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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1910)
smtB,immh im Useful Houshold Articles ,-MS GIVEN AWAY Wc haVe jusf received some of the newest of household Articles and desire to put one in every home in this vicinity. We arc not going-to sell them but are going to give one with your next purchase of a pair of shoes. SEE OUR NICE LINE OF . Boys' Suits JUST RECEIVED AT Colburn's Cash Store Twenty-five of the Many Points of Superiority Con tained in The FREE Sewing Machine Sews Faster. Runs Light. Lasts Longer. Is More Beautiful. Has Less Vibration. Easier to Operate. Makes a More Perfect Stitch. The Most Beautiful Sewing Machine Made. Mort Rotary in Movement. Vibrating Shuttle. Bail-Bearing Rotoscillo Movement. Automatic Thread Controller Automatic Tension Release. Positive Self-setting Needle (cannot be put in wrong). Short Needle. Rigid Feed (bearing directly under feed points). Positive Four Motion Feed (without springs). Shuttle Ejector. Self-Threading Shuttle. Six Bali-Bearings in Stand. Revolving Spool-holder Case hardened and Adjustable Beariugs. Automatic Head Latch holding head to stand. Automatic Drawer Locks. Automatic Lift the simplest and best. The FREE Is the only Insured Sewing Machine It is insured for five years against breakage, wear, fire, tornado, lightniug and water This means that if your home burns and The FREE sewing machine is destroyed or injured, we will supply a new The FREE sewing machine with out cost; that if in a cyclone or Hood, your machine is rendered unfit for use, we will replace it without expense to you, that should you through accident in moving or otherwise break any part or the whole machine, we will replace that parti or the machine, gratis, that it you brtak a needle, if you break a belt, or if one wears (Hit; If you break any attachment, we wlU replace these parts to you absolutely without cost In Justice to yourself you should, at liastsee ' 'The FREE" sew ing machiue FOR SALE BY Geo. D. barling Alliance, Neb. f - j CANTON I eUuk-, -... u " T V Ik & m JL-- ?Bi-JBl a "a LIFT WV HEAO WNMW g a m w lathJbLpT m&&m i mlilMwif If IHrl rTv MIH MS BALlBERRIMTSyHllVf JF-tf LU naAWFar'P!3r BAIL BEAHlNPWMfl If fSj RELEASE wM 11 Rt fv f J IFhUI BALCQtARING-l lllf L !ss8rW II M""1 BALL BEflRINQlIi P" I OWLI(KflBINaiil Louis Barta was trading in Hemingford one day last week. Will Clayton is now at home from Idaho I helping his father make hay. James Moravek went to Alliance Wednesday to have some dental work done, Charles Moravek and sister Agnes spent one day last week in Crawford. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shelter, Saturday, a :o pound baby boy. Mother and babe doing nicely. Mrs. John Moravek and son-in-law Bert Langford made a trip to Hemingford luesday returning the same day. Louis Hood and family visited with Bert Langford and family Sunday. Frank Iioagland and wife took Grandma Hoagland to Hemingford Monday where she takes her departure. Grandma has been visiting here for some time and made many friends. We hope that may soon return. Charles Lockwood made his usual to Hemingford Saturday with cream. Bert Langford is binding grain for Louis Hood this week. V A. llood returned home from Illinois Tuesday. wwvwww. BONNER has she trip HEMINGFORD We have been having the long-wished showers the past few days. Mr. and Mrs, George Miller were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Briggs Sunday. Mrs. R. K. Thomas spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood. Glen Gentle had the misfortune to lose a horse by lightning Sunday night. Moll Denison has just invested in a new driving team. They are nice ones. Look out, girlsl Frank More's section foreman is look- ng for a man to mow weeds on the Alli ance section. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fairchild were vis itors at the Bonner store Monday. The manager of the telephone line at Bridgeport stayed all night at Bonner Tuesday night. Mrs. Glen Gentle was the guest of Mrs. Asa Briggs Monday while Glen was a passenger to Alliance. The country north of here was visited by a severe hailstorm Sunday night. At George Roache's it broke window lights and took their garden and crops. At Joe Sarton'e it broke one window and killed thirty-five of his full blooded Buff Orking ton chickens. It is also reported as doing a great deal of damage at Call Under wood's. We had a lively runaway at Bonner one day this week. Conrad Thomas was com ing over to the Bonner store and as he left the team to shut the gate they started to run and took a circle around over the sand hills and ran in front of the store. They broke the plank in two on the hitching posts, broke loose from the wagon, then took another circle around and came to a stop at the wire fence west of the store. There was not much damage done. BONNER Mrs. Clyde Farfield, Glen Gentle and George Roach were Alliance visitors last Friday. R. M. Hampton came down to the ranch for a few days' stay. R. W. Heal and brother Edward came down to the ranch Thursday to begin haying. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Vaughn returned to the ranch Friday. George Roach has finished bailing hay at the Bowers place, and will now begin cutting hay at Pat Mangan's. Mrs W. M. Sawers is on the sick list, and her sister, Mrs. Jos. Gaston, went up Sunday to stay with her a few days. Bob Broyles is having bad luck the past week. He broke his mower and stacker and got a horse cut in the wire. Word came to Abe Hutchinson that his youngest sister was very sick with rheuma tism at Denver. He started at once and heand his mother took her to Hot Springs, S. D. FAIRVIEW Fred Davison from Sioux Co. was transacting business in town Mouday. Wm. Fosket returned from Chadron Friday. Mr. Ciatterbuck shipped two carloads of horses to Sioux City, la., Saturday. Frank Potmesil was in Alliance Sun day, returning Monday. Earl Lucas returned from bis west ern trip Sunday. Mr. J. House's fatber came Tuesday on 44 for a few weeks' visit, Mrs. Coleman returned to Alliance Tuesday after a few days' visit with Mrs. Belle Brown. Miss Lettie Carey returned to Alli ance Monday after a few weeks' visit with friends. Tbc Hemingford base ball boys went to Lakeside Saturday to play. They were defeated by the score of 10 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Foskett from Orleans, Nebr.. came Tuesday for a few weeks' visit with their cousin, Wm. Fosket. Mrs. Anderson and Mable Strong re turned from Newcastle, VVyo., where they have been visiting friends and relatives for some time. Ralph Hopkins returned Monday from Portland, Oregon, where he has been visiting his brother for a few months. Joe Kuhn returned from Clifton, III. Sunday, where he has been working in his uncle's drug store for some time. Among the ladies who went down to Lakeside Saturday to witness the ball were: Mrs. A. E. Clark, Mrs. Wm, Spencer, Mrs. Philip Michael and Mamie Miller. Miss Bergy Moore spent a few days with her friend, Miss Ida McBuruey, last week. Mrs. Dr. Little returned to Chey enne, Wyo. Friday after a few days spent looking after business matters here. She reports the Dr.'s health to be no better. Rev. Chas. Burleigh came up from Lakeside Saturday to preach in the Methodist church Sunday. H. E. Jones returued to Blackfoot. Idaho Monday after a few days spent here looking after business matters and shaking hands with former acquaintances. The many fricuds of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hughes will be shocked to hear of the death of their two year old son, Jack, who died Sunday evening at 9 o'clock. The funeral was held Tues day at their home. Their tnanv frieuds sympathize with the bereaved family. H. E. Jones Visits Box Butte County H. E. Jones, formerly of Hemingford, but now living in Blackfoot, Idaho, arrived in Alliance last Saturday morning, leaving on forty-one that evening for Hemingford. While in Alliance he called on the Herald and gave some interesting accounts of his experiences in Idaho He states that business and crops in the Snake River Valley are booming as they never have a shortage of water there for irrigation pur poses. Mr. Jones will probably be in the county a week before going further on his trip. August Rate Bulletin TO THE EAST: Besides everyday special tourist rates to east- eastern cities and resorts, as well as diverse route tours of the East, including an ocean coast voyage, there are special rates, August 4th to 7th inclusive, for the Knights Templar Conclave at Chicago, and on September 13th to the 17th in clusive for the Grand Army Reunion at Atlantic City. ESTES PARK, COLORADO: Just north of Denver, Colorado's finest recreation region soon to be a National Park Ask for full descriptive booklet. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS: 1st and 8rd Tuesdays to West and Northwest localities, Get in touch with the undersigned and let us help you plan the most attractive and comprehens ive tour at the least cost. ' The attendance at Sunday School Sun day was 42. Frank Murrv and wife spent Sunday at the home of T. J Lawrence. Mrs Bauragardener from the sand hills ate dinner with Mrs. T. .1. Lawrence Wednesday. The W. C T, U every other Sunday church of Fairview when there meets is no Everyone parts. is busy harvesting in these BROADWATER We had a light shower of rain a Sunday, but we need more Frank Korf is building a house and otherwise improving his Kinkaid. A. D. Waggy was down from Eastwood Saturday on business. We will soon have a psol hall in Broad water. A Mr. Smith of Lisco is erecting a building which will be used for that pur pose. Mrs. P. Rowlan and sister called on Mrs. P. A. Johnson Sunday afternoon. Everyone is busy hat ing, but the yield is very light and it looks as if hay would bs money before another year rolls round. Otto Hiljenstoepe, who has been visit ing at the Pat Rowlan home, returned to his home in Omaha Saturday. Tuesday was Primary Election day, and as usual no great interest was manifested. 'aftxdn" J. KRIDELBAUGH, AGENT Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha Tell Us About It. This paper cai vive ull the local news only as our tr.ends lend us their co-operation. It anyono visits you, If you contemplate leaving town, If you see or hear or do anything out of the ordinary day's routine, tell us about It, that wo may tell the public. Training School for Nurses In connection with Mercy Hos pital, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, is a Training School for Nurses. Wanted, young ladies to enter the Training School of Mercy Hospital at Alliance. Apply to Sis rait Superior. ANTON UHRIG " THE OLD RELIABLE Hardware and Harness Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves Perfection Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves Sole agent for the celebrated DeeringJ lowers, Binders and Binder Twine Champion and Dowden Potato Diggers Special attention to Harness Repairing Hemingford, Nebraska A fine rain Sunday night accompanied by some hail, but no great damage was done in this locality. j Clyde Coker and brother. Lyle, returned home Saturday after spending a month in Missouri visiting relatives and friends. They report a fine time but seemed glad to get back to old Box Butte. The voice of the mowing machine in the tall grass is heard these das. Ethel Hagaman and Norma Desch spent Saturday night and Sunday with O. E Hagaman nnd wife. Fred Robbins and little daughter, Mrs. Corbit and Miss Nellie Wells of Herea, and Mrs. Fisher of Chicago all spent Sun day afternoon at the Westley home. All report a good time. Mable Carey is visiting at the Hagaman home for a week or so. The Coker boys and Alva Roach spent Sunday with Walter Roobins. Mrs. W. S. Coker and daughters, Dora and Helen, look dinner with Mrs. Nettie Westley Sunday. Miss Norma Desch is spending a few days at the Hagaman home. Sy Coker is cutting grain for F. W. Les ter at this writing. Perry Mailey is putting a new tin roof on his house we are told. FIRST STATE BANK James Barry, President 6ao. L. Taylor, Vict President Keith L. Pierce, Cashier D. A. Pierce, Assistant Cashier 0. L. Femur, Assistant Cashier and HEMINGFORD LOAN and TRUST CO. Solicit your long and short time loans. "We offer you every convenience for your checking account, and pay 5 on time deposits running 12 months. We act as trustee for estates. HEMINGFORD, NEBRASKA Central Lumber Co. A Full Line of Building: Haterial, Piles, and Coal HEHINGFORD, NEBR. Posts f-WSNf WH Ml sept. 5 T0 91910 LI NCOLNi me STATE'S BEST PRODUCTS WRIGHT BROS. AEROPLANE IN DAILY FLIGHTS LOMBARDO SYMPHONY BAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY C.3EAT RACES PATTERSON SHOWS DA5C DALL'-'FIREWORKS NIGHT RACES-VAUDEVILLE -gssrssss-'ssj. :iTrsr..Trr.Vfi;:--i." iT - - --i. - m m. -T -" W. F. ROSEiSKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Ship on Dakota St., between Box Butte an!1 Laramie Avenues, Alliance, Neb. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEUINGFORD, .1EOR. SPECIAL! IES Diseases of Women and Children and Genito Urinary Organs All calls answered promptly day or night OVEn 63 YEARS CXPEniC.NCE lUSEIBa Finding a Leak is sometimes a dangerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber, If there is any trouble in the bath room or heating apparatus Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason, able charge. We do good work and guar antee it. TnADC MArws DC31CN3 Copvr.iGtiTS &c. Anrone senrtlnj a nkelrli n-ul riwlntlon mar OulcUlr lurertaiu o ir oih-mi frco wliollicr on lirentlnn l pntmlilf P"tf,1,:;'j,.ftni oiiinniiilc. ttuua trlctlT t otiUJanllal. IIANQ900K oul'ntnuu ant froa. OMeit aiiencf fur aoiurin;! patent!. l'ntenti ututi tiiroucli Muuu A lo. rcculre Hartal notkt, without cbiirsa, tu tba Scientific American. A hMidiomelr llltutntled weUlr. IrBet elr niSntioii of niir r'latittaa aernn.fl Tirt fnurmiMitbi.ll, tJoUbjall tiow.deUrj. MIINN&Co.36'0-'-New York Fred Bren nan House phone, 356 Shop phone,744 LEGAL NOTICE In Juttlcu Court of llox llutto C'ouuty, No br.iskn Ilefon- tJrogory Zuru. Justice or the Peace. NicU ApoatulopouloM will ULe notice. Uint, 011 tin 1st. day of July, into. Orosory Zurn, a Justice of the lVaco of Hox Hutte Couuty, Nt!iirukii. Issued uu order uf sittuclinieut for ti enumof f.-OOO. lu an action iwiuliiis liefore him. wberein James Louius. is ulatntltf, und Nu'K AiKMtoKix)uIos, dufuudant. ilmre being no prut-url) uf defendant sarillshmeiit uns serted uu the Ohiraxo. Hurllm-ton mid g-liuy ltullroad Coniiauy. Said cause was cititluiied Hi tlioS7th day of Aunu.t. 1910. at 10 Ji-loi'k A. M. , .. Jambs Idtob. 3 , I'lalntlff T