The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 11, 1910, Image 2
.Wftl"''H . Hw anHBBWKiisssH , ej-"'"T 41 "IT f fawned 7r.YV""r-"' n "I H T The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Q-IO VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1910 NUMBER 35 Tb " f IT JJ I t - ANTON UHRIG " THE OLD RELIABLE Hardware and Harness Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves Perfection Blue Flame Coal Oil Stoves m Sole agent for the celebrated Deering lowers, Binders and Binder Twine Champion and Dowden Potato Diggers Special attention to Harness Repairing Hemingford, HtHTTTMtTTfl?TTTyTTYTTTTTt FIRST STATE BANK femes Barry, President Geo. L. Taylor, Vice President Keith L Pierce, Cashier D. A. Pierce, Assistant Cashier B. L. Fenner, Assistant Cashier and HEMINGFORD LOAN and TRUST CO. Solicit your long and short time loans. We offer you every convenience for your checking account, and pay 5 on time deposits, running 12 months. We act as trustee for estates. HEMINGFORD, Central Lumber Co. A Full Building material, Piles, and Coal HEHINQFORD, NEBR. W. M. Corey Stationery, Confectionery Cigars and Tobaccos Soda fountain, ice cold drinks, ice cream, ice cream soda, etc. Hemingford, Neb. a ass s sssssjsssmssssssssssj Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEMINGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES- Diseases of Women and Children and Genuo Urinary Organs All calls answered promptly da or night wis wm SEPT. 5 L.I NCOLNi THE STATE'S BEST PRODUCTS WPIGHT BROS. AEROPLANE IN DAILY FLIGHTS LOMBARDO SYMPHONY BAND AND OPERA CONCERT COMPANY GREAT PACES PATTERSON SHOWS BASE BALL- NIGHT RACES oS . Nebraska NEBRASKA Line of Posts Hotel Pricee Chas. Pricee, Prop. In charge of experienced caterers Bakery In connection Hemingford, Nebr. W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmlthing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop on Dakota St, botween Box Butts arc1 Laramie Avenues, Alliance, Neb. to 919 FIREWORKS - VAUDEVILLE fiUi!."-"." Jsl-!-??::; oS5 CORRESPONPENCE HEMINGFORD Pete Spracklln's little boy Is quite sick at this writing. 13. L Everett returned from Scotts bluff Saturday. Wm. Fosket went to Chadron Mon day after a few weeks' stay here. Mr. Copelnnd and A. M. Miller were Crawford visitors Suuday. H. L. Hushnell went to I'lilrbury, Nebr., Suuday to look after business matters 11. E. Johnson went to Harrlsou Sun day returning Monday. Rev. Mr. Hall from Beatrice preached in the Congregational church Sunday both morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Michaels, Jr., spent the latter part of last week at the Michael home out In Sioux county. They returned Sunday. I. Canfleld left Tuesday for Uennet, Nebr., after a few weeks' visit with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Mellc. Phil Michaels, Sr., was transacting business in town Tuesday. J. A. Hunter and Robert from Alli ance are transacting business here for a few days. Mrs Ed Wildy spent a few days with her folks near Dunlup last week. Miss Jeanette Mclutyre returned to Rushville Fridav nftr ii fnw ilnvis' vMt with friends and relatives. Mrs. K. h. Pierce returned from Sheridan, Wyo., Sunday where she has been vlsitinir with Mrs. Grace Wnlsnpr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. II. Burleigh came up from Lakeside Friday and went on to Mai sland Saturday to be there for services Sunday. Clark Melntyre had the mlsfortuue to have his collar bone broken In Alli ance Monday while playing ball. Frank Potmesil came in from Powell, Idaho, Tuesday on 43 for a few weeks' visit With home folks. Will Armstrong left Monday for Tamro, S. I)., after a few weeks' visit with home folks. Paul Armstrong ac companied him as far as Hay Springs. Miss Agnes Moravek returned home Saturday after a few days spent in townjjaving dental w,ork done. Mrs. W. J. Hughes entertained a number of her Mends to a sock and handkerchief shower last Wednesday in honor of her brother, Rupert Walk er, it being his twenty-first bltthday. Everyone reports a good time. D. Rouse and wife left on 44 for Den ver, Colo., Tuesday after a few weeks' visit with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Pierce. He has a brother in Denver whom he will visit and from there he will go on to California. Mrs. Sherwood and Lucy Howard went to Crawford Monday to attend the Chautauqua at that place. Among those going down to Alliance Monday to attend the ball game were Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Mayme Miller, Mr. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Rollo Johnson, Omar Scribner, A. M. Miller, and Rupurt Walker. Frank Nagleschneder had the mis. fortune to have one of his gray horses killed last week. He was mowing aloug the track when number forty four came along. The mower made so much noise he did not hiar the train, which ran over one horse and thre.v Frank aud the' other horse about 20 feet. He was not seriously hurt. BELMONT Uain, rain, we had a good rain and it was much needed. Miss Florence Pierce has just re turned home from Chudron where she has been attendlug the Institute for the past week. Frank Diehl has gone to Ft. Collins, Colorado, for a few days, Louis Hack worked on the new store building today. Will Abbott is captain of the Mel mout ball team. They will plav with the Sioux county team next Sunday at McCoy's Erve Meugel and family took in the show at Crawford 1'itn McHenry has new potatoes for ii-miruei. 10m is one or the early ,.s I J iy Abbott brought his mother to I He.innnt to take the train forCrawfoid 1 usi f nu.iy Carl Tall man was on our streets Sat urday doing business. Mr Hamukor and family went to Crawfoid feunday to take in the chau tauqua. Mrs Coffee and little son were in town Monday, horseback riding and shopping. Fred Wi-ndt is buying his auto re palied so that he and family can at tend the ball game next Sunday. Mis. Hale has gone to Iowa to visit her mother and other friouds The Ml-ses Ethel, Llllie and Uelle Gregory went to Crawford 'for a couple days to attend the chautauqua. Aron Eversull has gone to Chadron to work at carpenter wotk. We noticed that Dave Porter was one to keep talliy at the ball game Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Lee Gregory, ouruent and operator are talking of moving to Texas this'w Inter. Their many friends will be sorry to see them go but what Is our loss will be their gain. Jim See took his grandson to Mars laud Monday to see Dr. Willis. Rev. Davis will preach at the Baptist church Sunday, August 14th at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sam Parrlsh vlsltld Crawford one day this week. Geo. Lemons and wife and Mrs, Otto attended the chnutauquu Sunday and reported having a nice time. Jud Urott was lu Crawford Saturday doing busluess M'ss Pearl Evans spent sovcral days at Chadron attending the Instltuto and took In the chautauqua at Crawford 011 her way home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tollman and family were In town Monday. Mrs. Harlan spent a few days the past week visiting with the Misses Clarice and Elizabeth Phelps. yill DeWttt and daughters were Crawford visitors Monday. Fred Miller says he wishes ho was In the sunny south and thiuks he will bo some day. A number of ladles and gentlemen of Marsland attended the ball game Sunday, Everybody Is busy harvesting and report a much better yield than they expected on account of the drouth, Miss Cecil Hack and Mardel Walden visited Marsland one day last week. NINE MILE CANYON Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Lore were In Min atara Saturday. John and Lester Crismond spent Sun day with Dert Horn. Miss Myrtle Wilcox and Roy Meek spent Tuesday at Scotts Bluff. Miss Mayme Thorne of Iowa is visiting at the F. Beeson home. Mrs. Mary Beeson and Misses Mayme Thorne and Janie Beesoa drove to Scotts Bluff Saturday. Rollie Reed is visiting his parents at Dorchester, Nebr. W. A. White and stepson Willie Hen derson have returned to their home in Gretna, Nebr. after visiting a few dajs with relatives and friends. George Vance has returned to his home in Hacker Valley, W. Va. Beverly Cogar is now employed at the Gov. Camp Iverett Horn visited his parents over Supday. Wisses Vira Horn and Errnina Knight returned Monday from Scotts Bluff where they spent a joyous week attending Chau tauqua. Miss Delia Colburn of Alliance is the guest of Miss Helen Beeson. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs L. C Davis last Monday. Miss Sadi? Horn called 1 uesday at the Beeson home Boston Meek is harvesting his oats this week. , Earnest Thompson is harvesting his father's oats. E. B Wood made a business trip to Scotts Bluff Monday. F. L. Burns has returned home from Gering where he was employed in the Treasury. Miss Nora Cogar is visiting her parents this week, Mrs J. H. Davis and son, Marion, were in Minatare Friday. Leo and Claude May are at home for a rest. G W. White left Saturday for Lincoln. Nebraska, where he will spend a month with relatives and friends. Mrs Frank Beeson, Helen, Jo ?nd Jamie Beeson and company Mme Thorne and Colburn climbed S. mis Bluff hill last Friday. The Union Suuday school at Hubble Flats are 10 have Children's Day next Wednesday. They have a fine program prepared for the day. Ice Plant For Alliance Ora E. Phillips informs The Herald that the Phillips Laud company is working on a proposition to secure a large ice manufacturing plant for Al liance. The proposition is a good one Such a plant would not only supi ly this citv with good pure ice, probabiy cheaper than can he done with the ice shipped in to Till the local ice houses, ashasalwajs been done, but would also furnish ice to neighboring towns, and thus help in a sense to inctease Alliance's prestige as a wholesale and distributing point No botiU9 is asked by the man w ho contemplates putting in the plant, he oulv asks help in securing a suitable locution. We hope the Commeiciiil club will take the matter up soon. Extra Section We aie printing an extra two-page section to The Herald this week, nuk ing a total of ten pages Expert dressmaker. Work by the day. Phone 509. Airs. A. n. Louis. 35-2 $ REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS X J lUIMIITKU IIV V I.VI liAUmitMU-:, llndwl AlMr.cmr$ 4- Mci o-kK' Uullitin, Alliane "J-"3"J"j-wvv"i"- .5-vX-J"J"M-,i";"-,J SK 30-iT !') 3,A"J. M Godfrey to Wlllism 1'uuuu. NW M 30-51 V.V, Vf ami VU hEt Bee IS-as-M. iw lUelir.l S Hall to .luiuo 11 Melollooli. Lot II 1.1 k IS Snd add to Allluaeu. tiOOO. A. .1. Welch to J.iuius H Nolan. Lanilliiblk8.NelirAia Ui AllUueo. Jim. WOMfUonutill to J W Mollrltur. International Press Bible Question Club We commenco today tho publi cation of a series of suggestivo quostinns on the International Sunday School Lessions. For some time past these weekly questions have been stirring a great deal of national interest. They are published in nearly a thousand newspaper towns and studied by millions of readers. They are received warmly by the public and onthusastically endorsed by clergymen of all tho churches. Sunday school superintendents, teachers, and adult Bible class scholars use them in every town where they are published, and tho general public are much interested, Contracting for this unique Bible study question service forms The Alliance Herald and its readers into a local club of one of the classes of the Inter national Press Bible Quostion Club, and gives the right for all our readers to compete for some very valuable prizes. There are four classes organized each year composed of tho newspa pers which take up the publica tion of those questions at four different periods, viz: Those that commence April-June are Class A; July-September are Class B; October-December are Class C, and January-March are Class D. Hence The Herald local club be longs to Class B. There are tifty valuable prizes to be given to our Class: Five solid gold medals, five sterling silver med als, five touchers' Bibles, price $3.50 each, and thirty-five copies of the book "The Heart of Chris tianity," price $1.50 each. The medals are specially designed and engraved and each will be inscribed with the name of the' winner. The conditions of the contest are so simple that any person can comply with tlrem. The contest will not commence until the questions have been published thirteen weeks, in or der to give everybody a chance to become familiar with them. One condition is that the ques tions must bo re'id each week and as Tiie Herald will be neces sary for this, you had better send in your subscription on the attached coupon. Cut out and send to this office: Send The Alliance Herald one year, for which I enclose One Dollar and Fifty -Cents ($1.50). Count me a member of The Herald Local Club. Name . . Address sugbcsthe questions On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Llnscott For the In ternational Newspaper B'.blc Study Club. I. (Cuprricnt 1810 by Rev T S LIokoic O. D.) MU8l Ttn, 1U1U. (CiMivri-'U 1WI !)V l v S I inwntt, 1M.) Tho TbprcrHin tho Vineyard. Matt. rx-.l-lO. iloldon Toxt Many that aro first rhall be last, and the' lust shall be first. .Matt. x!x:10, Vfrse 1 In what reipect does tho kingdom of heaven le.-snblo a man, who hlrea n v to work In his vino yaid? How meny paints of reaemblancs are there between wor' in a vine yard .-nd Christian work? .(fh'"e- I. on i,.u-i t: ensvend In writing members of the club.) Who dous God want to work in his vlnei'Brd and what aro the qualifica tions? When did God begin to hire labor ers for h s, v ino)' J? Verso 2 How much does "a penny" represent in our money, and what was a fair day's wage, for a laborer, in Jesus' day? Suould an emplojer of labor hire men as cheaply as he can get them. er should ha pay thorn in proportion to hl own profits, giving them all ho can nfford? How much ought an employer to make, net profit, for evory dollar ho pays In wages? Verse 3 What claim can a person mako to bolng a Christian, who Is not doingsome kind of work In God's vine yard? What should the State do with those who, being a charge upon the community, can get work, but will net do It? What vaos doni Old Morally give to thoso v-o fr-,l tho hungry, com fort the Hortn ; teach the Ignorant, and preach the ipol to sinners? What do church irimbora desonm at tho hands or God who nro standing around doing nothing, In Qod'8 vine yard, whon thoro Is so much work to bo done? By what mothod to-day, 1b God In. vitlng men to work in his vineyard? Versos 8-15-Doea this parablo teach that thero is no advantago In starting to work early In God's yinoyard, and If not, whnt is tho prlnclplo Involved In tho fact that they woro all paid, a paany? Walch should give a teae workman tho greater satisfaction, and why, hav ing put In a full day's work, for a fair day's pay, or being paid nino-toatka more than ho roally earned? What oan you say, for or against, those who, In this parablo, grumbled at their pay? When a laborer works exclusively for his pay, and does not take delight In his work, doing as muafe, -and do ing It as good as he caa. fa sfeat class would you place itla, morally and spiritually? If a mechanic, vcnlptor, a rausl (an, a lawyor, a 4fertor, or any other klftd of worker, Mnks more of hi pay than of M,prk, how would lie llkoly rank in point o abUlty amone his fellow eraftsmen? WTicn doas God rtoon with the laborers In his vigifRrif Verso 16 -If th rst called Is the last In merit, and the last called Is tho 8wt In tnertt, why should the length, of the service, bo considered when tho rewards are given out? Lesson for Sunday, Aug. 2lBt 1910. Jeaus JTearing Jerusafem." jtt, . 17-34. fWj LStM-SSV trHi f tmmtmmmmmtUHA hrri-rr ' i i i i 'i rW TBJSSSBJBjSSSSMSBrl I ' I'1 I' ' 1 ' 1 ' I' pHiS ijl gyBg . - ' ilft - - -a jJwl XxLrvt In Front of the Palace Livery Stable you can nearly alusv m a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpote, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rij K required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. PtlONE 7S OUR DRUGS are all of thp highest quality wo can net mid me all exitiitued crit ically after we receive them in stock herti before a Mugie oi.els plnccd on sale nedi ven thing in our power to lie on the sjIo side, A ro'k! thing for ou to remember. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EH, EAR. NOSE WD THROAT Lyes fested and (lise fitted. m'm We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Hgr. f -fHi-H-H-l-WK .;..--.., j. t KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. -(Office in Allium-, Mulnml, mi. Over PostotHce. T 'PilOUd JO I, si 1 1 , , rTs 5S"sssUuj3 ii H-H"HH--t"H--H-'t"M"H I 1 II I I PTiBJ