The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 08, 1910, Image 1

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State- HlalorlcAl Society- ,,", -
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The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
i to a
NUMUErl 39
13 DAYS till the BOX BtJTTE CO.
Wednesday, September 21, 1910
x Thursday, September 22, 1910
Friday, September 23, 1910
The First National Bank,
At Alliance, intho state of Nebraska, nt tho
close of business, September 1, 1P10.
Loans and discounts. ..... , . .....M5,!60 38
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured,. 257 r?o
IT. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.... 50,000 00
U. 8. lionds to secure V. 8. Deposits. 1,000 00
Banking house, Furniture, and Fix
tures 10,000 00
Duo from National Ranks
(not rcservo agents). ...... 1,040 28
Duo from State and Private
Banks 2,201 30
Duo from approved re
serve agents 130,162 61
Checks and other cash
Items 2,26314 '
Notes of other National
Banks 1,120 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents , 250 21
Lawful money reserve In
bank, viz:
Specie 15.611 05
Legal tender notes. 2.500 00 1M11 05 156,064 78
Redemption fund with U. S. Treas
urer ,.,., 2.50S 50
M35.3S5 55
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000 00
Surplufund , 50,000 00
Undivided profile, lees expenses and
taxes piild 11,123 CO
National Bank Notes ouutandlng., 50,000 00
I) n e to other National
Banks 7.135 SO
Duo to State and Private
Banks and Bankers ...... 0,333 70
Individual deposits subject
to Check ..327,086 32
Demand certificates of dc-
soslt 11.501 78
TimecertllicatM of deposit 12I.1M 76
Certified checks outstand- '
iui? 10 83
IJnlted SwteBepttw-M8MlM74l3(lUMI
Total. ...v iC33,355
t'onnty of Box Htmc. f "
1.8. Iv. Warrick. C'astrlcrof tbo nbove named
hank, do solemnly swear Unit tliu above
htatement is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. S. K. Wahuick, Uushler.
ConnECT Attest:
it. M. 11A5I1TO.V,
A. . Rkeii. y Directors.
Cuas. E. 1 obd,
Subscribed ana sworn to before me this 3rd
day of Sept., 1010.
Iseali Eugene Buhton,
Notary Public.
My Cotnmisfclon expires July 7th, 1012"
Fair Breaks All Records
Box Butte Exhibit Best
LINCOLN, Nebr., Sept. 7.
(Special to The Alliance Herald.)
They are all here, the Box
Butte bunch, Douglas, Patter
son, Lorance, O'Keefe, Kibble,
Newberry, Reddish, and several
others including yours truly.-
The fair is the biggest thing
I've ever seen. The attendance
so far is more than double any
provious year. The grounds,
which are very large, are com
pletely packed and the people
move in throngs. Every hotel
in Lincoln is crowded. Next
time I come I will reserve a room
in advance. Many people are
finding it necessary to sleep on
cots or stay up.
The agricultural hall is packed
with exhibits and the universal
expression of opinion is that Box
Butte county leads them all. If
the county fair is not crowded
the latter part of this month it
will he a suprise to us. Every
one wants to know about western
Nebraska and the extra edition
of last week's Herald has been
eagerly snapped up. The land
literature is being read by thous
ands and will result in a great
influx of new settlers into the
The fair is certainly coming up
to the expectation of all. Many
acres of ground are covered by
the large tents full of displays
of machinery, from threshers in
full operation to cream separa
tors and pumping plants. It
would take a couple of days to
cover the exhibits thoroughly.
The aeroplane exhibitions
haw been one of the biggest
drawing cards but on Tuesday
aviator Archie Hoxey was near
ly killed by hib large Wright bi
lpane being wrecked on one of
the barns. His exhibitions have
been full of excitement and sev
eral times he rose to a height of
hundreds of feet, sailing away
nearly out of sight over the city.
A rw tiithi)1' was wired for
ti( lii'uat' .it't' ' tlm 'niurnt
and a 'l j 1" T ,-s i
TiiNiusait , ijf ""tng
Paid on
Pvv J !-. - '"" '"" frt-
and the big grandstand is packed
full all day long. The fireworks
are the most brilliant I have ever
seen and are worth going many
miles to see. The Labor day
parade in Lincoln was two miles
in length. The sidewalks were
lined with cheering thousands.
Many Alliance people have
been here, among them being
Harry Johnson and wife.
Prof. Hayes, formerly super
intendent of Alliance city schools
and now president of Peru Nor
mal, is here with a normal edu
cational exhibit. He was much
irterested in the Box Butte ex
hibit. C. O. Aspenwall, formerly
mayor of Alliance, now manager
of the gas engine department of
the International Harvester Com
pany, is here with their exhibit.
Dr. WiJcox, Prof. Hunt, and
other prominent state men and
dry farming experts are all here
in force and are all mightily
glad to see the Box Butte exhib
it. Now for the Box Butte County
Fair, the last of the month.
Make it a big one and a good
one. The people will be there.
Lloyd C. Thomas.
Another Ep worth League Musicale
Encouraged by the sucqess of the
musicale given August 23, the Epworth
League will give another on Friday
evening, September i6th, at the M, E.
church. More work is being put on
the preparation for this, the second of
the series of the musicales, than was
given to the first, which was a pro
nounced success. Completed program
will be published in The Herald next
Seal skins, Otters, Mink, Heaver,
wear seal and pouey coats. -Martin,
Sable, Lynx, fox, chinchilla bets and
fuis of ovety dUcription, at the Drake
Hotel, Saturday, Sept, 10th, G. E.
Shubert of Omaha.
W, A. Hood, well known farmer and
ranchman of Liberty precinct, was in
Vlianre Mondav He is a good demo
c it ari si i r his aprei latlnil of Th"
H ' ' v tt r J,. h , rtr I
Jbral tc 'ill.
"Faust" Next Wednesday;
Alliance play goers will welcome the
opening of the theatrical season next,
weunesuay night, beptetnoer 14, wnen,
the great play of "Faust" will be pre
sented by that popular actor Mr. Sand"
ford dodge supported by Miss Adelia
Nickerson and a capable company of
15 people. The play is too well known
to playgoers to call for any extended
comments and it remains to be said
that the company presenting it is one
of the best ever collected together by
Mr. Dodge. This is the same company
that filled the Broadway theatre in
Denver on August 24, with an enthusi'
astic audiance the verdict being thatt
Mr. Dodge is now at bis best. The
same company a few nights ago play
ed to a $247. house at McCook and '
success is 'greeting them everywhere?
they are playing this season. Alliance
is the only place that Mr. Dodge,
willing to play at less than one dollar 1
top price, but having been treated so.'
well by Alliance people during the past
ten years, he has couseuted to reduce (
the top price to 75 cents and 50 cents,
for the poorer seats. It is hoped that
bis company will be greeted by a full
house next Wednesday for he certainly
produce the goods.
Death of Little Boy
Allen LeRoy Trenkle, son ,of Mr,,
and Mrs, Sam Trenkle, died Saturday,
Sept. 3, 1910, age 3 years, 2 months
and 14 days. The funeral was held at
the home, 5 miles northeast of Alliance,
Monday, Sept. 5. at 2 p.m., Rev. Nolte
conducting the service. Interment was
in Greenwood cemetery. The be
reaved relatives have the sympathy of
many friendp.
Mrs. Mary Ellen McFall, daughter
of Geo- W. and Mane Harvey, was
born in Ohio in 1848. In 1855 they
moved to Scotland county, Mo., where
she grew to womanhood. She was
united in marriage to C. E, McFall in
the year 1875. To this union were
born six children, namely, Essie M.,
Elmer A., George F., Roy H., Rudy
R. and Mina M. All (except Essie M.,
who departed this life in 1905) were at
the bedside to cate for the dear mother
who had reared them all to manhood
aud womautiood and taught them the
Christian faith which she enjoyed.
Mrs. McFall united with the M. E.
church in 1873 and has been a faithful
Christian, teaching the Faith, which
has illuminated her pathway all through
life and was the great "Comforter" in
the sad hour of death, which occurred
Sept. 3, 1910.
Deceased, with her husband and
family, came to Nebraska in 1S93,
where she has lived surrounded by her
family who ministered to her every
want and care and sorely mourn for
the dear wife and mother gone before.
The funeral seivice was held in
Lakeside, Nebr., Monday morning,
conducted by Rev. I. E. Nojte of Al
liance. The body was brought to Alii
ance and interred in Greenwood ceme
To our many kind neighbors and
friends who assisted us during the
sickness and death of our dear wife
and mother, we most sincerely thank
eacti and all of von.
C. E. McFall and Family.
W. C. T. U. County Convention
Box Hutte County Convention of the
W. C. T. U. will meet in the First
Presbyterian church in Alliance Thurs
day, Sept. 15. at 3 p.m. A full at
tendance of members and friends of
the organization is desired.
Announcement to Ladies
A special complimentary lecture will
be given by Mrs. A. G Abbot at the
M. E. church, on Tuesday, Sept. 13,
at 3 o'clock. Subject: "What Women
Ought to Know-" Admission free.
Exclusively to ladies. Lunch erved.
Alliance Circuit M. E. Church
There will be service at Fairview
and Iierea uext Sunday at 11 a. 111.,
and 3:30 p. in. rebpectivejy. These
will be the last services of this con
ference year aud a good attendance is
Miss Josie Cunningham, who has
b en -ttf I g Mie reunion an 1 liti"
rrr, ;it V lt 1 t, r (. 1 1
tl ' At ,
The Alliance National Bank
CIIAltTKR NO. 6057,
At Allinnce, in tho Statu of Nebraska,
tlio close of business, Sept. 1, 1010,
Loans and discount ,
.SP8,848 03
Overdrafts, secured rind unsecured
473 41
U.S. bonus U r-ocuro circulation....
U. 8. Honda to socure U. 8. Deposits
Premiums on U. B. Bonds
Harming house, furniture and fix
tures ,
Due from national banks
(nut resurre agent)...,. .12,529 18
Duo from State and l'rl-
50,000 00
iS.000 00
3,823 22
Trust Companies, nnd
Savins Bonks 101 45
Duo from approved rcservo
ngcnU 00,27523
Check and other cash Items 2,008 10
Notes of other national
banks 3000
Practlonal paper Currency,
nickels and cents 22502
La-wtul, Money Heseiivk in
dank, viz:
iSSuendwiitAVs: aSm oo 10.734 70
iteuetiiptlon tunu Willi
.treasurer (5 uer cent of
circulation) 2.500 00 115,756 77
Total 1513,000 02
Capital stock paid in ...I 50,00000
Surplus fund 40,00000
unuivicieu proms, nsuxpeubesunu
taxes paid
National back notes outstanding...
120 07
ime 10 suite ana rnvaw
Hanks anil Hankers..... fi.fl.Kl fm
I Individual deposits sub
ject to check 255,55057
Demand eertlllcates of do-
v poMt. 10.50238
mine certificates of deposit 08,368 03 373,770 05
f Total !!.' ...JMumM
1, P. V. Harris, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that tho
above statement Is true to tho best of my
knowledge, ami belief.
P. W. llAiuiiH, Cashier,
ConnrcT Attest:
P. M. Knioiit, I
W, II. Uoiiiiin, Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo tills 3rd
day of t-ept., 1010.
seal 11. P. Oilman,
Notary Public.
My Commission Expires Dec. 27, 1011.
Dawes County Fair.
The Dawes county fair will be held
at Chadron next week, Sept. 14 to 17.
The management promises the best
fair ever, and extends a cordial invi
tation to readers of The Herald to at
tend, which we hope many will be able
to do.
Big Doings at Kemingford
Saturday. Sept. 17,' will be "Boost
ers Day and Potato Carnival" at Hem-ingford-
Extensive preparations have
been made for a big time. Program in
The Herald next week. Meanwhile get
ready to attend.
W. C. T. U.
The Alliance V. C. T. U. mot with
Mrs. Reeves Tuustjuy afternoon, Sept.
0th, this bulny the liniil meetlug' for
the W. C. T. U. year. .Reports were
madu out and plans made for the new
year. It was voted to change the date
of ropulur meetings from tho second
and fourth Tuesdays to the second and
fourth Thursdays of each month.
Mrs. W. It Young and Miss Mable
Voting are the delegates elected to at
tend the statu convention to be held at
Falrbnry, Sept. 2d to 30.
OlHcers und superintendents were
elected for the ensuing year, n list of
whom will lu published in nb.Nt issue
of Tho Herald.
Tuesday afternoon F M. Broome,
agent for the Lincoln Land Co., sold to
N. I Dodge & Co. of Omaha, the
forty acre tract north of the fair
grounds' Suivevors arc now at work
platting out a new addition, the lots
for which will be placed on the market
during the week of the fair.
are all of the highest quality we
can get and are all examined crit
ically after we receive them in
stock here before a single oue is placed
ou sale we do everything in our power
to be on tlm safe side. A good thing
far you to remember.
Phillips Grocery Go.
We always have on hand a full line of 5taple
and Fancy Groceries, and can save you money by
giving you the best of everything in the grocery line
fpr your money. . - . ' ,
We also, make a specialty of fresh fruit and veget-
ables aritf our' stock is always fresh. .Try a sa'ck of
Seward Flour put up and
A full line of groceries, queensware and fresh
Give us a trial order.
The Glaze Marble Works
Hemingford, Nebraska
We receive our marble in car load lots, thus sav
ing freight and agents' commissions, which' customers
must pay when buying from agents of non resident
dealers." A full line of Monuments and Headstones in
our yard at Hemingford. You can see the marble
before ordering and can examine the work before
accepting it. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Miss Jennie M. Kennedy
Post Graduate (in Piano)
of Toronto, Canada, University
of Music, Gold Medalist and
Teacher in Hamilton, Canada,
Will Open Classes
In Alusc on July 16th
At Her Studio, 811 Big Horn Ave.
Phone 391
Office in Alliance NVonal Bank Dlk V
4' fiver Postoffice. .
Over Postoffice.
'Phone 391.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Tilted.
Business Opening
Spleninid opening for woman, or man
and wife to engage in millinery and
ladies' furnishings business. Address
A. O., care Alliance Herald, Alliance,
Nebraska. tur 383
I have had my old baru entirely re
modeled and fixed up. I will d o a
feed and sale busiuess aud solicit your
patrcnage, ?imon Sprv,
and Retail
made oniourbVahd.
t . ..
'Phone 4.
We aluajs give
you the Most of
the Uest for the
i. A. Berry, Mgr.
In Front of the Palace Livery Stable
I you can nearly always see a rig getting
reauy 10 siart out. We will send one any
diitance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.