The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
1 to Q
writfTfcu J0mmamiA.:L
m .
of the
First National Bank
TTTnsr: 30tto., iio
Overdrafts -
United States Bonds (Par)
Banking House - - -
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits
This Bank is a designated United States Depository.
We have a modern and up-to-date equipped Bank and
are prepared to care for our customers in
any legitimate banking business.
We pay interest on deposits left for six or twelvemonths.
We have safety deposit vaults for rent.
Miss Jennie M. Kennedy
Post Graduate (in Piana)
ef Teronte, Canada, University
of Music,,, Geld Medalist and
- TeachefwrHamHton, Canada,"
Will Open Classes
in Music on July 16th
At Her Studio, 811 Big Horn Ave.
Phone 391
arc all of the highest quality we
can get and are all examined crit
ically after we receive them in
stock here before a single. one is placed
on sale we do everything in our power
to be on the safe side. A good thing
for you to remerifber.
In Front of the Palace Livery Stable
you can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for aoy purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
Office in Alliance National Bank Elk T
Over Postoffice. X
'' 'Phone 391.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Pitted.
, 134,018.70
.$' 50,000.00
-4 X
Attention, Farmers!
If you have any kind of cattle for
Bale , see Jas. Feagins or Oscar Braman,
or call at Room '3, McCorkle Bldg. ' ,.'
2 A. K. BALDRWGE, Bonded Abstract ef
July 15, JC10.
SW of 15 27.49. H000. BU-phen D. Luck to
B. E Jobnson.
W !i 4 SE of Hi S 4 of 15-27-49. $1?,000.
Stephen A. D. Lack to 11. E. Joliusoo.
NE of 14-27- 40. f.MOO. A. II. Lack to U. E.
July 10, lino.
Purt of Lot 2. block 0. 2nd Gounty Add to
Alllatice. 1 75.00. .lames L. Moore to .limits
E. AVllbon.
July 20, H'10.
Lot li, block 3. 2nd County Add to Alliance.
S2.C50. UlcnG. HiiinptoutoF.T. Hulpbringer,
All of Section 14; H 54 t NW of 15-27-49. 120
72tt 11. E. Johnson to W. W. Norton.
July 25, 19)0.
Lot3, block S. IIIU'k Add to Alliance. JCOa
Peter Wolf to Howiird U. Lewis.
July 20,-1910.
BE of 29-27-52. Jl.200. John Hickey to Jen
nie llrosliur.
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
The Herald hns a stock of
little adding machines that
save time, worry and
money. Ask to see one.
They cost $2.50
They're worth $25.00
The New Adding Machine
Herald Publishing
Crop Outlook In Nebraska
In an, interview with J. C. McCorkle,
the veteran Box Butte county Ituul
man, lie statcdtto the Herald reporter
that he has made three trips in the
last fout weeks over the Burlington and
Union Pacific and by auto through' the
eastern mid southern parts ot the state.
From Broken Bow to Omaha on the
Burlington the crops are above the av
erage. The Platte valley bus a good
crop of co. n. On an auto trip from
Grand Island to the Republican river
he saw good crops, around Hastings
the crops being particulary fine. From
Holdredge west on the Burlington the
crops are very badly damaged by the
drouth. From Bertrand east they are
fine. His opinion is that Nebraska
will have far above the average in
the money value of crops this yenr -
In Box Butte county he states that
the corn and potatoes are the best in
twenty-four years. Box Butte county
and surrounding country have prac
tically the only potatoes in the state,
the eastern portions having a potato
failure this year. In Box Butte coun
ty the early small grain was hurt by
the dry June weather but there is so&ie
very fine spring and winter wheat, oats
and barley where properly farmed.
Methodist Pastor Arrives
Rev. Dr. J. L. B. Jones,
cently appointed pastor of
Alliance M. E. Church, arrived
Tuesday from Elkins, -W. Va.j
where he was pastor of the First
Methodist church. He stopped
to visit friends in Missouri on
his way west. " His family, con
sisting of wife and four children,
will arrive about September 15.
New Assistant Cashier Arrives
H- C. Nicholson, who takes the
place of Glen Hampton at the First
National as assistant cashier, haB ar
rived and is already doing business.
Mr. Nicholson has been connected
witb the Live Stock Notional bank of
South Omaha for the last three years,
fieiDg in the banking business in Iowa
6r eight years before, that. He apd
hiB wife are now living at the HawkyjB
residence. The writer has been ac
quainted with Mr. Nicholson for some
time and the Herald joins in welconv
inp them to Alliance. We assure them
they will find 'this a mighty good town
where every man is a booster.
New Skating Rink
A new place of amusement will be
opened in Alliance tonight and promises
to be one of the most popular that has
ever been in the city. R. A. Charlton
has leased the front part of the ground
floor of the new McCorkle block, a
space fifty by eighty feet, for a skat
ing rink. A supply of skates and a
military baud organ, run by an electric
motor, were ordered new for this rink
and have arrived. The Herald job de
partment is printing a supply of ad
mission and skatiug tickets and every
thing will be ready to open this even
ing. Roller skating is becoming popular
again in the larger cities, and we pre
dict that it will soon be having a great
run in Alliance. The location is a good
one, and the floor will he excellent for
roller skating. The price of admission
is ten cents and twenty. five cents for
skating including the use of skates.
At tbe Baptist parsonage Tuesday even
ing at eight o'clock, Rev. J. M. Huston
officiating, Mr. Ray Hoagand Miss Mary
Both are popular Alliance young people,
Mr. Hoag being connected with the Bur
lington, Miss Anderson is the daughter of
J. A. Anderson of this city. The wedding
was a surprise to their many friends, there
being present besides the bride and groom
Miss Dorothy Hoag, sister of the groom,
Miss Bertha M. Anderson, sister of the
bride, and Chas. L Hill. Miss Bertha
Anderson was the brideslady and Chas.
Hill the best man
The happy couple will make their home
in Alliance and will take up housekeeping
at once This makes two weddings in the
Hoag family in the last few days, Miss
Lydia Hoag being married only a few days
ago, It is a pleasure to chronicle the
marriage of such worthy "young people and
this paper wafts to tbem its warmest con
gratulations, Fred Brennan, the Alliance plumber
was held up last Saturday and severely
beaten. He was out again the first of
the week but showed the results of the
encounter. The place of the assault
was just south of Dr. Bowman's resi
dence.' Mr. Brennan was knocked
down and kicked about the face and
head. While unconscious from the
heating he was robbed of six dollars
and some cents in silver. The only
description he could give was' that bis
assailant was a large man.
Miss Delia Reed and Miss Faunie
McCoy ar,e ou a visit toVciser, Idaho,
visiting the parents of Mia Reed- Ira
Reed, her father, was a well known
resident of this county for several
Land Office Notes
A case of much interest to school
teachers who have homesteads was re
cently decided by the secretary of the
interior. Effie M. Walker, in Hyde
couuty, South Dakota, was teaching
school about four miles from her borne
stead and living on the homestead from
Friday .to Monday of each week. She
had built a comfortable house on the
tract; had broken five acres which was
tinder cultivation, and had furnished
the house.
Tbe entry was commutted and she
sold the land. Later a special agent
of the government recommended can
cellation of the proof on account of in
sufficient evidence and cultivation.
The general land office ordered the
proof cancelled but after a review ol
the case the secretary of the interior
ordered the proof sustained.
Aug. t, Lands in Sections 7, 18, 19,
and 20, twp 22, range 49. Lincoln Lovvry
vs Floyd O. Pinkaton.
Aug. 2. NE 4 of 32-34-51. John A.
Pilster vs Jesse E. Wrighton.
Lands in 23-22-47. Bessie Graham vs
Wm F. Graham.
Lands in 17 a 18-25-45. James W.
Howell vs Dan. R. Hills.
Lands In 3 and 4-24-45, and 35-25-45.
Sharlotte Ward vs Clarence Zurn.
Lands in 19-25-54 and 24-25-55. Geo.
R. Rockwell vs Clyde T. Barlow,
Genuine Crude Oil Burner.
Owing to the cheapness of
crude oil and the unlimited sup
ply of the same, many attempts
have been made to invent a
crude oil bui'ner for cook stoves,
ranges and furnaces. Other at
tachments have been invented
for the use of refined oil, which
is more expensive, but the only
successful attachment for the
use of crude oil is the "O. K."
Crude Oil burner, manufactured
by M. H. Spere of Grand Island
and sold in Alliance by W. M,
Wilson. 201 J3ox Butte avenue.
Mr. opere was m Alliance a
few days , this week and gave the
Hdrald reporter some interesting
Information about thiS" invention.
It can be used i.n any stove,
range or furnace without drilling
holes or otherwise defacing the
same' in any way. Crude .oil can
be furnished to customers in Al
liance at six cents per gallon,
which by using the "O. K."
burner will make a saving of
from thirty to fifty per cent in
the cost of fuel, either for bak
ing or heating in any stove.
This saving will be of great in
terest to the men who have the
fuel bills to pay, while the. wo
men will, of course, bo more
than pleased with the cleanli
ness, there being no ashes, soot
or smoke, and with the ease with
which the fire is started and reg
ulated. Baking is brought to perfec
tion with this burner. Mr. Spere
brought to The Herald office
yesterday a loaf of bread which
had been baked in thirty-five
minutes by Mrs. W. H. Zehrung,
for whom he had just installed a
burner. The bread was .certain
ly baked "to the queenT taste",
and would cause any woman to
become enthusiastic over the
work of the burner.
To give an idea how
burners take where they have
been demonstrated, Mr. Spere
showed us a Si, 000 order for
them, recently received at Des
Moines, which he said was his
first order in Iowa.
Persons who are interested
are invited to call at "Wilson's
store, opposite The Herald of
fice, and see the "O. K." demon
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hal
Pardey this morning, a baby
girl. "Regulation weight."
Junior Normal Exercises
The Alliance State Junior Noiinal
graduating exercises which were given
last Thursday evening at the Opera
House were not attended as well as
might have been on account of the
heavy rain. In spite of .the small
attendance much interest was mani
fested, I he stage was tastily decorat
ed witb the class colors, purple and
white, and the class flower, wild
Gentian, was much in evidence.
The graduates for this etr were
Victoria Sims, Verda Wiker, Helen
Krajicek, Nettie Nation, Gertrude Con
verse and Jennie Oldershaw.
The address by Piof, E. P. Wilson
was very interesting and well delivered.
It showed careful study and prrpara
tion. His oratorical ability i well
known. The violin solo by Fred
Funke, the vocal solo by MUs Ruth
Ganson and the duet by Misses Ruth
Reduce Your Living
Expenses by Buying
Your Groceries Where
You Can Get Them the
These are a few of the many bargains to be
found in our store:
Tomatoes in No. 2 cans $1.00 dozen
Corn in No. 2 cans 1.00 dozen
Peas 1. 00 dozen
Green String- Beans 1.00 dozen
Kraut in 3 lb cans 1.25 dozen
Hominy in 3 lb. cans 1. 20 dozen
Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 3 cans. . . 2.45 dozen
Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 2 cans. . . 1.80 dozen
Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 1 cans. . . 1.25 dozen
Canned Peaches 1.75 dozen
Canned Pears , 1.25 dozen
We buy our Groceries every week so they
are always fresh.
A cordial invitation extended to everyone visiting the
Stockmen's Convention.
I Phillips Grocery Co.
I Phone 4.
Aspenwall and Nell Acbeson were all
Supt.PatR deserves commendation
fpr the way lntohjch be managed tho
junior N,pnnalthis year. Prof. Pate
is a man who can secure the co-opera
tion of his cp.worker&.-jUMl-. etuaVntsrf
Aod it takes co-onejration to make
success -
Chairin Has Bff Fire.
. The Herald received word ,this
mnrnirur thnt flhadfon had ft'
$400,000 fire Tuesday night, the
.Northwestern roundhouse oemg
completely destroyed. Fifteen
engines were burned, only two
being saved. The absence of
wind saved the town.
Take a plunge in the swimming
pool. 33-5
Money to loan on real estate. F. E.
Reddish. 3'tf-
Take a swim at the "plunge" and
see how much better you feel after
waids. . wwww. 33'5l
Lot for salt. T I offer for sale lot 14,
in block 2, West Lawn- Address Mrs.
E- Lipska, Laurel, Colo. 345
The "plunge" at Judge Berry's is
the place for a reullv delightful bath
and swim this hot weather 335t
One thousand and one handy art
icles for thu home, cheap ut the Bee
Hive. ww.
Wanted Work by day or take wash
ing home- Phone 485 blue. tf
A five room house and two lots for
sale at a bargain. Inquire at The
Herald ofnee
Wanted, position at once as book;
keeper- Hive had experience. Ad
dress Box 542, Central City, Ne
braska. 34-21
After a hot day'i work a plunge in
Berry's swimming pool will do you u
lot of good. 53 5t
Two sets of heavy work harness
Nearly new. Also one top buggy, P.
W. Hoy, G12 Missouri Ave. Phone
142. 31-21
For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs;
made by Chas. Caffery. at Douovan &
Son's wagon shop. Owned bv Fred
Countrymanwwww 25-tf .
The C W. Way Co., Aichitects,
Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you
with plans and specifications for any
class of building you wish to erect.
A6k them forinormaUon iotf
A good many Alliance ladies patron
ize the swimming pool at Judge Berry's,
and some of tbem are quite expert
swimmers. wwwwwwww 335
An immense stock of household art
icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods
and notions, 011 which you can Bave
money at the Bee Hive,
Will pay highest prices, for second
hand olothing. Shoes and boots bought
and sold. Mrs. Shankmau. Location
formally occupied by Dick Watkin's
Real Estate office ou Box Butte Avenue-
1 OAJWJMAt.ojjp.tjpjMjgj.aaitaa
Sed how far your cash will go in
buying harness, saddlery, etc., at the
new bana shop,, opposite the, post
office, Alliance, '. E.Smith, proprietor.
All kinds of repairing1 done promptly
at reasopfibjfl prkce, 34
JVlan and. yife wanted
fr yorJk,mi, ranch., Qood
pay. Apply at Herald
. When it comes to buying harness for
cash, or bankable note, you can save
rnonev bv mine in ttm mw tiamas.
shop opposite the postoffice, Alliance,
J. E. Smith, proprietor. A splendid
line of new goods to select from. See
him before vou bnv. AUn. mnoirin.
done promptly, in first-class mariner,
anu ai reasonaoie prices.
Cottage for sale at a bargain. In
qufrr at The Herald office.
ti We call attention again to the
plunge" at Judge Berry's as being the
finest place within reach of Alliance
peoplo for a delightful swim thece sum
mer days. Accommodations for ladies
as well as for men. 33'5t
Furnished rooms for rent in
good modern house. 405 To
luca avenue. Phone 175.
Judge Berry has his swimming pool
in better shape than ever before. A
new engine and a new heater were put
in this year, and everything is in "ship
shape" for tbe accommodation of his
customers. 335t
For Sale
One-half Interest In hardware busi
ness. Carries line of harness and has
best equipped lu fchop in western Ne
braska. Mrraibdolnj,' yod business.
Reason for helling fo poor health. For
particulars address. Hardware, care of
Alliunce Herald. 32-tf
Stallion for Sale or Trade
Stallion for sale or trade for horses
or cattle. Good disposition, rauge
hioke. Weight 1800, seven years old,
dapple grav. James Potmesil,
-t-tf Long Lake, Nebr.
Spring Chickens for Sale
Spring chickens for snle at 50 cents
each. J. J. Koke. Phone 485 blue. 32tf
Furnished rooms for rent in good
modern house. 405 Toluca avenue.
Phone 175.
Furnished rooms for rent in
good modern house. 405 To
luca avenue. Phone 175.
LOST One bay horse about five
years old. Has one white foot Mane
aud tail both clipped. Branded with
small anvil ou left shoulder. Went
southwest of Alliance about fifteen to
twenty-four miles. Reward Sf ten dol
lars will be paid upon return to owner.
Miss Katie Gerald, phone Blue 485, at
Mrs. Koke's, South Alliance. 32 tf
furnished rooms for rent In good
modern house. 405 Toluca avenue
Phone 175.
IZ.-JJflltt'-T-.ia.T"y I-