The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 11, 1910, Image 1
ijsnr "pk& '"""iri'SSS "Vie . SjBMwyffMjgt 1 - "! jSWOI'SiJSa' " ij,i f"i'jft&X " , State Historical Society FA The Alliance Herald. t Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, AUGUST ll, ItJIO NUMBER 35 mStmJfr'-t ito a V -u v v t ft f STATEMENT of the CONDITION of the First National Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA r Resources LOANS AND DISCOUNTS Overdrafts .... United States Bonds (Par) Banking House - CASH and SIGHT EXCHANGE Liabilities Capital-Stock ' Surplus. : Undivided Profits Circulation' - DEPOSITS . - $464,581.97 43.35 51,000.00 10,000.00 134,018.70 $659,644.02 $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,932.90 50,000.00 497,711-12 $659,644.02 This Bank is.a designated United States Depository. We have a modern and up-to-date equipped Bank and are prepared to care for our customers in any legitimate banking business. We pay interest on deposits left for six or twelve months. We have safety deposit vaults for rent. Populists, Attention! The editor of TI10 Herald has received a notice from 0. B. Manuel, chairman, and E,,A, Walrath, secretary, of the state central commtitee of tho Peoples' Independent party, dated AVig. 9th, requesting populists to vote under the name of "democrat" at the primaries on the 16th iijst. in order to help give Governor Shallenberger the de m oc r a t i c nomination, and thus defeat what they call a "republican' Dahlman" scheme. "With the exception of candi dates for governor, all the candi dates for state office who have filed for the populist nomination have also tiled for the democratic nomination, so that they can still favor their preferred candidates by helping to give them the democratic nomination, also. This will not prevent the pop ulists from having a ticket at he November election, for if every populist who receives this notice votes under the name of "demo crat" at the primaries, there will still be a large number who will not receive the notice in time' to comply with the request, and' al though the number who vote un der the populist name be evex so small it will be sufficient to nom inate a ticket. 1 In this connection wish to sug gest that this will give populist readers of this paper an excel lent opportunity to help give Ijchard L. Metcalfe the demo cratic nomination for the United States senate. Met" is by nil odds the logical choice of popu lists for that office, and they should do what they can to help give him the democratic nomina tion, which we believe will mean his election. 54th Representative District C J. Collins of Collins, McPlicrson county, who is a candidate for the democratic nomination for state rep resentative in the 54th district, was in Alliance the first of the week. This district does not include Box Butte county, but does include Morrill, Chey enne, Garden and Scotts Bluff coun ties, in which The Herald has a large circulation, consequently Mr. Collins requests us to announce his candidacy through our columns. He is a ranchman, and is also post master at Collins where he has a store. He and the editor differ on the question of county option, hut agree on direct legislation which, after all, we consider the paramount issue. He promises, if elected, to Vote for the candidate for United States senator who shall receive the largest popular vote at the Novem ber election, and we would not support a man for the legislature who would not promise the same Bince the "Ore gon plan" of electing senators has been adopted in Nebraska. I Am a Dentist: My office is over Brennan's drug store. Do you need any dental work? Will vou give me an opportunity to convince you that when you come to me for your dental work you get a high er grade of dentistry? I use the best material, the latest methods, and if you want the BEST WORK at a reasonable price come to my office. Come up and talk it over. Examina tions free. Remember the place, room 20, Rumer block. Open Sundays; 9 to 12 in. Phone 525. A. GAISER, 35-tf. Alliance, Nebr. Special on Groceries ! While This Special Offer Lasts $6.25 for $5.00 $12.50 for $10.00 S5.00 CASH $1 0.00 CASH Buys the Following: Buys the Following: 50 lbs. best grade Flour. . .$1 2 cans Pineapple (large size) 2 cans Forest City White Cherries (large size) 2-25 oz. cans Baking Powder 2 lbs. Breakfast Call Coffee 1 Gal. Vinegar (in jug) .... 1 qt. J. M. Sweet or Sour Pickles 5 Boxes Matches 1 Bottle Monarch Catsup.. 2 Boxes Fancy Dried Cur rants 8 Packages 'Mothers Corn Flakes' 1 Bottle Strawberry Extract Flavoring 1 Bottle Lemon Extract " Flavoring 1 Box Tooth Picks .GO .70 .70 .50 .50 .05 .35 .25 .25 or. .15 .15 .05 100 lbs Best Grndo Flour . .$3.20 14 lbs- Granulated Sugar. . 1.00 4-25 oz. cans Baking Powder 1.00 2 lbs. Breakfast Call Coffee .50 20 bars Diamond 'C Soap. , 1.00 1 box (8 bars) Toilet Soap. . .25 0 qt. cans Tomatoes 75 2 qt. cans White Grapes. . . .50 2 qt. cans Forest City Peaches 00 2 qt. cans Standard Apri cots 70 1 qt. jar Sweet or Sour Pickles 35 1 gal. Vinegar (in jug) 55 1 Glass Lamp (complete) ... .75 1-2 doz. Cups and Saucers .05 1-2 doz. Dinner Plates 00 1 bottle Blu'ine 10 Total . . t jpOt) Total ..$12.50 Phones 1 and 2 Phillips Grocery &34 I- , ! ... HBhh I1 mB ih AUGUST 15 to 25 CLEARING SALE SCHOOL SALE We are offering in this sale all Summer There are only a few days more in which Goods at prices that will enable us to make a to buy the articles necessary to outfit the quick clearing for the new fall stock. You children for school and you will find buying will find exceptional reductions on Men's Sum- an easy task here where the assortment is mer Weight Suits, Ladies' Wash Suits, Ox- large and the price is low. fords, Embroideries, etc. DRESS GOODS Vs off Dress Goods Remnants and Mill Ends. This lot at ... . 34 in Percale 9cts. Per Yard 7 f Percale Mill Ends I2ct. goods '2rs Mill End Gingham 6c Per Yard Exceptional values in 32 in. 4f Per Wool Voiles 75c QualityTr JS r yard New Fall Dress Goods. We made an ex ceptionally good buy in 65c Fall Patterns which we offer at the low price of 3QC Per Yard. Just the thing for School Wear JOff WASH SUITS JOff Last clean up on these suits at ou This gives you a $9.50 suit for $4.75, $7.50 suit for $3.75, and 56.50 for $3.25. Children's fine ribbed hose Pink. Tan, Oxblood, Red 0 n f,.n 0 and Black U )1, 11)1 U 1 Lot of Ladies' Hose tOc SHIRT WAISTS There are a fine lot in white On It Qfip lawn and Percales and "HI J OUU Silk, Linen and Lawn Waists, a fine assort ment at J4 ff. V clour and Corded Upholstering Goods 75c grade 55c per yd. 15c Curtain Scrims. ..lie per yd. 35c Curtain Madras. . 26c per yd. 100 Gross Pearl Buttons, 2 doz. for 5c MEN'S SUITS These ore New, Fresh', This Season's Goods $20 Suits S14- Suits up to $35, $22.50 $15 Suits $11 Suits up to $12 50, $7.50 Trousers 50 pairs Men's Pants, your choice $1.39 100 boys' knee pants, "Worsteds and OQp Cussimeres worth up to 75c at vol Big line of boys' knee pant suits $2.95 Here is a good chance 10 buy a good service able Hat at a very low price. They are div ided into two lots. Cluett Shirts worth $1.50 and $1 7 1JG LINb MEN'S MNlY HOtb, .t.e A OC Aimllif-r Linp 3 iiai s fur 250 SUIT CASES AND TRUNKS 24 111. Matting Suit Cases $1.65 $5 Leather Suit Cases $3,95 15 per cent Discount on any Trunk in our Immense Stock. Ties Wash 1 ies. 2 for An I'lct'H'i luif ea- h 25J 2r Big clean up of all kinds of Buttons worth up to 20c doz. at 5C doz. 15 Bolts Heavy Linen Crash Iflfi Per regular 15c seller at lUw yd. in this sale Sunbonnets 18 cents Cotton Flannel Gloves, 5 pr 25c A lure ubsortment in Tans, rateut Leather, Gun Met- Entire line of Children's Rompers at 40c - Embroideries, 20 per cent Discount LACES, 4c PER YARD Worth up to 10c Per Yard. 4c while they last. Ladies', Misses' & Children's Oxfords We place on sale at this time oureutne stock of tie and upto date htJeg in Ladies', Misses' and Childiens' Ox fords tit a 25 Discount HATS Ubu luiu tnu luia. $1.39 for a $2 hat. $1.96 for hats up to $3 M8ll'S OxfOrdS ul and Vict Kid. sptciblly piiced for this I A-C-fr sale at f.OTT "Daddy Duke" School Shoes This is positively the best line of Boys' Shoes manufactured, and you can depend upon the fact that when you buy a "Daddy Duke" Shoe you get thfr best for the ruoney. Men's Underware Porosknit and Balbriggan, 21c per garment. Boys' sizes at 18c per garment. MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Negligee shirts, latest patterns, uoitli CQn $1 ooat .... UUU 75c work and dress shirts 4-9c One lot Monarch and Summitt shirts worth up to $1.50 at . 88c NORTON'S n Hfr