The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1910, SPECIAL EDITION, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald, s
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
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Special Sale
Lasts Only Three Days
or uhtil our stock now on hand
is gone. We are making room for
another car that is now rolling.
"-V:ctor,-fancy patent,-per sack
Red R, out second grade, per sack .
Ghite or yellow Corn Meal, per sack
Rye'Plour, 24-lb. sacks, per sack .
$!. 5 5
Phone 56
BftlC. KlDtaU A Co. Clolbtl.
Ladies' Skirts
We offer something exceptional,
in Ladies Skirts worth up to
6.00 at, - S3.9b Net
Men's Suits
Ours is the largestand
most complete stock
of clothing west of
Lincoln. No difference
what size or shape,
bring it here. We can
fit it at from
SG.00 to S35.00
Ladies' Suits
We show you all of the
n e w est styles and
weaves. These suits
are beautiful and su
perior in both quality
and tailoring at
S9.50 to S30.00
We have shoes to fit
every foot comforta
bly and at the lowest
price for good, dura
ble shoes.
10 Discount
for cash all this week
f .1 i
Crowd Largest ever on Fair Grounds
Taylor Spcakes to Big Audience
Thursday forenoon the fair program
was about the same as the day before,
except that the crowds were much larg
er and the Indian races and parade
appreciated much more. Every hoel
in the city is crowded and the manage
ment has been hard at work to secure
sleeping quarters for all the visitors.)
The crowd began moving toward the
fair grounds at the noon hour and by
two o'clock the grandstands and
bleachers were full. After music by
the baud the first on the program was
a speech by Hon. V. J. Taylor, rcif
Merna, Nebraska, who is candidate for
Congress on the democratic ticket. In
spite of the wind, which was quite
heavy, Mr. Taylor made a good speech
and was applauded time after time by
the audience.
Mr. Taylor argued that the tendency
of the present time is to reverse the
proper functious of the government.
In that ours was born at Plymouth
colony, by men looking for religious
freedom; and, established two centu
ries later in New England upon the
principle of equal rights. That fr6m
then till now we have passed through
three transitions of parties' uses.
First, parties were used purely for the
advancement of principle and recited
the contentions of Jefferson and Hamil
ton over state rights and a centralized
government' Second, parties became
the medium of politicians and their
contentions over spoils and cited the
Grant, Sherman, Hayes, Tilden times.
Third, and now, they have been sub
verted to the uses of corporations fc
their rule. - - &
He stated that thus from the early
principle of religious and individual
and equal opportunity, we have reach
ed our present condition where the
interests of property overshadow hu
manity and no longer does our gov
ernment perforin its proper function of
protecting the weak from the greed of
the strong.
He reminded his audience that he
had written Mr. Kinkaid proposing
joint meetings for the reasons that
large numbers could be reached and
the people compare their candidates,
records and things they stand for. He
said he believed Kinkaid would accept
his proposition and perhaps the next
time be came to Alliance Mr. Kinkaid
would be with him and tell the people
how much of his ability had been em
ployed in dethroning Cannonism. re
vising the tariff downward, and how
strenuously he had exerted himself to
prevent graft in the coal land scandal
in Alaska.
He closed by urging the voters to
support our legislative candidates be
cause they have conceded that U. S.
Senators should be elected by the peo
ple to the extent that they have de
clared that if elected they will vote for
the candidate having the most votes
and give as another reason that Hitch
cock is for the people Burkett, a
Hon. M. E. Haley, candidate for
stale senator, of O'Neill, who was to
have spoken, did not get in on time be
cause of the late train.
The races were good and the trick
and fancv roping was enjoyed by the
audience. Freeda Hartzell, the lady
crack shot, broke glass balls thrown
into the air while riding around the
track in an auto and brought the ap
plause of the crowds on her head. The
Indians attracted much attention, and
when George Moiling, Joe Vaughn and
E. P. Sweeney joined them in their
war dance, the crowd went wild and
the Indians seemed to be supremely
One of the most interesting exhibits
of the fair is the booth of the Agricul
tural department of the state, presided
over by Mr- G. H. Coons. The dif
ferent exhibits are placarded and the
weed seed contest lias many entries,
three prizes being offered to the person
giving the best list of weed seeds found
in samples of alfalfa- Dr. E. Mead
Wilcox, Prof, of Botany, arrived this
morning and will be one of the judges.
County CenTraTcommittee Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Dem
ocratic Central Committee in the office
of W. S. Ridgell, Chairman, in First
National Bank Building, at 2:30 o'clock
next Saturday afternoon.
The Alliance Grocery sells
six carloads per year of Crete
Flour Mills production. Their
special Hour sale tin's week is a
big one. Notice their ad else
whore in this p".per.
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In THE HERALD, They Bring Results