If - r ! ' 1 Classified Advertisements The following "Wnnt Ads" tiro classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Ratls Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Credit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twentv-flve cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Good Things to Eat Wright's old-fashioned buckwheat floiTr is PURE. Wright wrongs no man. 454 LbVers of oysters should go to the Keys'tone. Oysters shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them iu any quantity. 42tf F. B. OlSMCK. Pardey's cottage bread is baked expert bakers aud is good to eat- by Flour, feed and stock salt, E. I. Gregg & Son, 212 Larmie avenue. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. Phone 155. 41. tf To Rent For Rent--Furnished rooms. Apply 315 Big Horn Ave. 453t-23i Furnished rooms for rent, steam heat, electric lights and bath. Some for light housekeeping. Three blocks west of Alliance National bank. 321 West Third street. Phone 582. 43tf Mrs. Nellie Heath. Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath, etc., with or without board. Mrs. J. H. Curtis, 518 Toluca avenue. Phone 416. 42-tf For Sale FOR SALE Gentle driving horse, harness and buggy. Mrs. S. J. Hoi drige. 45-it-23o HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale at sacrifice. Inquire at Baptist parsonage. 45'tt 160 acre farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal and balance under the Government canal. 25 acres under cultivation. House, barn, cow stable, etc. Price only S40 per acre. Address Jos. Moititt, Minatare, 'Nebr. 44tf-l95 Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave. 43-tf A good buggy for sale at n bargain if taken this week. L M. E. Anderson, 713 Larmie Ave., Alliance. 41-tf "" For Sale Houses!" Etc. ' I sell furniture mid house furnish ings cheaper than anybody. T. J. Threlkeld. 43-tf A modern, six room house for sale at a bargain Inquire at Geotge Sny der's. 40-tf Eight room house, partly modern, barn, two lots, for sale. 000 Yellow, stone avenue. Phone, Green 166. 40-10 Help Wanted GIRL WANTED for general house work. Phone 605. 45-lf'227 WANTED To hire a bright young man for clerk and general work about store, either before aud after bchool or all day. Must be strong and willing worker. Phone 340 or call at The Herald office. 45-227 BOYS! GIRLS! FREE COLUMBIA BICYCLES for a little easy spare-time work for Hampton's Magazine. Send postal for wonderful FREE Bicycle Offer. Address "Bicycle Club," Room 538, 66 West 35th St., New York. 44-4t ACTIVE AGENT WANTED FOR BOX BUTTE COUNTY! Best land proposition ever offered. We give free transportation to Palm Beach, Florida to examine lands. $10.00 per month for twenty-five months. Good active agents make big money. For particu lars and literature, write CREW and PHAIR, General .Agents, St. Paul, Nebraska. 453t-2i3 WANTED AT ONCE Hampton's Magazine wants a reliable man or wo man iu Alliance to sell the fastest gtowiug magazine in America. Earn $1.50 to $5.00 a day. Write immedi ately for "Salary Plan" and Fjree out fit. Address "VON," Sales Mgr., Hampton's Magazine, 85 West 35th St., New York. 44 4t Employment Wanted DRESS M AKIN G Experienced dressmaker. 319 Yellowstone avenue. Phone 535. Mrs. Barnem. 44-205 DRESSMAKING My dressmaking parlors are again open to my customers and others. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ml'S. HCISZENHUTTEL, 127 VelloW- stone. Phone 354. 44.4t.197 Wanted Plain sewing. Call at 117 West Fourth (Montana) street. Phone Cn. 43'4t S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance aud is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work, Phone iGG red. 39tf Wauted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Shoe Shining Machines When you want your shoes shined right and iu a hurry drop into the Alli ance Shoe Store, 30G Box Butte Ave., and have the work done by one of those wonderful electric shoe shining machines. Two machines, one for black and one for tan shoes. It takes only a nickle in the slot, aud in three minutes both shoes are given a first class shine. The work is done by sets of brushes run by electricity, and can not hurt the tenderest feet. 3G-tf Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plan9 aud specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest in hardware busi ness. Carries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop In western Ne braska. Firm is doing good business. Reason for selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. ;i'J-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. FOR SALE One span of mares, 7 and 8 years old, both with foal. Weight 2.700 pounds. Call on or write C. H. Gillespie, G08 W. Dakota. 43-tf Now is the time to buy your Brown Leghorns. Call or write me at 924 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr. B. H. Perry. 4i-tf Three milk cows, eleven pigs for sale. Brothers. Phone 19. two sows, and Inquire Teater , 40-tf Household Articles Let tne frame your pictures. T. J. Threlkeld. 43-tf An immense stock of household art icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods aud notions, on which you can save money at tile Bee Hive. Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. I) Nichols iu the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. Fiist-class work quickly done, at reasonable pi ices. 4otf Miscellaneous For purity and tlavor use Wright's pure old-fashioned buckwheat flour. 4S-4 MILLINERY SALE Opera House Block- -Stuckey Co., 45-it First class board aud room for one young man. Call 713 Laramie Ave., or phone 394. 45.1t.225. WANTED Sewing by the day. Have five years experience. Call at 321 West 3rd St. 44-2t COAL Phone 15 it ou want coal. Carey & Vaughn. 44-tf-2o6 I have 400 tons of good hay for sale, good location to feed stock. J. D. Hagerty, 4i-tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money to loan 011 real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. Get your school supplies and candies at the Bee Hive. 36-tt LEARN WIRELESS & R. R. TE LEGRAPHY! Shortage of fully io, 000 Operators on account of 8-hour law and extensive "wireless" develop, meuts. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students when qualified. Write for catalogue. NAT'L. TELEGRAPH INST., Cin cinnati; Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Paul, Minn.; Enid, Okla.; Columbia, S. C; Portland, Ore. Notice All bills due me must be paid by November ist. W. II, Zkiiruno. 45-2t-229 NoticelfTsettle As we have disposed of our business in Alliance, all persons knowing them. selves indebted to us are requested to call at once at the store and settle.- Mrs. liios. Kcoan. 44.4t.200 Anyone having clothing of any kind which they do not care to keep, and which they desire to put to good use, will confer a favor by phoning Mrs. W. H. Zehrung, phone 287. Supt. of Mer cy and Help Department Alliance Epworth League, or Mrs. S. K. War rick, phone 102, Supt. Mercy and Help Department Alliance W. C. T. U. This clothing will be used iu helping the poor of Alliance this winter. tf. Th Emory Abloy went to Lincoln Mon day. Ben Johnmu returned from Wymore Friday morning. Col Wm. Foskct returned to his home In Chadron Monday. Mrs. Anna Pierce returned from Wy more, Nebr., Sunday morning. Theo. Colvln bad the misfortune to lose a valuable horse Thursday. Phil Cajmey and family came over from Chadron for a visit with Wm. Holllnrake and family. It is recommended that persons who preach temperance practice; what they preach. Sam IHythe and wife autoed to Alli ance Saturday, going down with N. Frohnapfel. J.C. McCorkle and Link Lowry, of Alliance, were in town in their Ford auto on Monday. Mrs. Chas. Waddell and daughter, Ruby, came up from Bridgeport Tues day on business. Mrs. Smith, an aunt of Fred Hucke, came up from Alliance Saturday for a few days' visit. Mrs. H. F, Oilman came up from Al liance Saturday on 43, returning on 30 in the evening. Lloyd C. Thomas came up from Alll anco Monday on business, returning on nil in the evening. Grandpa McClusky, who fell and broke three ribs the first of last week, Is getting along nicely. John Curran and Ityron Foskct made a business trip to Alliance Tuesday, re turning Wednesday morning on 3!. Frank Conklin, wife and daughter are here visiting their daughter. Miss Ruth, and also the Fodness family. Little Lola Whelan in some way fell Thursday, dislocating her elbow. She is getting along nicely at this writing, Mr. and Mrs. Hmery Abley and Ray Woods autoed to Alliance Saturday. Mrs Abley Is having some dental work done. Mis. Mary Rlsser, an aunt of Miss Amelia Hucke, came in on 43 Wednes day for an extended visit with the Hucke families. Mrs. L. Wallace came In from Sioux county Sunday to keep house for K. L. Pii-rce. Mrs. Pierce is acting as Ass't. cashier In the First State Bank. Erik Rnssmns'ien and family left on 43 for their old home in (laughs. Nordf jord, Norway. They have made many friends while here who regret their de parture. Mrs. Ed. Kinsley and her sister, Mrs. Goldsborough of Los Angeles, came in on 43 Saturday from Sioux City, Iowa for a visit with their sister, Mrs. John Kinsley. John Mikbin returned from Tliermop olis, Wyo., Wednesday, where he has been for his health for the past few weeks. We are pleased to note that he Is greatly improved. Sam Wythe returned from his trip to Teeumseli Wednesday. His brother, wife and little daughter accompanied him home for a brief visit and to take a look at the country. The new stand pipe for the water works has been completed and is ready for ti'-e any time that the mains are laid and the wells ready. Work on the waterworks system Is progressing very we'l and it Is hoped that it will be in operation before winter hets in. One of the soldier boys from Fort Robinson had his collar bone broken at Berea Saturday. A wagon loud had lumn I. ....tin.. I., llw.L.,.,,1 l.ill. ...,.1 .. uooiuson mm ins conur uone nroKeil ai Berea Saturday. A wagon loud had been hunting in the sand hills and were on their way home. In some manner one of the boys fell from the wagon ... ff 1. n..l.t ... II 1 r 1 ir.ii. lit; .,' uiuiiiii UF iiciiiiii ml placed on the train. EJProf. II- Wrightsman, principal of the Hemingford schools. K' making very good headway with his classes and is liked by all. High school was dismissed Monday afternoon so that the scholars could attend the Farmers' Institute session. Prof John Bower spoke at the school house in the morn ing and his talk was appreciated. While Patrick Kinsley was returning home from town Monday afternoon bis team became frightened and ran away, overturning the buggy and throwing Mr. Kinsley out rendering him uncoil, scions He was taken home and Dr. Bowman of Alliance and Dr. McHueii were called, Mr. Kinsley is still mi conscious at this writing and little hope is entertained for his recovery. Later Word was received that Mr. fc. died this (Thursday! morning. MALINDA We have been having fine weather. Mr. McLcau was in Bayard Monday. Some of the people are still putting up ll.i.V. The chicken pie social at Mr. Croft's was well attended. Bert Miller and (!eo. Seversou went to Angora Saturday. We understand that Mr. Seversou Is going to Omaha with a carload of cattle. Mr. McLean spent Thursday in Min atare. Fine Entertainment The second number for this year of the Alliance Lyceum Eeter taimnent Course, at the Phelan opera house, Saturday night of this week, promises to be exceptionally good. Totten the magician draus big crowds and sends them away well satis fled with the treat which he gives them. Secure your seats as soon as possible. Seat board open at Hclsten's, at 7:30 l- u-, -1'iiuviy. I Hemingford Herald. HEMINGFORD. NEBRASKA: OCTOBER 20, icjto Hemingford House R. E. WOODS, Prop. Reasonable Rates Good, Clean Rooms Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEMINGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES Diseases of Women and Children and Genlto Urinary Organ All calls answsrti prwnitly day or Right EUROPE'S WHEAT CROP Figures Indicate It Will Be Second Largest Ever Produced. Washington, Oct. 18. Reviewing th condition of the foreign wheat crops the United States department of agri culture in Its monthly crop report an nouncas the promise of good yields In the southern hemisphere. Although a deficiency of about 95,000,000 bush els Is reported for Kuropo, In compari son with the highest record, still the crop promises to he the second largest the continent has produced. THREE HURT ON WAR VESSEL Explosion of Salt Water Evaporator on Board Torpedo Boat Responsible. Santa Barbara, Cal Oct, 18. Threa men were Herlously Injured by the ex plosion of n salt water evaporator on hoard the United States torpedo boat destroyer Truxton, off Santa Barbara, and were brought here. They arc Frank Leo Howard, fireman, Salt Iake; Harry W. Bailey, machinist, Washington, and Thomas Joseph Klernan, electrician, Albany MILLIONS FOR RESEARCH Rockefeller Increases His Donation td Institute Bearing His Name. New York, Oct. 18. It was an nounced thnt John D. Rockefeller would give to the Rockefeller Instl tuto for Medlonl Research an addl tlonal $3,820,000 .bringing his dona tions to this Institution up to nn ag gregate of $9,000,000. Hemingford Department Store Wm E CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF CLOTHING-. Big, new stock just received. Prices are as low as can be found in Box Butte county. The "Sterling" brand of clothes is the best we can buy. "Sterling" means satisfaction. vvv,.."tov"i.v"v" - "vuvv, - . - .n.b Cold Weather means S TO VES i I handle the 'KING ? saver and its capacity of The prices are reasonable. I have in stock a complete line of the iatest models of ranges, Stove boards and stove oilcloth, all kinds of Builders9 Hardware C. A. SHINDLER Hemingford, Nebr. L ,v.vAisAAVAKVuvynnAVi f Central Lumber Co. A Full Building Haterial, Piles, and Coal HEfllNGFORD, NEBR. - j.'n.vi..,i."jv,vv.rw - wv,wvv, - sAJV". BEE" heater. It's a fuel holding fire is astonishing1. See them. Line of Posts We carry die Hamilton-Brown line of shoes. They are known all over the United States as the best. We can easily suit you from our big stock. New stock of Winter Rubbers and Overshoes just received. Get yours now. See our specials in Ladies', Men's and Children's Underwear. Fresh stock of Groceries. All orders given careful attention. Watch Our Advertisements ROCKEY & SON (Successors to C. J. VVildy) HEMINGFORD