ww M w nmmmm i w ww .4 u GOOD STENOGRAPHERS Are Always in Demand. Careful attention is Riven to the welfare of each pupil m the 0IW u lira Denarlmcn O! ST. AGNES ACADEMY Call or Write for Infarmatioa vM.rT' Oliver and L. C. Smith Typewriters Used. wdi i HUBBllHIiHHIHimBBflRHailllllH Royal Entertainment THOMAS ELMORE LUCEY Poet, Actor, Artist, Imperson ator, and Singing- Humorist AT ALLIANCE Friday Evening, Sept. 30 At Phelan Opera House Under Auspices-of Epworth League. FOR ANYONE WANTING A Farm Adjoining Alliance AN OPPORTUNITY IS NOW PRESENTED THE EIGHTY ACRE TRACT SOUTH OP RAIL ROAD LAND southeast of the round house is now offered for sale, the first time since 1899. It is a beautiful tract of land, of very rich soil ,and joins to the townsite of Alliance. A very suitable place for anyone desirous of en gaging in the raising and training of horses, and also suitable for truck farming. . Correspondence solicited. The tract must be sold within the next 60 days F. M. BROOME Opera House Block Sole Agent Alliance Nebraska I. L. ACHESON Hardware Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Harvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block Special September Rates TO THE EAST: You can make an eastern trip at reduced rates any day, and for many eastern trips the limit has been ex tended to 6o days instead of 30 days. TO ATLANTIC CITY AND RETURN: Special rates, September r3th to 17th, for the Grand Army Reunion. LOW ONE WAY RATES TO THE COAST: General basis, only $25.00; August 25th to September 9th and October 1st to 15th to California destinations, and from September 15th to October 15 to the Northwest and Puget Sound. CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS: General basis, only $50.00 round trip, direct routes, September 1st to 7th and September 24th to 30th; $15.00 higher includes the Shasta Route. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS: 1 st and 3d Tuesdays. Irrigated lands assure a crop and values will greatly increase during the immediate future. Advise your friends in the east. Packed House Last Night. The Arington comedians are certain ly making good at the Phelan opera house this week. Last night the play was "Lena Rivers" and after chairs in addition to the regular seats had heen placed in the house and every inch of space occupied, even then a large num ber of people had to go away because of the house being packed. A company that can crowd the opera house to its fullest capacity is going some for it takes a big croud to fill that house. Tonight will be given the beautiful play "St. Elmo." Dont wait until the crowd gets to the show but get your re served seats at Uolsten's and avoid the great rush. The company will give a matinee tomorrow (Saturday) and close its engagement tomorrow ( night wheu 15.00 in gold will be given to the holders of the lucky numbers. "Flower of the Ranch" Tuesday. Playgoers do not want to forget that this big musical comedy drama to ap pear at the Phelan Opera House Tues day night of next week, September 27, is composed of a company of 40 people and is one of the biggest shows in that line that will be here this season, 'f lie press everywhere gives this company great praise for the excellence of the performance and the fine singing by the chorus of twenty pretty girls with all of the eicctrical and Spectaculur e fleets and beautiful costumes. It is a dollar and a half show but on account of the fair being here ahead of it the management has reduced the price to $1.00 for the best seats, also 75 cents and 50 cents for the gallery. The first number of the Lyceum Course will occur Thursday evening, Sept. 29, at the opera house at 8:15 Patrons holding season tickety may re serve them at Holsten's Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock and all day Thurs day. Addittonal tickets may be pur chased either at Holsten's or by phon ing J. M, Huston No. 113. Season tickets are good for one admission only of first number. Should holder of ticket miss a number tickets will be good at following attractions to the limit of tuo admissions at a single attraction- Siugle admission tickets re served seats 50c. Gallery 25c. Unique Entertainment , The teachers of the citv schools and Hoard of Education were royally enter tained Thursday, September 15, by the Alliance Woman's Club at the home of Mrs. Norton. After a unique and inter esting guessing contest, a program by the Club yvas given. Mrs. W. S. Warrick, acting as mistress of ceremonies, intro duced Mrs. Ponath, who responded with a beautiful piano solo. Mrs. Lunn followed with a popular reading, after which Mrs. Johnson rendered a vocal solo in her char acteristic pleasing way, Mrs. Rowan closed the program with two delightful dialect readings, Refreshments were then served consisting of cream and assorted cakes. The teachers were unanimous in their praise of the entertainment accorded, and left feeling that they had become better acquainted with Alliance school patrons, voting the Woman's Club the most hospit able hosts. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Phelan Opera House Tuesday, Sept. 27 Le Comte, Flesher & Wade offer THE SPARKLING, MUSICAL COMEDY "The Flower of the Ranch" By JOSEPH. E. HOWARD Composer of a score of successes Overflowing with Song Hits and Fascinating Girls 40 People Excellent Cast Beauty Chorus 200 Nights in New York 6 Months in Chicago Rear'Howard" Show PRICES: Reserved seats 75c and $1.00, Gallery 50c, children 35c, Seats on Hale Saturday Snaps in Box Butte Land Call in our office, Upstairs in the new McCorkle building, and t -r and let ustell you Of SffmV mighty cheap pieces of Box Butte , s , County land which we hayfe on our- list. We will be glad to t show them to you. NEBRASKA LAND COMPANY J. C. McCORKLE, Manager ALLIANCE, NEBR. PHONE 281 ? i E. T. Kibble (SCO. Sell Box Butte (S.punty Land 5ee Them Q Drugs Watches Paints, Oils Wall Paper and I Stationery Toilet Articles diamonds Visit our up-to-date Soda FountainExpert dispensers FRANK J. BREINiNAIN ON THE CORNER. 11 D a S 1 Groceries, Fresh Fruits I f milieu msaid, aim riuuiius Prompt Service Careful Attention t Low Pices t . w w w- . vjoo. ji. uuncan oc son Phone 32 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA s HSi