The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 11, 1910, Image 10
fawnrtaaw!'' " I 513 WEAR-0 Hj; Refined Snap Alliance Cash Shoe Store and exclusivoucss in Bummer oxfords Is to bo had in our Barry nnd Hannan low shoes. If the air can frisk around your ankles over a pair of Barry and Homan oxfords you will enjoy real summer foot comfort and have a pair of "ties" that are of the latest best last, leather and workmanship. ; If-H-H Ml 1H"l--M"l"H"l"l-l"M- RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS Mr. James Gaddls of Ravenna came TEATER BROTHERS Cash Grocery AND TVieat Viarket Having purchased the S. H. Desch Grocery and Meat Market, we have decided to run the same on a CASH BASIS. We think that by so doing we can sell First-Class Goods for less money than we could by doing a credit busi ness. Accordingly, after August 17th, we will sell FOR CASH ONLY. You are invited to call and get prices. Telephone Orders Delivered Promptly PHONE fQ ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA in on No. 43 Tuesday. Conductor Ued. Lawson gets llcizcn bottle'6 car and crew. Con. Diok BurUe has been on passen ger for about ten days. Con Cantlin In laying oft on account of sickness In his family. Conductors Lawson and Hedrick of the cast end have been sent to Alliance Engineer George lllcks was looking after his houses lie has rented hero on Monday. Engineer Ilishop and wife returned Friday morning from a vacation trip spent In southern Nebraska. C. L. Griggs, trainmaster on the Ster ling division was In Alliance this week greeting his numerous friends. Mrs. llalverstadt of Ravenna came to Alliance on 41 Sunday morning for a few days' visit with old time friends. Frank Vaughn has been sent to Ha I venua and will brake for Con. Moore. I He has moved his family to Ilavenna, 0 F Hankin, who wbb employed in the I shops, has resigned and gone to the I country to work In the Harris hayfleld. I Mrs J T Heck returned Saturday i from a trip to Iowa and other eastern points, Miss Hazel will return later. Mrs. V. A. Miller and Miss Ethel went to Crawford Sunday morning to visit friends and to look after their property there. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller has been dongerously sick for several days. At this writing she Is slowly Improving. Fred Vaughn, who for some time has been n passenger brakeman has been transferred to freight. He is now on the east end local. Alliance Roller Rink We have just received a new shipment of Skates and hereafter will be able to furnish skates for everyone. We are running a Beginners' Matinee from 4:30 until it 6 p. m. Competent instructors for all beginners. WtT Skates for sale. Inquire at Skate Room. Rink in HcCorkle Bldg. R. A. CHARLTON, Hgr. Fed er- Word comas from Con. Nelse son of Kavenna that lie is still a very sick man. He has been unable to work for about three months. C. Glbbs, who has been herding en gines at Ardmore, came In to Alliance Tuesday. He has asked to be trans ferred to the train service. Fireman Tom Ilurchell returned Tuesday from Hot Springs where he has been firing for some time. Tom says there Is beautiful scenery up there but will take Alliance for his. Ilrakcman It. E. Burns who has been here for about six months has resigned and gone to Denver. He expects to meet a sister from Chicago, who, with her husband, is spending their honey moon lu Colorado. Fireman It. P. Moore enjoyed a visit from his mother Friday and Saturday. Mrs, Moore had been visiting a sister near Bridgeport. From here she went to Litchfield, where Mr. Moore's fam ily resides. Her home in Seward, Neb. A jolly party left Monday noon for a two weeks' fishing and camping trip near Gournsey. It consisted of Abe linrchell, John Wiker, and DuvaRauff man. A good kodak was among the supplies as they promised their friejuls some pictures. Con. Robert Evans and wife are now nicely settled in their new home. Hob was cute enough to steal a march on his friends but they were all suspiciou& when he was building a comfortable cottage. They are both well known here and have have hosts of friends who wish them all the happidess and prosperity they well deserve. New Organization Railroad Employes A local branch of the American Rail road Employes and Investors Associa tion was organized at Alliance the evening of August 5th. This Associa tion Is composed of railroad employes, and below is given the principles of the Association: DECLAMATION OF ntlNCIPLEB Its purpose shall be, by all lawful methods, to cultivate and maintain be tween its members such a spirit of mutual interest and such concern on the part of all of them for the welfare and prosperity of American railroads as will best promote their successful and profitable operation, for the bene fit alike of their employes, Investors and the public. To encourage, by every proper method, cordial and friendly feeling on the part of the public toward American railroads and their business. To publicly provide means for obtain ing consideration and hearing from all legislative bodies and commissions em powered to enact laws, rules and reg ulations affecting the conduct and op eration of railroads. To do whatever lawful things may be necessary in order to secure a fair return alike to capital and to labor in vested in American railroads, with due regard at all times to efficient service, fair treatment and safety to the public. This Association shall at no time be used for partisan political nor shall it take any part in controver sies, if any, which may arise between railroad employes and railroad officials. Its membership shall consist of rail road employes, railroad investors, or their representatives. Seventy-four members joined at the time of organization and it is expected that nearly every railroad man in Alli ance will become a member. This Association is a National affair and has a large membership throughout the United States. The following officers were elected: H H. Giles, Fres; G. A, Reid, Vice Pres.; II. E. Gantz, Sec'y and Treas. Executive Commltte, H. M. DeWitt, J M. SchSrk, A. V. Gavin, S. Wilburn, E. 11. Burris, H. M. Johnsen, F. W., Hicks, Dan Fitzpatrlck, C. A. Wether ell. L. H. Mosher, C. 0. Walte, W. V. Johnson, C. C. Cummins, J. Rrldel bangh, Geo. Rirchum. Delegate, R. C. McLeese. Alternate Delegate, E. J, Nelson. Locating Breaks in Telegraph Wires When a telegraph wire is broken or damaged, say, several hundred miles away, how does the operator, sitting in his office, know exactly where the accident occurred? The explanation is simple. It requires, as everyone knows, considerable force to send electricity through a wire. The longer the wire, the greater, of course, must be the force required. This force of resistance is measured in units, called by electricians "ohms". Let us suppose that a wire between a New York office and a point 200 miles away has broken some where. The telegrapher knows that when the wire was intact there was required enough force to overcome, say, 2800 ohms to produce a current, or 14 ohms per mile. He now finds that he can send current wilh a force required for only 700 ohms. Dividing 700 by 14, he finds that the break in the wite is 50 miles from his end, It is expected that upwards of five thousand railroad employes will march in the big "'Railroad Day" parade in Denver on Aug ust 20th. Sterling and McCook are arranging to send a good sized delegation to Denver to 1 take part in the celebration and tnere will probably be a repre sentative party from Alliance. The Burlington officials have announced that all employes who wish to go will be granted free transportation and also that very low rates will be in effect for the benefit of the general public. After the street parade in the morning, the crowd will adjourn to "Lakeside", the big amuse ment park, where a basket pic nic will be enjoyed. A program of field sports, including a ball game and tug of war, has been arranged for in the afternoon and and in the evening Mr. P. H. Morrisey, former head of the Brotherhood of Railway Train men, will make an address in the Theatre at "Lakeside", together with Hon. J. P. Shafroth, gov ernor of Colorado, and Mayor Speer of Denver. I Prom the amount of interest displayed by both the officials and men of the different roads rnnning into Denver, and from the fact that all shops, general offices, and freight houses will be closed on that day, "Railroad Day", promises to be the great est gatherrng of railroad em ployees ever held in the enire West. Full information may be ob tained from the trainmaster at Alliance. Miss Jennie M. Kennedy Post Graduate (in Piano) of Toronto, Canada, University of Music, Gold Medalist and Teacher in Hamilton, Canada, Conservatory. Will Open Classes In Music on July 16th At Her Studio, 811 Big Horn Ave. Phone 391 You all do know that when we advertise an article, it's here and you can buy it if you want it. No J ust Out talk here-come in and see some real bargains FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE 8th Annual Clearance Sale Better Values, More of Them Bargains in Standard Merchandise The largest business season we ever had closed and before the arrival of New Fall Goods we are slashing Clothing. Get in while the sizes are complete SHIRTS $1.50 for $2.00 Goods A Big Assortment of Light and Dark Patterns Manhattan Shirts, worth S2.00, now $1.50 69c for a lot of $i.oo and $1.25 SHIRTS embracing all styles and patterns Sale price 69c STOCK REDUCING SALEi BUTTS SIO, $15 AND S20 Our ICiitii'e Stoclc of FniK-y Suit in Zi Tilts TotM For this Sale we put all the Fancy Suits in hree groups. . Read on Q-roiap 1 $10 These wonderful values, worth $14 and 15, wool goods and worsteds, nicely inade $10 O-XOTJLP 2 ?1 5 Representing $18.00 and $20.00 grades which we sold at those prices early in the season. $15 O-xo-uup Q Fancy Suits of Hart Schaffner & Marx. Worth up to $30.00, now $20 RUBBER COLLARS a big lot all sizes 15c Neckwear Hundreds of fine WASH TIES Beautiful Patterns 25c Genuine Silk HOSIERY, Blacks, Grays, Purples & Tans worth $1.00 our price 50c 75c Black Satine SHIRTS during Sale 50c I Kady Suspenders, 50M by O Of others at 75c, our price -J The Best Heavy Overall, Rivetted 65c Bicycle Hose for Boys, sizes EZsi 6-10, black, 2 pair for &Cs L Boys' Work Shirts Q 50c grade kJjJK Balbriggan Undefwear 19c each I Boys' Knee Pants, 65 and Ofi? 75c quality, now &Ds See those Sizes 1 OR Shoes for Boys 9-2 wU Sizes 1.65 fifl Ef buys an all-wool peg top kJJJJ S Trousers. Worth 55.00 The Famous One-Price Clothing House A STORE FOR MEN 307-309 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr. v 1