to Alliance immediately to work out of here. Denver brakeman Wyatt, who has spent the summer on freight, is again on passenger work between Alliance and Denver. Brakemen Stjyder and V. Ober holzer haveTeUigned, effective Nov. 1. They expect to depart at once for the sunny south. Mrs. Chas. Grothe left on No. 42 Saturday night for a short visit at the home ot her brother, Conductor Dete line, iu Ravenna. Mrs. A. E. Nelson has receivod woid that a sister and brother-in-law from Livingston, Mont., would arrive here Friday morning for a short visit. Mrs. Robert Montfort came in Tues day from Guernsey and is a guest at the Wanner home. Mr. Montfort is a brakeman now and enjoys the outdoor work. Fireman B. Trenkle of Crawford Hill came to Alliance Monday morning. After arming himself with a gun and shells he left on 44 for Reno on a duck hunt. Here is the latest, taken from the Atchitisoti Globe: "If I had his mon ey," said a brakeman in speaking of a wealthy citizen, "I would burn a few lights." A request has been made to all the railroads entering Denver that their switch engines' burn coke instead of coal, thus reducing the amount of smoke in the city. J. L. Crowner, Denver passenger engineer, is taking a few days' lay off. He will move his family from Curtis, Nebr., to Denver where he has rented a modern five-room cottage for the winter. Brakeman Christenson returned Monday morning from a short visit at his home tiear Liucolu. His arm, which he had the misfortune to break some time ago, is still keeping him from work. On Oct. 23 there was a wreck on the Rock Island near Calhan, Col. A freight special with nine cars of stock struck head-on a local train composed of oil which was spilled aud immedi ately caught fire. The engine men all jumped. Fortunately no lives were lost. Biakeman Walthers of the east end came into Alliance Tuesday morning. He left on No. 43 the same day for Ilarlowton, Mont-, where he owns land. If he finds a claim to suit him he may decide to homestead. He is not very far from F. A. Dunning, formerly a conductor here. The use of glasses as a protection to engiuemen's eves is being talked over by officials of roads in the east. It sounds very reasonable that properly flitted glasses would help to relieve the terrible strain to which an engineer's, eyes are subjected aud to increase the efficiency of men who need glasses with only a slight correction iti them. Owing to the large and rapidly grow iug business in his store, Conductor W. J. Hamilton decided to resign from the service, effective Oct. 22, This is not altogether a surprise as Mr. Hamil ton has planned for some time to give all of his time to his interests heie. Yet he will be greatlv missed among his manv warm friends 011 the r id Among the younger conductors there arc several who thank him for their efficient training while on Hamilton's cat. Among the trials aud tribulations on the road were many that would spoil the temper of a saint, hut Billy was always cool aud even teuipeted and willing to "help out" at all times. On Sunday, Oct. 30, thete will be a number of changes in the passenger schedules, This is owing to the lighter traffic during the winter months. Nos. 35 and 36 between Alliance and Edge mout will be pulled off. No. 39 will leave Lincoln earlier and be about 30 minuses earlier along the line Quite a number of other changes arc made sti the branch lines out out of Lincoln. Conductor Charles Olscn is another man who has decided to quit railroad ing and try some other occupation. He expects to move with his family to Seattle. Charlie is one of the boys who was made here aud he leaves many friends among the officials and his fellow workmen. One conductor was heard to remark, "Olsen was the best brakeman I ever had on my car." Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morris arc en joying a visit from their two daughters, Mrs. A. E. Swanson of Carrington, N. D., and her little daughter, Miss I Elizabeth; also Mrs. Ray Dietlein of Crawford aud her daughter, Miss Mar- gatet Alice. The ladies are better known hero among their many warm friends as Agues aud Nellie. They ex pect o visit here until after Thanks giving. St. Matthews choir will give a dance in the Phelan Opera House October 31, lyto. li very body invited. Lost or Stolen 45-2t-2l8 Sometime in August 1910 n Collie dog was stolen from the Alliance hag gage room, aud up to the present time has not been returned. I will pay n reward of ten dollais for the return of this dog or any information in regard to his whereabouts. If returned to me no questions will be asked. W. M. Weidenmamck, Supt. C.B.&Q. 4fvit-23f) Alliance, Nebr. Notice to Settle As we have disposed of our business in Alliance, all persons knowing them selves indebted to us are requested to cA at once at the store and settle. Mrs. Tiios. Regan. 44-41-200 Reaching the Top in any calling of life, demands a vigorous body and a keen brain. Without health there is no success. Hut Electrfc Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect ac tion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and invigorates the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of vour daily work. "After months of suffering from Kidney Trouble," writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." 50c at F. J, Brennan's. Election Officers BOX IIUTTB COUNTY First Wurd. Alliance Judge of Election Clerk of Hleetion ,InoO'ICefe Hurrv Nelson N A Kirk S P Tuttle It F Gilinun Second Gregory Znrn Kurt McCool T M Lawler Wurd, Alliance E O Lainjr Lee Bayse Box Butte I'reclnet, Alljance I' H Zoble J110 Manibn JnoO'Maru V F I'atlerMin Hiram Wilson Boytl I'reeinet, Alliance Frank Bauer Herman Rehder V Pahlow Jacob ,Ies&c MO Wutnbaugh Dorhey I'reeinet, Heiniugford C A Burlew Ben Johnson J F Whelan A S Enyetu t M C Beuumont Lake I'reclnet, Alliauce Fred Molding S C Boon L .1 Schlll Leonard l'ilklngton V (i Zediker J(. , ,, j La ww I'reeinet. . "Ilnlion Murslaud A Nikont Marslutul J Moeller HemTd I. Leavitt Hem'f'd .1 Bartos Murslund Liberty I'reclnet. Hcmlnjjford Fred Niltont Frank Culm Mike Butler Henry Winter Henry Tsehacher Nonparlel I'reclnet. Hemingford 0 W Lore Chris Hanseu B Abley .1 M Andre Fred Abley Running Water Barney Ilulber J no Kovarnek O Bowser I'reclnet, Hemingford Ino.lelinek T L Hopkins jr Snake Creek I'reclnet .1 110 Hums Burns CTiernan Alliance Jos Nerud Malinda ( Chapman Mulindu Geo Severson ' Wright I'reclnet F McCoy Alliance I Mailuy Alliance I no Wright " Cal Lammon ' W J Johnson Hashman Forced to Leave Home Bverv year a large number of poor suf ferers, whose lunqs are sore and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight, It's surely the King of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It'spositively guaranteed for Coughs. ColdstJCaGlrippe, Afthma, Croup all Throat and Lung Jrauble.. et and $'t,oj3-- ,Tfjal bottle free at l' ! Brerinari's " Sucke JUST RECEIVED GOOD LINE OF FANCY WORK EMBROIDERY SILKS LIBRARY SCARFS CUSHIONS ETC. Opera House Block BAKING Notice All bills due me must be paid by November ist. W. H. Zhiiitrsr,. 45-2t-22Q To Whom It May Concern As President of the Crescent Live Stock Company, of Muuier, Nebr.. you are hereby notified that it is clos ing out its business and will not be responsible for any bills hen-after con tracted for on behalf of said Compaut. Any further credit willnoLbe required. 45-4t-2i2 Thomas Moinivir.u. Buglar Is Discsvered The lecent attempted and successful burglaries in Alliance have not been very paying to the bmglar or burg lars but they have put Alliance store keeperu oil the watch, so when George Duncan of the Duncan Grocery heard a fearful noise in his basqiueut. at 8:30 WedrteRday.'e'veninL';' bccpfZ-course sup posed his time had come and as the store is only a block from the police station, he quietly closed the front door and "hiked" for the station. With the entite police force at his back, including the police judge, he felt braver aud with each man carrying a large sixty-six automatic repeating safety revolver they marched back to the store, prepared their dark lanterns, aud with quiet catlike steps, entered the basement, In an itiBtant the thick darkness was turned into broadest daylight by the dark lanterns aud each man called in his loudest voice, "Hands up." Instead of the revolver shot which they were expecting from the midnight (8:30) prowler, from one corner of the room came a loud "Meow, eow" and out darted a big black cat. The joke was on George and the en tire force smoked pure Havanas the rest of the evening. There li more Ctotarrh Ih thu action of tl rountrt than all ollwr dl'UM put loiuitirr. and until Hi l.ttl few jmr wai mipixumI In b Incurable. Kor a crcnt many yar doetora pruuouiiccit It u lural UWii KJid prvwllml lueal rruwlk, mul iy roiuuiilly talllDK to eurv itli l(ml treutrttrnt. lunjmljlr. KoKwce tat prmeti CaWnh to Ih a iwulltullintal ills rate, and thert(ire rvuulnw coantltuUonal tnttaaenl. Ililla UiUrrli fure. rTtMUfarttiml fiy F 4. Clioiiry A- Co . Toledo. Onto. It lt only ('onatltuUonal tun- on the mirket. II I Utm tatrrnMl)' 1 due,' from 10 drnnH to a teapnoo(ul. It arm illtvtlly on the blood and miHxm aurfarea of tlte ayntem They offer one hundred dnllara tor any - It (alia to run' Hmd for rlrruliw and t -lim.M.i il Adilrv-w I- J I11IM1 CO Ohio. Hold I n UniB.- ! i Take II i1 1 1 u nli' -ey Mipution. W Biscuits, Hot Breads vl If More Tasty, Economical, m li Absolutely Healthful I ft In ' Ji iaW Co. POWDER Weak, Weary Women Learn the Cause of Daily Woes xtd End Them. When tla- bark aelir uinl tlirub When lioii-t-wiiiU Is W ruin;) When night lu'iugo nn ivt'iior slrep. When uiinur.v ljr-uriU-r uel lu Women's ht iiu wrur.v iiie. There is u wiiy to rs-ciipr lIu'M woes. DounV KMim-.v l'ill curt-Mich UN. Have citi'cil woiiirii lino in Alliance. This In inn Alliiiuve woman' tr.sti inon.V Mri F Cutfiie. I l.'l Missouri St. Alli ance. Nebr., bats: I have used's Kiilue.t IMIs nii' mid on for the past few ,vears uinl have found them to bo un excellent remedy. They disposed of pains in the- small of my buck and also htreinrlheiicd my kidneys, I ad vise anyone aufferintr from kidnev com plaint to get Doan's Kidney I'illsat Fred B llolsten'e Drug Store and Rive them u trial." For sale bv all dealers. Pi ice 50 rents. Foster-AHIburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other, 46-it In Front of the Palace Livery Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to servo you in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. L'HONQ Vii