The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 06, 1910, Image 1
State Ht&Wrloal Society W The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Qfficial Publication of.Bbx Butte County and City of Alliance f IT VOLUME XVII. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY OCTOBERS, 1BI0 NUMBER 43 4 I, U "WHERE THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY" 11.11 !! I '- I -I " !"-- ' I ""''" - Is an old and a very true saying, and in nothing- does it apply with more force than in the matter of saving ' 4 money. Everyone should " r- save some part of his earn- . . v ings, as it is not what one earns but what he saves that makes 'wealth. Start a sav ings account this .month,. . I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OUR DRUGS are all of the highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after e receive them in Btock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for vou to remember- UweuMlbYv . JulAJtfffliiL " StsTmIAVM Aft'faN We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least A. P. Lee, Mgr. ' Vn Front of the Palace Livery Stable you can nearly always see a rig gelling rerdy to start out. We wilt send one any distance, for any purpose, at my time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. PHONE V2 Stmiay Sciwtl Css Organizes The Methodist Sunday Schppl class of Mrs. W. R. irney met at her home Wednesday evening and per fected an organization. The following officers were elected: borothy Smith, Pres-; Anna Krajicek, Tre.isi; Char lotte Mollring:Sec. "Jnna Lotspeich, Lottie Owens a(pd Alta Phillips com pose the sick committee, Alfretta Lammon, Edna Martin; Hazel Rocky and Irene Rice compose the mission cdmmittee. The class colors selected were red and white. Don't Forget Old Newspapers On Saturday, Oct. 8, the Woman's Club is going to fill a cur with old papers. If you haven't yet notified them that you will have old papers of any kind phone either Mrs. S. K. Warrick or Mrs- W. W. Johnson. The Herald job department has print ed a thousand scholars' report blanks for St. Agnes academy. They are printed in booklet form, each covering report for the ten months of the school year. They are well arranged and quite comprehensive, and rank among the best of anything of the kind we have ever seen. We congratulate the Sisters who have chnrge of the school on their splendid plan for making and preserving the individual reports of students. The Woman's Club will meet Friday, Oct. 7th,.at the residence of Mrs. J. A- Mallery. At this meeting the work for the coming year, which will be the study of French art, will begin. The fine new ear book just issued for the Club by The Herald wjll be used. ANNOUNCEMENTS. :":::-H:M:-5M:,x-:", ST. MATTHEW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services for the week commencing Sunday, Oct. ath: Sunday Holy Communion, 8 a.m " Morning prayer and ser mon; subject, "What's the use of going to church?" ii a.m. " Evening prayer, 7:30 p.m. Friday Choir practice, 8 p.m. H. Hapkis, Rector. Great Increase in Price of City Lots During the summer of iSgg almost the entire territory east of Uo.x Butte avenue, owned by the Lincoln Land Co., was unoccupied land. It was Use less to attempt to sell lots over there on account of the big draw. F M. Broome, local agent, took it up with the company with the view to selling it to the city and was granted authority to offer to the city fifteen blocksat $180 per block. By reason of short sightedness of the then town authori ties the offer was rejected and Mr. Broome entered into a compact witht H. C Kennedy, then street commis sioner, to sell out as much of the tract as possible for cheaper residence lots. Mr. Kennedy having had large experience in that line of real estate, started a boom that tesulted in selling several blocks during 1899 and igoo. Home building soon began- Stree'ts were graded and lots filled in to raise them above the draw and that was the begining of what is now an important residense section of the city, Since that time the entile east side of Alliance has been built up- The forty-acre tract sold to the Fair Asso ciation took out a big chuuck of the territory followed by sale of the south twenty to Mr. Drake, find then (he north forty to Mr. Dodge who platted the new Belmont addition and sold 'all of the lots within the pa6t thirty daps. This left hut a tract embracing fifteen lots as ibe remainder of the land owned by the company on the east side and this tract Mr- Broome sold to Dr. F. M- Knight last Thursday. During these years Dr. Knight has gradually In creased his possessions in this territory because of taith in the future value of the property, which is the only avail able site for a public park or exposition ground, by reason of the naturalTo pography of-the ground. ' The part of the tovwi site now owned by the company lies at the west of Box Butte avenue, and as evidence that the demand for lots continues out there, last Saturday Mr. Broome sold to William F. HInman three lots directly noithof W B. Young's new residence, and one lot just south ot the hospital block. Mr. Hinman is a late comer to the city from Ravenna and himself and wile are living with their daughter.Mrs, Gregory, wife of Dispatcher Giegory, until they get a house built. Were it not for the scarcity of mechanical labor in Alliance a great many uew buildings would be under construction, but this fact alone is eviddnce of prosperity. Peter Thompson of Minatare, son-in-law of Geo. Douglas, arrived Monday for a few days'visit- He is accompanied by his two boys, Noel and Leon. : KENNEDY BROTHERS , , UC.IN 1 IO 1 O. -Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. ml . 8. 1 1 UOUC jyi, HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Order of Services Sunday Masses, 7,00, 9 00, and 10:30 a. m., except 00 the third Sunday of every month when the order is 9.00 and 10.30 a m. Evening service every SuDday even ing at 7 30. Itev. V. L. McNamara, Pas tor .wwwww DR. A. GAISER, IlKNTIST. Office, Room 10, Rumer Bl&ck, Phone 525, Alliance, Nebr- 42-tf GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. The Burgomaster This famous musical comedy drama will appear at the Phelan Opera House Monday night October 10. There arc 4C people with the company, a carload of special scenery and electrical equip ment and elegant costume". As a mus ical comedy success it surpasses the "District Leader". The star for this company is the famous Gus C. Wcin burg as Peter Stuj vesant, the old gov ernor of New Amitcidam. "The Burgomaster" is a drama of high standing with the addition of a large chorus which furnishes 11 play of exceptional entertainment and bril liancy. It is not often thft Alliuuce is favored by such a play as "The Burgo master" and so large a company. The opera house stage will be cleared to furnish 100m for the company's scene ry nnd players and the "Burgomaster" will be presented in Metropolitan style. Prices for this big attraction will be pi. 50 for the best seats. Good scats may be had for 75c and Jti. Gallery will be 50c. Seats will be on sale Sat urday morning. It Is Easy to Save How can a man, on a Btiiall salary, get married and furnish a home with out 11 bank account? The answer is easy. He can't- Of course he can get married if he can find a thoughtless woman who will not take the trouble to investigate his finances or his saving and spending habits. But he can't furnish a home without starting the new life carrying a heavy debt. This wouldn't be fair to the one who trusted him, There is nothing like a savings ac count if you would keep poverty ut arm's length and some day have a residence on easy street. A great many people think it is of no use to save up Unless they have n large .amount of money tpstar jvjth. .This is a mistake. It is the Binall amounts, saved systematically from month to month, that go to make up the Mrong- I est barrier against need. We do not know of a better way to get a good start in life than by opening a savings account with the Savings De partment of the First National Bank. Even if the deposit is only a dollar or two, it will serve ns a nucleus around which will gather other dollars and some day a good sued account will be at the disposal of the depositor. Coote Mulloy Leaves Hospital The well known western Nebraska ranchman, Coote Mulloy, who has been in St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha, with severe illness, is well enough to be out again and left the hospital Sun day. His mauy friends will be glad to hear of this. Jt E appreciate the fact that every man doesn't care for severe style. But we also know very well that nearly every man wants true and clever style. We pride our selves upon our ability to select cloihes which will meet the preferences of many men. "Brandegee Kincaid & Co. Clothes," f whether they be a trifle conservative or otherwise in style, are all ex cellently tailored from particularly attractive woolens. H JWWEiri ii ,111 nam MsMmvm IffllfirPi k'Mlf., KUc.U A C. Clelb... NORTON'S Good Groceries VS.' Poor Groceries Goocl-Croceries cost a little more than poor groceries do but it pays us to- buy the best for our customers know that the goods delivered to them will be of the best quality that we can procure.' We buy only well known brands and investigate them before we buy. You always get what you order here. . We don't make a practice of substi tuting, for when a housewife wants a cer tain brand of goods or article she wants it. Call us up, phone i or 4, and give us rour order. We guarantee absolute satis faction. it , SJ . W Phillips Gro c e ry Co. ROGRAM COLUMBUS DAY sdr WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910 9:30 a, m. Mass at Holy Rosary church, attended by the Knights of Columbus, the. Daughters of Isa bella, and the students of the Academy. Address by Rev. Father McNamara. 2:30 p. m. Laying of the corner stone of the new addition to St. Agnes Academy by the Knights of Columbus. Addresses by Mr. F. M. Hroome and T. V. Golden. "Columbia," " Star Spangled Banner," and "America," sung by children of the Academy. 8:00 p. m. Card party in K. C. hall; Luncheon served by the Daughters'qf Isabella. Tickets, twenty-five cents. 9:00 p. m. Dance at the Phelan Opera House. Luncheon will be served by, the Daughters of Isabella. Music will be furnished by an orchestra under the direction of Mrs. Wiker. Tickets, fifty cents. Members desiring invitations for friends may obtain same by applying to the committee. S" The Glaze Marble Works CHAS. GLAZE, Prop. Hemingford, Nebraska We receive our marble in car load lots, thus sav ing freight and agents' commissions, which customers must pay when buying from agents of non resident dealers. A full line of Monuments and Headstones in our yard at Hemingford. You can see the marble before ordering and can examine the work before accepting it. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4M'iH"W,i-M vi"l"l"l"l"V9