The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 20, 1910, Image 2

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    9tJLJULftMt l9.tS.JtJUUJU 19 MtlMAtMAA,tAMA
Well, Here's How !
You can get into the
well-dressed circle at a
small expense. When
it comes to fixing you
up with correct clothes,
we will cater to your
particular whims with
"real" and not "sham"
pains. There's lot in
knowing how. We've
acquired this happy
faculty of selecting
things that look becom-
ing and smart to the in- jj
Choose yourself org
let us. In either case
you'll get goods at 5
moderate prices. (
EST" We're receiving Z
every day. i
Speech of Hon. F.M.Broome
Below we Rive the speech delivered by
Hod. F. M. Uroome of Alliance on Oct.
uth. during the ceremony of laying the
corner-stone for the new addition to St.
Agnes' Academy.)
Box Butte
' il i II p yj w .Tj rm j-i m f '"
Reliable Grocer
A full line of Groceries, Provisions, Flour
and other goods usually found in a
first-class Grocery
Telephone orders filled promptly
Phone 54
Alliance, Nebraska
S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Second St.
fli JUHrci
iiiu hiiiiiimpl. . ;
-fliii f iniiiKHSt Tver
s!ll f Ifff IIB -ShM
Sells all kinds of watches.
Prices right. We make a
specialty of the LEADING
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
DierksLumber &Coal Co.
Phone 22
D. Waters, Mgr.
Hartford Fire Insurance Oompiioy. Liverpool. Loudon and Globa Ids. Co.
North American ot Philadelphia. Qernmn American Ins. Co., New York.
Phoenix of Ulooklyn. New York. New Mainiwiilrt)
Continental of New York City. Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters.
Conuectlcutt Klro Phoenix Ins .. Hartford, Conn
Commercial Union Assurance Co., London Fireman Fund insurance Co.
Scrmunlu Fire Ins. do Koeuesler German Inn. Co.
tuteof Omaha Office I'D-Stnlrs.llctclicrlllock
S&tv ADvto
"A Good Sign will Improve Your Business"
Painting of All Kinds Done on Short
Notice. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
603 Box Butte Arenue. First house north Court House
To the younger boys and irls present,
it may seem that the events o! today are
for the purpose ol commemorating the ad
vancement in building tbis magnificent
monument to the zeal of those engaged in
a noble work and to their faith in the fu
ture growth of the community in which
this grand institution sha I continue to
To the older ones, be it known that
throughout these United States wherever
there flourishes an order of the Knights of
Columbus, this, the 12th day of October,
is selected as the proper day for celebrat
ing in an appropriate manner with the
laudable purpose in view ot arousing pub
lie sentiment to the desirability of creating
by our Federal Coogress another national
holiday in commemoration of thediscovery
by the great Columbus, this continent,
embracing our own American country.
Washington, as the leader of national
forces that freed our country from the
yoke of monarchial rule, is accorded the
honor of a national holiday, Lincoln, as
the leader of national forces that (reed the
slaves from the yoke of bondage, is ac
corded the honor of a national holiday,
why then should not the man whose in
trepid courage paved the way for freedom
from the yoke of poverty and servility of
the common people of European countries
by the discovery of a new continent to
which they might build a nation for them-
kpIuph. lift accorded hv a similar honor?
uv..v. j
If the real significance of this day's
celebration fails to impress those whom it
is intended to aflect, then the true mission
will fail in its purpose. If no thought
may be generated, nor lesson learned, then
of necessity these celebrations must be
purposeless. There is a lesson to be learn
ed and if in these few remarks I can drop
a few words that may at least cause some
thought, then I shall feel amply rewarded
for the effort.
From the beginning of lime of which
civilization has record, the chief struggle
with humanity has been ambiiion on the
part of a few to accumulate wealth and
power that they might dominate and sway
the more lowly, and on the other hand for
the more humble to free themselves from
domination by the more powerful. And,
in all ages, by some Divine power the
humble and lowly were always led from
such bondage until by their own indiffer
ence they again fell as slaves to such con
ditions. It was from such bondage that
the Almighty led the Isrealites from their
task-masters in Egypt to Cannan's land,
where as great nations they flourished un
til the slavery of inequality became so
burdensome that Jesus Christ was sent to
earth for the redemption of mankind from
the sins and follies that again led them
into the wilderness of bondage. Again,
after many years, when conditions as be
tween the rich and powerful on the one
hand and the poor and oppressed on the
other were becoming intolerable, the Al
mighty provided an avenue of escape by
raising up Christopher Columbus, who.
like our Savior, came not from the ranks
of the rich and powerful, but rather from
the humble surroundings of the meek and
lowly. No mortal being, not under the
guiding hand of Almighty (Sod, could have
hoped to accomplish the work accomplish
ed by this humble sailor under conditions
that would have discouraged any man not
Divinely inspired. Thus it will be ob
served that all great deeds and achieve
ments for the betterment and uplifting of
the poor and oppressed souls on this earth
are the works of men born to humble sur
roundings and heritage and if thisis worth
anything to us as a lesson, it ought to be
that there is but litt'e satisfaction in
knowing that one's standard in the world
is that based solely upon money and abili
ty to accumulate sordid wealth with the
arragant power usually accompanying it.
An honest heart, fidelity to purpose, moral
integrity, scorn for small and petty actions,
is an aristocracy of wealth greater than
any bank account, stocks or bonds, with
out such qualities.
'Mlow much is he worth?" is commonly
the first question asked about a stranger,
and public opinion Is generally formed
favorably or unfavorably according to the
answer. No one thinks of first asking,
"What is his character or moral worth?"
For a man possessed of high moral
ideals, more genuine pleasure and satis
faction can be obtained in associations
with those whose only worldly possessions
are good moral and educational qualities
than from association with those possessed
with neither and whose basic principles
and beliefs are that money can buy every
thing and anything
Returning to Columbus, what resulted
from his great achievement of discovery?
The answer is, "this great and grand
country of ours, built up by all seeking
freedom from customs of foreign countries
that forever placed a ban upon the educa
tion and uplifting of the poor for whom
opportunity alone could open the gates to
a greater and higher civilization and in
this new found country opportunity lav
ished her blessings upon all poor and op
pressed seeking her favor The doctrine
of Jesus Christ to "go ye forth unto all the
earth preaching the blessing of salvation,'
certainly found favor in this country
opened to posterity by the discovery of
Columbus, for it has been practiced to
such a degree that the idea of the "Divine
rights of kings has now become that of
ridicule if not execration and ere long from
beneath the wreckage of all tottering mon
archial thrones the spirit imbibed from
this land given us through Columbus will
arise to grant to the lowly and humble of
all nations, opportunities enjoyed by our
selves in this land of the free and home of
the brave And while we are flattering
ourselves upon being the progenitors of
the spirit of freedom that is awakening all
nations of the earth, let us not forget that
agencies are at work to sap the founda
tions of our own boasted opportunities.
We denounce the ignorant and blood
thirsty anarchists or perhaps the milder
mannert'd socialists as enemies to our
government but let us not overlook the
fact that in many of our states aqd even
with our national government combina
tions of pelf and graft are constantly at
work making their own laws for legalizing
acts of highway robbery and when at
tacked promptly appeal for protection to
those laws administered by their own ap
pointed courts and judges. If we would
preserve our nation to grant posterity the
same opportunities that in past years have
opened the gates to happiness, prosperity,
social and religious upliftment for the
poor, humble and lowly willing to receive
and'accept them, it were well that we give
not willing ear to the siren voice of wealth
be at the sacrifice of political virture. The
same devil of avarice that templed Judus
Iscariot is in the land today seeking to
tempt with prospects of power those to
whom we look for proper guidance of our
government and it is a duty of all right
thinking people when observing all of
those in authority consorting directly or
indirectly with this devil of avarice to
prove their courage by withholding their
support from any and all such persons and
by this means may we hope to perpetuate
to all posterity the hlessings ol a govern
ment secured by reasoo of opportunity
aflorded and handed down to us through
the courageous and Divinely inspired Co
lumbus. Faith in the character and abili
ty of all followers of the patron of the
order of Knights of Columbus inspires one
with a belief that the banner of freedom
from oppression by all worldly power will
ever be carried aloft, giving hope to the
fallen and courage to the timid and weak
for the continued advancement of a better
and higher civilization, for by faith all
things are made possible.
If faith produce no works I see
..That faith is not a living tree.
Thus faith and works together grow
"No separate life they ere can know.
They're soul and body hand and heart
What God hath joined, let no man part.
Salt River Valley
Is Prosperous
The crops raised in the Salt River Val
ley this year are the best in the history of
the valley.
j Ana mis result lias ueeu acmevcu iu
guished by one of the worst drouths Ari
zona has ever known?
The splendid result as to crops is directly
due to the Roosevelt reservoir.
Experts estimate that the stored water
from the Roosevelt reservoir has added
mote than one million dollars to the value
of this year's crops This stored water
amounted, in round figures to 200,000 acre
feet. Tnat is, at the beginning ot the
season there was water in the reservoir
sufficient to cover 200,000 acres to the
depth of one foot.
The comparatively small amount of wa
ter that was stared was, of course, due to
the fact that the dam last winter had not
reached a point high enough to store more
than 200,000 acre feet.
Because of the uncompleted dam, a vast
quantity of flood water went on its wasted
way to the sea.
l'he dam as it stands now will store in
the reservoir. ONE MILLION. FOUR
Thus it is seen that this vear, notwith
standing that but ONE-SEVENTH of the
reservoir's capacity was used, the stored
water has brought unexampled prosperity
to the valley.
Nature has an unfailing habit of even
ing things up". An extreme drouth is fol
lowed by a period of unusual rainfall.
All the doctrines of chance support the
expectation that before the coming winter
is ended there will be abundant rains on
the Salt River watershed, and that great
q lantities of water will be stored in the
riservoir for next year's crops, and the
crops to follow.
The Salt River valley prospered for
thirty years without a reservoir few farm
ing regions in the world enjoyed a greater
or more uniform prosperity.
The reservoir simply makes it certain
that this valley will be the most productive
irrigated district in the world.
No man, not even the most imaginative,
can easily overestimate tht enormous value
of the reservoir to the valley. Arizona
Republican, October 6, 19x0.
Reception for Mrs. Vance
From V raoro Arbor Stute, Oct. T.
The Women's Christian Temperance
Union held a reception Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Martin Han
sen for Mrs. John Vance of Alliance,
Nebr , who was formerly an active
member of this Union. There was a
large number of ladies present and
among them Mrs. St. John, who is
making many speeches throughout the
state in the temperance cause. She
gave the ladies a very interesting talk
which should be very helpful to moth,
ers and the young people who heard
A delicious luncheon, consisting of
chicken sandwiches, apple salad, choc
olate, fruit salad and cake, was served.
The rest of the time was spent in
visiting with Mrs. Vance, who was
greeted with a warmth of friendship
which doubtless impressed her that
she still held a place in the recollection
of a large circle of wymore people.
Forced to Leave Home
Everv year a large number of poor suf
ferers, whose lungs are sore and racked
with coughs, are urged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not always
sure. There's a better vay. Let Dr.
Kiog's New Discovery cure you at home.
"It cured me of lung trouble," writes W.
R Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., '"when all
else failed and I gained 47 pounds in
weight. It's surely the King of all cough
and lung cures." Thousands owe their
lives and health to it. It's positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe,
Asthma, Croup all inroat ana uung
5c and Si. 00, 1 rial Cottle
J. ltrennan's.
free at F.
Warrick in Lincoln
S. K. Warrick of Alliance, who is
president of the State Anti-Saloon
league and a trustee of Wesleyan uni
versity, was in the citv during the fore
noon. Lincoln Daily Star, Oct. 14th.
Live Stock and
General Auctioneer
Farm Sales a Specialty
E ARE SHOWING- all the new
things in Silks. A full line of Per
sians in all colors, either in waist
patterns or for trimming. The new
Metal Band Trimming and G-old and
Silver Cloth for lining.
Clearing Sale
H....1') iiTTiwrn toppd
Sn.t4M cniiJ fif rnmfTirrinl.rrnerffi?"'-f il rHIKI.' -! LVf . ,T.tSJS.
Lots of Odds and Ends
10c to 40c Values, ail go for
5c a Roll
to clean up .
33ls dicount
on regular ImeHo clean uy
Atf. We have a fine stock of , ,
'$ PaDer to no in bunch lots. 2,lA, tO
"fSS from 5c t J5c values, all go at per roll
Monday, Oct. 24
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