The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 22, 1910, Image 2

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    -"" i.:. .
1. Well. Here's How !
You can get into the
well-dressed circle at a
smalt expense. When
it conies to fixing you
up with correct clothes,
we will cater to your
particular whims with
"real" and not "sham"
pains. sThere's lot in
knowing1 how. We've
acquired this happy
faculty of selec t i n g
things that look becom
ing and smart to' the in
dividual. Choose yourself o r
let us. In either case
you'll get goods at
moderate prices.
B2f We're receiving
every day.
1 1
Mendacious Journalism
Box Butte
Reliable Grocer
A full line of Groceries, Provisions, Flour
and other goods usually found in a
first-class Grocery
Tele phone orders filled promptly
Phone 54
Alliance, Nebraska
S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Second St.
Reprinted from an article by Thoodore Rooiavelt In The Outlook, by SDectal
arrangement with The Outlook, of which Theodore Rooeevolt la Contributing
Editor. Copyright. 1910, by The Outlook Company. All Rights Reserved.
Sells all kinds of watches.
Prices right. We make a
specialty of the LEADING
of ail descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
DieiisLuinber fiCoal Co.
Phono 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Hardware and Harness
Quick iYleal Gasoline Stoves
Perfection Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves
Sole agent for the celebrated Deering
flowers, Binders and Binder Twine
Champion and Dowden
Potato Diggers
Special attention to Harness Repairing
Hemingford, Nebraska
In tho New York Kvenlng Post of
Friday, August 2G, thero appeared In
an editorial artlclo tbo following state
ments: " 'I will make the corporations como
to time,' shouted Roosevelt to the
mob. But did he not really mean
that he would make them come down
with the cash to elect him, as he did
before? For a man with Mr. Rooso
velt'8 proved record It Is simply dis
gusting humbug for him to rant about
tho corporations upon whoso treasur
ers he fawned when ho was president
and wanted their money for his cam
paign. Does he think that nobody has
a memory which goes back to tho llfo
Insurance Investigations, and that
overybody has forgotten the J50,000
taken from widows and orphans and
added to Theodore Roosevelt's polit
ical corruption fund? Did he not take
a big check from tho Beef trust, and
glad to get It? And now ho Is going
to mako the corporations come to
timet One can have respect for a sin
cere radical, for an honest fanatic, for
an agitator or leveler who believes
that he is doing God's will; but It is
hard to be patient with a man who
talks big but acts mean, whoso eye 1b
always to the main chance politically,
and who lets no friendship, no gen
erosity, no principle, no moral scruple
stand for a moment between himself
and tho goal upon which he has set
bis overmastering ambition.
" 'This champion of purity, this roar
er for political virtue, is tho man who
was for years, when in political life,
hand In glovo with tho worst political
corruptlonists of his day; who toadcd
to Iatt, who praised Quay, who paid
court to Hanna; under him as presi
dent Aldrlch rose to tho height of his
power, always on good terms with
Roosevelt; It was Roosevelt who, in
1906, wroto an open letter urging the
ro-electlon of Speaker Cannon, against
whom mutterlngs had then begun to
rise; It was Roosevelt who asked Har
rlroan to come to the Whlto House
secretly, who took his money to buy
votes In New York, and who after
wards wrote to "My Dear Sherman"
yea, the same Sherman reviling the
capitalist to whom ho had proviously
written saying: "You and I are prac
tical men.'"
The Evening Post la not In itself suf
ficiently important to warrant an an
swer, but aa representing a class with
whose hostility it is necessary to reck
on In any genuine movement for de
cent government, it Is worth while to
speak of It There are plenty of
wealthy people in this country, and of
intellectual hangers-on of wealthy peo
ple, who are delighted to engage In
any movement for reform which does
not touch the wickedness of certain
great corporations and of certain men
of great wealth. People of this class
will be In favor of any aesthetic move
ment; thoy will favor any movement
agalnBt the small grafting politician,
against the grafting labor leader, or
any man of that stamp; but they can
not be trusted the minute that the re
form assumes sufficient dimensions to
Jeopardize so much of the established
order of things as gives an unfair and
Improper advantage to tho great cor
poration, and to those directly and in
directly rosponslve to Its wishes nnd
dependent upon It. Tlo Evening Post
and papers of the ?-- - kind, and tho
people whoso views they represent,
would favor attacking n gang of small
bosses who wish to control tho Re
publican party; but they would, as tho
Evoning Post has shown, far rather
sco these small bosses win than see a
movement triumph which alms not
merely at the overthrow of tho small
political boss, but at depriving the
corporation of its Improper influence
over politics, depriving the man of
wealth of any advantage beyond that
which belongs to him as a simple
American citizen. They would be
against corporations only after such
corporations bad been caught In the
crudest kind of criminality.
I have never for ono moment count
ed upon the support of tho Evening
Post or of those whom It represents
In the effort for cleanliness and de
cency within theRepublIcan party, be
cause the Evening Post would support
nuch a movement only on condition
that It was not part of a larger move
ment for the betterment of Boclal con
ditions. But Uils is not all. In the
Etruggle for honest politics there is no
more a place for a liar than there Is
for the thief, and in a movement do
signed to put an end to the dominion
of the thief but little good can be de
rived from the assistance of tho liar.
Of course objection will be made to
my use of this language. My answer
Is that I am using It merely scientifi
cally and descriptively, and because
no other terms express the facts with
the necessary precision. In the ar
ticle in which the Evening Post cones
WE are showing-a full line of Juverkilc, Children's
Misses' and Ladies' Sweaters in all woofl, both single
and double breasted, and in all colors.
We also have ready for the trade a full" lijie of Forest
underwear for ladies and children. ThesiV goods come
in all wool and mixed, and. are acknowledged to be
among the best wearing garments on the nWket.
Children's Denton Sleeping garments in sizek from i toS
to the defense of those In present con
trol of tho Republican party In Now
York state, whom It has affected to
oppose In the past, the Evening Post,
through whatever editor personally
wrote the article, practised every
known form of mendacity.
Probably the Evening Post regards
tho decalogue as outworn; but If it
will turn to It and read the eighth and
ninth commandments, It will see that
bearing false witness is condemned
as strongly as theft Itself. To take but
ono instance out of the many In this
article, the Evening Post says: "It
was Roosevelt who asked Harrlman to
come to the White Houbo secretly,
who took his money to buy votes In
New York, and who afterwards wrote
to 'My Dear Sherman' yes, tho same
Sherman reviling the capitalist to
whom he had previously written, say
ing: 'You and I are practical men.'"
Not only la every Important statement
in this sentence false, but tho writer
who wroto It knew It was false. As
far as I waa concerned, every man
visited the White House openly, and
Mr. Harrlman among tho others. I
took no money from Mr. Harrlman so
cretly or openly to buy votes or for
any other purpose. Whoever wrote
the article in the Evening Post In
question knew that this was tho foul
est and basest He when he wroto the
sentence, for he quotes the same let
ter In which I had written to Mr. Har
rlman as follows: 'What I have to
say to you can bo said to you as well
after election aa before, but I would
like to see you some time before I
writo my message." I am quoting
without the letter before me, but tho
quotation Is substantially, If not ver
bally, accurate. That statement in
this letter to Harrlman Is of course
on Its face absolutely Incompatible
with any thought that I was asking
him for campaign funds, for it Is of
course out of the quesUon that I could
tell blm equally well what I had to
say after election if it referred 1b an
possible way to getting money vefi
election. This 1b so clear that
pretenso of misunderstanding is
positive of the basest dishonesty
whoever wrote the article ia question.
As a matter of fact, when Mr. Harri.
man called It was to complain that th
national committee would not torn
over for the use of the stats caa
palgn in which ho was interested
funds to run that campaign, aad to
ask me to tell Cortelyou to give blm
aid for the state campaign. Mr. Cor
telyou is familiar with the facts, Ib
other words, the statement of the Eve I
nlng Post la pot only false and mali
cious, Is not only In direct contradic
tion of the facts, but Is such that it
could only have been made by a man
who, knowing the facts, '"U'-cr-tSiy
Intended to pervert them. Such an
act stands on a level of Infamy with
the worst act ever performed by a
corrupt member of the legislature or
city official, and stamps tho writer
with the same moral brand that
stamps the bribe-taker.
I have seen only a telegraphic ab
stract of the nrtlclo, apparently con
taining quotations from It. Practical
ly every statement made in these
quotations is a falsehood.
To but one more shall I allude. Tho
article speaks of my having attacked
corporations, nnd, referring directly to
my Ohio speeches, of my having
"sought to inflame the mob nnd mnke
mischief." In those speeches tho
prime stand I took was against mob
violence as shown by the labor people
who are engaged In controversy with
a corporation. My statement was in
effect that the first duty of the state
and the first duty of tho officials was
to put down disorder and to put down
mob violence, and that after such
action had been taken, then It was tho
duty of officials to Investigate the cor
poration, and If it had done wrong to
make It pay the penalty of Its wrongs
and to provide against tho wrongdo
ing in the future. It is but another
Instance of the peculiar baseness, the
peculiar moral obliquity, of the Eve
ning Post that It should pervert the
truth In so shameless a fashion.
Cheyenne, Wyo., August 27, 1910.
The Only Way.
"Why did he leave all his money to
the black sheep of the family?"
"Ho said tho other children were
too good to go to Jail."
"And he wanted to fix It so the
black sheep would be too rich."
Wash Machines
If you are short
If you are tall
If you wish to stand up
If you wish to sit down
I jfllfJI
Ttoet v &A . Co .
Look Into tk Furnace
Before You Buy It
Then you will not 6uy one that will need look
ing into afterward. Don't buy one until you
have thoroughly investigated the
It is air-tight and consequently never leaks gas, smoke or dust, and
perfectly fitting drafts and dampers permit of the most accurate
The Round Oak Furnace burns anv kind of fuel hard or soft
coal wood or coke. All the ,heat
generated goes directly to the rooms,
none up the chimney or into the cellar.
Maintains a perfectly uniform fire,
burning at any desired speed. This
feature together with the fact that no
heat is wasted make it the most eco'
nomicalol all furnaces.
Write for our Interesting Furnace Book
"Warmth and Comfort." It ls free and
will be of value to everyone confronted with
a heating problem. We will furnith heating
plan made by nu expert. Riving proper loca
tion of furnace warm and cold air and all
' details If you send tt rough sketch of your
EtUleol P. D. BECKW1TI1. Dotuglac. Mich.
Forb.lel. AlHancei XebrasUa
Hartford Fire I nsmmnca Ciiriiimujr, Liverpool. London and L,lo'e Ins Co.
North American of iMilIailolphia. German American Ins.. Co. New York, J
Phoenix of Ulooklyn. New York. New Hampshire r
Continental of New York City. Coluuiblu rlre Insurance Company. .'
Nlaguru Klro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriter. f
Conuectlcutt Flro I'lioenlx In .'o.. Hurtfor t. Coua
Commercial Union Assurance Co., LondonKlremans 1'und Insurance Co.
Uormnnlu Hre ins, no itocnesteroemmn iiib. i o.
Stutuof Omaha Office ItvStnirs.Ilotcherlllock
Pa's Idea of It
Willie Say, pa,
what la
Pa Prido, my son, ia walking wita
a gold-headed cano when you ar S
Special Sale of Flouf
rui iim tin cc uajs ui lug ri.ur
Victor, fancy patent, per sack
Red R, out second grade, per sack
White or yellow Corn Meal, per sack .
Rye Flour, 24-lb. sacks, per sack
Remember this sale lasts only three days,
or until our stock now on hand is gone.
We are making room for another car
that is now rolling.
Alliance Grocery Company
1 1.40