The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 22, 1910, Image 1

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state Historical Socloty t
YWV' '
The Alliance Herald
Larcest CirdUllatlon
bi any JSIewspapsPr
Western Nebttt&
1 to ,3
NUMtiER 41
j ; Western Nebraafc
i, 'Sjk ' ! . it. ,, hi 11 iTJg
rSv ... . , , , , r. - - , , - ry4f " " "
Lm volume xvii. f m
1 1
: If-1 . 1
9F" . Hints to Pfpasers and Farmers
A. ' L m
-1 ' TNoW isj the time that you
'! Vr - ,ifcaliie oour season's work.
"1 f M As ydsell oour stock, pota-
t1! (J? toes" orlrrain, place your money
& m.i$f ' on PefEccount w'tn a reliable
t -( Pay your bills by check, which
IW , ;,,i" ' $ makesjIHl best kind of a receipt, ;
I " y-sf -. , ml , , . 1
7 ,. , ; j . ana aaia me worry aim uauger w
1 A f 3ttenc the carrying of large
vv $ ' c? sums.flmoney.
!,' ' , ' OuraMfices are always at the
' &ff w. &' i'i " dispell of our cuttomers and .
' S- ' "' .'cbUnlSfriends.
The Glaze Marble Works
Hemingford,JeforaskaJ :
Wieurnlrite 'gard VlotS; Sas' sav-
ting freight and agents1 commissions, which customers
.must pay when buying tfrarh agents of non resident
dealers. A full line of Monuments and Headstones in
our yard1 at Hmingford. You can see the marble
before ordering and can examine the work before
accepting it. Satisfaction guaranteed.
are all of the highest quality we
can get and are all examined crit
ically after we receive "them in
Btook here before a single onefe plaoed
on sale we do every thing in onr power
to be on the safe side. A good itbing
ifor you to remember-
ways give
Most of
for the
Lee, Mgr.
M. D.
Glasses Fitted.
ij. . .. . j
I rt,Jit5EAAjjUM-!
Office in Alliance National Bank Blk
Over Postoffice,
'Fhoce 391,
Mi 9 m
A i
; mil -mom
tyes 'es'eSlSSSI
In Front of the Palace Livery Stable
you can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will seod one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in ny way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
Hemoyal of Tailor Stop
Joe Orchowski, the tailor, inforcas
,u-s that he will move his shop this ueeif
from the Charters Hotel building to
tbe room formerly occupied by tbej
Golden Rod Bottling Works, 116
VVeet Third Street, oppoerte the post
office, where be will be better prepared
than -ever to handle a large business.
He has recently secured the service
of. his cousin, Edinont Hojmcski, an
expert cutter and coat maker of Toledo,
Ohio, who with his already competent
assistants, gives him the best working
force of up to-date tailors in this part
of the west. 4i-62n
Household furniture for sale.
Yellowstone street. 41-
Training School for Nurses
In connection with Mercy Hos
pital, conducted by the Sisters
of Mercy, is a Training School
for Nurses. Wanted, young
ladies to enter the Training
School of Mercy Hosj)ital at
Alliance. Apply to
Sister Superior.
The Fair Begins
Wednesday morning, opened- up
bright and sunny after the rain Tues
day uight, which was . fine thing,' for
it settled the dust and put thetrack
and roads in the finest of condition.
Prominent on the streets were the
tuauy Indians. They are camped on
the fair grounds, the many tents ar
ranged in & semi-circle, covering a
large area of ground.
The Fort Robinson Military Band,
which is furnishing most of the music
for the fair, opened st nine-thirty, with
a concert on Box Dutte avenue. This
was followed by an imposing Indian
parade led by Chief hase-in-tbe-Morning,
who is en old time warrior
and is reverenced by the Indians, both
old and young, big and -Jittle.
Next was a trapeze performance on
be street by Behee. These are given
both night and mornicg and are view,
ed by a largecrowd. The Indian boys'
race at eleven o'clock was won by &
cute little 'fellow we couldn't get' his
name perhaps he 6asn't one. "Get-There-inni-Hurry"
would be appropri
ate. Tire Indian -squaw race follow-d
this and was won by Maggie Romero.
She bad to fight to win it for the others
rode mighty hard too.
While it was cot expected thai the
crowd Hie first day of the fair would
be as'kirge as the next two, "the officials
were surpriscdnt the goad number of
people, both tc Alliance &d nUhe fair
t rousds.
'b the grounds are various booths' 5
occupied by 1he differesut interesting
exhibits- Gorge Darling 'hire a nicely
furnished booth in which -are exhibited
"iFree" sewing machines -oad talkinc
'machines. This booth ra attended-by
iacourteous -group of salesman whocure
itflad toexpkin the tuerlts of thciruw
toiines. ' ,
The Allicnce Cretarony ias aiood
(crowd continually attheirtent, attract
fod bv tbe "Free Buttermilk" -5cn-Ve
confesc that we were ettraclecLtao,
nd caroeucway sattsfietl. They otve
an exhibit of Empire vCream Sepac a
rtors whfch is very interesting. AvCse
rf ul piu tray souvenir is .given to all r in
rterested ic these esachioes.
The Newberry Hardware Compiny
have a acolene pcenpiuc outfit inron-
linuous operation. II "nv.kes an 'ner
estiBit KT-bti and v-s-of much io4ort
to the farmers and rantemen iatefcst-
ed in pvajeping plaats.
The arricultural -exhibit is t.ise as
' large as lost year and its very Int-srcst-
ing. Part of the xmlMt was at the
, state farn md is ttue one that took the
cake down there- T-Ie reason for it
can b plauinly seen for it's avfilly
hard, to beat. Be eurc to see it.
The boi5e racing was good, particu
larly the one mile dash. This was
made in ijS and was 'on by Abyttcs,
:first; Hallies McCciikc, second; -cud
JBic Black, third-
The Herald booth, .uhich is 2ocatd
just south of the ticJvet office, j;eto a
ood harevof attention, and tbe-vattra
copies of the special -edition for Vas-
eesday wereeagerly snapped up. That
dition, ae ell as thkocnd tomocroxvic
I editions, costains many scenes of Alii
atice and Box Butte cotnty and is of
ouch interest as a sourenir.
tafe? PaprjoseiBorn
j Hondayejutng, while the Indians
J v-r camping oa their way to Alliance,
At.a point about nine links northeast,
near the farm of John .Lawrence, Lil-
Jy Kuuuinghoree, who is cue wtte ot
George Runniuyhorse, a graduate of
CarlwJe, gave birth to a baby boy.
Tuesday morniticithe lady -was up and
walking around, aad brought the pa
noose ikito Alliance Wednesday morn
ing, and they are-Uking pant in the
pow-wows and dances tbe same as the
others. The little foUow is a lusty In
dian, like (lis father, mJio has been ask
ed to name him "B03. Butte itanning
horce." and he will probably do ro.
Darling Visits CiarfrflB
George Darling, president of the Box
Butte County Fur Association, return
ed Saturday from a visit to the Chad-
ron Fair, Jn an interview with tlw
Herald reporter lie stated that he was
eery well pleased with the corteous
I treatment accorded him by the Dawes
County Fair officials. The Box Butte
Fair Association wa6 also much pleas
ed with the attention given him as their
representative. The Dawes County
Fair was a success in every way and
thoFe in attaudance were well pleased.
W. 0, W. Pays.
Alliance, Nebr , Sept. 10, 1910
Mr. John T. Gates, Gov, Clerk W. O W
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Sir.
I am in receipt of warrant for $1,000.00
tocover beneficiary certificate No. 26202
held by my late husband Halleck E. Mac
Cray.. I also herewith return paper showing
selection of the Woodmen of the World
monument to b erected by your order.
I take this occasion to thank you for
your promptness and courtesy received by
the W, O. W. through Maple Camp of Al
liance. Woodcraft has, and always will
hold the highest esteem for the great work
it is doing.
Yours very truly,
Christiana M,cCrky
Conductor Eph, Stuart brought No. 43
to Alliance Tuesday.
Con. C. D. Reid is laying off. Con. Jim
Gaddis has tbe run
Conductor Earl Callendar and wife
spent last week visiting relatives near
Master Mechanic Stuby who has been
ofl for some time Is again able to resume
his duties,
Conductor Heizenbottle who has been
having a siege of typhoid fever is getting
along fine.
Mrs, Frank Chambers, of Kdgemont, is
in the city, the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Conductor Tourney of Ravenna is in
Alliance this week visiting friends and at
tending the fair.
Miss IVarl Ilillis has returned from her
trip east and Is again on duty in the tele
telegraph office.
Fireman J. J. Hyler who left here about
a year ago, has returned and again en
tered the service as fireman.
Eegineer Chas. Hancock of the S pear
fish aun came into Alliance Saturday. He
is on his way to Omaha on business.
Mr. Rolley Wilson who was promoted
-ob the east ead has-been sent to Alliance.
lie took No. 45 out Wednesday morning.
On Sept. 10 Eric me No. .1JJO went on
-(he ground at Weir- It too aoout eight
hours work and tour engines -to pu, borou
Fireci&a Carl Sorenson -who has ben
vormoou Mart-land Hill came to .Alli
ance atjpiom Dttr-24, and wiUaow -workout
ot Alluiice.
Engineer Bacon of the High line
has bean transferred to Alliance and will
move-his tamilyas soon as ho can .nod a
suitable home.
Eau end vConductor -Cown .came into
Alliance Tuesday evening with -a train
coosibting oi eighty-six stock cars, urhi.h
were West bound. ,'(
Biakeman Jendson -who has been on
freight for some time has .returned Jo the
paueager service, and .went out Monday
oo Mo. 44 as flagman.
Brakeman W. A- Hack has been Jaying
cil.abe result of a sptjuied ankle. Ou
Tuesday he went to Uelrnunt where he
wiU remain until be is able to work.
ilns. W. S. Hell and ion Sidney passed
through Aliiaoca luetday-on their way to
Hebron, Nebr. They will visit there for
two weeks with Mrs. Metros mother.
Conductor A;t Thon)pon oi -the Hot
Spates run ban resigned .and will go to
Deausr. Conductor Coats will hare the
ruo until Conductor CouthJn is ready to
taLe charge
JJx. L. It. Alkn, well known here, has.)
been. tianeral Superintendent.)
'with .headquarters at Xinccln. He suc-i
ceedsd General superintendent troupe
whones to Chicpgo.
TraiamasterVi ChieUCIert D, ,B. Wag
ner lelt for his iormtt hoane in JnJiana
Monday morning. On his return be will
be accompanied ttf Mrs. Wagner and Miss
Donna Wagner.
A switchman ic ihe .Deadwood .yards
fell from the top oivi car and broke .both
arms juv: above the .wrists. He was taken
to a hospital where hi is .restisg as aom
foriably,as could be-e.pect8d.
Conductor John Robinson who has beeu
Ijjn tbe 11 a: bprings un ine past
years naw u-kea an inrWintte lair on acd
.gone wett. Conductor lUarry Couthin has
U'd in tbe ti'a and uiJlaire charxre shore
jja wedcrtiday tt k .MCKeczie re-
ceU'ed the fed news of .tie deach of u
brother 10 Lincoln. I tie JJ tile fellow was
only one year old and bad act been v. ell
since birth. Mr. McKeorte was uaable
to leave in time or the f uneeal.
Mr. A. E. Davjc who left Lete about
.three wears ago trxjm the wae returrued
Jast Ftkiay on a tturiy-days' vacaiion H e the Mid Land Cen
tral out of Spokane. On Saturday he
ueut to Denver for a few days.
Dispatcher and Mra. Moshier, accom
panied by their daughter, Mrs. Clyde
Milkr, Jeit for a two week6, trip to Indi
ana points Monday morning. Mrs Mil
ler will vifcit with Mr. Miller's people at
Woodward, lou-a, before her return.
Brakeman Billy Vaughn uho is on an
ore run out of Lead met with a very pain
ful and serious accident on Sept. 16 while
switching near the Ben Hur mine, in
which be lost one leg and was otherwise
badly bruised. He was taken at once to a
Lead hospital. Mr, Vaughn is a toung
fellow who has been with the Company
for a year and it is a terrible affliction to
be thus crippled for life.
Clyde Miller, Clyde Bullock, Clarence
Miller, M. A. Hack. It. E. McKenzie.
Charley Fredericks, U. N. Hoskms. J. V.
uasue. operator uoseano, 11. C. Stern
berg and II. F. Willey were among those
who bought lots in the new Bellmont addi
tion to Alliance Judging by the way
lots have increased ia value in Alli
ance during the past year, these railroad
boys have made a good investment.
We have been asked to answer through
the auto department the question of
whether or not the ordinary speed indica
tor will work on either front wheel. As
speed indicators are now made they are
supposed to be attached to the right front
wheel and cannot be attached to the left
wheel unless a special attachment is used
as the indicator will not run backward.
It is presumed that on account of the large
number of autos which are now being
manufactured with the left-band drive in
dicators will be made with attachment for
the front left-hand wheel.
$rndttt, KloctlJ A C. ClolUl.
Ladies' Skirts
We cffer something excej)tional
in Ladies Skirts worth up to
S?&.00 tit, - - - - S3.9B Net
The Five Trier Sisters
wit will he 3t the Opera Ho tise in Alliance Thursday, Sept.
29th- T:hey .are the first number' on tlje. lecture, course.
Their program -consists of popular songs, solos, quartettes,
and violin selections. This is' the best entertainment of the
season. Be sure to be there.
t. . llitfi 91
I ffy I I'.'
A lumen cf south Wyoming demo
crat, passed through Alliance Monday
eiiroutf to the Wjcming democratic
state convention at Sheridan. W. H.
Hollidav and A N Hazencamp, both
of Laramie, were two of the number
who favored their friend, W. B. Par
ser, with a short call tfhile here. They
wanted to know when V, J. Brian
will be in Alliance, as they want to
hear him speak if possible on their re
turn ttip.
Mrs. E. Reeves returned home Tues
day noon from a visit with her con,
B. I). Keeves. who has a large farm
under the government caual one and
one-half miles from the new town of
L ingle, Wyoming, Lingle is located
just above Torriugton, and has the
promise of becoming a good little town.
Mr. Keeves was formerly an Alliance
boy and as very popular here iu social
Guy Mart of Orlando came to Alli
ance Tuesday with his wife and little
girl for them to take the train for Rus
sell, Iowa, where they go to visit relatives.
Men's Suits.
Ours is the largest and
most complete stoclc
of clothing west of
Lincoln. No difference
what size or shape,
bring It here. We can
fit it at from
$6.00 te $35.00
Ladies' Suits
We show you all of the
newest styles and
weaves. These suits
are beautiful and su
perior in both quality
and tailoringat
$9.50 te $30.00
We have shoes to fit
every foot' comforta
bly and at the lowest
price for good, dura
ble shoes.
1096 Discount
for cash all this week
Get Tickets Now
Friday Evening
September 30th
"He comes with a smile,
a story and a song.
Auspices of Epwortb League
Order of Services
Sunday Masses, 7:00. 9.00, and 10:30 a
m . except on the third Sunday of every
month when the order is 9:00 and 10-30 a
m. Evening service every Sunday even
ing at 7 30. Hev. W, L. McNamara, Pas
tor '
Services for the week commencing Sun.
day, September 25:
Sunday Morning Prayer and sermon
at 11 u. in
Sunday Evening Prayer and sermon
at ;30,
Friday Choir practice, 8 p. m.
The services on Sunday, both morn
ing aud evening, will be conducted bv
the Rev. Henry Ives. Shall there be a
good congregation to meet hlra?
HhNHY Hakbib, Rector.
Dr. F. M. Knight, president of the
Alliance National Bank, returned Mon
day evening from his summer vacation
in the Black Hills.