The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 25, 1910, Image 1

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State Historical Society
9 SEPT. 21 - 22 - 23, 1910 i
Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
1 to B
NUMtfER 37
Saturday is Silk Day at Norton's. Saturday is Silk Day at Norton's.
Saturday is Silk Day at Norton's.
Saturday is Silk Day at Norton's.
Saturday is Silk Day at Norton r, Saturday is Silk Day at Norton's.
1 He
t -
Savings Department
This is a new department that will be in operation
in connection with this Bank September tirst.
Accounts will be received and pass books issued
for sums of $i.oo and up.
Withdrawals may be made at any time according
to the rules governing the deposit. 4l
4 interest per annum will be paid. -"
Sold 21 Pianos in August
Bennett CemiMy Says it Pays to
Advertise in The Herald
There's one firm Id Alliance that is
positive that- it pays 'to advertise in The
Alliance Herald ThiB is the local
branch of the Bennutt Piano Company,
in charge of Mrs. .T. T. Wiker, local
Manager, and C. G. Knapton, district
tales Manager. This company has
been advertising exclusively in The
Herald in an extensive manner and
knows positively that it pays. Here
are the sales:
Arthur Nelson, Eula Delhaute, S. J.
Shaughnessy, W. 0. Uaysinger, Mrs.
N. T. Nason, Mabel Bigelow, N. T.
Shnurer, Pearl Waddell, Epworth
League, C. C, Carpenter, Mary Eggan,
J. P. Gllley, P. M. Foster, Frank Nagel
schneider, Henry Hopkins, Jessie Mur
phy, J. C. Dawney, C. McLemon, E, E.
Lawrence, Mrs. F. Kauffold, and IJ. C.
This is surely good business and
shows the evident prosperity of the
surrounding country. And, it pays to
Notice to Farmers
Box Butte county farmers, who have
threshed grain, vegetables or anything
else grown by them that will do to exhibit
at the Nebraska state fair, and of which
they -will furnish samples for that purpose,
are requested to notify Earl D. Mallery,
Geo. Douglas or any of the real estate
men of Alliance as soon as possible.
We place on special
sale for
AUG. 26 TO 31
35 Men's Suits, this sea
son's newest styles and
weaves, best of tailoring-,
a complete line of sizes,
worth up to $22.50, priced
now at
You will find these
Suits the best values we
have ever offered in a
sale at any time. If you
want a suit, this is your
chance to get it at a very
low price.
SURPLUS, $50,000O
Mica Mill Proposed
Tuesday evening a special
called meeting of the Commer
cial Club was held at Secretary
Ridgell's office to consider the
proposition offered by L. M.
McBride, W. B. Thomas and R.
E. McBride, who compose the
Electric Mica Company, o f
Custer, S. D. They fully ex
plained everything and everyone
present took great interest.
Wednesday evening another
meeting was called and some
very fine samples of Mica from
the Compiiny's mines were on
Their proposition is as follows:
They offer one-third of their
capital stock of $100,000 to the
people of Alliance for 15,000.
Of this sum $7,500 will be used
to erect and equip a mill here;
$3,000 will be used to put in
mining machinery at Custer,
and the balance will be used for
the production of raw material
and for labor and power charges
in Alliance. The Company now
has five year contracts with 15
mica producers at Custer giving
I them a supply of 235 tons per
1 month at $11 per ton.
Their estimate on the profit of
cutting and milling 200 tons of
mica per month is $7,700. 75
people would be employed at
the mill and a pay roll of $72,
000 to $100,000 per year dis
bursed here. The mill would be
expected to reach its full capaci
ty in eight months.
A committee consisting of W.
W. Wood, I. E. Tash, and R. E.
Knight was chosen to investi
gate more fully. They meet at
four o'clock this afternoon. If
their report is satisfactory as it
looks like it will be, no trouble
will be experienced in raising
the money. It is a pleasure to
observe the interest which the
business men of Alliance give to
any meritorious enterprise which
would mean a greater Alliance.
Anyone who has vegetables 01
threshed grain of. sufficiently
good quality to include in the
exhibit of Box Butte County at
the State Pair, will please bring
them in at once or notify George
Douglas, E. T. Kibble, J. C.
McCorkle, or Earl D, Mallery,
Secretary of the County Fair
Association. Don't delay, for
this exhibit should be shipped
Wednesday, August 31st
The following are the super
intendents of the different classes
for the County Pair. Any one
desiring information about any
thing in the several classes, or
who lias anything which he, or
she, expects to exhibit in any of
these classes, will please coin
immicate with the superintend
ent of that particular class. '
For the convenience of persons who
may wish to exhibit at the Box Butte
county fair this year we give the following
list of class superintendents:
Class A, horses, L. r. Smith.
Class B. cattle, W. H. Swan.
Class C, sheep, G. W. Nation.
Class D, swine, Wm. Rust, Sr. .,
Class K, poultry, Fred Mollring. ;
Class F, grain, seed and vegetables,
Frank McCoy. . ,
Class G, domestic products, Mrs. Wi D.
Class H, fruits, Mrs. I. K. Tash.
Class I, flowers, Mrs. L. H. Highland.
Class J, needle and fancy work, Mrs.
V. E. Cotant. ','
Class K, machinery, etc , L. N. Worley.
Class L, discretionary, Mrs. Dr. Church
ill. ?
Class M, school work, Miss Delia , M.
Reed. i
Eahl D. Mal.i-.eky, Sefc.
Musicale a Success'
The musicale held at the Methodist
church Monday evening for the purpose of
raising money to help pay tor the new
League piano was a decided success. The
church , crowded and many pronounced
it the best ever given in Alliance.
Those who so kindly took part in the
program were Miss Ruth Aspenwall of
Chicago, Miss Agatha Gregg of Alliance,
Miss Ruth Ganson of Omaha, L. V..Crowe
of Alliance, Miss Eunice Eldred and Miss
Swan of Alliance, Herbert Nelson Ralph
Thomas, Lloyd Smith, Cecil Smith, Harry
Troup, and Arthur Thomas, all of Alli
ance. ,
All did their best and every (election
was enc6red again and again, Mtfoic ed
it is to be Riven Mrs. S K. Warrftk" am
the members of the Epworth League who,
gave their time and work to help make the
musicale a success. A total of (44.00 was
Several more entertainments are to be
given by the League during the winter.
The success of this one makes the coming
ones to be much desired.
Miss Hazel Heck, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Beck of Alliance, and
Arthur IJ. Conner, son of Mr. and Mrs,
A, F. Conner of Colorado Springs, were
quietly married Satuiday. The mar
riage came somewhut as a surprise to
the many friends of the happy young
Miss Hazel Heck is one of the most
popular young Alliance ladies, having
grown to womanhood in this city. She
is a graduate of the Alliance High
School and the Lincoln Business Col
lege. She has been employed by the
V. V Norton store as stenogragher
and cashier for some time past. Mr.
Coiifiors tiH a wide acquaintance here
and is employed by the Phillips Grocery
The Herald joins in wishing them a
long and happy married life.
Heart Party
Life, with all its stern realities, occa
sionally breaks out in a halo of light and
joy so resplendent the clouds vanish far
in the distance and we dwell in the realms
of ecstacy for a lime. Perhaps the pleas
ant event at the home of W. S. Acheson
Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Ruth
Aspedwall might have been a counterpart
of this.
Miss Nelle Acheson was the hostess of
the afternoon and in her usual charming
manner made the guests feel perfectly at
home. The spacious dining room was
very tastily decorated with hearts and
Miss Nellie O'Donnell won first prize at
hearts, which was a beautiful hand-painted
plate. Miss Virginia Broome won the
consolation prize; both of which were pre
sented to Miss Aspenwall as a momento of
the occasion,
A delicious three-course luncheon was
served, after which the party was enter
tained by instrumental selections by the
The A. 13. Clarke Horse Sales Com
pany will hold their next big sale at
Miles City, Montana, on September
12. 13, 14. 15. They will sell on these
dates 2000 horses consisting of all
classes, If you want the big mares
with colts or good draft bred weanlings
attend this sale. Horses of all kinds
are selling cheaper at our sales than
anywhere on earth.
Our October sales will be held on
the 10th to 13th also 28th and 29th.
Write for information. 273w
Card of Thanks
To all the friends whose sympathy
and services were so kindly tendered in
our time of bereavement, we desire to
extend our sincere thanks,
Mrs. H. E. MacCrav
Archie Blackwood
Emile MacCray
Isable Anderson
Blanche MacCray
At able Richards
t . leuce MacCiav
Notice to Sunday School
Teachers and Workers
A meeting of the Sunday
school teachers and workers of
Alliance will be held at 8 o'clock
p. m., Sunday, August 2rt, 1910,
in the United Presbyterian
church, corner difth street and
Laramie avenue, for the purpose
of organizing a district Sunday
school association, auxiliary to
the Box Butte County Sunday
School association.
All persons engaged in Sunday
school work m Alliance are earn
estly requested to attend and
participate in the organization.
Rev. A. L. Godfrey,
D. W. Hughes,
Committee on Organization.
M. E. Church Notice
A telegram received last Mon
day from Rev. Dr. J. L. B. Jones
brought the information to Alli
ance parties that he would start
from Elkins, W. Va., with his
family, on Tuesday. They will
probably arrive tomorrow.
Rev. Dr. A. R. Julian, district
superintendent, writes that he
will be here on Satm'day of this
week. He will hold the quarter
ly conference at the church at 6
o'clock that evening.
According to present plans,
Dr. Julian will preach Sunday
morning, administering the sac
rament of the Lord's supper, and
Dr. Jones in the evening.
Want Ads Special
As will be seen by notice else
where in this paper, a special
3,000 edition of The Herald will
be published next week. On ac
count of the heavy expense in
getting out this extra edition the
regular price of advertising will
be doubled for the one week.
However, as a special induce
ment to advertisers to try our
department of "Classified Adver
tisements", we will charge only
our regular rates on all dver
tisements appearing in that de
partment next week.
Muskmelons, Watermelons, Cabbage
I have a fine lot of home grown
Muskmelons, Watermelons and Cab
bage to sell. Will deliver in Alliance
at reasonable price. Write me what
vou want. James Potmesil, Lone
Lake, Nebf. 37-4
Alliance Castle No 43,
The following resolutions were
adopted at the last meeting of the Roy
al Highlanders.
Whereas, In his inflnate wisdom the
Supreme protector of the universe has
allowed the angel of death to enter
the home of Fair Lady MacCray, tak
ing her husband and our Clansman.
Resolved, That the Alliance Castle of
Royal Highlanders extend to Fair La
dy MacCray their most sincere sym
pathy in this hour of her bereavement
and be it also
Resolved, That these resolutions be
sent to the city papers and ipread on
the minutes of the Castle.
Mrs. John Nation.
Mrs. G. B. Leidy.
.Mrs Anna Hazelton.
Time Table
Alliance, Nebr.
(IOINO EAST Ah. M. T. I.V. C. T.
No. 41. Dally Lincoln Fly
it btopsutBeiiec, IJrok
uu How, Kuveoua, etc., , ;Ma.iii.
No. 41. Daily, Local from
Alliance toHeneca; tlieucw
fps at Mem a. llroken
How, lUvenim, etc ...11-45 11. 111. I
No 30. Dally. From Kdgo
mout and Dead wood . . ..11.8S p.m.
No 46, Freight ... 5:10 p.ui,
noma wfst ah. a t.
LV. M. T.
No. 41. Dallr. Fler -Edgo-mout.
tie, etc '. 4t55nro 4;10a.ui.
No. 43, Local, Edcdmont.
Newcastle, nod went...' ..1 05 p.m. l'-':i5 p.m.
No. as. Dally, Edgemont and
I lead wood
No. 4"S, Freight
. ,lMii.m
No. 301. Denver Flyer
No. SOU. Denver Local con
nect ut llrldtruport wlUi
Guernsey local
No. 303, Freight
LV. M. T.
23 50 a.m
12s50 p.m.
XU 11. T
3.20 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
0 55 pm.
No 302, Flyer from Denver,
No. 304. Local from Denver
and (loernney ,
No. 300, Frvlpbt
Special on Groceries !
While This Special Offer Lasts
$6.25 for $5.00
$12.50 for $10.00
S5.00 CASH
Buys the Following:
50 lbs. bestgrado Flour. ..$1.00
2 cans Pineapple (largo size) .70
2 cans. Forest City White
Cherries (large size) 70
2-25 oz. cans Baking Powder .50
2 lbs. Breakfast Call Coffee .50
1 Gal. Vinegar (in jug) 55
1 qt. J. M. Sweet or Sour
Pickles o5
5 Boxes Matches 25
1 Bottle Monarch Catsup.. .25
2 Boxes Fancy Dried Cur
rants 25
8 Packages 'Mothers Corn
Flakes' 25
1 Bottle Strawberry Extract
Flavoring 15
1 Bottle Lemon Extract
' Flavoring 15
i Box Tooth Picks 05
"Total. $0.25
Phones 1
and :4.
For Sale
Fine two-story house, g rooms and
bath. Strictly modern throughout.
Small cash payment will handle this.
A. E. Martz, 809 Box Butte Ave. 36-2t
New Fall Stock of Shoes
The Alliance Cash Shoe Store has
received a new stock of fall shoes.
Latest styleB, he6t goods, lowest prices.
Call at 30G Box Bulte avenue before
buying your fall footwear. 36-2t
First Presbyterian Church
Sunday School, 10 a.m.
MorniDg service, 11 a.m.; subject, "The
Trees of the Bible."
EenlDg service, 8pm, subject, "The
Secret of a Young Man'6 Strength."
Jamrs O. Brown, Minister.
Engraved and Embossed
Cards and Stationery
We have completed arrangements
with a firm of the best engraveis in the
west by which we can supply on short
notice, engraved caidfi, embossed
stationery, engraved wedding invita
ions, or anv thing else that may be de
sired in fine engraved or embossed
work. Readers of The Herald who are
thinking of securing nn thing of this
kind should call at this office and see
Miss Jennie M. Kennedy
Post Graduate (in Piano)
of Toronto, Canada, University
of Music, Gold Medalist and
Teacher in Hamilton, Canada,
Will Open Classes
In Music on July 16th
At Her Studio, 811 Big Horn Ave.
Phone 391
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
.mM-w-.;"3j-;-j4 -rx
F i
Office in Alliance National Bank Bile t
r Over Postoffice. X
j. 'Phone 391, T
H,.H..M....HH..H..HH,, I I I H"l"
S1 0.00 CASH
Buys the Following;
100 lbs Best Grade Flour . .$3.20
14 lbs. Granulated Sugar.. 1.00
4-25 oz. cans Baking Powder 1.00
2 lbs. Breakfast Call Coffee .50
20 bars Diamond 'C Soap, . 1.00
1 box (3 bars) Toilet Soap, . .25
0 qt. cans Tomatoes 75
2 qt. cans White Grapes. . . .50
2 qt. cans Forest City
Peaches , 00
2 qt. cans Standard Apri
cots 70
1 qt. jar Sweet or Sour
Pickles 35-
1 gal. Vinegar (in jug) 55
1 Glass Lamp (complete) ... .75
1-2 doz. Cups and Saucers .05
12 doz. Dinner Plates 00
1 bottle Bluine .10
Total $12.50
in Frent of the Palace Livery StaMt
you can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
J are all of the highest quality we
can get anu are an examined crit
icalJy after we receive them in
stock here before a single one is placed
on sale we do everything in our power
to be on the safe side. A good thing
for you to remember.
Furnished Rooms for
Rent, Bath and Electric
Light. Inquire 321 Third
St. Phone No. 582 tf
Phillips Grocery
it NH 1 1 ' 1 Li1 ' 1 ' 1
NL I V I i m