The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 29, 1910, Image 6

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The following proposed amendment
to the constitution of tho State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth In full,
is submitted to the electors of tho
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at
the general election to bo held Tues
day, November 8th, A D. 1910:
Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of
the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska Ue It enacted by the Legislature of
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. (Amendment constitu
tion proposed ) That section one (1)
of article seven (7) of the constitution
of the state of Nebraska, the senate
concurring, bo so amended ns to read
as follows:
Section 1. (Who are electors.) Kv
cry male citizen of the United States,
of the.nso of twenty-one years, who
shall have been a resident of this stata
six months next preceding the election
and of the county, precinct, or ward,
for tho term provided by law shall bo
nn elector: provided, that persons of
foreign birth who shall have declared
their Intention to become citizens con
formably to the laws of the United
States and are voting nt tho taking ef
fect of this nmendment, may contlnuo
to exercise the right of suffrage until
such time ns thoy may have resided In
the United States flvo years, after
which they shall take out full citizen
ship papers to bo entitled to vote ut
any succeeding election
Section 2. (Ballots.) That at tho
general election nineteen hundred and
ten (1910) there shall bo submitted to
tho electors of tho state Tor their ap
proval or rejection tho foregoing pro
posed amendment to tho constitution
relating to the right of suffrage. At
such election, on tho ballot of each
elector voting for or against said pro
posed nmendment. shall bo written or
printed tho words: "For proposed
nmendmont to the constitution relating
to the right of suffrage." and "Against
said' proposed nmendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of suf
f roge "
Section 3. (Adoption) If such
amendment shall be npproved by a
majority of all electors voting nt such
election, said nmendment shnll consti
tute section one (1) of article seven
(7) of tho constitution of the State of
Approved April 1, 1909.
I, Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State,
of tho state of Nebraska do hereby cer
tify that the forer.olng proposed nmend
ment to tho Constitution of tho State
of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy
of the original enrolled and engrossed
bill, as passed by the thirty-first session
of tho legislature of tho State of Ne
braska, as appears from said original
bill on file In this office, and that said
proposed amendment Is submitted to
tho qualified voters of tho state of No
brnskn for their adoption or rejection
at tho general election to bo held on
Tuesday, the 8th day of November, A.
D, 1910.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto sot my hand and adlxed tho grent
seal of the State of Nebraska. Dono
nt Lincoln, this 29th day of July, In tho
yiar of our Lord, Ono Thousand Nine
Hundred and Ten, nnd of the Indepen
dence of tho United States the One
Hundred nnd Thirty-fifth, nnd of this
State the Forty-fourth.
KSeal.) Socretary of State.
;u-:t months.
Ordtr lor Haarlni
lu llm Cumity Court uf llux Ituttt- Cimuty
In lliu mutter of tint cM.iti of KruuMeiii-
Ktttiilinnnti. (IwriiKt'd.
On iPHdlnit tin- petition of Itvluliold A. Klt
l.t'lliunil II It'll lit-rulti. linn lllir tlnit AilmlnUtn.
ttim of vulil I'Mutti Ik; ur.iniixl In lii'iiilmlil A ,
Iv It tnltttiilin w A ilmlttlul fli.i I
Ordored, Unit t.,iM intillon will m huunl on
tlio hlh iluyof Oi'tohiT.HUO. -it 10 o'clock u. in.
Tina all persons liuetWwl In suit cstntu iiiuv
appear ut County Court on Mild tluto, mid
uliow cmc-i-ir sny tlicro lio why .ilil p.'iltlim
hliouhl it iMfirr.uiti'.t .mil Hint milieu of tin.
nenJcrt-i of n-wiI iicttliuii mid of sulil hen rink'
buulv- n to nil i son-, lnuTi-.ted In Mild mut
ti'r bj ;)nliliililti-j; n cop.x uf tlili order In the
Altluii: ller.ild, u wivkly inuvMinpiT pulilMi-i-dliifcit
livnint) tlner sitcivssfvu wi'.'Us prlor
tnMilu iieiiriii D.itiM Ni-iitemiier'.U lliiu.
Nonb L, A. Kerry
41 !H - Comity Judge.
X- "t
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Six Thousand of Uncle Sam':
Soldiers Wi!) Be on Exhibition.
w tvwwviwiwvvwitiuvwvvvnvi umunvmnmuiw w ft
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y "
? -,
In the County Court, Itox Kuttu Cniiuty,
In Hit) matter of the i-Mate of II. K. Mm
Cray, ileceahvil.
I. LA. Kerry, county J mice of said county.
In said htate, hereby notify all jipixuis liavliic
i'laluii ami ilemunds aKaiiml this otnlt of the
sulit II. K Macllmy, decuused, that I have set
and Hpnoluletl thufotlowluK day fortheriH'eii
tlon, examliiattnii. mid adjustment of said
claims and dumamls, as pros hied by law. at
the county court room at Alliance, said i-ounty,
lo-wit April -J! HUI All peixms mi Interest
ed in said estate will at said time and
pluco and duly present tliclrsald claims and
Ueuiauds in tho manner required by law, or
show cause for not so doing; nnd Incase any
of said claims shall not lie presumed by said
date tho sumu shall be forever burred.
Ulveu under my hand ami seal of the county
court this 20th day of Sept., tutu.
(Seal) 1,. A. Hurry
41-41 Count) .IuiIkc.
In the mutter of the estate of I'm or
U. Tracy, deceased.
I, L. A. Herry, County Judge, of Box
Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all
persons having claims and demands
against Peter G. Tracy, deceased, that I
have set and appointed the loth day ol
March, 1911. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon,
at the County Court room in Alliance, for
the examination of all ciatms against the
estate of said decedent with a view to
their allowance and payment.
All persons interested as creditors of the
said estate will present their claims to me
at said time, or show cause for npt so do
ing, and in case any claims are not so pre
sented by said time they shall be forever
This notice shall be served by publica
tion thereof four consecutive weeks in The
Alliance Ueratd, a newspaper published in
Alliance, prior to the day of hearing.
Given under my hand and seal of said
court this 7th day of September, 1910.
39-4wk L. A Uarry,
(Seal) 39-4 County Judge.
Plan to Popularize Army, Advertlsi
It and Show the Efficiency or Officerj
and Men. Results In Nebraska Get '
ting a Dig Free Show October J
to 8.
Uncle Sam stands ready to sho.
tho people of the Uttltud States--ci
well its any foreign nation the ei't
cloncy of the army, the oharadter u.
lla olllcors nnd men, their duties an 1
the dlHcIpllue which lius been ohtnine '
through yeurs of work aitd drill.
Such a demoiiHtrntJon 1b nn Inspir
ing sight; it makes the American
heart beat faster to boo tho military
forces nt work. As the forts are re
moved from tho centers of population
and it Is quite imposslhlu to have
many citizens visit these to review
the troops, the war department hai
planned a serleB of military tourna
ments. These great reviews exceed In splen
dor any review which could be hob)
nt any fort lit tho United States, rl
more than twice as many men art
marched to tho point where the tour
nanicnl Is hold ns aro posted In any
one fort
.lust as the agricultural department
shows Its work and the results of pn
tlopt effort at expositions nnd fclrs,
po the war department shows Its "fin
lshed products" nt these military tour
iinmeutH. And It la a sight well worth
the peeing.
Omaha Gets the Show.
Ono of thesu tournaments will lu
held In Omnlia Oct. 3 to Oct. 8 Inclu
Hlvo. A urcnt catrm will h nneiipd
there and more than G.000 soldiers,'
half aB runny horses, nack trains, at
tlllery batteries, field signal outfit?,
war balloons, great kitchens nnd bak
erles will be located In one big field
for the Inspection of tho people.
In Omaha Is located the headquar
ters or tho Department of the Mis
Kottrl, also Fort Omaha, the home of
the chief signal corps school of tht
United States army, and Fort Crook,
tho barracks or n regiment of Infnn
try. Having these military posts
close nt hand, as well aB the war bal
loon experiment station, promises to
make the tournament held In Nebras
ka the greatest which will bo held dur
ing the year of 1910.
After a tournament of five days In
Des Moines, the 5,000 troops will go
by train to Omnhn Oct. 1 and
by Oct. 3 will be In camp In that cltv,
where they will be Joined by other
troops and those stationed at Omaha,
thus making the number to participate
In tho Omaha tournament over 0,000
Each afternoon a three-hour pio
gram v!ll bu put on, admission to tho
camp and tournament grounds being
free to ull.
The program will give the citizens
who visit the totirnaniont a complete
realimtlon of how tho American troops
are prepared to work on the field of
action. Skirmishes for the possession
of a roadway or a river crossing; the
construction of bridges la seven min
utes' time; thrilling wall scaling con
tests; cavalry charges; nrtlllery going
Into action; rapid fire practice; tlin
wireless signaling now so much used
In tho army; the sending up or dirigi
ble balloons, besides all the imrmlln-r
of cavalry, Infnntry. artillery and
pack trains. These are n ftw of the
features which will bo put on for the
Sham battles, In which 3.000 men on
each side will participate, will give a
good idea or how the United stntes
army works when In Its war paint nnd
thousands of pounds of powder will go
up In smoko for the entertainment of
visitors, which is really the Instruc
tion of cltlzens In the work of tho
Add to tho thrilling sight, tho
sound of calls from a scoro of lmelers-
tho martial music of the Infantry,
the quick, shnrp drumming of mount'
ed cavalry hands; Bhrlll. clear com
mantis or officers, whispered commu
nications or orderlies while rifles
crack and machine guns belch forth
1,000 round n minute It's a picture
of a lifetime to anyone, young or old
Prizes offered amount to from $1
000 to $5,000 and will be distributed
among the men making the best scores
Tho tournament will be under tlm
command of General Fredorlck Smith.
commanding oflicer of the Department
of tho Missouri, who will bu assisted
by some or tho best officers In the ser
vice of tho United States army.
Get Tickets Now
Friday Evening
September 30th
liHc comes with a sme,
a story and a song.'
Auspices of Epnorth League
Aitl'Kty in action First round has jtint b en fired nnd weapon Is bo
ing prepared for the second round Six shots in 1 miiuit and 12 sec
onds is the record of tho First Artll lory which will participate In tho Oma
ha Tournament.
i 5
Are Always in Demand.
Careful attention is given to
the welfare of each pupil in
Conicrcial Ociiiiilm
Call or Write (or Information
1 i" -s5?r?, i OTiK -
fe3XBQfib,Uy mtm?$fr'
't3&'? v
., - m ,
Oliver and L. C. Smith Typewriters Used.
Troopers In tho "Monkey Drill" o r rough riding exhibition nt tho U.
S. Army Tournament at Omnha, Oct, 3 to 8. Mounting nnd dismounting
with horses at top speed and hurdling over the horse.
i $
9 VtrrVVV9 9
Butts Manual as it will he put on at the United States Army Tourna
ment in Omaha, Oct. 3 to S. Entire regiment of infantry going through an
Intricate manual of arms and sitting up exercise to the band music and
with no word ot command.
Douglas County Kalr. 1,
"A remarkable ii. Justrlal advance
ment in Douglas county, ah well as un
usual agricultural progress, is hull
cated In (he promises of exhibits giv
en the managers of the Douglas coun
ty fair," said G. Hervey secretary
of the Douglas County Agricultural
The Talr lasts from Sept. 28 to Oct
8. the last exhibit being received 01
Sept 29, except In the poultry depart
ment, whose show opens Oct. 3.
Scarles & Searles
lb years In Lincoln
Chronic and
Nervous Diseases of
Hen and Women
Gallstones ft Piles
removed without an
aDGiatlon. All dis
eases of the Nose. Throat, Lungs. Stom
ach. Uouels. Liver. Klieumatlsm. Strts
ture. Variocele. Kidney and Bladder.
Ail Diseases and Disorders ol Ken
All Examinations and Consultation!
FREE, Charges Low, Quick Cures.
Call or write for booklet. P. O Box Z24.
Of nee hours 9 to 11.30; 1 to 4: nlhu 7 to
Dr. Searles & Searles, iincoin3 $
sJMkv i
V -ifem 1
f tssa
aaflHIRsWxiJ' 1
JHbbbbbbbbbHbbbbHssbstV v
. P A
Mitchell, S. D, St'pt 24 Thiough
the efforts of P A Craft, state Are
marshal, N P Plttsenbarger nnd his
Bister, Mrs M. P. Stunkard of Flan
dreau, were bound over to tho clrcui'
court Ip the sunt of $7,000 for the m-.n
and S3.000 for the woman on tho
cfcarge of burning a wheat granary.
Five Hundred Miles Away
That distance seemed a great width of territory a few
years ago, but now it is covered instantaneously, be
cause the Bell Telephone has satisfactory and uni
versally bridged distances between twenty millions
of people all over the country.
Most men call up their families every night
when they are away to relieve anxiety and deter
mine how things are progressing at home. They
are enabled to do this because the Bell Telephone
has universal connections.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long
Distance Station
Cement Contractor
Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks,
Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds.
Phone 551
716 W. Dakota St.
Alliance, Nebraska
"A Good Sign will Improve Your Business"
Painting of All Kinds Done on Short
Notice. Satisfaction G-uaranteed.
603 Box Butte Avenue. First house north Court House
Spring Wagons for Sale
We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring- Wagons ready
for delivery. They are better made, more durable and will
give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring
wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price.
If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are
all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn.
Donovan & Son