The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 25, 1910, Image 5

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    Q!& .
Classified Advertisements
The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate
headings for the convenience of readers
Cash Rati;s Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re
ceived for less than ten cents per insertion
Credit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad
vertising account opened for less than twenty-live cents und on
ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week.
After a hot day's work a plunge in
Berry's swimming pool will do you a
lot of good. 335t
A good many Alliance ladies patron
ize the swimming pool at Judge Berry's,
and some of them are quite expert
suimmers. 33 5t
Take a swim at the "plunge" and
see how much hetter you feel after
wards. 33.5t
Household Articles
An immense stock of household art
icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods
and notions, on which you can save
money at the Bee Hive.
An auction sale of furniture will be
held on the corner by Brennau's Drug
Store at two o'clock Saturday after
noon. There will be some real bar
gains here. 37- it
Bathing and Swimming
a plunge in the
We call attention again to the
"plunge" at Judge Berry's as being the
finest place within reach of Alliance
people for a delightful swim these sum
mer days. Accommodations for ladies
as well as for men. 33-5t
Tor Sale Houses, Etc.
A five room bouse and two lots for
sale at a bargain. Inquire at The
Herald office.
Lot for saje. I offer for sale lot 14,
in block 2(1 West Lawn- Address Mrs.
E. Lipska, Laurel, Colo. 34-5w
Cottage for sale at a bargain,
quire at The Herald office.
To Rent
Barn room to rent, stalls for one,
two, three or four horses- Hay mow
and granary in connection. Inquire at
Herald office or call up phone 175.
Wanted To Rent
three unfurnished rooms in modern
private residence. Call at Herald
office. Phone 340. tf
Business Oppprtunities
For Sale
Onu-hulf interest in hardware busi
ness. Curiius line of harness and has
Lest equipped tin 6hop In western Ne
braska. Firm is doing good business.
Reason for selling Is poor health. For
particulars address, Hardware, care of
Alliance Herald. 32-tf
Wall Paper, Paints, Etc.
Now is the time to buy your wall
paper at Holsten's.
Holsten sells lead and oil and all
kinds of paint material.
Holsten sells art wall paper.
The C W. Way Co., Architects,
Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you
with plans and specifications for any
class of building you wish to erect.
Ask them for information. tgtf
Second-Hand Goods
Second-hand furniture, stoves and
household articles bought and sold bv
W. M. Wilson, 204 Box Butte avenue,
Will pay highest prices for second
hand clothing. Shoes and boots bought
and sold. Mrs. Shankman. Location
formerly occupied by Dick Watkin's
Real Estate office on Box Butte Ave
nue. 334
Typewriter Supplies
Buy your carbon paper and type
writer ribbons at the Herald office. We
handle Carter's Ideal lines of carbon
and ribbons and the Revilo brand of
ribbons. We quote city prices. All
goods guaranteed. tf
A fine Franklin typewriter for sale
cheap, Has been thoroughly oyer,
hauled and is in the finest condition
Call at the Herald office and look lit
over. 37-tf
Best place in the west to purchase
Fresh Groceries, Flour, Cured Meats,
Provisions, Fruits, Produce, at Watson
& Watson's, Alliance.
55.00 reward for the return of a
black silk watch fob with 2.59 gold
piece attached. Return to Herald office
for reward. 37f
LOST Silk wrap. Between 317
West Montana street and east part of
town. Please return to Mallery's Gro
cery. 37-2W
Shoe Shining Machines
When you want your shoes shined
right and in a hurry drop into the Alli
ance Shoe Store. 30G Box Butte Ave.,
and have the work done by one of
thoe wonderful clecttic shoe shining
machines. Two machines, one for
black and one for tan shoes. It takes
only a trickle in the slot, and in three
minutes both shoes are given a first
class shine. The work is done by sets
of brushes run by electricity, nnd can
not hurt the tenderest feet. 3G-tf
Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines
For Sale, Pianos One Shubert, a
very soft, pleasing tone and light
touch, in perfect tune, mahogany case.
One Bush &. Gerts. case slightly dam
aged. One Hamilton in perfect tune
and in good condition. These instru
ments will be sold at a bargain. One
Esty organ in fine condition. Three
sewing machines, the Free, the Rotary,
Ball Bearing. These goods are on
sale. Terms to suit the purchaser. At
the Burlington Hotel. 35-tf
Good Things to Eat
An excellent place to get good things
to eat, fruits, vegetables, country pro
duce, fresh groceries, flour, cured
meats, etc., is at Watson & Watson's,
northeast comer Box Butte avenue
and Second street. Alliance. 35-tt
Live Stock and Poultry
Attention, Farmers!
If you have any kind of cattle for
sale see Jas. Feagins or Oscar Bra in an,
or call at Room 3, McCorkle Bldg.
SHORT HORN cows and heifers
for sale. I will sell from oue to
twenty-five bead of cows and heifers,
with calves by side, or in calf. Good
registered stock cheap. Also some
vouug bulls. J. G. Brenizer, Broken
Bow, Nebr- 355
WANTED-Horses to winter. Terms
reasonable. Phone 3 on 10. Win.
Rust, jr. 35-3'-
Implements, Vehicles, Etc.
For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs;
made by Cbas, Caffery; at Donovau &
Son's wagon shop. Owned bv Fred
Countryman. 25-tf.
Employment Wanted
Wanted Work by day or take wash
ing home- Phone 485 blue. tf
Help Wanted
Wanted Girl for house work. Mrs.
Horace Bogue, qog Cheyenne avenue.
One first class agent wanted to solic
it trade and advertise the hot blast oil
burner. We pay salary and commision.
Apply to Drake & Barb, upstairs in
Norton building, Alliance. 37-tf
Daddy Duke School Shoes for Boys
at Norton's.
Furnished rooms tor light houskeep
ing. Inquire at Simmons' millinery
store. 36-tf
Get your school supplies and candies
at the Bee Hive. 30-tt
The "plunge" at Judge Berry's is
the place for a really delightful bath
and swim this hot weather 33-5t
Money to loan on real estate. F. E.
Reddish. 3-tf.
Judge Berry has his swimming pool
in better shape than ever befoie. A
new engine and a new heater were put
in this year, and everything is in "ship
shape" tor the accommodation of his
customers. 33-5t
Watson & Watson call special atten
tion to their fine stock of Fresh Gro
ceries. When you want something
good to eat give them a call.35tf-
W. M. Wilson sells the "O. K."
Crude Oil burner. Can be used in am
cooking or heating stove, range 01
furnace. Saves 30 to 50 per cent on
fuel bill. See it demonstrated at bis
store, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance.
Notice to Settle.
Having sold my grocery and meat
market toTeater Bros,, all persons in
debted to me please call and settle at
once. S. H. DESCH.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling.
Two aulo loads from Rapid City. So. Dft
luntn & fit Af ntrtlit ImfA Sfl I It 9 A 9 t
leaving Sunday morning, enroute to Den
K. L. Pierce and wife, accompanied by
Alex Olds, left In Mr. Pierce's Ford car
enroutft to Denver and Cheyenne They
will visit with I)r and Mrs. Little in
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jno Curran. Aug.
20, a girl All concerned doing nicely.
VYc arc glad to note that Harold Olds is
greatly imprved at this writing.
Miss Esther Geiger returned from her
visit with relatives at Waco, Nebr. Thurs
day Agent Herncall and family returned.Stin
day (rom their visit to Pennaj lvania and
other Eastern points.
Mrs. Fred Dawson and mother, Mrs.
John Hickey, left on 44 Monday for Oma
ha, Gretna, and other eastern points, Fred
going as far as Omaha with a car of cattle.
Fred Lcavitt and family of Alliance are
isiting with Mrs. Leavitt's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Jocob Osborne.
Mr. and Mrs Ira Phillips arc the proud
parents of a ten pound girl born Sunday,
Aug. ai. All concerned are doing nicely.
Some real values in Boys' School
Suits at Norton's.
Gporge Evens was in town Sunday prac
ticing Delmont second ball team.
Mrs Maggie Hale returned home after
two weeks' absence, She says men are
nice housekeepers but she would rather
wash the dishes and bake the pies,
Frank Pierce and family attended the
Woodman supper.
Will Abbott You live six miles from
the cars. Will you please explain how
our horses became frightened at the cars?
You must have been at Delmont; and why
were jour horses at the depot Sunday
Opha Lemons and Mrs, Otto went to
Crawford last Monday.
Mr. CofTie was in town doing business
Miss Elizabeth Phelps is clerking in Mr.
Wedent's store. Miss Phelps is new to
the business but she gets there and waits
on customers in fine shape.
Mr. and Mrs. Walden are still running
the section house.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dheil are getting
their new house nearly completed.
Fay and Jay Abbott and Mr. Pierce
were at tirittons Sunday last.
Quite a number of the ladies in this
vicinity attended the ball game Sunday to
witness the success of our team.
Carroll Tolman and wife were at the
ball game at Squaw Mound last Sunday.
Misses .lacobson and Gertie Tolman
from Marsland were guests at the Wood
man ice cream supper.
There is quite a forest lire north west of
The Belmont ball team plajed at Squaw
Mound and beat as usual
' Some real values in Boys' School
Suits at Norton's.
Be sure to see Norton's line of Boys'
School Suits.
Training School for Nurses
In connection with Mercy Hos
pital, conducted by the Sisters
of Mercy, is u Training School
for Nurses. "Wanted, young
ladies to enter the Training
School of Mercy Hospital at
Alliance. Apply to
The Herald has a stock of
little adding machines that
save time, worry a n d
money. Ask to see one.
They cost $2.50
The're worth $25.00
The New Adding Machine
Herald Publishing
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anyone lending a nkclrh nnd (let crlntlnn nm
qnlcklr Hirerlnlu our opinion free whether au
Invention It probnM? pciiImIiI (omniunlrn
tloii.strlctirconudeiilla!. HANDBOOK on I'm cut.
eut free. Oldest aiiencr furiecuriiig patent..
l'Manti taken tlirouuh Jlunn & Co. recclie
tptclat notitt, without, charge. In the
Scientific flmericatn
A handiomelf Illustrated weeklr. lJreet dr.
culatlon ot anr eclontiao journal. Term,, IS a
year: four tuontbi, L Bold brail newsdealer.
MllNN&Co.36,B'Md"'- New York
brauca office, OS V St, Waablugtuu, I). C.
"WE provi: 11
Win waste time and money experiment
ing with greasy salves and lotions trwng
to drive the ectema germ from underneath
the skin when the llotslen Drug Store
guarantees tfEMO, a clean liquid prepara
tfen for external use to rid the skin of the
germ life that causes the troltlll, One
application will relievo the itching and
often times one bottfe is sufficient to cure
a minor case of cctema.
In over 2.000 towns and cities in Amer I
ica, the leading druggist has the agenc)
for ZHMO and he will tell jou of the mar-'
vaiuus cures maue uy mis cican, simple
treatment, .EMO is recognized as the
cleanest and most popular treatment for
eczema, pimples, dandruff and all other
forms of skin or scalp affections whether
on infant or grown person Will jou try
a bottle on our recommendation'
t Hotsten's Drug Store
Boys' School Suits, Exceptional val
ues, at Not ton's.
Funeral Director
T. J. Thrclkeld. Funeral Director
and Embalmer. Phone 207 day or
night. 37-2t
Don't stall around the
door all day.
"How I hate
To have to wait
In barber shops
To have them
shave my chops."
It's a very short
At Nation & Copeland's
221 Box Butte Avenue
Big Wheat YieSds
H. W. Campbell
The Soil Culture Expert
has prcmn 41 bushels of wheat when
drouth ruined others; S3 1-2 bushels
when others got 20, He has spent 30
years in the study of and experimenting
with the soils of the great bemi-arid West.
Are these facts worth knowing?
Campbell's Scientific Farmer
gives timely explanation everv month,
S1.00 per jear. We publish Campbell's
Soil Culture Manual, 320 pages. It is full
of facts, not theories, gathered from
years of practical experience.
Flying machines positively do fly today.
Two years ago you did not believe they
The Campbell System of Soil Culture
when correctly applied positively will!
bring big returns; send (or valuable tree
booklet of information.
Campbell Soil Culture C(
JJir .SM.Bldg. Lincoln, Net
Dr. Oliver McEuen
Physician and Surgeon
SPECIALTIES' Diseases of Women and
Children and Cenito Urinary Organs
All calls answered promptly day or nijht
Guaranteed to be clean of all slate and other foreign matter,
will be delivered at
$6.00 Per Ton Until Sept. 1st.
This is an opportunity to put in a supply
- r OC?
All Fruits are scarce
Consequently high
We Can Save You Money
nnd deliver vou new packed Fruits and Vegetables
as we are now taking" orders for cither the GAIETY
or BLUE LABEL Brands of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Now
is the time to get in your orders, as the prices are almost
sure to be higher next month.
Hardware and Harness
Quick JYleal Gasoline Stoves
Perfection Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves
Sole agent for the celebrated Deering
lowers, Binders and Binder Twine
Champion and Dowden
Potato Diggers
Special attention to Harness Repairing
Janus Barry, President Geo. t. Taylor, Vice President Keith t. Pierce, Cashier
D. A. Pierce, Assistant Cashier B. L. Fanner, Assistant Cashier
Solicit your long und short time loans.
Ve offer you eygtv convenience for your checking account,
and pay,f$ on time deposits running 12 months.
"ViVe net as trustee for estates.
Central Lumber Co.
A Full Line of
Building- Hatsrial, Piles, Posts
and Coal
rtioM UK M20-Z4 tKwwtwct ptwvra mm
jt? T I irU IXI J 210 Box Butte Ave.
Why u orry yourself
putting up these ex
pensive Fruits?
To Wllllnin II Tlir.M'UiiM.rton, ltt lluviu
eoiiul), .Ncbnisl.H.
Yon in lieri'ltv tmlltUsI Hint It llv illil
in lliiHUi iln ir NmetnlnT. HmT j iii-i
liuMIr lux win- if tilt Ir-lioiHi'ritf i(..x Until,
count). I'lirjihkn. tin- riiiluvtlnt: ilrM-r iwd
lullil nllliali il In llux lltliii. itmiili, .Nt-hruM,;!.
TlifMiiitliu.istiiiiiiii, r(l'.H)of mviIoii Jir
U'hii ll.'O , tn tiin-lili (wi'iiu -((.i- i'U) mirth
iiinirn lift vim,. c,). utstni tln.ii.lili irliiilnt
nii'M Him fur tuxo, lor llif jfiits UWt runt
liO. Unit llif Milt! It lljriic ildl -;tt- u it
nut r tin) Minn- Itivutiii- iU'ilti(ii' nl, iii ;is
is ii"((iieiiUiiM'M tli.'inc, ii-tin-t',ir 1)107;
ftul tlnil rlienviiriis lilt-nNtil II. llj rue. fur .1
u -oil .mil Willi .Mr ninsliliT;iiliiMu..(;i(1i,l mi
fl IUMl- llf lux Mllit HI llitf, llll) IIIMIIT-IX..MI.
I Mi'Siiiii.tin, nml III. n l li.ivi pIucu. unit
anci ! Miiu liifniiif iHliiiitii'iit. pililun
mini iin in tiiM'h. tin-tiixt's fur llif 1U3H: M,il tit ml tiiM-il iti- ci, eh of -till
Wnri. lu-nll: IftO J1V I1K)7, HU, In Urn muni)
of illlani II I lirix.-Kiiiutiiiii ,ml yijH at o
riirilii-r MiillliiMl that iiflui iiiu oxplnitlon t.r
llirri- iiioinli" from (iiit of sonico .if tlilx
iiiilti , I will apply to silil tuasiiinr fum lux.
ilitil f h.ilil litutl. Vou win K'mum ymtr.-elf
D.itMl this Hlli ility ot Auxiift. llIO.
U 1. Mu.Yamaiii,
to- IHirvluisur.
i ;,- ..,
for winter.
Snyder's Store
i 3
' 4ft ,N