The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 27, 1910, Image 3
0 ," HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in every department Cafe in ConnectionOpen Day and Night On the left and across the street from the Burlington station Mack's Band of Veterans and Youngsters Who Won the World Series THE LEADER J.J. VANCE Cement Contractor Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds. Phone 551 716 W. Dakota St. Alliance, Nebraska ?s Book of Home Menus Showing "IVhat to Scree" and "Hoio to Set and Decorate a Table. " A book to be highly prized, con taining table settings beautifully illu strated in natural colors. Also twenty four menus and more than one hundred recipes for cooking in a (i Caloric" Fireless Cookstove You will be amazed at the seemingly impossible, almost unbelievable, things it does. It actually bakes cake, pie, bread, biscuits, etc., and actually roasts meats, chicken, game, etc., without any fire whatever except that supplied by the radi ators (heated a few moments over a flame the same as an or dinary flat iron), as well as steams, stews, boils, etc. You can cook practically everything for the familv table, better and more wholesomely, mora nutritiously, richer in flavor and at less cost than is nos- sible any other way. You can do so the year round, summer nnd winter. -- CpUPON Fill out and bring this coupon to our store and got this beautiful Book of Home Menus FREE, Na Street. Newberry's Hardware Co. The Rex Garage S. C. Reck, Prop. Xicl McCcrlsle d. Automobile Storage Rentals and Repairing EXPERT MECHANICS REASONABLE PRICES AGENCY FOR THE The most popular auto today Is the FORD. Low priced and Inexpensive to run, it fills the need better than the higher priced cars mWM TfflCmSTER f THE : iUIL lis J. ,' vw . w. IK: -W 3 Srarff w3 Jtf ' if j tiki tv- " : w-? vf v '&'t -v f AL w.-- fiSHS- li'A'iif upii) j jRk fs-''P MURPHY j&C'M 'j-i K m ieI 1 iwabiimy J .-.'Jf 1 U Ail I mN? J firm lw - ; 5 yjm &r' Repeating Shotguns USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities A'notv a gun; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whoso strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. RELIABLE REPEATERS NEBRASKA NEWS Man With Stolen Seattle Lad t " Nabbed by Omaha Pel ce, CLAIMS TO BE BOY'S FATHER. Dewey VVcllman, Eleven Years Old, Tells Different Story H. Schuman, Alleged Abductor, Refuses to Go Back Without Requisition Was Uo Ing to Take Boy to Scotland. Omnhn, Oct. 21. lit a race ncioas thu United States from Seattle, bound for SioMnml with an clovon-yoarolil boy, Dowey WVHmnu. wnom ho Is s.i'd to ltnvn kh'.uaripd July 10 in the W.-xhltiKton city, II. Schunmn. n rechlc timn of fifty-five years, wna arrested by F-tnoi'Koney Officer Dan Lnhey when found working na Janitor nt the resi dence of Ml'.-). Minnie Mitchell, 12? South Twenty-fifth street. Protesting that there waB nothing wrong and declaring that ho wna tho father of the hoy, Schumnn uml the Wollmnn child were tnlten to the po llen station, whore Sclnnnnn was locked up as n fugitive from Juatlco, to be held until the nrrlvnl of Sheriff Hodge of Seattle, who will try to tnko him back to thnt city to stnnd trial for kidnaping. The boy, apparently elatVd nt his timely rescue, was turned over to Mrs. Gibbon, pollco matron. Persistent questioning of the old man did not move him from his first nvownls, but tho child had a weird tale to tell of a nomndlc life of throe months. Dewey told how he bad hfen coaxed away from home, how the abductor (old him lo change his name from Wollman to Schuman and to tell people that he was Schumnn's little boy. IS BARROWS DEAD OR ALIVE? Lancaster Authorities Have Puzzling Question Asked. Lincoln, Oct. 23. In tho cemetery near the Htato hospital for Insane la n grave supposed to be that of Dr. James M, Uariown of Seward, but news has been received In this city that he Is now on trial at Danville, hid., on tho charge of murder. Clerk J. J. Bncr of tho Lancaster district court received a letter from Attorney George B. Leonard of Dan ville, Intl., concerning insanity pro ceedings In the caso of Dr. James M. narrows, supposedly of this city. , The letter states that Darrows Is on ,'trlnl for murder at Danvlllo and the jattornoy Is anxious to secure the. rep- oru snowing mat. ins client is insane. Upon Investigation, It wns found that Harrows was formorly a resident of Seward, that bo was committed to the asylum Sept. 25, 18R8, and that ho ill ul while a patient there In 1802 Ills death occurred on April 0 and tho body wns burled nt the expense ot the atato In Iho hospital comotery. Whether there la still a sorond Dr. .fames M. Harrows who was Insano ami a patient nt tho state hospital is whnt the otllclnls are attempt lug tt learn. If there Is a second Harrows, there Is no record of It In the clerk's office or at the state hospital. DR. PUTT mrT WITH APPEAL BACON SPECIALBEGINS TRIP Many Farmers Out to Qaln Informa tion on Hog Raising. Itnllnm, Neb., Oct.' 25.-Tno break fast br.con special sent out by tho ttock Island road to canvass the terri tory along Ita various linos in Nebras ka In thu Interest of gtowing moro hogs ami better hogs began nt lltcU land a series of scientific lectures on thu hug. These lectured are presided over by professors of the .Nebraska agricul tural college, assisted by local farm ers' Institute lecturers. Meetings were held nt Illchlaiid, Meadow, Mur doch, Alva, Iluvetock, Lincoln, Hoke by, Mnrlell and Hallnm, wherif largo numbers of fa: i.iers, farmers' wlveft and school chilreu met the train and listened to the dlBcusnlona with marked attention and interest. Tho corps of lecturers consists oC Professors 13. A. Burnett, C. W. Puga ley, II. R. Smith, U V. Chnse, Z. a Lee, Dr. J. II. Gain, statu department of education; 13. C. Bishop, P. S. Por duo, A. 13. Nelson, Louise Sabln, Nelllo Mnxwell, Helen Sawyer, Farmers' In stitute Superintendent Vnl Kcyscr and O. Hull. During tho trip through Iowa fifty four towns were visited and tho lec tures wore given at each one, over 2, 000 people n day seeing tho special and hearing tho lectures. Tho talks nro on methods of raising hogs, hous ing them, feeding, curing of cholera nnd models of practical appliances bo tng shown. Other parts of the seven car special arq tnkon tip with domestic sclenco departments showing how tho vnrlons products can bo attractively served, one of tho features of tho de portment being it book of hog product recipes. Schools nnd colleges are at tended to In a pnrt of tho trnln, also locturos on tho hog nnd exhibits of overv edlljlo part being shown and lectured on. WILSON GETS NEW TRIAL Man Convicted of Murder Given An other Chance by Court. Lincoln, Oct. 21. Tho death son tonco of George WllsOn of Brown county la reversed by tho supremo court nnd the caso remanded for a new trial. Wilson was convicted ot murder In tho flrst degree. The por tion alleged to have been killed was Jacob Dnvls, Jr., and tho crime was nllogod to have boon committed In Alnsworth. Davis wns brutally mur dered near 1Mb own door on the night of Dec. 27, 1909. There was Indica tion that he had been robbed. He was struck on tho head and tho skull frac tured nnd shot through the head. Davis wis never restored to consciousness nnd died within a few hours after ro colvlug,, Jils Injuries. Tho question of Wilson's connection with the crlmo wub based on circum stantial evidence alone. The prosecu tion offered testimony to prove that the accused had deserted from tho United States army a short time be fore the murder. The supreme court holds that It wns an orror to nllow this proof by the stnte. GRUENTHER DECLINES OFFICE Will Not Accept Appointment as Stato Railway Commissioner. Omaha, Oct. 24. Christian U. Grucnther of Columbus, vice ciia rnun of tho Pernor ratio state co.nm.u-j-t, hnb notified Governor Shnlien' that it will be ImpouHl'oitf .'or hr.ii ro nccept the ollke of state railway una- inlssloner, which the governor hn- of fered him. Mr. Gnirntlnj hhS'!: I "Yes, Governor ShnllMiibi-rgor of fered mo. the appointment a ttato ta;l way commissioner, hut I hitv t e. n compelled to deel'n" It los I'v i vm that 1 hnve no Inclina.lon for t o of fice, and even If I had my affa'.1 nt ! tills time wi tld pruvnt an ncroptai!c of the position" Cads Attention to Things Needed at the Grand Army Home. Grand Island. Neb., Oct. 21. Dr. W. T. Putt, physician and surgeon of the soldiers' home. Is sending out an ap peal lo every Grand Army post hv tho state, nnd to every legislative candi date urging betterments tit the sl dlers' and sailors' home. The Improvements I;r. l(,itt appeals for, and In the Interest of securing which he urcK the ptxts to li ch I their can 'biates for the legislature. ' .,i!.,, irr,,. Q, .,. .. ., ,. Cunninrram Escapes Payment, are "an "l-vntrr. mo-o -sanitary cnndl- , ...... tlons In the nuilnlKi'dlnt. a detention ,L,n,co1"' Nt',U" c" 2'' TaSi'1" B' hospital for conn.lo-s disuses ItunnlagUia. ioiim-r iou..iy tm,.a.w ' , ..i ,.. ... ,.. .., .....,, oi Hamilton to.inly, does not liim to rii'lll n- i"iiil !! wi iri.iimin urn --j , to lit i le"il with me other.?, a padded roer" for the msaii". n new and enlarged laundry and larger (lin ing roonift In the hoipltnia." Photos l nine: 'run Pivbu AniKMutl"i, Governor Pardons Ccnvlct. Uucolii, Oct. 23.--Nicholas M. Pr rand of Hurt county, serving a two years' term In tho state penitentiary for inaiiilaughter, was pardoned by Governor Shallpnbergor upon the' rec ommendation of the trial judge nnd a .lumber of petitioners. Ho hud been In prison since May 12, 1'dOO "Statements" Not on Ballot. Lincoln, Oct. 21 Candidates for the legislature whose names appear on the official bnllot In November will not have any statement No 1 on the ballot after their names Secretary of State Jitnkln held that the Oregon law, enacted by the legislature, ap plied only to the primary election. Warning Against Flues. Lincoln, Oct. 24. PIre Warden John son issued a new bulletin warning peo ple against the dangers llablo to re sult from the use of neglected flues, chimneys nnd stove pipes that are not spatk proof and from defective chim neys. Critter Gets Freedom. Lincoln, Oct. 24. George Critser, who was arrested on n charge of mur der with one Heddendorf, tias, heen or dered discharged by the supreme court. Woman Shoots Self to Death. Omaha. Oct. 25 Despondent n. rnusevnf ill .health, Mrs. "Jennie Bu- rhannnn shot herself In her home, 380 1 Charles street. She died Instantly. pay Interest on county mom or whit h suit was brought try the co inty. The supreme court lu'u us lo .ow3: "A lotinty treasurer U not liable on his bond lor interest which ho not collected and has Mcen unul!e to collect upon the public hinds in hB care union It appears that sontj act or neglect of his bus prevente t or hindered the collection or such Inter est." Kearney to Unveil Shaft. Kearney, Neb, Oct, 21 The unveil lug services for the soldiers' nnd sail ors1 monumant erected by this city will be hold tomorrow. Governor Shalleuhorger will bo present and will deliver an dddress. Sondtor Korris Drown will-also speak. Ono of tho most olaborato programs over given here will nccompnny the unveiling services. Farmer Hangs Self In a Barn. Springfield, Neb., Oct. 25. Coronar PeterB is In chargo of tho body ot Joint Shlmm, who committed sulcldo by banging himself in a barn about a mlto south of Bellevuo. The body was found dangling from the rafters In Uie barn or Richard Vale. Shlmm had been living on an island In Paplo creok, farming and Ashing for a living-. Killed Under Street Car. Omaha, Oct. 25. Hurled from tho buggy In which he wns driving, caught in the fender of a street car, dragged for a distance of fifty feet, Anally to slip beneath tho wheels, was the way In which John Quick, a painter mot death at Thirty-first and CumlBg streets last night.