SsSS'f' ,f I It :r Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Rates Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Credit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty-five cents and on ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Household Articles An immense stock of household art icles,china and glass ware, fancy goods and, notions, on which you can save money at the Bee Hive. For Sale Houses, Etc. Six lots, Duncan's Addition, for sale. Phone 316. 38-4' A five room house and two lots for sale at a bargain. Inquire at The Herald office. Lot for sale. I offer for sale lot 14, in block 2, West Lawn. Address Mrs. E. Lipska, Laurel, Colo. 34-Sw Cottage for sale at a bargain, quire, at The Herald office. In- For Sale Fine two-story house, 9 rooms and bath. Strictly modern throughout. Small cash payment will handle this. A. E. Martz, 809 Box Butte Ave. 36-2t Real Estate Fine quarter fine land cheap. I have a fine, level quarter-section of Box Butte county laud, two miles from Hemingford, in the best farming sec tion of the county. Will offer this for quick sale very cheap, oil reasonable terms. If you are interested will give you full particulars or show it to you. Box 1 198, Alliance, Nebr. 38tf One of the best half sections of land in Box Butte county, Nebraska, for sale at a bargain. Also, a good quar ter section to sell or trade for an auto mobile, provided the machine is in first-class condition. Address A. J., care Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebr. To Rent My residence in north part of town. If not sold by Sept. 5, will reut to right party. E. W. Stewait, opposite con vent. 38-1 w Barn room to rent, stalls for one, two, three or four horses Hay mow and granary in connection. Inquire at Herald office or .call up phone ijs- Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT. Two or three unfurnished rooms in modern private residence. Call at Herald office. Phone 340. tf Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest in hardware busi ness. Carries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop in western Ne braska. Firm is doing good business. Reason for selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, caco of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf , . Second-Hand Goods Second-hand furniture, stoves and household articles bought and sold by W. M. Wilson, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance. Typewriter Supplies Buy your carbon paper and type writer ribbous at the Herald office. We handle Carter's Ideal lines of carbon and ribbous and the Revilo brand of ribbons. We quote city prices. All goods guaranteed. tf A fine Franklin typewriter for sale cheap. Has been thoroughly over, hauled and is in the finest condition Call at the Herald office aud look lit over. 37-tf Lost $5.00 reward for the return of a black silk watch fob with $2.59 gold piece attached. Return to Herald office for reward. 37-tf LOST A Marks saddle. Between Alliance and Canton Sat., Aug. 27. Reward of ten dollars will be paid . for leturn to F. R- Allen at Checkered Front Livery Barn. Saddle marked O" and "B". 3-3t' Shoe Shining Machines When you want your shoes shined right and in a hurry drop iuto the Alli ance Shoe Store, 36 Box Butte Ave and have the work done by one of those wonderful electric shoe shining machines. Two machines, one for black and one for tan shoes. It takes only a nickle in the slot, and in three minutes both shoes are given a first class shine. The work is done by sets of brushes run by electricity, and can not hurt the teuderest feet. 3G-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. 'AfmVvflv vWVnlMiV rlwfrv I have had my old barn entirely re modeled and fixed up. I will do a feed and sale business and solicit your pat ronage. Simon Spry. Attention, Farmers! If you have any kind of cattle for sale see Jas. Feagins or Oscar Braman, or call at Room 3, McCorkle BIdg. 34-8w SHORT HORN cows and heifers for sale. I will sell from one to twenty-five head of cows and heifers, with calves by side, or in calf. Good registered stock cheap. Also some young bulls. J. G. Brenizer, Broken Bow, Nebr. 35-5 The A. B. Clarke Horse Sales Com pany will hold their next big sale at Miles City, Montana, ou September t2, 13, 14, 15. 1 Hey will sell on tuese dates 2000 horses consisting of all classes, If you want the big mares with colts or good draft bred weanlings attend this sale. Horses of all kinds are selling cheaper at our sales than anywhere on earth. Our October sales will be held on the 10th to 13th also 28th and 29th. Write for information. J7-3W" Implements, Vehicles, Etc. For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs; made by Chas. Caffery; at Donovan & Son's wagon shop. Owned by Fred Countryman. 25-tf. Employment Wanted Public stenographer, expert work on short notice. Phone 340 or call at Herald office. Wanted place to work on ranch or farm by man and wife. Address A. B., care Alliance Herald. Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Help Wanted One first class agent wanted to solic it trade and advertise the hot blast oil burner. We pay salary and commision. Apply to Drake & Barb, upstairs in Norton buildiug, Alliance. 37-tf WANTED Cosmopolitan Magazine re quires the services of of a representative in Alliance to look after subscription re newals and to extend circulation by special methods which have proved unusually suc cessful. Salary and commission. Previ ous experience desirable but not essen tial. Whole time or spare time. Address, with references, H. C. Cambell, Cosmo politan Magazine, 1789 Broadway, New York City. 38-2t Miscellaneous If you have city property in Alliance to rent or sell, we can secure you cus tomers if you will leave description of property, price, terms, etc., at Herald office. Address J. W. T., care Alliance Herald, or call up phone 340. I have 5,000 bushels of fine potatoes lor sale. See me before you fill your cellar. Fred Countrynan. Phone Red 154. 38-tf New Fall Stock of Shoes The Alliance Cash Shoe Store has received a new stock of fall shoes. Latest styles, best goods, lowest prices. Call at 30G Box Bulle avenue before buying your fall footwear. 3G-2t Get your school supplies and candies at the Bee Hive. 36-tt Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. W. M. Wilson sells the "O. K." Crude Oil burner- Can be used in any cooking or heating stove, range or furnace. Saves 30 to 50 per cent on fuel bill. See it demonstrated at his store, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance. Notice to Settle. Having sold my grocery aud meat market toTeater Bros,, all persons in debted to me please call and settle at once. S. H. DESCH. Muskmelons, Watermelons, Cabbage I have a fine lot of home grown Muskmelons, Watermelons and Cab bage to sell. Will deliver in Alliance at reasonable price. Write me what vou want- James Potmesil, Long Lake, Nebr. 37.4 Notice te Farmers Box Butte county farmers, who have threshed grain, vegetables or anything else grown by them that will do to exhibit at the Nebraska state fair, and of which they will furnish samples for that purpose, are requested to notify Earl D. Mallery, Geo. Douglas or any of the real estate men of Alliance as soon as possible. Funeral Director T. J. Threlkeld, Funeral Director aud Embalmer. Phone 207, day or night. 37-2 HEMINGFORD We hear that there is a new coal firm started here. The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Victor Hcrncall died Tuesday morning,. She was thirteen months and twelve days old. The funeral was held at the Catholic Church Wednesday fore noon at it o'clock. Four little girls carried the little casket. The bereav ed parents and relatives have the sympathy of the entire comunity. Grandma. Cahadiedilast Wednesday, night at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Curran. She was quite an elder ly lady and had been ailing for some time. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 3 p. m., at no. Curran's. Joe Duhan was a passenger to Al liance Wednesday. This vicinity was visited by a heavy, frost Wedneseay night which did a great deal of damage io corn and pota toes' Don't forget to attend the Potato Carnival Booster's Day, Sept. 17. Charlie Bushnell came up from Mor rill Thursday on 43. Miss Sadie Hopkins, who has been spending some time with her sister at Dinon, Febr.. returned home Wednes day, coming home by the way of Chad ron where she speut a few days with friends. Miss Sadie Hacker is spending a few days with Miss Sadie Hopkins. The entertainment held at the Con gregational church given by Rev. Davis, reader, Mrs. Hamilton, singer, and Mrs. Beckler pianoist was well at tended and was greatly enjoyed. The, entertainers were from Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Fosket came down from Ardmore, S. D., Tuesday, going out to Ore Fosket's in the after noou. Mr. aud Mrs. Richard Brown aud childreu were in from Sioux county Wednesday. Miss Mabel Micheal is speudiug a few dav's with her sister Mrs. Lena Swanson. Prof, and Mrs. A. H. Mueller left for Brush, Colo., Friday, where Mr. Mueller is going to be priucipal of the school for the coming year. They stop ped off in Scotts Bluff for a short visit with Miss Ruby Wildy. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Lajic spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fred ler near Mitchell, Nebr. Mr. Byron Fosket came in from Sioux county Saturday returning Sun day. Miss Haines left for her home in Denver Monday night on 36. She has been spending the Summer with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hedgecock left for York, Nebr. on 44 Monday to visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Fosket, who have been spending some time here visiting with relatives returned to their home near Orleans. Nebr. Monday on 44- Rev. Cox was a passenger to Reno, Monday. Miss Mollie Hughes is helping Mrs- Fred Melic cook for threshers tuis" week. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Burleigh re turned to their homestead near Lake side, Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Acoid returned from their visit to Omaha and other eastern points. Mrs, Alex Muirhead aud daughters left Monday for Cornwallis, Oregon. She expects to be gone until the latter part of October. Dr. McEuen was called out to John Gasseleue's Tuesday morning, Mrs. Gasselene takiug suddeulv ill, C. S. West and party autoed to Al liance Tuesday forenoon. Col. Fosket being oue of the passengers, he took 43 for Chadron. Mrs. A. E. Clark is spenking a few davs with her sister Mrs. George Hedgecock of Sioux county. 43 was five hours late Monday on ac count of the heavy rain in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Anton Uhrig is some better at this writing. Mr. K. L- Pierce, wife and Alex Olds returned from their trip to Chey enne and Denver in their automobile. They left Dr. Little feelidg a little im proved. Little Fern Petrice has been on the sick list this week. Business Opining Spleninid opening for woman, or man and wife to engage in millinery and ladies' furnishings business- Address A. D., care Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. , 38-3 ..' Mallery Grocery Co. THE CELEBRATED LOWER VEIN MONARCH PHONE 15 Guaranteed to be $6.00 Per Ton Until Sept. 1st. This is an opportunity to put in a supply for winter. "S - f O 1ZT S V- -f-. V A 1 EH msmt Alliance Steam Completely equipped plant. Expert guaranteed. We save the housewife your laundry. Our wagon will call. 1 We have redently" added the Celebrated Beech Nut line of good things to eat toour.already complete stock of the best in foodstuffs. There are no goods sold which excel in quality any of these: The "Ferndell" Line. The Heinz 57. Beech Nut Food Specialties Schilling's Tea and Spices. Yale Coffee. Does the Quality Argument appeal to you? We are selling Peaches for $1.00 $1.10. Better buy now. i COAL clean of all slate and other 'foreign inatU'ri- will be delivered at j& T r I I r -& i k J 9 LARGEST WESTERN NEBRASKA European plan; entirely modern in every way; good service; large sample rooms. Rates 75c and $1.00, With bath $1.50 Popular prices at Cafe W. S. BARRETT, PfiONE 160 Mallery Grocery Co. u PHONE 1.5 4 , . 1 ! Ul rVI ) 210 Box Butte Ave. ! 1 1 1 1 ) Snyder's Store HOTEL I PROPRIETOR Laundry help. All work work. Send us "jil Mm m c 1 H H SS --i 1 1 1 ' - n f iiiMi 11 uiifca m wmj 1 uwfp