The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 18, 1910, Image 5
"a T I l I Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classlOed under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Gash Rates Five cents per lino each insertion. No ad re ceived for less thau ten cents per insertion. Credit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty-live cents and on ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Recreations After a hot day's work a plunge in Berry's swimming pool will do you a lot of good. 33. st , A good many Alliance ladies patron ize the swimming pool at Judge Berry's, and some of them are quite expert swimmers. 335t Take a swim at the "plunge" and see how much better you feel after wards. 33-5t Household Articles An immense stock of household art icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods and notions, on which you can save money at the Bee Hive. Bathing and Swimming Take pool. a plunge in tlie swimming 33-5t We call attention again to the "plunge" at Judge Berry's as being the finest place within reach of Alliance people for a delightful swim these sum mer days. Accommodations for ladies as well as for men. 335 For Sale Houses, Etc. A five room house and two lots for sale at a bargaiu. Inquire at The Herald office. Lot for sale. I offer for sale lot 14, in block 2, West Lawn. Address Mrs. E. Lipska, Laurel, Colo. 34-5w Cottage for sale at a bargain, quire at The Herald office. In- Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest in hardware busi nesb. Curries line of harness and has best equipped tiu shop in western Ne braska, t'lrm is doing good business. Reason for selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. Now is the time to buy your wall paper at Holsten's. Holsten sells lead and oil and all kinds of paint material. Holsten sells art wall paper. Architect Sri The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of, building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Harness, Saddlery, Etc. See how far your cash will go in buying harness, saddlery, etc., at the new harness shop, opposite the post office, Alliance, j. E. Smith, proprietor. All kinds of repairing done promptly at reasonable prices. 34-tf Second-Hand Goods Second-baud furniture, stoves and household articles bought and sold by W. M. Wilson, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance. Will pay highest prices for second hand clothing. Shoes and boots bought and sold. Mrs. Shankman. Location formerly occupied by Dick Watkin's Real Estate office 011 Box Butte Ave nue. 33-4t Typewriter Supplies Buy your carbon paper and type writer ribbons at the Herald office. We handle Carter's Ideal lines "of carbon and ribbons aud the Revilo brand of ribbons. We quote city prices. All goods guaranteed. tf Employment Wanted Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue, tf Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT. Two or three unfurnished rooms in modern private residence- Call at Herald office. Phone 310. tf For Rent 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 504 Big Horn Ave. 36-iw Found Best place in the west to purchase Fresh Groceries, Flour, Cured Meats, Provisions, Fruits, Produce, at Watson & Watsou's, Alliance. The New Perfection Blue Flame oil stove is not an "attachment" but 13 a complete stove, fully equipped for all kinds of cooking and baking, and is be yond question the finest thing of the kind on the market. You can examine these stoves and see them demonstrated by calling at Acheson's hardware store. 35'2t Shoe Shining Machines When you want your shoes shiued right and in a hurry drop into the Alli ance Shoe Store. 306 Box Butte Ave., and have the work done by oue of those wonderful electric shoe shining machines. Two machines, one for black and one for tan shoes. It takes only a nickle in the slot, and in three minutes both shoes are given a first class shine. The work is done by sets of brushes run by electricity, and can not hurt the teuderest feet. 36tf Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines For Sale, Pianos Oue Shubert, a very soft, pleasing tone aud light touch, in perfect tune, mahogany case. One Bush & Gerts. case slightly dam aged. One Hamilton in perfect tunc and iu good condition. These instru ments will be sold at a bargain. One Esty organ in fine condition. Three sewing machines, the Free, the Rotary, Ball Beariug. These goods are on sale. Terms to suit the purchaser. At the Burlington Hotel. 35' Good Things to Eat An excellent place to get good things to eat, fruits, vegetables, country pro duce, fresh groceries, flour, cured meats, etc., is at Watson & Watson's, northeast corner Box Butte avenue and Second street. Alliance. 35-tt Live Stock and Poultry Attention, Farmers! If you have any kind of cattle for sale see Jas. Feagiusor Oscar Braman, or call at Room 3, McCorkle Bldg. . 348w Stallion for Sale or Trade Stallion for sale or trade for horses or cattle. Good disposition, range broke. Weight 1800, seven years old, dapple gray. James Potmesil, 2i-tf Long Lake, Nebr. LOST One bay horse about five years old. Has one white foot- Mane "and tail both clipped. Branded with small anvil on left shoulder. Went southwest of Alliance about fifteen to twenty-four miles. Reward of ten dol lars will be paid upon return to owner. Miss Katie Gerald, phone Blue 485, at Mrs. Koke's, South Alliance. 32 ti SHORT HORN cows and heifers for sale. I will sell from one to twenty-five bead of cows and heifers, with calves by side, or in calf. Good registered stock cheap. Also some vouug bulls. J. G. Brenizer, Broken Bow, Nebr. 35-5 WANTED reasonable. Rust, jr. Horses to winter. Terms Phone 3 on 10. Wm. 35-3W- Implements, Vehicles, Etc. For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs; made by Chas. Caffery; at Donovan & Son's wagon shop. Owned by Fred Countryman. 25-tf . Miscellaneous Get your school supplies and candies at the Bee Hive. 36-tt The "plunge" at Judge Berry's is the place for a really delightful bath and swim this hot weather 33-5t If you are going to kodak, sten see Hoi- Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. Paints arc sold at Holsten's. Judge Berry has his swimming pool in better shape than ever before. A new engine aud a new heater were put in this year," abd everything is in "ship shape" for the' accommodation of his customers. , 33-5t- Holsten sells kodaks and supplies. When it comes to buying harness for cash, or bankable note, you can save money by going to the new harness shop opposite the postoffice, Alliance J. E. Smith, proprietor. A splendid Ijue of new goods to select from. See him before you buy. Also, repairing done promptly, in first-class manner, and at reasonable prices. 34-tf For all kinds of house cleaniug, lawn mowing and odd jobs about town, phone A. Haiues, Nohe's Restaurant. , 36-iw Watson & Watson call special atten. tion to their fine stock of Fresh Gro ceries. When you want something good to eat give them a call.35tf- W. M. Wilson sells the "O. K." Crude Oil burner. Can be used in any cooking or heating stove, range or furnace. Saves 30 to 50 per cent on fuel bill. See it demonstrated at his store, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance. Help Wanted Wanted Girl for house work. Mrs. Horace Bogue, 909 Cheyenne avenue. 3Gtf Western Life and Accident Denver, Colo. Working Men and Women of Alliance Protect Your Earnings. READ THIS Denver, Colo., August C, 1910. Fred E. Morrisou, Alliance, Nebr Wo beg to enclose you herewith our check for $140 in payment of your claim against this company for Injuries re ceived on May 31, according to proofs tiled at this office You were disabled for two months, for which time Indem nity has oeen tu lowed. We trust this will be satisfactory. Very respect fully yours, R. V. Townkk, Secretary, Western Life fc Accident Co. Denver, Colo , July 30, 1010. James W. Coyle. Enclosed find check for $105 in pay ment of your claim against this com pany for injuries sustained June 15th, according to proofs tiled at this office. You were disabled 45 days. Secretary. Western life and Accident Co. Denver, Colo., Aug. 1, 1910. George Peterson. Enclosed find check covering your disability for sickness during mouth of July. Respectfully yours, R. V. Town kk, Secretary. Alliance, Nebr., June 10, lDlo. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado, Gentlemen: I received your check In full payment for my recent illuess, and wish to thank you for same, and the prompt manner in which you responded to ray claim. Fhkd K. Moitmsox, 220 W. Wyo. Ave. Alllunce, Nebr., June 0, 1910. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Gentlemen: I hereby acknowledge re ceipt of your check covering my recent illness in which I was operated upon for appendicitis. I shall ever speak a good word for the Western Life and Accident Co. Miss. Geo. C. Ham.. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Gentlemen: My claim in your company amounting to 330 for accident was re ceived promptly and wish to thank you for your prompt method of helping your members when in distress. Thomas Jackson, Alliance, Nebr. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Dear Sirs: My claim against your com pany received and I want to thank you for your kind attention which was sat isfactory in every way, and for the small cost of policy. I think it is some thing everyone should have. Resp.ct fully yours, John Hand. Alliance, Nebr. We pay while you live: others pay when you die. Which is better? We insure women as well' as men" ugainst all diseases common to both. The one policy insures the beneficiary as well as the insured. Dit. Wilms Coyi.k, 211 East Wyoming St., General Manager. Mica Mill Wants to Locate in Alliance The Commercial Club has received a letter from The Electric Mica Company of Custer City, S. D., asking if Alliance bus iness men would be interested in the es tablishment of a mica mill here. The letter explains fully about the business, stating that mica is the greatest insulating material known and the deposit of mica in the Black Hills is the only one found in the United States. The big profit in mica is in the milling, as the mica which comes from the mine is worth about $150 per ton, but after it has been handled at the mill it is worth from $3oo to St, 000 per ton. It costs about $35 to mine a ton of mica and about $50 to mill, so the proht is very large. The mill, if located in Alliance, would furnish employment for 50 to 75 people to start with. The Electric Mica Company, which is capitalized at $100,000, owns property at Custer City which they con sider worth that amount. They desire to sell stock to the amount of $25,000 for the purpose of building a mill and equipping it with the necessary machinery. The writer of the letter offers to come to Alli ance and demonstrate his proposition, if the Alliance business men are interested. It is probable that the Commercial Club will ask him to come down and explain the proposition. FA1RVIEW There was no preaching last Sun day as the minister did not put in an appearance. Mrs. Win. Kust Jr. i enjoying a visit witu two ot tier sisters who arrived here from Lincoln last Saturday. Albert Hoofer visited with the Had ley .oung folks last Sunday. Wm. AspJen had lightning rods put on tus house Tuesday, and J. R. Law rence had rods put on his barn. Win. Uust Jr. finished harvesting hU grain last Sunday. Mrs. T. M. Uurrow and Mrs. Cliff Wilson of Alliance visited with Mrs. T. J. Lawrence last Friday. J. It. Lawrence and Chas. Henjamln intended to start threshing Wednesday but put it off until Thursday on account of the rain. Mrs, Chas. Qenjaman visited with Mrs, J. It. Lawrence Wednesday. There will be an Ice cream social at Win. Aspden's next Friday nlirht. Auc. 1v1.11, ttveryuouv coruianv invited to attend. Fred Iladley and sister, Violet, visit ed with the Vogle young folks Sunduy evening. Harry Parker went down to the Joy ranch this week to work through hay ing. John aud Ed 1'alilow are helping Sain Treukle stack his grain this week. Auance Roller Rink We have just received a new shipment of Skates and hereafter will be able to furnish vskates for everyone. We are running a Beginners' Matinee from 4:30 until it 6 p. m. Competent instructors for all beginners. T, . WtT Skates for sale. Inquire at Skate Room. Rink in HcCorkle Bldg. Valuable Prizes for Bible Study We call tho attention of our readers to one of The Herald's departments which we have just added at considerable cost, "Suggestive Questions oa the Sunday School Lessons." They only need to be read to be appreciated, and if read care fully, comparing the questions with the Scripture upon which they are based, they will not fail to impress the reader with their great significance. This department is copyrighted and is the same as is used by hundreds of other leading papers of the United States. It is not denominational or sectarian; in fact, it is not an explanation of doctrines, but suggestive questions leading to investiga tion. While these questions do not com ment on the subjects suggested, they are inspiring sermons, addresses and news paper articles in hundreds of towns; they are a stimulus and help to thousands of Bible class teachers and students. The man on the street reads and discusses them with his chum; they are read in the homes of the people and afford interesting subjects for profitoble discussion. Almost any one question will suggest as much thought to the average reader a would take a newspaper column to express, and the thought will be his own. The questions are not dry sermons or explanations, they are fresh, interesting, and suggestive, and one can learn from them, by way of suggestion, more than by reading an entire magazine devoted to the philosophy of every-day life. These questions cover the all-round needs of human nature, while they are a wonderful help in elucidating, and en forcing the Bible lesson upon which they are based. Don't fail to read thera from now on, and be readv to start in the easy Bible contest which is to commence in a few weeks, and thus you may hope to win one of the beautiful gold medals. See our announcement last week and those that are to follow. Subscribe for The Herald today, using the attached coupon and get in line with this popular Bible study movement. Send The Alliance Herald one year, for which I enclose One Dollar and Fifty Cents (1.50). Count me a member of The Herald Local Club. Name. .. Address August 21 at, 1910.'' (Copyrlifct, 1810. by Krr. T. S. Llnsmrt, P.D.) Jesus Hearing Jerusalom. Matt, xr: 17-34. Golden Text The Son of man came not to bo ministered unto, but to mln ister and to give hlu life a ransom for many. Matt. xx:28. Verses 17-19 Did Jesus knw from the beginning of his ministry, that the Jews would reject and put him to death? At what period In tho life of Jesus did he begin to toll his disciples of his upproaching crucifixion? (See Chap. 1G:21. Mark 8:31, Luke 9:22.) Did God In any sense cause the chief priests and the scribes to betray Jesus, or the Gentiles to scourgo and cruci fy him? Why did Jeans toll of his coming death confidentially, and to the twelve disciples only? Verses 20-21 Who wero tho two sons of Zebedee? What had probably Inspired this mother, to make (he ambitious re quest, that her two sons may Bit, one on his right hand and the other on his left, In his kingdom? What, If any, reason Is thoro to be llave that the two sons got their moth er to make this request for them? What was probably their Idea con cerning the coming kingdom of Jesus? Can you state possible circum stances where It would be right to get others to ask for us, what we are ashamod to ask personally? Verse 22 How may we know, or get Into a condition, so as not to pray for foolish, or unprofitable things? What does the expression signify, "to drink of tho cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the bap tism that I am baptized with?" Why have wo a right to conclude that these two dlHciples, notwithstand ing their unwise request, loved Jesus Nearly, and, were prepared to suffer with him? Verse 23 Is suffering for Jesus as necessary now as then, or does the change In the circumstances make suffering now unnecessary? 'Why? Why cannot God show partiality to any, notwithstanding hU tender lovt to each? R. A. CHARLTON, flgr. Suffering Is no doubt the lot of all, wm would be free and faithful, but on what baals dses Oetf make promo tions, or put Ma servants In promi nent peeltlonaf (Thla question mwrt be anaweree' l writing by me maw af the club.) Verso 24 Which were the mora blameable, tho two for making a fool lih request, or tho ton for being "moved with Indignation" against thorn? Vorses 25-29 Who Is the greatest In the kingdom of Ood on tho earth? What are tho tap vfaw points of greatness In the MBlt&ita ofi Ood asd In tho world? Can a man romata a sutojeet ki the kingdom of God, Tao is not anxious to servo, or, who sacks bospr asd plots for promotion? Why or tfey vail Verses It m Jealfcaf MbM whintm earth to satmeutetfri.feaV rtcknesV nnd lnflrmltlos, d Wbr reason Is there to bellov tft UdB pol ler was meant to U peqaaapjafji Suppoaa, taotead mt mtmfQmm blind men, 60 had gtmm Gtatiff Wa er spiritual tafca ffMsftt woM have boon fee baMar Mtajt Lesson for Svndbp. Aqg. JBUi, 1911 Jesus Entering Jerasataa. KaH. zzlt 1-17 NOTICE To Patrick Muring)), Box Ilutto enmity, Np- lirutlcn. You nro hereby notified Unit II. Ilymo dltl on the Itli day of N'ovnmbor, 1P07, pu rehire at pulillc sale of the trcasuror of !)x Ilutto comity, NetiraiWu, the following dpcrtl-d laud situated In liox Ilutto county, Neur.iaka. to-wltj Tho southeast quarter (8fi 41 of hoctlon nine (8). tu township twenty-live ((23), north ratiqu tlfty-ono (51), west of the sixth principal nixrinian, tor iue lor me year um: 111:11. too suld II, ltyrnedld since, nnd nfter tho siune the tuxes for tuey?arlt07; and thaturterwiittN tho tu Id U, IJyrno for a trood 11ml vulualilo consideration assigned aula certltlcntuuf tax uli) to nm. the undortiUtiod, W. L, McNiimiir.i. and that I have since, and nfter the same lie came delinquent, paid as ubwent taxes, tho taxes for tho yeor MXH; that said land was taxed for each of suld yearn, lo-wlt : 1 ml. 1007, 1P08. in the name of Patrick Morta.'li And yon ar further notified that after tilt1 expiration of three mouths from da 0 of I lie servlco of this notice, I will apply to sild treasurer for u tax deed of said land, You will (roveru yourself accordingly. Dated this Sth day of August, 1010. V. L. MoNAMAnA, 30- l,urchavr. B. F. Oilman has had his law otll '-s in the Alliance National Hank lil-! remodeled nnd repapored. tie added new furniture uImi. T.S.FIELDING TAILOR AND PRVCLEA'ER We ,Can Please You We Know How Over 30 rears ExpcrUtict' Eighteen of which have been i.i best there is in these li.iti-. We have just installs I a DuVasher Cleaning Machine, the most up-to-date machine known to the profession. Garments of all kinds cleaned, pressed and repaired in a way that will please. Party and ball costumes cleaned without the removal of trimmings. A Trial Order Solicited Look for the Sign of the Machine on the Window. North Room of , Mrs. Holdridge's Building 403 Box Butte Avenue NOTICE To William II. Throckmorton, llox flutto county, Nebraska. You aro hereby notified that II. Ilymo did on tho 4th ilny of NoTcuiber, 1007, purchaso at public tux aalo of the treasurer of Uox llntto county, Nebraska, the following described land situated in llox Ilutto county, Nebraska, to-wlti Tho southeast quarter (SKi) of section fif teen (IB). In township twenty-four CM), uortli rancu llfty-one (51). west of the sixth principal meridian, for taxes for tho years 1005 nnd 1900; that the said 11. Ilymo did slnco and after tho same becamo delinquent, paid on subsequent tuxes, the taxes for the year 1007; and that afterwards tho said U. fiyrne, for a wood and valuable consideration assigned said cerlltlcato of tux sale to mo. the undersigned. W. U. McNntnara, and that I have since, nnd after tho sumo became delinquent, paid iih subsequent tuxes, tho taxes for the year IMS: that said land was taxed for each of said years, to-wlt: 1003, IDOtS, 1007, 1WH, In tho namo of William II. Throckmorton. And you aro further notified that after the expiration of throe months from da to of servlco of this notice, I will apply to said treasurer for a tar deed of said land. You will go rum yourself accordingly. Uutotf this 8th day of August, 1010. W, L. MoNAMAnA, M- l'urchiisor. NOTICE To John ti. Hurton.AUIanco.UoxIlulte county, Nebraska. You are hereby notified that II. llyruo did on the 4tU day of Nouembcr, 1007. purchase at public tax salo of tho treasurer of llox Hutto county, Nebraska, tho following dvscrilied land situated In llox Ilutto county. Nebraska, to-wlti Tliu north half of the southeast quarter (N'4 of HKHJ of section thirteen (13), In town uinroijui juiiiuil uuriepil ll.l'. Ill town-twenty-live (25), uortli range forty-soveu snip (17) west, sixth Ixtli principal meridian, for tiitm for the lie veant 1005. IHCni antl t ears 1005, IOCOI aud liyrno did since, and after the same becumo delinquent, paid as subsequent nixes, the tuxes for the year 1007 1 and that afterwards the said II. ltyrn- for n good and valuable CoiiRlileratlon assigned said certificate of tax stilu to mo tlio undersigned, W. 1 MoNatnarn, unit that I havo since, and after the samobe Ciimu delinquent, paid us subsequent tuxew, the tuxes fr tho year HVirf: that said laud wan taxed for each of aid year, to-wlt: lOOS liW. UV7, lUK tn the mi mn of John I llurum. And you an further notlliod that after tho expiration of three months fr.un date of the uurvlre nf this untie. I will apply lo said tensurer for 11- tux deed of suld laud. You will govern yourself accordingly. Dated tlib, wiidayuf August, 1010. V. K McNavara, 30- Purchaser. We 'Imv- completed airatujcmeiits vitli h. 1.1 ii the l)t etintMveis in the uot t h vli we can Mipuly un short nitlice. tiui.vej iw it's, emboHHed sUtidiit-t v eniMve,t wedding itivita ions i'i Mil. tiiituelse Hut tni uetlti HJieil 111 fill? llil t'tt 01 embused wink K.-l" mi 1 tie Kerxld who are tlitnli i . ruling an thing of this Mud !' ui 1 c.i'i .it this office nnd see 9,1111(1. r-n it un. -, inures the vv pa