The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 27, 1910, Image 4

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Published Kvery Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
LLOYD C. THOMAS. BuMiicm. Mfrr.
JOHN BEACH, Asst, Bub. Mgr.
Entered at the postollice at Alliance,
Nebraska, lor transmission through the
malls, as second-class matter.
Subscription, Jt.50 per year in advance.
The 6th District Needs
A Man in Congress
W. J. Taylir Has Always Stood for
the People. Compare His Record
with That of Kinkaid.
w. j.
Congressman Kinkaid is causing to
be printed in tunny of Jho republican
papers in the district . a long article
that consumes a column and a half of
space but which says about as much n
an avcragely intelligent writer would
Tfe T " 'rfM
fciiiiiihl iH
kkBP kklklkskkBiBkkkjkkkkflkHkkkkkkM
put in a three inch paragraph.
And while much interest is being
J given to the statu candidates for gov-
' ernor, the voters of the sixth district
should not forget that what we need is
a man in congress a man who In his
record has always stood for the inter
ests of the people, Such u man it W.
J. Tuvlor- The. rccoul of Congicssnmn
Kinkaid shows that he'has nlua-,8 been
identified with the corporation inter
ests. Look over the record of Kinkaid. lie
lias had eight yeais in congress aud
what has he done? We have only en
joyed one matter of laud legislation,
and that of questionable value. This
district has tremendous possibilities
for irrigation yet very little has been
done along this line when compared
with Colorado, Wyoming or Arizona.
Let him explain how he voted on
tho question of reducing the tariff on
barbwire. nails, building material, and
i- the hundreds of other items of paitisu-
"" lar interest to the consumers of the
Sixth district. Let him explain why
he "stood pat" with the Aldrich-Smoot-Cannon
machine on the tarfu vote.
He might tell us why he deserted Con
gressman Norris of the Fifth district
when he was leading the fight against
Cannon and why he was opposed to
the house appointing its own members
on the Baluuger investigating commit
tee. Not the least interesting to the
voters would be his record as a grabber
of coal lands in Alaska when "Dear
Mr. Ballinger" was distributing pie
among the members of congress in
payment for their support past and ex
pected. Or it the debonair congress
man seeks to getjtnjo print let Itfiii un
dertake to explain to his constituency
why he voted for Caution for speaker,
after having promised faithfully 011 the
eve of his last election that he would
go to the ditch iu opposition to the
"stand-pat" speaker.
His record is not a record to he
proud of. The people of the Sixth
district are too intelligent to permit
such misrepresentation to continue.
They will select an able, aggressive,
capable man, one with Bryan- Rpose-velt-LaFolIette-Cummins
principles to
do their voting for them- Instead of
a non-resident, land grabbing congress
mau they will elect a resident, original,
hoinesteading. fearless man and that
man will be W, J. Taylor.
Vm. B. Easthiun of Broken
Bow is the democratic and peo
ple's independent candidate for
Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings. Mr. Eastham is
well known to the voters of the
state, having served six years
as Deputy b Collector of Internal
Revenue. "Two years ago' ho
was nominated for the oftice lie
now seeks but lost by only a few
hundred votes. ITe will make si
good man for the .place and wo
hopp will bo elected.
Leigh Modus Confesses He
Fired on Chicago Dentist.
Man Arrested In East St. Louis Tells
of Number of Burglaries He Com
mitted in Chicago and St. Louis and
Says He Expects to Be Hanged.
Wife Knew of Crimes.
Knst St. Ioiil8, 111., Oct. 25. After
fhliif; details as to many lobhcrics
and hinting at two murders, Leigh
Rhodus, who was arrested here, was
pul In a coll by the pollco with In
structions that no one was to sec him.
One of the murders Ilhodiis Inti
mated he know about was of a man
named MIchaells of Chicago. Tho
other was of a Captain Potior of
northern Missouri. Tho polico be
lieve the MIchaells murder referred to
Ihe mysterious death or Dr. P. V
MIchaells In Chicago Aug. C.
Rhodus ndinlts he is tho man who
has been called the "candy bandit,"
because he always took candy from
the stores of the men he robbed. I In
Bays he expects to bo hanged.
Mrs. Rhodus, who until hIio mar
ried Rhodus In .luly, was Minnlo Die
bel of Dollevlllc, 111., Raid she and her
hushnnd went to Chicago the last of
July. He obtained employment there
docoratlng buildings for parades and
hanging bunting in windows.
"On the night of Aug. 15," said Mrs.
Rhodus, "my husband enme home wltn
his coat spotted with blood. He told
me he hnd been shot In the right
shoulder while robbing a drug store,
loiter In the same night lie told me
he hnd held up and shot n doctor
"The next morning the papers were
full of the murder of a dentist, but I
don't remember If the name was Mich
nells. We came bark to St. I-ouls,
Aug. 28. He continued robbing stores
In St Louis and then we moved bore."
"Rhodus told me." snld Chief of De
tectives Rynn, "that he killed Dr.
William K. MIchaells In Englewoort.
Chicago, and robbed drug nnd grocery
stores while there In August, He snld
he did not rob Dr. MIchaells nfter ho
saw he had killed him. Tho doctor
refused lo hold up his hands and
Rhodus shot, not giving his victim
time to pull bis hands out of his
"Rhodus told me of many robberies
he committed In Chlcngo, as well as In
St. Units and here. His wife knew- of
the robberies,, but she had rib pn.ft.ln
them, ane tried to get him to nult
h,j robbing niul he promised her ho
would do so. He always gave her the
candy he took."
After returning from Chicago, Rbo
dus and his bride lived nt one of thd
leading family hotels In St. Iinls.
8lx Billion Feet of Timber Burned In
National Forests In Northwest.
Washington, Oct. 25. Six billion
Inard feet or lumber, valued at about
Jl.-i.uOO.OOO, were destroyed In the re
cent forest fires In the national for
ests In Montana and northern Idaho.
The total area burned over iu this
one district was put at 1,250,000 acres.
The first rough estimate or the loss
In the district was completed by offi
cials of tho government forest service.
It shows that the heaviest losses were
In two Idaho forests, the Coeur d'Alene,
where 3,000,000 board reet of timber
was killed or destroyed aim more than
450,000 acres burned over; and the
Clear Water, where 1,000,000,000 reet
was killod and 300,000 acres burned
It Is believed that last summer's
fires either burned or killed between
1 and 2 per cent or tho total stand or
forest timber. At the present rate of
cutting from national forests, 6,000,
000,000 feet Is equal to twelve years
supply, but It Is less man one-sixth
of a single year's cut In the entire
country, or enough to lceep all lumber
mills busy for something under two
Tener Files Libel Suit.
Philadelphia, Oct. 25. John K.
Tener. Republican candidate for gov
ernor of Pennsylvania, sworn out a
warrant tor the arrest or E. A. Van
Valkenburg, editor and president or
the North American company or this
city, charging him with criminal libel.
The warrant Is based on an attack be
gun by th North American on Oct 13
against Mr. Tener's business Integrity.
The charges have bepti reiterated dally.
French Aviator Killed In Spill.
Douai, France, Oct. 25 Captain
Madlot. a military aviator, was killed"
at the nerodrome here. Captain
Madlot was making his first practice
flight at this course, and, when at a
height or 100 feet, tried to stop his
motor nnd plane to the ground. The
motor continued to. run and the ma
chine plunged to the eaith.
Woman Buys Coffin; Ends Life.
F.vansUUe. ld . Oct. 23. Mrs. Jann
Abney, wife of a well known niislnoas
man of Itoekport. Ind , committed sui
cide by.laUlnryiDrphlno after she had
gone tp an undertaking firm aud pur
chased, a, coffin and burial robe.
Jewelry Cases Stolen.
ChicagryXJct. a$. Jamsii C- Foster,
n salesman from Columbus. O.. com
plained Tollle police that he had hwn
robbod,'or'two sample eases contnlntnr.
f 10,000 wlrWh of Jewelry while he was
fn a hotel lobby hero.
James EVans went to Alliance Tues
day on 44.
Geoige Stelzul was a passenger to
Alliance Tuesday on 44.
Col. Win. Foskctt came over from
Chadton Satuiday on 44.
John Miibin went to Omaha Monday
night with a car load of cattle.
Mrs. Frank Olds came down from
Chadrou for a few days' visit.
Mr. James Hunter came up from Al
liaucc Friday, gaitig out to his ranch.
Chester Wright has rented the farm
recently occupied by Evik Rasmussen.
Clark Mclutyro had the misfortune
of breaking his collar boue again Tues
day. Mrs. Rolla Johnson went to Alliance
ou 44 Wednesday to have some dental
work done.
G. F. Boyd was iu town the first of
the week looking after the interest of
the Drug store.
Mrs. Ben Johnson, who lias been vis
itiug in the eastern. pari., of .. the state,
returucd home Sunday.
John Kinsley of Huron, So. Daktoa,
came in on 36 Wednesday night to at
tend the funeral of his father.
Mrs. James Evans, who lias been
visiting with her grandparents at Craw
fotd, returned on 44 Monday.
Grandpa aud Grandma Curry were
in from Sioux County the first of the
week visiting their sou Win, Curry.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langford came in
from Sioux County Monday staging
over night with Mrs. Langford's sister,
Mrs. F. Caha.
Clias. Shillings & children came iu
on 35 Saturday fiom Moorecraft Wy
oming to attend the attend the funeral
of Patrick Kinsley.
Delia Reed came up from Alliance
Tuesday, going out to the Price Dis
trict. She also visited the Heming
ford High School.
Mrs. Addie Douovou and children
came up from Alliance on 43 Friday
for a short visit with her mother, Mrs.
Brawn, rcturniug to Alliance Sunday.
Ross Enyeart had the misfortune to
have a horse fall on him, spraining his
ankle quite badly and breaking the
horse's shoulder blade so badlv that it
had to be killed.
Walter Weddle of Sioux County and
cousin Glen Lewis of Richardson
County came in from Curly Tuesday
and went out Wednesday, taking1 sup
plies with them. fl
Mrs. W. D. Mclntyre's sister. Mrs-
B. A. Armstrong and husband, of
Rnshville. aud cousin Mr. B. C. Ward
of Michigan visited with her Tuesday
and Wednesday of last week.
Mr and Mrs. John Scanliu left for
Omaha on 44 Wednesday, where Mrs.
Scaulin will uudergo and operation for
appendicitis- They were accompanied
by her sister aud husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Flarhity.
Rollie Ried was down from Scotts
bluff Sunday.
Mrs. A. L. Lore aud mother were at
Scottsbluff Friday.
Mrs. W. B. Hubbell and son, Ar
thur, were at Hope a few minutes Fri
day. Andrew Rouudofelt is having bad
'luck the last few days, losing several
E. R. Liuch was a Minatare visitor
Miss Vira Horn spent Sunday after
noon with the home folks.
The social at Mr. Groff's was a great
success. The funds will go to buy
seats for the school house near Malin
da, Harry Dutr was iu Minatare Wed
nesday. Joseph Nerud was in Minatare Sat
urday. Mrs. A. D. May aud daughter, June,
visited with Mrs. Fted Bums Friday.
Mrs. Lucinda Beck- has been very
sick the last few days.
Hollis Long, the fourteen month old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G- J. Long,
died in Bayard Thursday. The funer
al was held Saturday,
Mrs. Joe Davis, who has been visit
ing in Lincoln, has returned home.
Rollie Ried is still hauling beets to
Geo, Evans is baling hay down near
Mr. Banks and Mr. Ward and fami
lies have moved into Mr. Campbell's
house for the winter.
After a long silence, we again appear
to the readers of The Herald.
It has been somewhat cool lately
which Ireminds us that "winter am
a comin' on."
Anthony Johnson, Frank Korf, Doc.
Paxton.nnd H. F. Smith liail liii,
at jifSUiicport aud Alliance last week".
Mr?'lconnhojne.J. R, Minshall
UV then
i,'4?JCe wJ.lki"58l!;'JLr,'l, 'a lo"Kvlife
mm picvjycrQus voyager on ilte'.ssea, v.
Thos. Haiston and M. M. Brandt
are now Justice o'" the Peace and Cou
st i le n -pertivelt . .ud are ready and
The Hemingford Herald.
willing to mete out justice to any and
all offenders.
J. J. Grimes underwent an operation
for appendicitis last week and is re
ported to be getting along as well as
could be expected.
Rev. J. T. Ellis and a crowd of his
Hock went to Lisco Sunday to assist iu
the dedication of the Presbyterian
chinch at that place.
Mary Dougherty, our efficient school
ma'am, spent Sunday at the parental
home at Bridgeport
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powers have re
turned to Kansas, not having found
what they sought in this locality.
We regret to learn that our merchant
and postmaster, M. L. Wehu, is to
leave us, having decided to engage in
business elsewhere.
Coote and Frank Mullov were in
from their ranch on business Monday.
Road Overseer Johnson was estimat
ing needed road repairs Monday.
Kills a Murderer
A merciless murderer is Appendicitis
with many victims. But Dr. King's New
Life Pills kill it by prevention. They
gently stimulate stomach, liver and
bowels, preventing that clogging that in
vites appendicitis, curing Constipation'
Headache, Biliousness, Chills. 25c at P.
J. Brennan's.
Hemingford House-
R. E. WOODS, Prop.
Reasonable Rates
Good, Clean Rooms
Dr. Oliver McEuen
Physician and Surgeon
SPECIALTIES: Djseases of Women and
Children and Genito Urinary Organs
All calls answered promptly day or night
Round Oak Heaters I
Burn all the gases and black smoke. Coke the coal, making an even, $
0 steady fire. Make a hotter fire from the same fuel. Make a cleaner fire.
$ Save fuel. A full line on exhibition at my store.
.". V WWd". W-. -.www. w
Cold Weather
I handle the "KING BEE" heater. It's a fuel i
saver and its capacity of holding fire is astonishing-. J
The prices are reasonable. See them. ?
I have in stock a complete line of the latest 5
models of ranges.
Stove boards and stove oilcloth, all kinds of
Builders ' Hard ware
Hemingford, ISebr.
, - - - " - " - V". - ., - .V."n. - - "." - - .". - .".'W1. - . - Wfli
A Full
Central Lumber Co.
Building Haterial, Piles,
and Coal
qUR BIG- STORE is crowded
with the latest styles of
house furnishings and we have
more on the road.
In order to make room at
once we are offering a special
Clearing Sale
Discount of 12lz
on all housefurni'shings.
A bold, determined move to
make this the busiest sale on
recrd. Never before was a store
in Box Butte county so bounti
fully supplied with bargains. Now
is the time to buy, when you can
choose from
purchases too good to last long.
Our prices were always low.
Now they're 12 less. This
means dollars to .you. We are
proving that this is the store for
money-saving people.
(Successors to C. J. Wildy)
Hemingford. - - Nebraska
(Successor to Anton Uhrig)
r : -
- . - .Vn."u - ,
Line of
hundreds of special
- , Nebraska jf
i. '
sfT If w