it i i t i? ; U I u . 1 It ! GO TO THE TAILOR FOfe YOUR Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats It is the place where you get the best woolens, style, fit and workmanship. Suits and Overcoats, $18 Up 408 We make a specialty of cleaning-, nrpss.i and repairing- Ladies' and Gent's Garments. Ladies' altering- done here. All work given prompt attention. Box Butte Ave. ;iu.u , Charter's Hotel DELINOUENT TAX LIST Notice l hereby Riven tlmt tlm fol lnwlnir lands rtnd loin In Dox Hulto roimtv, Nebraska Itnve tuxes unpihl to tlm yr-nr 1909, ami previous your, und 1 ' much of en fli tniPt or lot will b of OrOil for sale its slmll bo ncceurjr to pay lax on the whole irnrt or Int. Srtle will lie hell 1 the rtflle nT the county trtnpiirw In Alliance from 9 a. m. to 4 i. in. on the tlrst MnnJaj,- In No vember. yrtf 1910. DaW at Alliance Nebiusk.a, this first in ol October, ltlo. I'-ItttD MOU.tttNn. IMIIIty Tijfiirer. TOWN TO ALLIANCB. Amt. I'M. 111k Ami S14.70 11.... Il't. IS 2I.SK,'-.... 20.2, 1 TRACTS OK SI! V, OK 3fi-2S.ll Usplj-Hiti. irmii . .. IMrt trnet Part tract 4e. Atrtt r T 8-IJ 2 1.10 7 .80! IWcp'tnif. tfec. rtri imei t Traot 8 LA KB Towttuhlp I'RKriNfT. SI, Itnnue 45. OttlfilNAL . Ulk. 9 1 W V4 & ull lit ., Sec. 3 n i 12 IS II 1ft 17 11. 3 , ..., 4..... 5. ..... 1 3 4 II 1 II 12 10 ti!!.. .'.'.'. in 17 KIHST Lot. 6 14 4, 3 4 S 9 it 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 11 14 19 1!) i 21 ' 21 28 X 21.00 20.41)11 23 23.35' 4... 7.301 8 7.30 M 7.30 II 28.35 13 2t.20ll3 29.20! 1 29.20 2.... 29.20 7...., 2. M0 ,V.i., 5.85 13...., 20. till 3 23.7ft! 4.... 32.10 ft.,.., 6.10' 2 5.101 AUDITION TO Illlc. Ani(.lit 2 13.35 2.... , 3 23.33 2.... 8 10.20 11. 25 24 25 25 25 2 27 27 27 2S 2S 28 2J Dsrp'MH. S V4 of nw IH ofne H 'i i if ne All! sw SB nv NW SB W 14 ... S 14 of aw V of 1) NB of lit- It NB SO 21.90. 1 4.50 ! 1H. Dspp'ton 3rl?. 1-5 ',4 ... 4.40 &" 43.75 Qi5; 3.f.n,K '4'" 315.50 72.90 87.50 72 90 43.75 Amt.;''cu'tnn. 1Q.S0 NW of n U.S0 VB of 18.10. V.. .S.'JO 21.90 No Alumni v . Tr-soi V t N Ni I lvn MhonhaffHiI AV .UAAMW A A.WW..www H '. "I am quito poiitivo that the uio of alum bakinff powder should bo condemned.' Prof. Vtwulmn, University of Michigan. In buying baking powder examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made with Cream of Tartar. Dr.PRICE'S ore: AM raking powder A pure, wholesome, reliable Grape Cream t Tartar BaMng'Powfler. Improves mt flavor aiul adds to the heatthfalfifts oi the foo4 At. MA NCR ' UII Aiut. , . . . 8.75 ... 9 1.15 ... 15 14.00 NftlJON'D ADDITION TO ALI.TANCR. Lot. Hlk. Aint.Lot. Ulk. Ami. 2 4 14.0 2 10 21.85) XM;NTV ADDITION TO AI.I.IANCK. , Lot. Hlk. Amt.'l.ut. Hlk. C 1 2.20'Bl 1 14.00158 lt. 13& II.. 20.I0I2 19 11.00 K lj of 05, 30 23.351 OH & 07.. 31 17.50172 50 5.857t! SKCOND COITNTV ADDITION A I. I.I A NCR Lot. Blk. Aiiit.I.ot. HIK. Amt 1 3 2.30150 rt or 0 3 32.10.' w U 10 2.90 PI. 1 11 17.50 1 12 2.001 2 12 14 53 N H 3... 12 2.20 hi 13 J.I5' 4 13 17.501 5 13 COl'NTY . tf SO mv 10 .tv'SR 80 I.Wk H Of 114 l. . utr H 9 15' A n of 0.1' 21 7m W 4 23 12 751 K H& pi-rt ' nw 30 'NK II 3.WIVW 31 S.T01N.V 35 1.80 ItOVn PftWCINCT. Townslilp 25, llaiiKO 47. . Sff. AfiitlDcrp'ton. Hw. ,. 7 18.351 SIO 20 .' 8 9.15NK '. 29 . . 9 1P.S5 MM 30 , 10 8.251 1 MM or se 31 , 10 9.15j Part of mw 33 .. 17 20.1StNB 31 Townslilp 21, Knime 47. Dxrp'ton. Spc Aml.jDKt'p'ton. Hop. B'r 5 S.30iB 4 of no 25 NV 8 3.951 B y. of se 34 NV 19 15.351 Vll.. 39 HOX III-'TTB PUBOINCT. Townslilp 27, ItunK D.rp'ton. NV NB NB N'B NB Si'f. 2 3 10 II 20 AiiiblUypp'ton. 5.50' VB 5.501 NV 7.35 7.35' NW ..... 6.50INB . Blk. . 3 . 3 . 3 . I . 4 . 5 . 5 . . C 1.80 2.20 17.50 18.95 21.8 21.85 TO -' 0. II. '. ItiinBe Uwp'ton. sv SB B SB 0.75'SW 8.25i NV 2.45) SV ..... 2.10 NV Sec. , -21 . 21 . 21 . 23 . 25 -tS. A tilt. .10 1.S5 Atht. 2.70 l.W) 3.0 4.00 C.Q0 7.50 StOO 3,50 r. on CIO Anil. 11.15 8.15 14.50 7.10 1.05 4.75 Amt. - .90 1.50 Amt 5.50 9.15 B.Rp 7.35 9.85 Townnhlp 25, pn V, Nb of NK & BK f KW ft SB W I" All V) SV II VI Vi of NK A V '.4 of SIC, it Tiin-niilllp 24. Dwp'tlon. Sr NR t 9W A- H of SV 17 HBofHB. 18 SB 11 SB 50 NW 23 NW M I.lftKltTY TowiimIiIp Hancc 52. UsWtttM. Bae. NW. 27 INW....S.. 29 1KB A B 11.35' ft 8W & 3HT0I N 4 of , 13.76 1W 3H Spl 3! I w 3 e.ttflNTV 31 tVntoe IP. Amt. ' p'llon. Sec. SB 27 INW 2 3.I9SB 30 .19 V. 30 S.20ISK 31 3 2.VNE 31 8.70, HW 82 3 70' PltBCTINPT. 0. HHtme 51. Dfpp'llfin. Sc. Amt. NB of KW & NW V. 1 .B 3 SB NW S B V. or SW & SB U 10 NW '11 2.00 5.10 3 20 2.75 Dapp'tlnn. SW spp: 11 it 17 22 21 25 30 33 31 31 35 35 .Hll 1.20 4.35 3.00 2... 4... S . 9... S 'J, 7... SBCOND 3 7 13.10 0 S h 5..:. 8 13.10 Mh 122 fl. 1'liplHtOtl 1lKt ol w 4 of S 7.25 So. 50 ft. 100 ft. Ill of w V. M' ..,.., 10 17.50 SB .'.... 50 ft. of 0 m U... 10 17.50 WYOMING ADDITION TO Lot, Hlk. Amt. lot 7 I ADDITION 13 15 15 15 1C 11 55 B.S5 10.05 1.75 17.50 5.85 5.S5 5.10 10.20 W, SB... SW . , B ',4. SB... 9.00 SW, N Vi no, ..... Sec. 21 21 II. . 4.. 5.. 1.. 1.. 4 ' SI I Bill DAN 1.151 1.151 1.151 1.151 1.75' I. SOI 1.451 1.451 ADDITION I. 1.. 1.. o :t.. 3.. AI.I.IANCB. Hlk. Amt 8 9 11 11 11 12 14 TO Tnwnxhlp Dxob'ton flpi". Amt ur 1 Amt. 'n. ;.'.' .. S ',4 of ti n of so... 13 SB 19 S '4 of ko 25 WOODY Township 20, Hange Dhpii'Ioii. Sec. Amt.lDsrp 'ton SB 7 S 14 of hp S N !4 of ne 1.S5 & sw 11 17 4.40 1 NB 18 11.05 , W V4 nw 1.15 ,i w ',4 of n 21 21 23 21 Township 20, DMcp'ton. See. Amt. SW .' 1 12.25 S Of !W VI & N W Vi . . . 2 7 30 N 14 cifSW 2 2.451 Towuh!p 20, ltHiigc Dxcii'toii. Sec.'Hi'p'toii, NB S 7 30SW 23 NB 15 7.301 S U of SB W4MK 'r' 26.oo".V; SW Vi . . 25 SB 17 9.751 K 14 fl'J NW 2.1 8.25. Itl'NNINO WATBIt PHBCINCT. Township 2S, Hiiiiko 47. Dxeii'ton. Si'C Amt.lDscp'tlnn. Sec. 17.50 1 1.05 2.20 29.15 21.85 13.10 17.50 Lot. 1 , I 1 1 4 5 , I! X- 5.. 5 f. 3 4 5. . , 0 1 Hlk. . C . O . K . B . B . V . J . J . O . o . O . o . p Amt 5.10 1.90 1.90 1.00 Lot r... 4.. 4.. ti.. 00, W 1.851 9. .851 9...... .85110 1.15 11 1.45JN 50 ft. 1.1512111 50 2.20' 2.... 1.0OI I AM.tANCK. Hlk. Amt. .. S 1.45 .. IT 2.20 .. V 1.05 .. V 1.05 10 ft of 29 30 30 31 , 31 . 32 . 33 , 33 . 35 4S. pHcp'ton. Sec. N Vi of SB 3 5 Ijj ol SB. 3 B 14 of SW 7 K of SBI 7 IS. Si-f. NB NW SW N'W n on w ll.oftlNW 1I.I5SW 11.05'NW Ilnti'jf Milt. I. HO 4.''0 9.00 7 30 4.90 4.' 0 4.10 fthrd Amt. 9.85 7.35 24 00 8.15 10.15 14.00 10.15 11.25 10.15 25.00 17.05 22.15 Amt. 3.05 3.05 2.10 3.50 Amt. 8.25 10.30 13.55 ft. V V V V W W W A iAfct Jk THE LEADER J J. VANCE Cement Contractor Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds. Phone 55 716 W. Dakota St. Alliance, Nebraska NBHHABKA ADDITION. Lot. S 50 ft. I . 50 ft 2.. 100 ft. 1. S 4 I Hlk. . A . A I A A 8.15100 8. 1 ft 2. ft. 1 NB ' 1.. A N 50 ft. of sw 1 . . . . A 9.20 9.20 .27 1.50 Part 5.. 100 ft. 3. 4 Ulk. H II It , 1. M .40 11.55 17.50 1.45 23.35 17.5,1 23.35 AmU .70 1 2.30 27.05 2.55 1.00 Lot. I 5 C & 7.... 8 10 It 12 10 1 2 3 4 9 10 13.. 14 KIHST V W W1 vwrv Lot, 3.... 4,... 7.... S.... It.... 12.... Hi.... ..., 7. . . 4..., 7.... 8.... 1..., 5.... SOUTH ALLIANCB. Hlk. Amt. Lot. Hlk. Amt. 11)8.50 15 2 157.110 1.4.i,lG 2 7.63 5 80! 2 3 .40 .10 4 v 3 .3'. 5.S0I 5 3 .40 .10! 9 3 .40 4.10 10 3 .35 27.40111 3 .10 .35 1 4 2.00 .4012 4 .35 4.I0! 3 4 40 0 501 4 4 .35 1.901 0 4 .85 12.75111 4 2t.S5 10.35 15 I .SO 142.9510 4 8.15 DDlTION TO SOL'TH ALLIANCB. 19.05t 7. . 11.95! 8.. 5.85' 10.. 17.50 Ml 12.03 S.331 10.751 .40 S 4 of SW & SW of SB 1 SB 4 SW 5 SB 5 S V4 or NB & S 1,4 of NW SW. . . SW... SB... NB... SW... SB... SW.., N W. . NB... SW... INW, SW. 2 00ISB., 2.33INB. 2.35'NW. 0 0 7 S 9 9 11 12 14 15 15 2.60 5.95 5.45 S "4.... NB W Vi & NB NW SI' 5.05ISW 2.45ISB. 2.001SW. 2 00NW. 9.75 SW - ;:.n 2.35 of W SB 17 17 17 18 IS 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 23 25 SB.. NB of Amt. 2.35 2.70 2.00 5.50 5.50 11.011 5.50 II. 2.00 1.80 1.00 1.80 5 50 5.95 2i 2.35 2.35 ltPNXIXO WATBIt PUBCINCT, Townslilp 2S. Itaiige 17. Ml. Hlk. Anit.lDsi'H'tlon. SoC. i&) SW SB NW SW , NW 4.00INB 3.50! SB Township 25, Itnngc 61. Osen'tlon. Spc. Amt.iDscp'tlon. Sec NW 1- 4.551 SW To-vtnhlp 20. ItaiiRU Dpp'tlon Spp. Amt.iDscp'tlon. NB 2 3.24INW , 2 4.90 NB 2 14.70lNW , 4 0 15SB 4 7.85INB I 4.'0INW 5 13.70ISW 0 2.95INW 7 0.40ISB 25 7 2.951 s' V4 of SB. 31 Townslilp 25, Range 52. Dscp'tlon. See. Anit.iDHcp'tli.n. Sec W c of W '4 of NB C 3.25 NW X- N NW of NB V4 of SW .7 & NB of NW.... 7 1.83 LAWN IMIKCINCT. Township 2S. Itansp Diop'tlnn. Sec. Amt.lDscp'tlon. NW. , S ,.. N'.'. . NB... SB.... B 14.. SW... SB..., NB... II Sec. 8 10 11 15 20 21 21 21 Amt. T74 733 13.75 3.70 .1.70 3.70 A nit. 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3." I 370 3.7 A mt: 3.70 3.70 5.50 3.90 3.70 3.70 Amt. 3.55 Amt. 2.95 3.45 .1.43 3 45 4.40 7.35 3.40 4.90 2.95 1.75 Amt. 9.15 NW of W ,4 of NB 1. Sec. 20 20 S Vi NW. SB.. NB. B ,4 & of SW. II II 15 of SW W 14 SB.. IS 19 I VI 1.25iNBof NW 5.00! S C NB 3.25 "f'NW & 2.00' N W O f 7.051 SW 2t INW ', & S 1 ',4 SB 2.751 of SW.. 23 Amt. 3.10 1.10 5 90 5.60 1.151 Townslilp 2S. UutiKP 51 Dscp'tlon. Sec. Ami.lDscp'tloii. Sec. Amt. 0 SV SB SW of SW SW .'& S V4 of SB S 1.4 NB of SW & SB V NW 7 N V4 of NW & NB of SB St NB Vi B i,4 of NW A'- B '4 of SW & SB v. :. 9 W M of NW & NW of SW 9 Tow nslilp Dopp'tlon. Sec. Amt. r..90!S '.4 ijf-NW S' w V4 3.U5 11.90 10.90 3.35 8.45 50 11.5 & of SI S W NB., NW... SB.... S W "4 NW . or sw 31 SBT 31 V u. of NB 33 of N NW -5B.... SW.... V 4 NV,'.. NW.... of 33 34 34 r 34 33 57 95 4.50 2.05 2.35 4.10 3.70 4.00 3 7'i 5.50 5.30 2.0 4.00 SW 20 5.50 N 14 of NB 27 S.70 NB 30 S 14 of NB N 4 31 & W V4 NW 35 & SB of 30 11.90 Township 28, HmiRP 18. Anit.ltisi p'th 11. Sue. 5.50 S 'A of NB 11 NB 15 SW 15 50'S 14...... 20 G.601NW 21 Dscp'ton. Sec. SW 1 S V4 of NB & s 14 or NW.... 2 SW 2 SB 2 S V. 3 NB 11 NW 11 SB 11 SW 12 SB 12 All 13 r..50'NV ll.oo; s (. i.f NB S3 2:1'w 14 Hlk. . 5 . 5 . r. 7 8 8 HITCHCOCK 1 I.. 5... 6... 7 1... 2 & 4 & 0 . . . 2, 3 8.. 3., 5.. Lot. 1..., 3... 4... 7..., 5 & 8 . 11.... .351 6.55 6.40 69.45 4.25 22.85 HILLS AND BUS ADDITION. Hlk. Amt. I Lot. 1 8.151 I 1 9.701 2 1 1.30 1. 1 H.I0I 0 . 2 2.051 7. . 2 22.50IH. 2 8.95 Hlk. 8 8 8 10 11 11 11 , 11 12 . 12 . 12 12 12 Amt. 0.3IJ 8.70 0.40 31.35 4.33 4.40 .35 .40 .33 8.20 4.33 4.40 SUBDBK- & 7. Hlk. 3 3 4 G 0 6 SITBDBKBItS ADDITION. Hlk. Spring; Wagons for Sale We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring- Wagons ready for deliver'. They are better made, more durable and will give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price. If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn. Lot. 2.1 2 24 & 25.. 2 2 2 27 2 WYOMINt Mt. Hlk. 6. 7 & 8 I ) 10 1 10 & 11.. 3 21, 13 .til 3 15, 16. 17 & 18...... 3 Aml.ll.ot. .23128. ., 2.052't... .27 'ill... .25, 5 .. AVBNTB' t Hlk. Ami. 15 00 .75 5.10 is.: Amt 5.35 1.80 1. 1.00I9 .in' : .40110 Kll ,v. ADDITION. -Hlk. Amt. 20, 21 & ' ll". ML 4 & I 12.... 17.... Mt. 13 & 1. 2. Mt. 6... 1.25 4 & 5.. 9 & 10; . 1.80111 HILI.S ADDITION. Ulk. Amt.ll.ot. Hlk. ... 3 5.101 C 6 ,... 6 .27! 9 6 ... 5 .351 SOUTH LAWN ADDITION. Hlk Hlk. 14.. a .251 5. 0. 7, 8 3, 1, , I & 9 4 ADDITION. ot. Hlk. 4 5.10 T . 8. .. 6 SIM1NSONS ADDITION. G.50.S 14 of NB 5.751 M- N 14 of 5.701 SB 23 5.5IIIS 14 ot SB 23 22.131 To.vnshlp 2S, IlanBP 18. Dscp'tlon. Sec. Amt.lDscp'tloli. Sec. N 14 of NB 20 2.73N W 20 WKKMIT PItBCINCT. Townslilp 25, IliuiR'' 50. Ilspp'tion. Sec, Aint.lDscp'tliiii. Sec. BViofNB 2 2.73' NW 13 i . .r. II 4.25! W 4 of 5.501 SW 22 S 14 W 14 of NW 27 10 10 It SW. SB SV W Vi SI of NB & NB of Township : D"P'tion. Sec. Amt All 1 N 1 of NB & N V4 of NW.... 2 SW of SW 4 SB of SW & S14 of Township i Dscp'tlon. Sec. Amt SB 5 SW NB 19 VTI' 21 SW 22 NB 21 S H of fiK 25 NW 27 22.00 7.30 1.10 I, ItaliKo 50. Dscp'tlon. Sec. S-B..... 5 W of SW 7 W 14 . SB 13 W "4 of NW 18 N 14 24 Amt. ' 2.S0 4.73 5.511 An:. 17.'o 5.nO 5.6 15. 5.50 5 .u 18.35 5.50 Amt 5.5.1 Ami. 7.35 4.25 2.13 10.03 Amt. 4.95 1.10 18.33 2.75 11.75 , Itaiifte 51. Dscp'tlon. Sec. NB 19 0.15 N V4 33 SB 26 C.13NW 31 NB '28 0.1..NB 31 4 B 2S 8. I5!N 14 of S W WV 21 6.151 & NW of NB 2'i 0.151 SB 31 fJB "2 3.05J Townslilp 27, linnet .52. 0pp'tlnn. Sec. Amt' Dscp'tlon. Sec. 2 ..) im'; -I, 3 5.751s Vs or SW 3 5.50! ,s s:-i4 or 1 RI.V ! ottn 14.;..-. P'.iioiNW? 5.50 SW 5.50INB 1C.5u!n 14 5.511 S" ,i NW csoirw 5.50 OF IIBMINGKOltD. XB O KW.... N 14 A: SB N'W MB N '4 & SB NW KW NB VILI. Lot. 1 ,i 2.. 3 &. 14. 4 II 13 13. 14 n 20 20 GB 29 31 32 33 31 31 Amt. 0.75 3.03 0.40 Amt. 1.60 3.20 9.15 5.75 3.43 9,10 9.80 12.00 3.13 Hlk . 0 . 8 8 11 S . 11 St . II 1 JOHNSTONS Bile Amt. L Donovan & Son lihlMi Wallace's Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone 4 Frank Wallace, Prop'r. Mt. 1 At 2 5 0 & 7 10 1. 2 & 6 7. 8. 9 10 ..., I & 2. 3.. Blk. ,. 1 . 1 .. 1 1 Ami. Lot. 1.00 .25 .27 4.10 .501 .80' 5.35 Ac 8 IJlKB Sec. 1 7 15 17 Dscp'ton. SW NB , NB SB W 14 ne of nw Vi.. 25 N 14 of se of nw. . 26 Part n 14 of se... it Part sw of sw of d 25 Part of Hiv of ne 25 Part n V4 of se -J Purl o V4 of tw . . .20 ! 4 C 7 y 10 67... to I PHBCINCT. 26-4S. AmtjU'sep'ton. 1I.0OISB 1 0.951 NW 3 5lS 14 se Al- s 3.15' V4 of bW All S0.06;NB NW S H ran w . of ne... IMit w, J of IIP. Port y 13.3T.I ur t... IVfl 14 11.15' of ne... Part sw.. 5.00 Hlk. 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 20.65J 20.411 4.801 See. 26 29 30 31 32 32 31 V4 36 35 35 35 35 3.30 5.10 3.05 .30 Amt. Amt. 1.00 Amt. 1.00 AmL 1.00 5.35 .27 l.OO .50 ..- Lll'l .50 27 Ami. 28.30 4.86 3.95' i3,7S 3.t 3.H& 8.70 41.55 40 75 3.80 12.75 .10 i. Hatiite 49. Dscp'tlon. Sc. 85 N liofSB 28 13.43 W V4 29 1I.05INWA-SB 30 0.75ISW 30 10.70INB 31 3.95 NB 34 e.oo Township 21. IlanK 49. Dscp'tlon. See. NB 15 NB 19 SW.. SB., Dscp'tlon. See. Amt. N 14 SB of NB St N B of NW.... 2 NB I N V4 of SB 4 SB 9 SB 10 5.00 6.40 3.20 N H 8.20INW, 0.10IW 14 :i 28 29 32 31 NONPAHBIL PHBCINCT, Township 27. Itanue 49. Dscp'tlon. Sec. Anit.lDscp'tlon. II, 10 ;: -a . isT. W 14 is.. -:.... yb.... 21 Hi'.'.!! to... 10. 11 13 15 1 to S In clusive.. 1 9. 10. tl & 12.. '3, 14 . 19 "0 21 !l 10 LANDS Ami. 20.311 8.05; 13.10 1.95 0.20 1 ot 10 & 11. IS II & s 9 2.30!ll til 6.20 5 2.30! 5 2.30) 0 2 .ml 7 2.31" 1 f.lli 2 ro .t 12.. X 9. I. 3. 0. Hlk. . 25 25 29 29 29 13 4.50 3.10 17 15 18 . 19 . 19 ,. I" . 2'l . 20 IN 1. 2. 5 .V i 2 A- I. 5 AV 0. 7. i. 9. 11 A; 4. 30 Hi. 12. Amt. .73 10 .40 18."0 1.35 4.03 18.85 .75 5.20 15.40 3.83 .10 .10 .JO .25 11.15 1.03 1.55! IS 4.50) I, 4.50 4 5(l! 2 3.13 1.55 COItPOKVTB 10.. II.. . 2, 3. 5 0. . 3. 4. A 0. ... 31 33 33 '40 15.: .10 .23 .40 .20 .73 .05 . PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. LIMITS OF". HBMI.NC.KOItD. 'iMPlt'tlon. Sec, Anit.iDscp'tlnn Sec. Pan NB of SW of NB IS NB IS 7.7li DOHSBY PItBCINCT. i Township 2S. ItaiiKe 49. SW SB... W V4 28 30 Sec. 4.00 B Vt A: SW 31 4.00IS 14 of SW 32 21.15IN 14 33 Township 27. Itanue 50 Dscp'tlon. Sec. Anit.lDscp'tlon. Sec. SIC. 25 6.00SW 35 SW 25 7.85' Township 20, ItaiiKO 19. Sec. 19 Dscp'tlon. Sec. Amt.l Dscp'tlon. NB. 4 4.35ri;3 NW SB.. SB.. B V4 SW. SB.. NW. NW. AIL. 4 4 5 8 9 9 10 10 11 15 6.50SW 19 6.501 All 22 8.50I.SW St S V4 13.001 of SB... 21 6.501 W 14 . NB 25 6.50ISB , 26 6.50WW 28 13 0VNW 30 4.O0INB 3t 2l.l01i?B 31 Township 2. ItaiiKe 50. Dtwit'llon. Sec. Aint.iDM-p'llon. Sw. v-V 1 0.911'NW 13 SW 6 G.1Q1NK S3 NW 12 6.50'SB 30 S V4 12 16.l SNA KB CitKKK PRKOINCT. Township 2fi, lliUKK 51. Dscp'tlon. Sec. Anit.lDscp'tlon. Sac. NW l S.55I Township 21, ItiuiK 51. Ilsoii'tlon. Sec. Aint.(rsi' Sec. t:1.." .. ... r .,n.i .. t vtt. 2. SiX 14 of Z.SP1 .-..... l N or rra 20 14 0fS 10 H 14 of SW 11 Sf of SB 15 fiB of SB 12 N ft....,- H S H f SW .? N H of NB AV N V4 of NW li 10.1 SB. S W " Nw 21 Amt. 19.25 8.25 15.00 5.50 5.5U 0.10 Amt 7.05 6.10 0.10 9.20 6.15 15 30 0.1 0.101 Amt. 18.75 2.45 7.90 Amt. 4.85 Amt 5. Ml G.70 12 00 23.20 1 C.g0 0 90 5.03 5.10 7.30 ' Ai'i 8.10 9 75 6 011 Amt. Amt l'.8i. 3.7o Dscp'tlon. Sec. NB A- NW of NW. 20 W 4 of .SB . SB of SB 20 NB B V4 of NW.. 21 W of Amt JC.S3 11. NW : 3.65 Dscp'tlon. Sw, N V4 of SB 21 V 4 22 NW 23 W 14 25 ,5'K '4 25 NW 27 B V4 2S W 4 32 Township 2S, HaiiKe 50 risei.'llon. See. Aml.lDsci.'tii.n. S n n of W 'NW.. 23 S.OOINB Townslilp 27. Uiiiiki Dspp'tlon. See. Aiiit.lDbcp'tion N NW SW. NB. NW NW 1 I lO.'O .-v ll.''W 14 11.251NW . 5 10.90ISB . 5 ll.Oill.NW ,. 7 19.701 Township 27. Huiiko Dscp'tlon. Sec. Aiot.'Dsep'tlon. NB 1 7.30i.N V4 All 3 1870iNB N 14 .. .. 4 10,20'NB NB 12 H.oo N l2 rt'. , 20 . 35 49. Sec. 9 . 12 . IS , 21 iO. Sec. 13 19 21 24 Amt, 6 7S Amt. 3.70 13. 9 00 33.7 S 33.73 9.53 21.35 .13.75 Amt. 3.10 4.79 Amt. 1 1.00 25.30 30.95 11.2.1 4.13 Amt. 39.35 6.51 G.5 32 0- The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Ne braska, a3 hereinafter set forth In full, Is submitted to the electors of tlio State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tues day, November 8th, A. D. 1910: A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) ot the Constitution of the State of Ne braska. He It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. (Amendment constitu tion proposed ) That section one (1) of article seven (7) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska, the scnato concurring, be so amended as to read as follows: Section 1. (Who are elector!.) fin ery male citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of this stato six months next preceding the election and of the county, precinct, or ward, for the term provided by law shall bo an elector: provided that persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens con formably to the laws of the United States and are voting at the taking ef fect of this amendment, may continue to exercise the right of suffrage until such time as they may have resided In I he United States five years, after which they shall take out full citizen ship papers to be entitled to vote at any succeeding election. Section 2. (Ballots.) That at tho general election nineteen hundred and ten (1910) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their ap proval or rejection the foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage. At such election, on the ballot of each elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to (he constitution relating to the right of suffrage," and "Against said- proposed amendment to the con stitution relating to the right of suf frage " Section 3. (Adoption) If such amendment shall be approved by a majority of all electors voting at such election, said amendment shall consti tute section one (l) of article seven (7) of the constitution of the State ot Nebraska. Approved April 1, 1909. I, Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of the state of Nebraska do hereby cer tify that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the Stato of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as passed by the thirty-first session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska-, as appears from said original bill on file in this office, and that said proposed amendment Is submitted to tho qualified voters of the stato of Ne braska for their adoption or rejection at tho general election to be held on Tuesday, tho 8th day of November, A. D.. 1910. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and nfilxed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done Bt Lincoln, this 29th day of July, In tho year of our Lord, One Thousand Nino Hundred and Ten, and of the Indepen dence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth, and of this State the Forty-fourtTi. GEORGE C. JUNKIN. (Seal.) Secretary of Stato. 34'l months. tl.oo. N V4 SW..., of 3.70 DOCTORS Searlcs & Searles U years In Lincoln BPBCIALISTS IN Gbrooic and Nervous Diseases ol Men and Womea SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES Gall Stones & Piles removed without an -liicrallon. AH dis eases of the Nose. Throat. Lungs. Stora ich. Dowels. Liver, niioumatlsm, Strlo ture, Varlocele. Kidney and Bladder, All Diseases and Disorders of Men All Examinations and Consultation FREE, Charges Low, Quick Cures. Call or write for booklet. I. O. Bux 224 Of nee hours 9 to 11:30; 1 to 4; nights 1 to Drs. Searlcs & Searles, tJoi-? n NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho Comity Court, Hoy Ilntto Comity, Nel.niskii In the matter of the estate of II. E. Cray. deceased, I. L. A. Ilcrry. county Judge of said county, ir. said state, hercl.y notify ull persons huriiiK claims and demands UKnlnsttlm estate ot llio sii lit II. R Mucdray. deceased, that I have set und appointed the following day rortherecen tlou, examination, and adjustment of said claims and demands, us provided l.y law. at the county court room at Alliance. Mild county, to-wil; April 24, 1911. All person, so Interest ed in said estate will npiiear at said time und place aiut duly prtHent their said claims and demands in the manner required oy law, ur show cause for not so .tolnir: and incase aiiv of said claims shall not ho presented hy said uaie tiiHsame snail oe itirerer oarrcu. (ilven under my hand ami seal of the county court this 20th day of Sept., MHO. (M'an 1,. a. iterry 41-41 County .Imiso. ORDER FOR HEARING. In County Court Pox Untie county. In the matter of tliecsliite or Ada JL Kliiy, formerly Ada M. It ri tun com be, deceased. On rending the petltlouofThcod6ro Johnson filed herein, praying that administration of said estatu lie nr.intHl to Theodore Johnson as administrator Ordered, That Bald pet II Ion will he heard on the 15th day or October, 1910. at 10 o'clock a. in. That all persous Interested in said estate may appear at County Court on said dute, and show cuuise If any there he why satd petition should not he. (.'ranted: and thai notice of the pendency of said petition and of said heariue be Kiven to nil persons Interested In said mt ter hy publishing a copy of this order In Tho Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper pub lished in said county three successive weeks prior to said htarliiK. (Seal) L. A. Bkhiiv. 42 :iw CountyJudut'.- NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS In the District Court of the t'nlted States for ihe Olmlct of Nehruskn. lit the matterof Fredrick l In Bankruptcy. James Huunlt'aii, -, Case Wo. 0, Bankrupt. I Voluntary. To the Creditors of Tredrlck James liaunl i!an, of Box Butto County, Stato of Nebras ka. Notice is hereby ulicii hat on the 22nd day of Septemlier A. I). 1910. Fredrick James Hatiulk'au was duly adjudged bankrupt and that lliellrst meetlui;of Ills creditors will ha held at my oftlee In Broken Bow, Nebraska on the Isth day of October A.'D. 1910. at 8 o'clock I M. at whicli tliiieanil place tho said credi tors may attend, prove their claims appoint u trnsU'c. examine the bankrupt and transact Mich other business us may conio before tho UH'Hlllif. H. J.SllINX, 43-11 Hefereelu Bankruptcy. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEUNGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and Children and Geuito Urinary Organs All calls answered promptly day or night r OlFICC AT pihlups GKncem r4 1 . .aw fcj.-?i 21 4u ' . . ii.4n, $ .jyisittoZium. f&sy. .g.4 .