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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1910)
State HUorVrt 'Jo. Cy m The Alliance Herald. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA J THURSDAY OCTOBER 13, 1910 'J Largest Circulation of any Nevvspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte County and City of Alliance VOLUME XVII. NUMBER 44 I u IT.1-.S v yM ... i h V S Dollar Saving Days Prosperity date1? from the first dollar saved. you are earning money you ought to save something. What do you do now in the way of saving may determine what the future will bring you. We pay interest on savings accounts. Let us open one for If U We are prepared to serve the public in, an accept able way. Have you tried us ? The First National Bank t v Of tye&!&( Alliance The Glaze Marble Works CHAS. GLAZE, Prop. Hemingford, Nebraska We receive our marble in car load lots, thus sav ing Ireint anuagents4commissiQns, whicrP-customers must pay when buying from agents 61 non resident dealers. A full line of Monuments and Headstones in our yard at Hemingford. You can see the marble before ordering and can examine the work before accepting it. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Alliance Cnndy Kitchen is un dergoing some important chances, a new kitchen being added and the sales room pnlaued Its busiucss is on the steady increase. DR. A. GAISER, HKXTIST. Office, Room 10, Kumer Block, Phone 5:5, Alliance, Nebr. .ji-tf GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. 0 UR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them In 9tock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. Jt ijm . A Ufi4(tUatibvv ! r. i --1 ..-T-i sUtUOOtO SELLING OUT GROCERIES ersar iir AT COST TO 1 --hxk--h-k:"Kx4-!'j KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. f Office in Alliance National Bank Elk T Over Postoffice. i ? Phoue 3gi. Y Wte IM'W vr. We always give I you the most of the Best for the Least A. P. Lee, Mgr. THE BIG SALE BEGINS RricJay,Oct.l4 This Sale is for Cash Only .."STe need our Store Room for a Big Stock of Dry ' Goods which will also be sold AT COST. PHONE 1 OR 4 PhilupsGroceryCo. t NOT A HIT or MISS STORE YV ORK1NG- every day to make things better-to improve our service to you-to have the best clothes in style and qnality-to make every man feel that he is getting the best at all times. It has always been our custom to call a spade a spade and we have found that by adhering strictly to this plan we have made ours a winning store. We have never done things in a hit or miss fashion and we never expect to. Our good treatment of customers has made a name for us which we are very proud of. '' "BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. CLOTHES" fit into better advantage with our policy than any other make of clothes. In price they range from $15 to S35, In quality there is no side stepping, no letting down in any feature. 1 Alp I jriFmj m y yMll If Jl Crtndcfer, Kinetic! & Cj Ciollti. j Bitadtfc. Klactlj & Co.. Underwear "When you buy underwear, why not buy the kind that tits, you comfortably; that does not wrinkle? This is what we want you to have, so we buy "Mentor Com fort Underwear" and the "White Cat Brand." you will certainly be pleased with the fit and quality. We also have an excellent line of Bath Robes, Pajamas, and Night Robes. Let us show you those Sweater Coats. 1 HC !?LrOllCr is the name of a very smart Brandegee, Kincaid fe Co. vVCrCO3.t, having a convertible collar. It's the overcoat star of the season. English-like fab rics plus high-grade American designing. "The STROLLER" is something which the mass cannot pass without if it care for class. Nothing in price but high in the favor of critical men and youngmen. Cluett Shrits We have the latest in Fancy Plaited. Don't fail to see them. The shirt that will tit and hold its color. Arrow Collars, 15c, two for 25c The Florsheim Shoe HH we are satisfied is the best shoe in the market both for style and quality. Wear the Florsheim tlcxsole Shoe and have no more sore feet. ou will be surprised how much shoe comfort they give you. Come in and try on a pair. NORTON'S