The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1910, SPECIAL EDITION, Image 4

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    it . J I vi i.
NWS Sn&nshnii 'ie return fro,n Kurol,e of prominent Amerlenus was nn event of the week Georgo J. Gould ami his family and James Gor-
WCW 3HftpHUW lion ijeimctt were among the number landing at New York. Commander in Chief Samuel Van Sant of the G. A. R. Is to be
Of the Week succeeded by another to be chosen at the- national encampment nt Atlantic City soon. Former Lord Mayor of London Sir
William Treloar Is visiting the United States. Captain Dow of the Mauretnnla raced his giant vessel across the Atlantic for
a now record. Governor Stubbs of Kansas has called a meeting of governors and mayors to consider freight rates. President Woodrow Wilson of Prince
ten will lead New Jersey Democrats In race for governor. Mary Manncrlng, the actress, Is recovering from an operation In a New York hospital.
Metcalfe Bolts Head of Ticket
Richard L. Metcalfe, for some years
-acting editor of the Omaha World-Her-aid
and now associate editor of the
Commoner, although a life-long demo
crat, declines to support Mr. Daliltnan
for governor, and gives his reasons in
the following letter to Mr. Aldrich, the
republican nominee for that office.
"LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 17 Hon.
Chester H. Aldrich, David City, Neb-
Dear Sir: intend to give you my
.support in your candidacy for the of
fice of governor of Nebraska. I have
known vopr opponent, Mr. James C
Dahlman, for more than twenty years
and would not join in any personal
disparagement of him. On the con
trary, I respect him for certain sterl
ing qualities I know him to possess.
But bis nomination was secured through
the active and notorious interference 1
in democratic primaries of the liquor 1
intercstsand he represents, jidmittedlv,
everything the liquor interests desire
In the way of legislation. He promises j
to, approve a bill repealing tne a o'clock
closing law and to veto a county option
bill and in every way stands as the
frank, outspoken champion of the most
obnoxious of all the special interests.
,. "It would be difficult to make an
issue clearer than the one that has
been forced upon the people of Ne-
limcbn tVirr.ii I'll tlw hold and undisiMiis.
..... ....t,.. .
ed edict of the liquor trust, it is a
bigger question than 8 o'clock closing
and a more important one than county
option- Besides it the personalities of
of candidates sink into insignificance.
'Shall the people of Nebraska suirend-
, cr political power into the keepiug of
the liquor trust; shall they put the
stamp ot approval upon that trust's
executed threat to destroy a governor
who dared go counter to its wishes?'
That is the issue as I understand it.
"I resi ect every man's opinion on
this question, but I am unable to see it
in any other light thau that a vote for
Mr. Dahlman is a vote to deliver Ne
braska into the merciless keeping of
an institution that is responsible for
tnn mnv tpars and too much sorrow
to be entrusted with the government nf
this great state. j
"As a democrat from boyhood days
has served his party, I am relucant to I
Ffty Cents
175 Lots in Three Days
This is the opportunity of a life time
to own your own homo or to invest in Al
liance real estate. Just to think of our
selling 175 lots in three days, That tells
you what people think of our terms and
the beautiful location of this new addition
to Alliance. There are nearly luu choice
w trtcplofit from remaining unsold. Come
today and bring your friends. Telephone
No, 386 and we will hold any lot for you
and send our free carriage to bring you to
the grounds.
do anything that would even tempo
rarily separate mo from party organ
ization. But the democratic primaries
recently held were controlled by iepub
licans, voting under the leadership of
the liquor interests, rather than by
democrats; and if we must follow re
publican leadcrsnip then I prefer to
choose the sort of republican leader
ship 1 am to have.
"In the exercise of thi9privilege I
choose you as mk candidate; lor gover
nor and I am at your service. Yours
truly, Richard L. Metcalfe."
Bryan Campaigning for Democrats.
W, J. Brvan has begun a month's
campaign for the democratic ticket in
Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana and
Illinois. He made the following state-
I tnent last Tuesday in regard to the
Bituatiou in Nebraska, and the part he
wjji taie in the campaign in this state:
"I am just leaving Missouri and
snail be absent practically an 01 tne
time for about a month campaigning
in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Indiana
and Illinois. After that I shall be at
liberty to speak for Mr. Hitchcock, the
democratic candidate for congress, and
for the state ticket in Nebraska. In
speaking of the state ticket, however,
I shall not be able to ptesent any ar
guments in favor of the election of Mr.
t . .
His position on the liquor
question makes that impossible. I re
eret this exceedionly. for he has been
a political and personal fiiend fortwen
ty years, and it would give me pleasuie
to speak for him if I could endorse the
i i
We arc on the grounds day and night. Contracts delivered on the grounds. All payments made, at the office of
F. E. Reddish, Alliance, Nebr. Phone on the grounds No. 386 blue. Send for free carriage to grounds.
policy for which he stands, but he has!
chosen to make the liquor question the
paramount issue, and makes his appeal '
011 that issue In spite of the fact that
the last democratic state convention
voted down a declaration against coun
ty optiou by a vote of G37 to 202 lie
says that he will veto a county option
bill if passed, and in spite of the fact
that the state convention endorsed the
eight o'closing law by a vote of 810 to
163 he announces that he will sign a
bill repealing it if such a bill is passed.
He is making his appeal on non-parti
san lines with liquor question for the
sole issue. His courage is to be com
mended. It is an honest way of mak
ing a campaign, although it compels
him to separate himself from friends
who do not agree with him, and to rely
for speechmaking upon those domo-
crats and republicans who take this
view of the subject.
"Possibly it is just as well to have
the issue clearly presented so thatit
may be settled this year instead of two
years hence. Troublesome as the ques
tion is now, it would be even more em
harassing if presented in 1912 when
we have a presidential election on hand
If Mr. Dahlman is elected it will be a
declaration by the voters of the state
against county option and against fhe
eight o'clock closing law, If he is de
feated, it w ill be a declaration in favor
of county option and against the eight
o'clock closing law. In other words, the
voters now have opportunity to decide
whether the state shall go backward
or forward on the liquor question. To
present arguments in favor of going
European plan, entirely modern in every way
Good service, large sample rooms
Rates 75c and $1.00, with bath
$1.50. 'Popular prices at cafe.
You pay One dollar down and
Fifty Cents a Week tor
every lot
You pay no interest
You pay no taxes
You can sell or build anytime.
You can pay any sum
any time.
backward would not only contradict
what I have already said on the sub
jecj but would embarass me in the fight
that I expect to make hereafter to save
our party from being the odium of be
ing the representative of the liquor in
terests." Indians Make Records.
George Darling made use of a bunch
of the Indians who are at the Fair by
having them sing war songs into a
phonograph. They seemed delighted
with the opportunity of displaying their
vocal talents and we presume that the
records will be mighty interesting.
Democratic Campaign Book
The Democratic National Congress
ional Committee has issued its Cam
paign Book and is now distributing it.
The committee has no funds save as it
obtains them through contributions and
is selling the book at f 1 per copy, or
for 50c a copy of lots of ten or more.
The book is replete with valuable
matter and is said to be the best Cam
paign Book ever issued. Every demo
crat should have it and in this year of
democratic effort for supremacy should
gladly contribute to the committee by
purchasing the book. The committee
did valiant service in Maine with
notable results, and if democrats every
where will rise to the occasion, by their
dollar contributions, the democratic
sun will rise triumphantly, not to set
for fifty years to come. Send your
orders or contributions to F. F- Gar
ret, Treasurer, Democratic Campaign
Committee, 82i-i5th Street, North
west Washington, D. C.
Saves the housewife work and worry
Pardey's cottage bread.
Stop Paying Rent
Hone builders will begin to
build in Belmont addition
this week
Learn to Save Money
Teach your boy or girl to save
50c a week
Price of unsold lots
$75.00 to $135-00
a very few slightly higher
Cause of High Prices, Says Mi
nority Committee of Senate
.Majority Report Contradicted and Ab
surdity of Stand Pat Apologies Com
pletely Shown Up How to Lower
Prices Without Lowering Wages.
The report of the minority committee
of tlie senate rn wages 11ml prleeR nf
commodities, signed by Senators Jo
soph F. Johnston. James P. Clarke
and Ellison D. Smith, has been printed
as n government document. Every cit
izen who Is seeking Information on
the causes of the high cost of living
should have a copy. The report is
uhly written and contains some very
damaging criticisms of the majority
report Issued a few weeks before.
The minority (hid that the tariff Is the
main cause of the high cost of living,
and they make a strong case for this
view by giving specilic Instances of in
creases In duty followed by Increases
In price; also by comparing prices un
der successive tariffs.
The connection between high tariffs
mid high prices is shown as follows:
"Since lS'.M) we have hud four differ
ent tariff laws. The following table
Miows the average rate of duties ac
tually collected under each and rela
tive prices of commodities as reported
by Bradstreet:
able Tariff bill. goods.
McKlnley. 1SS1 and
t!s54 4S.G3
Wilson. 1535-1597 41.29
Dlngley. 183S-190S . . . . 47.47
All Im
ports. 22.3(5
1 Payne-AIdrich, 1910
"From these figures It appears that
(he duty on all Imports nvcragod 7 per
cent and prices HI per cent lower un
der the Wilson bill than under the
McKlnley bill and duties 2o per cent
more and prices 23 per cent higher
under the Dlngley law than under the
Wilson. These are strange coinci
dences If the tariff has no effect on
prices of commodities. These tables
show u close relation between tariffs
and prices that corroborates the Re
publican theory when they are fram
ing tariff bills."
As to President Tnft's stato-ncnt that
the Payne-Aldrich bill meant revision
downward, the report says:
"The president was misled into stal
ing In Ills Winona speech that because
the duties In more items lint, tieen re
duced than Increased there had been a
revision dowuward. This has been
clearly demonstrated by Hon. Champ
Clark In a spe-ch in the house on June
22. 1010. He said:
The Dlngley tariff consisted of items 2,024
Of these there were unchanged 1.1S0
Leaving changes In S74
Of these there were raises in 2J0
Of these there were reductions In. C54
"The president argued that Inasmuch
ns 054 Items were reduced and 220 in
creased there was a revision dowu
ward. it is an argument based on
numbers, not results, and Is fallacious.
The S.02I Items (Dlngley law)
yielded duties,342
Undci the Puyne-Aldrich laws:
The TJJ Items will yield
duties amounting to. tl3.2bl.3Cii
The tC4 Items reduces
duties 7.C3S.330
So the net Increase is tJ.C-13,038
"This is forcibly shown In the cotton
nud hemp schedules, where 200 of the
054 Items reduced are found, nearly
33 per cent of all."
Of the greed of the protected Inter
ests the minority say:
"Experience shows us that the more
they receive the larger and more in
sistent becomes their demand. Take,
as a good Illustration, our knit goods
Industry. Our Imports of stockings
for the lust ten years have never equal-
i an average of 5 per cent of our con
sumption. Less than f per cent of the
cheap foreign goods of pauper labor
mild mint over the Amerlcnn tariff
wall, and yet In fcplte of tills fact and
the fact that nlrcnuy they had a pro
tective tariff of from 51 to U7 per cent
they demanded last year and received
an increase to 88 per cent on that class
of goods used mostly by our citizen?
of moderate menus or small Income."
The majority had made the state
ment In their report that foodstuffs
such us bacon, bi'of. mutton, wheat
and corn were vastly dearer In Great
Britain In 1000 than lu the United
states. The minority give the lie to
this statement. They show by adding
the freight rates to the American
prices that no such difference In the
price levels Is possible. They add:
"Now. to say that the American ex
poiter sold his wheat here nt 70 cents
11 bushel Instead of shipping to Liver
pool at n cost of 15 per cent where he
could get nn advance of 30 per cent, Is
absurd, or that he sold his corn hero nt
38 cents when he could laniTlt In Liv
erpool at a cost of 20 per cent and
there obtain an advance of 01 per cent,
or that he sold mutton here at $7.27
when he could land It In Liverpool nt
a cost of 0 per cent and there get nn
advance of 105 per cent, or sold his
beef here nt $8.01 when he could ship
to Liverpool at a cost of less than 8
per cent and got nn advance of 32 per
cent. All this Is asking us to believe
some very unbelievable statements."
Agricultural readers who think they
derive an f-dv.-.ntngo from the tariff
will be Interested In the following:
"Whenever we produce any commod
ity largely In excess of the home de
mand the surplus must tlnd n market
In open and free competition with the
producers of that article nil over the
world. This foreign market fixes the
price of that commodity for the whole
worM. and no tariff we may Imnese
WHAT IS A LARGE Fforfiun-.
New England Cotton Mill Owner
Thinks Nothing Less Than Three
Quarters of a Billion Deserves That
Our protected monopolists appear to
have very different Ideas of what con
stitutes gieat wealth to those enter
tained by the rest of the community.
What we common people would call
n very cmnfoi table living they would
call starvation, and what we would
call being rich beyond the dreams of
avarice they apparently regard as
making a bare living. In these days
of swollen expenses and sparse sav
ings most people would think them
selves well off If they hud a fortune
of $10,000. But our bloated tariff ben
eficiaries have other staadards. When
they talk money they have no use for
j any denominator less than millions.
I Billions are the goal toward which
j their business plans are directed. The
following passage taken from the tar
iff hearings Illustrates this point. Mr.
Llppltt. It may be explained, is u rep
, resentntlve cotton mill owner In New
i England:
Mr. Longworth I do not know
J whether I understood Mr. Llppltt cor
rectly to say thnt no large fortunes
1 have ever been made lu this business
i In New England?
j Mr. Llppltt 1 think so.
Mr. Longworth My Impression Is
i thnt most of the Inrge New England
i fortunes hnve been made in It.
Mi. Llppltt We are not necustomed
to very Inrge fortunes in New Eng
Mr Longworth Then may I ask yon
what yon call a large fortune?
Mr. I.ippitt I would regard a for
tune of three-quarters of a billion as
a large fortune.
Of course we must make allowance
I for the fabulous notions of our tariff
pets. The Illusions from which they
suffer are of our own creation. We
have lifted them Into nn unreal world
where men reap without sowing and
where the struggle for existence is
unheard of. A period of sovero self
reliance would tend to sober them
Location of Belmont
This beautiful addition is on the high
est elevation plateau on Mississippi Ave.,
just FOUR BLOCKS from the Central
School and extends from Sixth Street to
Tenth Street.
'Our lots average 123 in price and you
know they are asking $380 for lots two
blocks farther away on the west side
where it is not so high and sightly.
Every lot is as level as a lloor, all in
good sod. Come out before the Fair crowd
or it will be too late.
-W-- ," "" "a-1 W -"3Sr8?T7 SvmmFS&r-