The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 11, 1910, Image 3
Clearing Out Sale WW SATJt XJ"iv We arc going cast soon to order our fall and winter stock, and In order to make room for the same arc make ing a clearing out sale on White, Embroidery Dresses, Skirts, linens, Suits, Ki tnonas. white, black, silk and linen; also, all Hair Goods. . THUbitc 6ooD0 11 y the yard, Dimity, Imwhs etc., 25c on the Dollar on summer goods. Also, half off on Millinery. Shirtwaists, ls off $3.00 Waists, going at $2.00 $6.00 Waists, ging at $4.00 American Beauty Corsets We sell the American Beauty Corsets the latest and best thing in the cor set line. We have just received a new stock ot them. Splendid line. All sizes. Ladles arc invited to call and sec them. R. Simmons AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 293 Kilimazoo Corset Co,, Maker GEO. HILLS Still doing business at the old stand Opposite Palace Livery Barn Full Line Harness and Cellars Sweat Pads, 75c per pair ROBES: A beautiful pattern on each side, giving you two patterns for the price of one Oiling and Repairing Harness I keep no books; cash prices only. Qet my prices Complete line of machinery for making and repairing Harness RODGEBS Favorable Comments from the Press HON j n. DKAN. Omaha World-Herald "JudRO Dean's qualifications as a candidate for congress are obvious. lie made an excellent record on the supreme bench, and he is today one of the most popular democrats in Nebras ka." Ravenna News: "Judge Dean is one of the state's most capable men and his abil ity would soon win for him a place among the leaders in Congress," Kearney Democrat' "Judge Dean is called the 'Insurcent Judge' of the su preme court." Mason City Transcript: "Judge Dean is a good clean man morally, a fine lawyer, an able judge and a man Nebraska is proud to count among her citizens." Holt County Independent: "Judge Dean's candidacy is certainly gratifying to the people in the district who have become painfully tired of Kinkaid." Aurora Sun "With Judge Dean once nominated we opine that the devoted pat riot Mr. Alaska Coal Field Kinkaid will have reason violently to scratch gravel." Kearney Times: "The Sixth District is looking for a strong man to run for con gress this fall and Judge Dean seems to be the choice." Alliance Herald1 "Judge Dean is well known throughout the state as a member of the supreme court of Nebraska and if nominated we believe he will be the next congressman from the Big Sixth." Hastings Democrat "Judge Dean rep resents the best in democracy, and the people can rely upon his fidelity to pro gressive principles. His candidacy is the best news that has reached us lately." Polk County Democrat. "We hope Judge Dean will receive the nomination that he will bring added votes to the other offices on the ticket in November. He is a vote getter." Custer County Chief: "Judge Dean car ried Custer county for supreme judge over Judge Fawcett by 863 majority and over Judge Barnes by 768, He led his two running mates in this county by something over 400 which shows the Judge is a popvf uiar man at home. Custer County lleacon "Judge Dean's remarkable vole in Custer county and in the Sixth district was one of the features of last fall's election and was favorably commented upon throughout the stale. This with his other qualifications brings him prominently before the people as an available candidate for congress at this time." Nebraska I Following is n condensed htntemeut of the financial condition of the .State of Nebraska, issued August 1, 1010 ntid compiled from the reports of Stute OtllcvrN iinil statistics gathered by the Bureau of Lubor and Industrial Statistics: ASSISTS Real Estate 81,203,e09,S4O.OO Personal Property 301 ,049,4 r! 00 ID. Reliable Grocer A full line of G-roceries, Provisions, Flour and other goods usually found in a first-class Grocery Telephone orders filled promptly Phone 54 Alliance, Nebraska S. W. Cor, Box Butte Ave. and Second St. s Kailroails State Charitable Insti tutions, Reforma tories, Etc State House & Grounds State Uuiversity State Normals School District prop'ty State fair grounds .... Blind and deaf insti tutes Furniture, fixtures, libraries, Etc State school lands.,.. Permanent school fund (Iuvested) Cash deposited in des ignated banks ..... Individual deposits in state banks Individual deposits In National hanks.... State Prison and gr'ds Experimental farms.. 572,731,625.00 2.072,000.00 051,000.00 1,000,000 Oil 721,000.00 15,239,382 00 250,000.00 300,000 00 575,000 00 18,000,000.00 8,499,190.30 808,043.15 72,283,020 75 11290,378 81 275,000 00 125,000.00 Congressman Hitchcock for Senator To the voters nt the primaries: August 16th is primary day and I ask for the democratic and populist nomination for United States senator. I was born in Nebraska lifty years ago and have lived in the state all my life except two years spent at sciiool as a boy in Ger many. Twenty-five years ago this month I established the Evening World. Pour years later this became the Morning and Even ing World-Herald, which I have published and edited as a radical democratic paper, supporting al so many populist candidates. I am now serving my third term in congress, representing Douglas, Washington and Sarpy county. I have been elected in this republican district by in creasing majorities because peo ple of all parties have approved, my course in congress. My record shows that I have hbkwj, iiaB IFbbbbbbmR; r?;'' Me, s ! vHEBaBEv TRc- lEEEE Bk SErip eeeeeeeeeeeeeI V 'VEEEEEEEEEEEEflH&nHIBflEEEEftKf eeeeeei 8 P9BBBhHRmHBv9BBhr. eeeeY s tiHEflHHBtiEBES9EtEEES9K SEEE. EEEEEEEEEEEflflEEEflEEEEEsWiEEE' Xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee7 M C.ILUI RT 1I1TUICOCK fought the trusts, tariff robbery, ship subsidies and Cannonism. I have supported the income tax, railroad regulation and pub licity of campaign contributions. I a&si.sted in the passage of the uoijtal savings Jjank bill, and I forced the investigation of Bal- linger and the land frauds. In and other respects I have not only .stood with my Democratic associates but have co-operated with such progress ive republicans as Murdock in the House and LaFollette in the Senate. I trust that my service in the house has qualified me for a place in the senate and I ask your support at the primaries Aug. ICtli. Respectfully, Gilbert M. Hitchcock. GO TO MRS. M. C. BURKETT'S RESTAURANT and CAFE For a Square Meal or Short Order IfcvdCea,le 25c J First door south of Kibble's real estate office Alliance, Nebr. Total Assets $2,002,157,045 01 1.I.V1UI.1TIK8 State bonds outstaiid'g S0,000.C0O,0G0 00 Registered warrauts outstanding 0.000,(00,000 00 Duestate institutions balance bl-enuial ap propriation ........ I,o02,530oo Excess 10o9 .mortgage filing over re'euses. 31,.'.SS.21.1.oo Candidates at the Primary The democratic filings for nom inations on the state tickets are as follows: For Governor .Ashton C.Shal lenberger; James C. Dahlman. For Lieutenant Governor Ralph A. Clark; Win. II. Green. For Secretary of State Chas. W. Pool; Dr. A. T. Gatewood. For Auditor of Public Ac counts P. J. Hewitt; O. E. Ber- necker. For State Treasurer Phelps D. Stnrdevant; James H. McGin ley; George E. Hall. For State Superintendent Wm. K. Jackson; Charles Arnot. For Attorney General Menzo W. Terry; C. II. Whitney. For Railway Commissioner Ben H. Hayden; W. C. Brooks; W. F. Porter; Victor E. Wilson. For Land Commissioner W. B, Eastham; C. F. Bueshausen; R. W. Fleming, Jr. For United States Senator R. L. Metcalfe; Gilbert M. Hitch cock; Willis E. Reed. Total liabilities. . S 32.05o.7h9 00 HEL'AI'UI.ATION Total Assets 2.oo2,157,o45 ol Total Liabilities . . . 32.e!5o,740 00 Excess assets over liabilities $1. 0M,5o,2U0.ol I, Will M. Maupin. Deputy Commis sioner of the Hureau of Labor and In dustrial Statistics, do solemuly affirm that the above statement, made up from the reports submitted to the Bu reau of Labor and Industrial Statistics and gleaned from the reports of vari ous state officials, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed: WILL M. MAUPIN, Deputy Labor Commissioner. State of Nebruska ) County of Lancaster J Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of August, lOlo. T. W. SMITn, (Seal) Notary Public, McCLUER'S Ladies' White and Black Silk Gloves, short lengths, size 6 and 6, at 35c Long Black and White Mousquetaire, $1.25 grade for 75c to close McCLUER'S E. I. Gregg & Son's Big Premium Offer We will give a special premium of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to the winner of first premium on best loaf of bread at the Box Butte county fair this year, if the bread was made from flour bought of us. To the winner of second premium on loaf of bread we will give a special premium of Five Dollars ($5.00) on the same conditions. Now is the time to commence practicing with this flour. We handle the Curtis High Patent E.LGregg& Son Wash Machines SUITS YOU If you are short If you are tall If you wish to stand up If you wish to sit down J i WW COME IN AND SEE IT TMex)beTTttd. Co. State Fair Items. The entues foi races of the State Fair, Sept. 5th to 9th. will cIopo next Maiiday, August 15th, ami are as fol lows: Trottiug 2:25, 2:20, 2:15 and 2:10, and pacing 2:20, 2:17, 2:12, 2:09 and 2:04. Each being for a purse of 56oo with a five per cent entry. At the same time closes the Nebiaska der by of 1 1 ift miles which will be run on Tuesdav of the fair, und the tea mile relay race, two miles each day, chang ing mounts at the end of each half mile. These together with the six early closing races, four of which are for f 1,000 each, and nine running races, constitute the best list of races ever offered on a Nebraska course, and tak en with Wright Bros. Aeroplanes to make flights each day of the fair, to gether with other usual features, should furnish a very attractive program for Hnir visitous. I.LAC HESON Hardware Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Harvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block IVELOIV FLICTCHKR FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE fOLl OWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. tiunford Fire Insurance Oomuunj. North American of I'tilladelplilu. Pboeniz of Ulooklyo. New York. Continental ot New York Otty. Niagara Fire insurance Company. uonuecucuit ire Liverpool. London and Olobe Ins. Co. German American 1ns. Co., New York. New llampublre Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Fnoenlx Ins. Jo.. Uartford, Conn Commf ro.lal Union Assurance On., London Klremans Fund Insurance Co yernmiiia riru ins. uo. itoi'iiesier uerman ins. Co. stumor Otuulia Office t.'cSluirs.FletcherUlock r -u i t mmm.i!St!!fttfg?v ,..u st&rWt&tS rxgt jm- " W;ri:?jF&mmm&'i :,$&' '-, M" f3iYt T V.Jf- -. i.