f trv to find comfort in visiting tho scenes of tliHr childhood days. ' Reaching the Top la any calling of life, demands a vigorous bodv and a keen brain. Without health there is no success. Hut Electric Bittern is the greatest Health Builder the world has ever known. It compels perfect ac tion of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and Invigorates the whole system and enables )ou to stand the wear and tear of your daily work. "After months of suffering from Kidney Trouble," writes W M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me , "three bottles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." 30c at F. J. Brennan's. A I BOX BUTTE COUNTY EXHIBIT AT THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR GOOD STENOGRAPHERS Are Always in Demand. Careful attention is given to the welfare of each pupil in the I "XT ANY of The Herald read! J I be interested in the pii the Box Butte county e: lers will for this countv and surrounding conn try. Many beoplo could not believe that the products shown in this exhibit were grown without irrigation and the name "Hox Butte ' was confused with "Scotts Bluff" a gicat deal. Over twenty thousand pieces of ad vertising matter were distributed, in eluding the extra copies of tho. special edition of The Herald, which were eagerly read. The potato exhibit at right of the picture was the most inter esting part, and it kept the special policemen busy keeping the crowd on the niove. The only disagrccablo ex perience was tho trouble caused by some of tho tieighbotiug exhibitors who were jealous of the attention Box Butte countv was receiving, and attempted to stop tho distribution of advertising matter. Supt. James of. Dorchester, who had charge of the Agricultutal building, is a mail well fitted for this place. He used good judgement and kept thihgs running smoothly. picture of exhibit at I the State Fair Hits jear, which we present herewith. At the left of the picture inside of the, railing is George 12 Douglas, one of those in charge of the exhibit. At the ritlit to Tim t-fprnlit rnnrainfnHi.,f Bill III I Lloyd C. Thomas. I This was the most popular exhibit at i the Fair this year, and an immense j amount of good advertising was done 01' ST. AGNES ACADEMY Call or Write for Information Oliver and L. C. Smith Typewriters Used. A. , "CHiBr''.raLMflB. Department K ffi fT : V- 3 HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in every department Cafe in ConnectionOpen Day and Night On the left and across the street from the Burlington station Round Oak Burners Are Good Ones Showing Hot Blast. Burns soot and gases makes smoke clear. The grates part way out easily and quickly changed. The casing cut away to show double wall, making air space iu sides and top. The large double feed-doors made and fitted the Round Oak way will never warp. Large, capa cious ash-pit, cast in one piece; absolutely air-tight will hold water. Newberry's Hardware Co. HHBHIH891BiH9tfttBttHaBflffifTCrttOT:. 1 ' JS JSfli jsJliS vir BOX BUTTE COUNTY EXHIBIT AT THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR, 1910 XBtlNTSg ONDENEE- BHRESP STRASBURGER (Our Strasburger correspondent's com munications are among the most highlv appreciated items that we receive for pub lication and we feel that the same apologj made to our Hope correspondent in this issue of The Herald is due "Goodeolde Bo)" of Strasburger ) Editor. Kev. McLaughlin preached nt the Spade school house Oct. 16th, Don t ever think it is smart to be mean. Cunning is not wisdom. Industry, cleanliness and moderation is a );ood combination for health and happiness About 11 do.en or more settlers sold the grass on their Kiukuids to another.' Applications were received by the di rector for the Strasburger school from Texas, Harrison, Nebr , and other points in Nebraska. May the best win. Our octogenarian settler. Moses Ltiin berson, tiled on 11 IClnkuid a few miles south of Strasburger. Good luck, good health und prosperity for our friend, Mr Lumberson, Kev. Wushburn of the Methodist church preached In the Strasburger school house Minday, Oct. 2nd. All who heard Dr. Washburn would like to hear him again. Fred Berndt and Julius Eekerle huve been making buy for John It, Stras burger. These young men not only know how to work, but they do the work cheerfully and well. "So many (!ods, so many creeds. So many paths that wind and wind; When just the art of being kind Is what this old world needs," "When you see a man in woe. Walk right up and say hello; Say hello and howdy'do, And how's the world a usiu' you!" Goodeolde Boy, has been prepared for the entertain ment of visitors. Everybody Invited. Mr. Holmes was called back to Miss ouri on account of the illness of his sou. W. T, Farnsworth made his regular trip In Nine Mile Canvon selling beef '1 uesday, Mrs. Geo. Hvnns'wab having some work done at the Wilcox blacksmith shop Monday. v Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey are here from Lincoln visiting friends and relatives for a few days. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Campbell and family expect to leave for the eastern pa it of tho state this week. , Miss Helen Beeson commenced her first term of school last Monday morn-i int' vi wish miss Uceson good luck and success in her new undei taking. BEREA HOPE mnaiii The Rex Garage S. C. Reck, Prop. Xn. lvcOcr3s:le iB-CLild.im.g' Automobile Storage Rentals and Repairing EXPERT MECHANICS REASONABLE PRICES AGENCY FOR THE The most popular auto today Is the FORD. Low priced and Inexpensive to run, It tills the need better than the higher priced cars l i mi im (We owe un upology to our Hope correspondent. Items sent for publi cation were crowded out until some of them have become somewhat out-of-date. We promise our correspondent that the Hope Items will hereafter be published the week received unless ab solutely impossible to do so ) Editor. Arthur Huhhall was down iu Nine Mile. Everett Horn attended the fair at Gerlng Boston Meek visited the homestead Sunday. Beverly Cogur will attend college In Kansas City. Miss Vlra Horn was visiting home folks recently. everal of the Canyonites attended llie fair at Gering. 1 Mrs. hd. Moury wus up to the home stead Thursday. J. F Coyle was in Miriatare transact ing business Tuesday. Rollie Reed is working for the Scotts. bluff sugar beet factory. Everett Horn and Ernest Thompson were in the Bluffs Saturday Ieyle, Vera, Orvil and Delia Morris ate attending school at Hope, Mrs. G. W. Crisinond has been on the sick list for u number of dajs Mrs. G. J. Long and children have moved to nayard for tho winter. ' Miss Helen Beeson spent Thursday ( nigni wun miss aeuie criniiouti. I Messrs Marion and Laura nee Hewitt I have dug a well for Eddie Madi&on. A, L. L went through Hope on his way to Mlnatare Saturday afternoon. There will be a ghost social at the Hope school house in Dist. 3,1, Hallo we'en night, Oct. 31. a large program How are llie central girls, Guy, Edd Andings spent Sunday with Chas. Keares. A. J Gagaham spent last Sunday with Jim Nabb, Amanda Nabb spent Saturday and Snn day with her folks in Berea. Mrs C. T Ritchson spent Sunday with Mrs. J, T. Nabb. Tuesday. Ed. Anding is going to move back to Madison, Nebr., this coming week. Everybody is going to enjoy themselves now that spud digging is about over. Joe Miller of Chappell, Nebr., was visit ing his father, E. Iv. Miller, last week. Emil Huelle and Guy Nabb are going to Madison, Neb., this week to shuck corn this fall. Joe Nabb and one of his lady friends from Alliance were visiting with his folks in Berea Sunday. H. Nabb of Seward, Neb , and Mrs. Win Vanse of Chicago, were visiting with I. T. Nabb last week. One more day of threshing in this neighborhood and then theKnapp thresh ing crew will leave for Geo. Heaves'. HUBBLE'S FLAT Mr Meeks is building a new barn, Geo. Denton is building a new corral. Don Overman is on his claim for a-short time. Miss Dake is improving her house by a coat of paint. Roy Denton and John Duerr have gone to Mitchell to pick potatoes. U' B. Hubble has begun a new well. It is being drilled by Weir Bros. Mr and Mrs. Lew Rowland of iteming ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fiedler recently. Joe Neu red made a trip to Minatare after more posts. Guess we will have a new fence. 'I here will be a chicken pie social at Mr. Grofl's Friday evening for the beuefit of the school. Those on the sick list this week are: Beulah Duerr, Calnie Nuered.Mrs. Hubble and Gladys Sweezy Mr. and Mrs. Feidler, Mr. and Mrs. Coursey, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lore visited at A. Ross's Sunday. Arthur Lore has returned home from Hashman. where he wasdieein? his pota toes and threshing grain. Rollin Ross and John Kendell were Tuesday callers at Arthur Lores', Ar thur went to Hope Tuesday evening. The danco at U. Weir's was well at tended. People from Scotts Bluff, Bridge port and other small towns were in at HASHMAN Mr, and Mrs. Skinner and J. Kondel spent last Sunday with Mr. Jay and family. Mr, J. ICendel and Rollin Ross went to Sioux county on a hunting trip for deer, autelope, or most anything, for that mat ter. Mr. Nichols has just finished digging his potatoes. They were not as large as ex pected hut they certainly are fine Rollin Ross spent Wednesday in Alli ance on business. The threshing in this neighborhood is all dono. Everybody is satisfied, consid ering the low yield in most of the other localities. J. B. Kendel expects to leave Box Butte as soon as ho disposes of his crop of corn. Kills a Murderer A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Fills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver nnd bowels, preventing that clogging that In vites appendicitis, curing Constipation' Headache, Biliousness, Chilis. 25c at F. J. Brennan's. Musical Entertainment Miss Swan's "Mendelssohn-Grieg" recital at the M. E. church last Satur day night was attended by .a fairlj large and appreciative audience. Those paiticipating were Miss Beulah Smith, Miss Hnttie Renswold, Mi'sb Clarubel Dietlein, Mr. Norman McCorkle and Mr. Paul Thomap, pupils of Miss Swan, assisted by Mrs. G. I. Rousseau, mezzo soprano. The piano selections by Miss Swan's pupils were well rend ered, and were a credit to both pupils and instructor. Alliance audiences have learned to expect something spleu did in vocal music when Mrs Rons seau is on the program, and her pail in this recital was no disappointment to the audience who showed their ap preciation by enthusiastic applause. 1 L, Sanipv, the account of the death' ftf Urlinon ...ifa .......... I !.. .1 .. -. .. ..wow . iic 11 ;l-u leu 111 me Hem mgford department of The Herald a few weeks since, wns 111 Alliance the firul n( lliu 11.... I u.. :..f .. ......... .,. ..,ti, , ,r iiiiuiiiip US UIHl he is i unning to male an extended Visit til Irnltiii.l 1.;.. ....:.... I , . , ... . - " name i.iuii winei) he left when a oung man some foiti odd iv.rs ago, He feels gieotlv the bereavement occasioned b the de parture of Ins life companion, and will MF! t- ,..:- Important properties of the Grape are transmitted 1(1 by W Mbmoiufmfy l II Pure fl to the food, i J W The food is j ft thereby ffl J! made more I ft tasty and ft (fudigestiblejP jwaL... .Jj ,b ismiwmk jMwy 54.-2 M&" "J- ( Closing Out SalF! Entire Line Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks STUCKEY CO. Opera House Block m