The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 15, 1910, Image 4

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Have you a Savings Account?
Does your pay check earnyou 4
interest ?
Come in Saturday.
- klllll - -Ti'"ay ' secy
Firetnon J. .1, MoNnmarn has re
signed and pona to Denver.
Fireman J. V. Cralp 1ms been sent
to Seneca to work on tho switch en
gine R. J. Uurko ami It. E. Mclv,cn-n.
zlo relumed Sunday from Lincoln
where they had been visiting the State
l-'alr. t
Con. U. N. Iloslrins who has been
laying; off, tho result of a fall at Edge
mont Is much better and expects to re
port for work soon.
Train Master Orlggs of Sterling was
in Alliance Monday making arrange
ments to move his family to Sterling.
Brakcman D. H. Carpenter returned
Wednesday morning from Loup City
where he has been visiting. Ills wife
will stay a week or ten days longer,
Mrs. Dan Wagner left Sunday morn
ing for a three weeks trip to her for
mer homo in Indiana. Mr. Wagner
expects to go about the 20th and they
will return togetticr.
Conductor W. Heisvenbuttlo lias
been confined to his homo the past ten
daws with typhoid fever. Ho was tak
en sick at Edgomont and had to dead
head home. Reports from his homo
Wednesday say ho is slightly better.
Conductor C. E. Calender, extra
west run over and killed a man at Mul
lln Saturday night. It is supposed he
was stealing u ride. Tho body was
not found until after tho train passed
and the train crew knew knew nothing
about It until the ngent at Ilecla told
llraketnan Rhoo who Is braking for
W. W. Johnson lost tho first two joints
of his little linger Saturday night at
tho Alliance stock yards, They were
unloading stock, uml ho wont to pull
the air uml caught his finger. He was
taken at onco to the doctor and had
the finger dressed. Ho will bo on the
relief for some lime.
Denver passenger men who called on
brakoman Hughs nt tho hospital Tues
day say thut ho is not yet out of dan
ger, lie has a strong, healthy eonstl
tutlon and is making abravo fight for
his life. The wound where ho was
stabbed Is just below thu ribs on the
left side. Tho knife had a three and
one-half Inch blade. The operator is
locked up and no charge will be made
against him until tho result of the
wound is learned. t
Tuesday morning the body of an un
known-man, supposed to be a tramp,
was discovered at Ellsworth by the
crew of an extra stock train. The
body was badly cut up and was prob
ably run over by number forty-one.
To an outsider the life of a passenger
brukeman looks to bo a snap. Nothing
to do but wear a handsome, becoming
uniform and make eyes at tho ladies.
Hut tho ono who went from Seneca to
Ravenna last Monday on No. 40 can
tell a different story. In that distance
he helped to load COO cream cans. Who
could keep a uniform presentable after
such strenuous labor.
Quite a change was made this week
in the east end passenger runs, Mr.
Eph Stuart has moved to Ravenna and
w'll run on 39 and 40. Mr. James Cad
dis will move back to Alliance and
run west out of here. As soon as Col.
Betobenner reports for work Col. C.
E. Iicnuctt will come back to Alliance.
Conductor Cunningham who has been
acting ns yard master at Seneca has
been relieved ami will again run on
the main lino. W' M. Cumralucs Is
acting yard master until a new one is
appointed. '
llraketnan Thomas Hujrhs with Con.
Hacket on No .103 was stabbed in the
back by an ex-operator at Keensburg,
Colorado. It seems that some time
ago this operator was discharged for
neglecting ins duty and lie blamed this
train crew for reporting him as he
supposed. Ho was at once arrested
and taken to Hudson, Colo., where he
will be held until later. If Hughs does
not get well It will bo a cose of willful
murder. At present Hughs is in the
St Lukes hospital in Denver and is
slowly improving. Young Hughs has
many triends here who are very indig
nant over him receiving such cowardly
cruel treatment
Engineer E, R. Morrison who has
had a passenger run for several yours
has bid in a Crawford hill job and is
now working there He has one of
tho Mnlley compound engines. Mrs.
Morrison went up Sunday to visit and
to sec about getting' a house. The Mor
rison family will be greatly missed
here by their many friends. Mrs. Mor
rison is a member of the O. I. A. lodge
and the It. N. of A., and both orders
will lose a good helpful member when
she moves away. Rut such Is railroad
life. Alliance today, and either Ster
ling, Crawford or Ravenna tomorrow.
Classified Advertisements
For SaleHouses, Etc.
Six lots, Duncan's Addition, for sale.
Phone 316. 33-4
A modern, six room bouse for sale at
a bargain. Iuqutre at George Sny
der's. 4b-tf
Real Estate
Fine quarter tine land citEAr.
I have a fine, level quarter-sectiou of
Box Butte county land, two miles from
Hemiugford, in the best farming sec
tion of the county. Will offer this for
quick sale very cheap, on reasonable
terms. If vou are interested will give
you full particulars or show it to you.
Box 1198, Alliance, Nebr. 38tf
Nine room modem house at a bar
gain if taken soon. A. E. Mantz,
809 Box Butte. 39-2wk.
Eight room house, partly modern,
barn, two lots, for sale. 900 Yellow
stone avenue. Phone, Green iGG-40-iot
Repairing, Etc..
The best equipped shoe shop in
northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D.
Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash
Shoe Store. First-class work quicklyj
done, at reasonable prices. 40tt
New laundry, first-class work, satis
faction guaranteed, prices reasonable.
"Rough dry" work a specialty- Laund
ry collected and delivered. Phone 413.
C. B. Johnston, 318 W&t Fourth St.
. 39tf
The C- W. Way Co., Architects,
Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you
with plans and specifications for any
class of building you wish to erect.
Ask them for information. igtf
Employment Wanted
wife on ranch. Both experienced in
ranch work. Good reference. Phone
349 Herald office. 40-3t
Wanted Work by day or take wash
ing home- Phone 485 blue. tf
Live Stocib Poujtry, Etc.
Three milk cows, two sows, and
eleven pigs for sale. Inquire Teater
Brothers. Phone 19. 40-tf
Cattlemen, Notice
FOR SALE Seven youne shorthorn
.bulls, ranging from one to three years,
and twenty-seven cows and heifers, all
Scotch topped. Every one registered
before sole. A. Finnertv,
39-4 Ayr, Nebraska.
Attention, Farmers!
If you have any kind of cattle for
sale see ja3, Feagius or Oscar Braman,
or call at Room 3. McCorkle Bldg. 34-8
Furnished Rooms for
Rent, Bath and Electric
Light. Inquire 321 Third
St. Phone No. 582. tf
Help Wanted
for our Custom Made Skirts. Strictly
made to measure. High earniug for
ode with good references. Custom
Skirt Co., 8th & Broadway, Kansas
City, Mo. 3Q-2t
Wanted To Rent
three unfurnished rooms in modern
private residence- Call at Herald
office. Phone 340. tf
To Rent
Barn room to rent, stalls for one,
two, three or four horses- Hay mow
and granary in connection. Inquire at
Herald office or call up phone 175.
LOST A Marks saddle. Between
Alliance and Canton Sat., Aug. 27.
Reward of teu dollars will be paid for
Return to F. R Allen at Checkered
j Front Livery Barn. Saddle marked
Household Articles
An immense stock of household art
icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods
and notions, on which you can save
money at the Bee Hive.
Shoe Shining Machines
Sr -SNV-v"wNrv.
When you want your shoes shiued
right and in a hurry drop into the Alli
ance Shoe Store, 306 Box Butte Ave.,
and have the work done by one of
those wonderful electric shoe shining
machines. Two machines, one for
black and one for tan shoes. It takes
only a nickle in the slot, and in three
minutes both shoes are giveu a first
class shine. The work is done by sets
of brushes rim by electricity, and can
not hurt the tenderest feet. 36-tf
I have 5,000 bushels of fine potatoes
for sale. See me before you fill your
cellar. Fred Countrynan. Phone
Red 154. 38-tf
to loan on real estate.
F. E.
S. Gliddeu has returned to Alli
ance and is ready to do all kinds of
odd jobs of work. Phone 116 red. 3gtf
BIDS WANTED. For 200 tons,
more or less of lignite coal, delivered
at the various school houses, All bids
must be in by October :st. D. W.
Hughes, Secretary Alliance School
Board. 40-3t
Get your school supplies and candies
at the Bee Hive. 36-tt
Cottage for sale at a bargain,
quirr at The Herald office.
Save Your Old Papers. . v
The Woman's Club of Alliance havo5
informed us that on the second Satur-J
day in October they will collect all the
old papers, magazines, or old paper of
any sort that will be saved and given
to the club. This popular woman's
organization, which is accomplishing
a great deal for Alliance, want to col-
lect and ship a carload of old paper.
Anyone who will have old papers of
any kind aud will donate it on that
date should notify Mrs. E- J- Wilson,
phone 362; Mrs. M E. Johnson, phouo
382; or Mrs. Dr. C. E. Slagel, phoue
52, and a dray will call for the papers
on that date.
Notice is hereby given that Mrsl
Ella Bone having left my board aud
bed, I will not be responsible for any
ueuis mai lust) uo i,uuiioi,i5u uj u(
F. M. Bone.
Preparing for Winter
Now that the vacation days are over,
there are numerous fall arrangements to be
made. The summer clothes must be packed
away, the winter ones made ready to wear, and
a hundred little worries come with the change
of the season.
All these things are much move easily cared
for if help can be summoned at the right moment,
and instruction given without a personal visit.
The Local and Long Distance lines of the Bell
System enables anyone to send the right word to
the right place at the right moment.
Universal telephone connections areas
essential as universal postal service.
An Alliance Lot
Learn to save your money
No interest, no taxes, no payments when sick, you can sell or build any time
perfect title, free abstract, don't miss this chance,
the opportunity of a life time
Our beautiful new addition to Alli
ance Friday, Sept. 16
Come Friday
Come Saturday
Come Sunday
We sell day and night. Our office on the the grounds is open from 7 am. until 8 p. m. Contracts delivered on the ground. Bring
your dollar and select your lot. Buy a lot for your boy or girl, they will need it some day. All payments are made at the office of
F. E. REDDISH in Opera block.
Look At These Prices
$75.00 to $185.00
A very few slightly higher
Over 4,000 happy home buy era have bought lota on
these terms in Omaha, Nebr., and thousands more in
other cities. Bring your dollar at once and get a lot
in the best addition we ever platted.
A Dollar Down Then
Fifty cents a week.
This beautiful addition of high, sightly
homcslghts, lies immediately north of Fair
grounds and ts only five blocks east of the
Court House and School house on Arizona,
Colorado and Nebraska streets.
Remember" thero are only a limited uumber of lota only five blocks from tho central business street ami
we will sell ovory lot for ONK DOLLAR down and FIFTY GENTS A WEEK until fully paid. We have
purchased this land from tho Lincoln Iind Co., own It ourselves and sell It on our own term's. Think of
owning your own homeslte for 50 cents u week in a part of Allianoo where any man or woman would ba
proud to live, no taxes ov lntent to pay and no payments when sick. Theso lots average $100 cheaper In
price than lota ar selling for two blocks farther from the Court House west or north and no lots In Alli
ance are as high and sightly.
OUR RBCORD We Sold 076 lots on these
terms in 5 days and nights In South Omaha
We sold 030 lots in 4 days and nights In
Omaha on these tcrme. We sold 475 lots in
5 days and nights on these terms at Sioux
City. 240 lots in Sioux Falls In 3 days and
nights on these terms.
The price of every lot
Is marked In Plain figures on the lot, when
you select your lot take offths'ag and
give your dollar to the Salesman.
"Every person who Invests in well selected rail estate In a growing secUou of a prosperous r commu
nity adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate Is the base3 of all
wealth," Theodore Roosevelt.
We firmly believe Belmont Is in a "growing seotlon" and Alliance a "prosperous community."
Leapn to Save
Save 50c a week by puttl ig it in a lot that
is bound to Double In value. One man got
10 lots, one for himself, vIfe and each child
3ST. :F- DODGE &Co. Omaha, IF. E3. IESIDIDISH, LocaiAet.