The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 18, 1910, Image 2

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Clearing Out Sale
1P1 B
F JF? if- TWi r
Wc arc going east soon to
order our fall and winter
stock, and In order to make
room for the same arc make
ing a clearing out sale on
White, Embroidery Dresses,
Skirts, Linens, Suits, Ki
monas, white, black, silk and
linen; also, all Hair Goods.
mbitc Boo0
By the yard, Dimity, Jjiwns
etc., 25c on the Dollar on
summer goods. Also, half
off on Millinery.
Shirtwaists, ls off
$3.00 Waists, going at $2.00
$6.00 Waists, geing at $4.00
American Beauty
Wc sell the American Beauty Corsets
the latest and best thing in the cor
set line. Wc have just received a new
stock ol them. Splendid line. All sizes,
Ladies arc invited to call and sec them.
R. Simmons
Kalamttoo Corset Co,, Maker
Leonard Wood
neprlnted from an article by Theodore Roosevelt In The Outlook, by special
arrangement with The Outlook, of .which Theodore Roosevelt. itContrlbutlns:
Editor. Copyright, 1810, by The Outlook Company. All Itlg&ta Reserved.
Reliable Grocer
A full line of G-roceries, Provisions, Flour
and other goods usually found in a
first-class Grocery
Telephone orders filled promptly
Phone 54
Alliance, Nebraska
S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Second St.
Gen. Leonard "Wood hnB juBt re
turned from Boutb America to take up
his dutlcB na chief of the general staff
of the United States army, the highest
military position 'which the service af
fords. Nearly 12 yeans ago, when .Leonard
Wood was acting as governor of Santi
ago, I wrote In the Outlook about what
he had already 'achieved, udd v?at he
oould be trusted to achieve. During
the intervening 12 years ho has played
a very conspicuous part among the
men who have rendered signal service
to the country by the way n which
they have enablod It to grapple with
the duties and responsibilities In
curred by the Spanish war. Whn't has
been accomplished In the Philippines,
In Cuba, In Porto Rico, In Pana'ma,
and In San Domingo during these 12
years represents a sum of achieve
ment of which this nation has a right
to be extremely proud. In each locali
ty the problem has been different, In
each locality It has been solved with
signal success. Of course there have
been mistakes and shortcomings, but
on the whole It would bo difficult to
Ond anywhere a finer record of suc
cessful accomplishment This record
is primarily due to the admirable qual
ity of the men put at tho head of af
fairs In the different places. Messrs.
Taft, Luko Wright, Smith and Forbes,
Messrs, Hunt, Wlnthrop, Post and Col
ton, Governor Magoon, Colonel Goeth
ala to these nnd their colleagues and
subordinates the country owes a
heavy debt of obligation.
Most of those I have mentioned are
oIvilianB. Colonel Goethals, under
whom tho gigantic work of the Pana
ma canal Is being accomplished, with
literally astounding rapidity and suc
cess, Is a representative of the army.
Tho share of the army In the honor
roll Is very large. The importance
of work like that of General Bell In
the Philippines, of Genoral Barry in
Cuba, con hardly bo overestimated
but, as a whole, of all tho work of the
army officers, the greatest In amount,
nnd the greatest In variety of achieve
ment, must be credited to General
Wood. And, moreover, he has at
times combined with singular success
the functions of civil administrator
and military commandant. The part
played by the United States in Cuba
haB been one of tho most hondrable
over played by any nation In dealing
with a weaker power, one of the most
satisfactory In all respects; and to
General Wood more than to any other
ono man Is due tho credit of starting
this worfi and conducting It to a suc
cessful conclusion during the earliest
and most difficult years. Like almost
nil of the men mentioned, as well as
their colleagues, General Wood of
course incurred the violent hatred of
many dishonest schemers and un
scrupulous adventurers, and of a few
For a Square Meal or Short Order f
more or less well-meaning persons
who were 'misled by thoBe schemers
and ndyenture'ra; but It Is astounding
io any one acquainted wiui the lacta
to realize, not merely what ho accom
plished, hut how he succeeded in gain
ing die good will of the enormous ma
jority of the men whoso good (will
could be won only In honorable fash
ion, Spaniards and Cubans, Christiaa
Filipinos and Moras, Catholic eccle
siastics and Protestant missionaries
in each case the great majority of
those whose opinion was best worth
havlpg gew to regard General Wood
as their Bpoclal champion and ablest
friend, as the man who more than any
others traderstood and sympathized
with their peculiar needs and was
anxious and able to render them the
help they most needed.
His administration was as signally
successful in the Moro country as in
Cuba. In each case alike it brought in
Its train peace, an Increase in material
prosperity, and a rigid adherence to
honesty as the only policy tolerated
among officials. His opportunity for
military service has not been great,
either In the Philippines or while he
was the governor of Cuba. Still, on
several occasions he was obliged to
carry on operations against hostile
tribes of Moros, and in each case he
did hlB work with skill, energy, and
efficiency; and, once It was done, he
howed as much humanity In dealing
with the vanquished as he had shown
capacity to vanquish them. In our
country there are some kinds of suc
cess which receive an altogether dis
proportionate financial reward; but in
io other country is the financial re
ward so small for the kind of service
done by Leonard Wood and by the
other men whose names I have given
above. General Wood Is an army offi
cer with nothing but an army officer's
pay, nnd we accept It as a matter of
course that ho should have received
practically no pecuniary reward for
those services which he rendered In
positions not such as an army officer
usually occupies. There Is not an
other" big country In the world where
ho would not have received a sub-
tantlal reward such as here no one
ven thinks of his receiving. Yet, aft
er all, the reward for which ho most
cares is the opportunity to render
service, and thlB opportunity 'has been
given him once and again. He now
stands as chief-of-staff of the Ameri
can army, the army in which he was
serving in a subordinate position as
surgeon 13 years ago. His rise has
been astonishing, and it has been due
purely to his own striking qualifica
tion and striking achievements. Again
and again he has rendered great serv
ice to the American people; and he
will continue to render such service
in the position he now holds.
Fir,st door south of Kibble's real estate office
Alliance, Nebr.
$ iM
f Special Sale
For two weeks we will give you a big re
duction on all goods in our store. It will pay
you to buy now anything
you want in our line
Men's and Boys' Shoes
Hen's Summer Underwear
Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery
Www wW ww PNp4MpHp ww 99 wwHFWwwTpfp
Large assortment of Boys' and Men's Straw w
Hats at 15 and 20 cents to close out, w
formerly sold for 35 to 50 cents w
East Side of Bex Butte avenue, half block north of
Burl!atoH station
Meat Vlartcet
Having purchased the S. H. Desch Grocery and
Meat Alarket, we have decided to run the same
on a CASH BASIS. We think that by so
doing we can sell First-Class Goods for less
money than we could by doing a credit busi
ness. Accordingly, after August 17th, we will
sell FOR CASH ONLY. You are invited to call
and get prices.
Telephone Orders Delivered Promptly
Real Oriental Matting Suit Cases;
Traveling Bags, 16 and 18 inches.
Just the "thing for traveling.
Durable and light weight.
E. I. Gregg & Son's
Big Premium Offer
We will give a special premium of Ten Dollars
($10.00) to the winner of first premium on best loaf of
bread at the Box Butte county fair this year, if the bread
was made from flour bought of us.
To the winner of second premium on loaf of
bread we will give a special premium of Five Dollars
($5.00) on the same conditions.
Now is the time to commence practicing
with this flour.
We handle the
Curtis High Patent
E.I.Gregg & Son
-a ) 1-
Wash Machines
If you are short
If you are 'tall
If you wish to stand up
If you wish to sit down
Farm Wagons Buggies
Everything in
Harvesting Machinery
Harness and Saddlery
319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block
Hartford Fire Insurance Company,
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of UlookljD, New York,
Continental of New York City.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
loduccucuu riru
Liverpool. London und Globe Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
New Hampshire
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
t'noeniz ins. jo., iiartford. Conn
Commercial Union Assurance Co.. LondonFlremana Fund Insurance Co.
" ' . k. ivucuebicrueriuuu ins. L.O.
etulouf Omaha Office I'p-Stalni.Flctcherlllock
f ly i-W"