The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 28, 1910, Image 6
EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEY Ofll ce First National Bank Bldg. 'Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB, WILLIAM MITCHELL, Automobile Department Useful Houshold Articles GIVEN AWAY Wc have just received some of the rawest of household Articles and desire to put one in every home in this vicinity. We are not going-to sell them but -give-one with your next purchase of a pair of shoes. s ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE. - NEBRASKA. ltl-ii1 ,r ? fl fIBlBBBF JBBBBBLrili Luu'Vr"MLi lj5ifc i ( ft VSNE "lFFiil 1 If lffift rl WrT FJiiS B mm T71 an v Sv m W mf r SEE OUR NICE LINE OF Boys' Suits JUST RECEIVED AT , Colburn's Cash Store B5ptlft pfc!BiS'pMiftw P"H 19 tiifl Mm II T fai i Twenty-five of the Many Points of 'Superiority Con tained in The FREE Sewing Machine Sews Faster. Runs Light. Lasts Longer. Is More Beautiful. Has Less Vibration. Easier to Operate. Makes a More Perfect Stitch. The Most Beautiful Sewing Machine Made. Mort Rotary in Movement. Vibrating Shuttle. BaUBearing Rotoscillo Movement. Automatic Thread Controller. Automatic Tension Release. Positive Self-setting Needle (cannot be put in wrong). Short Needle. Rigid Feed bearing directly under feed points). Positive Four Motion Feed (without springs). Shuttle Ejector. Self-Threading Shuttle. Six Bali-Bearings in Stand. Revolving Spool-holder Case hardened and Adjustable Bearings. Automatic .Head Latch holding head to stand. Automatic Drawer Locks. Automatic Lift the simplest and best. The FREE Is the only Insured Sewing Machine It is insured for five years against breakage, wear, fire, tornado, lightning and water This means that if your home burns and The FREE sewing machine is destroyed or injured, we will supply a new The FREE sewing machine with out cost; that if in a cyclone or flood, your machine is rendered unfit for use, we will replace it without expense to you, that should you through accident in moving or otherwise break any part or the whole machine, we will replace that part, or the machine, gratis; that If yeu break a netdlt, if you brtak a belt, or if oh wtirs out' If you break any attachment, we will replace these parts ta you absolutely withaut COJt In justice to yourself you should, at least, see "The FREE" sewing machine FOR SALE BY Geo. D. Darling Alliance, Neb. July Rate Tours You can umlce an eastern trip any, clay at very low rates lower than ever before. There is such a variety of rate tours em bracing so many sections of the East that it is impossible to de scribe them here. Consult with us. If the East does not appeal to you, try a facitie Coast tour or a vacation in Yellowstone Park or in Colorado. The Wyoming Dry Farming Convention is held at Cheyenne July 20th, and special rates have been authorized from Wyoming. The Wyoming extension has been completed to Thermopolis, where 18,000,000 gallons of water at a temperature of 130 degrees How daily. This beautiful resort is destined to become one of the most attractive and effective health restoring localities in the country. Call or write, describing your proposed trip, and let us help you. L. V. G. L. GRIGGS, AGENT Alliance WAKELEY. G. P. A., Omaha AT,L QUESTIONS CWKKUPULLY Have you auto news that would be of interest In this department? If so pltoue us. We'll be glad to put them in. On April jst there were 0.481 auto mobiles in Nebraska, according to the assessor's reports. This is a big" jjuln over lOOt) as there were only 3,lll on the same date in 1009, The woodeu motordrome In Los Angeles is the ideul motor traek. All records up to one hundred miles have been broken on this track and not a serious accident has been nad there. The leading Alliance cars are the Ford, Reo, Maxwell, Buick, Overland, Brush, Jackson, Kissel Kar, Rambler and Velie. These are all represented by local agents. The prices of the Mitchell cars will be raised on September ist. The six cylinder which has been selling for $2,000 will bring $2,250 and the others in the same proportion. The A. A. A. (American Automobile Association) has the largest member ship and is the most powerfulauto organization in the United State. Its membership is over thirty thousand and extends over the continent. George Westingliou&u; the. great in ventor, bus invented itn ulr cushion to take the place of pneumatic tires. It is to be placed under each corner of the frame of an automobile and is said to take the shock much better than the present rubber tire. Sixty-one carloads of E. M. F. autos were shipped out from Detroit, Michi gan, on June 28th The value ot the cars was $267,000 and it is reported to be the largest siugle consignment of autos ever made in this country. The Wabash railroad handled the train, using special automobile cars and two heavy freight eugiues. The Motorist, a monthly automobile magazine published in Omaha, comes, to our desk. It is a bright snappy magazine of thirty-two pages and con tains a lot of good auto news and in formation. It is righly called "th'd Nebraska' Automobile Magazine" and as the price is only one dollar per vear it doesn't hit anybody's pocket very hard. fl"l"I-t"I"t--'S"!"MH"i"5"H"H"t"I"M- I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS Couductor Brindley is now in the yards switching nights. Miss Mabel Duncan returned Satur day from a visit to Denver, Fireman Bailey has been sent to Ardmore to work 011 the helper Con. George Burright of Ardmore brought a train to Alliance Monday. Business on the road is picking up. Two new crews were set up this week. Brakeman J. C Long is laid up with a sprained ankle. It is slowly im proving. Conductor Conn aud Eugiueer Jacoby of the east end brought in a traiu Sun day morning. Will Conuers of Great Falls, Mont., is visiting his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Conuers. Brakemen R. E. McKeuzie aud Walter Hack of Ardmore were in Al liance Monday. Brakeman Emery, who has only been here a short time, has tesigued and will try ranch life. Miss Anna Burchell of Spalding, who has been visiting her brothers here, returned home Monday. Miss Hazel Beck, daughter of J. G. Beck of the Burlington carpenter force, has gone to Iowa for a two weeks' visit with relatives. Machinist Burns has been trans ferred to the engine service. He took the examination Monday aud is now a full-Hedged fireman. Mrs. A. J. Cole and two children have gone east ir a vacation. She was accompanied ... tar as Lincoln by Mrs. J.F. HohV Dispatcher Beim't, who has been relieving Daily at L)eadood, has re signed. Mr. Bennett has many friends among the toad men who are sorry to see him go. Engineer Mac W. Wade, who is now ,in the Alliance hospital, is petting aloug fine and is pleased to have his ftiends visit him. He savs that after fourteen years of running au engine it will take more than this to scare him out. A wreck occurred near Mansfield last Friday afternoon that resulted in the death of a section foreman. The work traiu in chars nf Con. George Burright and Brakemen Hack and Mc Keuzie was backing up when it was struck by the Ardmore helper eugiue iu charge of EucHer Swartout The, crews all jumped and had time enough to get out ot the way hut the seciion ANSWERED THROUGH THE COLUMNS OF THIS DEPARTMENT Thomas Snow of Lone Jack, Mo., has invented a new wheel which he claims will do away entirely with the' pneumatic tire which is the heaviest cost in an auto at the present time. He was offered $70,000 in cash aud a royalty by parties in France but if his invention is all he claims that offer is very small aud he ought to get a better one somewhere else. A Topeka, Kansas, man who has owned a small runabout for a couple of years, has figured his cost out and he says that the cost of keeping a horse is much more than au auto and besides he gets much more use out of his car. He has run his car 12,000 miles at a cost of $1,05.1 26, or an average of eight cents per mile. The cost of the horse to him is about $.097 cents per mile or? 017 per mile in favor of the auto. The Elks Convention. is being held in Detroit, which is the automobile center of the United States. A card was received from Tom O'Keefe by the Herald force and a daily Detroit paper from him lv his brother John, showing Plenties of some of the "doings" in that citv. The Allianceites who went uill doubtless have main- opportunities of going through some of the big auto factories while there and seeing the cars as they are made. The Franklin air cooled automobile belonging to Mayor Dahlmau which was in Alliance a short time ago creat ed a great deal of interest, although this particular machine was several years old. The Franklin is about the only successful air.cooled car. only six per cent of the cars made for the year tg 10 being air cooled. The Franklin for the year 1911 is making a startling innovation in the hood and body of the car, the French style of hood being adopted and as there is no radiator on the car the lines of the body are un broken. Simple Way Motorists Can Make Nut. Lock One little subject which always gives trouble to the motorist is the matter of foreman stopped to look back. The way car was completely demolished. The main Hue was cleared without causing any serious delay. Brakemen Putman and Tragresser returned Tuesday from a trip to Bil lings. On Satuida they uete enter tained by Danny Crille. Daunv is working for the N. P. between Billings and Helena aud is getting along fine. Fred Nichols aud wife pent Sun day aud Monday iu Alliance as guests at the Mounts home. Fred was an eugiueer heie until four vearn ago when he went to St. Joe where his home now is. Mr. aud Mrs. Nichols left Tuesday morniug for a visit to Seattle and other western places of interest. A number of chances have been made on the work train weet. Con. George Burright of the Ardmore train will be relieved by Con. Geoige Voung. Brakeman Roe will take Walter Hack's place. Hack will take a two weeks' vacation. Con. Richacdsou will have charge of the Craw lot d work traiu. Word comes from Express Messen ger Baughman, who was huif in the Crawford hill wreck, that he has been moved from Crawford to his home iu Dead wood- He is able to sit up and visit with his friends and says he is glad he is alive. The guaid who was hurt is able to be out 011 the street. He is badlv scratched aud biutsed up but is not dangerously injured. C F. Greeu, who for the past live years has been a member of the cler ical force iu the master mechanic's of fice, has secured a more lucrative po sition in Deadwood- He, with his wife and little daughter, left for that city Saturday morning. He entered on his new duties lust Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Green have made manv warm friends during their reeidence here who are very sorry to see them go. W. S. Metz, who has been a freight clerk here for several months, has been transferred to Deadwood to a better position and a better salary. Mrs. l'Metz and Mister Sidney went up Sat urday and returned Tuesday. They have secured a five-room modern house in Deadwood and will move iu a few days. Mr Kridelbaugh regrets the loss of Mr. Metz as he was one of his best clerks but he would not stand- in the way of his well-deserved promotion. nuts working loose, so that nut locks are necessary. A simple form which every auto multilist having a hammer, cold chisel, some sheet steel and a little patience can make for himself is as follows: Place a short piece of steel on a block of hard wood and punch a hole through one end, this being a round hole to ac commodate a screw or rivet. At the other end the nut for which the lock is to be made is laid on the steel and its exterior shape scratched on the steel, using any sharp point, as the end of a rile. This outline serves as a guide for the cold chisel, which is brought into use to cut away the metal. When the end has been formed to fit the nut, one end is put into a vise, aud the other bent, to give the whole somethlhg of a spring. To use, the small end with a round hole is fastened down with a rivet or screw, according to the kind a of job wanted, which, in turn, will depend upon its location and the party doing the work. This end being fastened down, the other will stand up at a slight angle. To screw the nut down, this must be held up above the nut, out of the way, but as soon as the nut has been screwed home the lock can be dropped down over it, preventing It from backing off. Automobile is Sent Up With Balloon Los Angeles Motor Car Dealers Spring Unique Advertising Stunt and Distribute Boosts From Clouds In order to laud their product to the skies, an enterprising firm of Los An geles automobile dealers attached a car to a captive balloon aud sent it aloft until it reached the altitude Of 1,500 feet, when it was plainly visible all over the California city. With the car went its driver, arfd when the balloon reached its highest altitude, he-loosed a -large baniier," naming the car and the Finn handling it. He also dropped advertising lit erature from his berth above the clouds. Contest Notice DEPARTMENT OK THE INTEIUOK UMTK!) STATES LAND OFFICE yorlul No. OJtttJ Contest No. 7831. Alliance, Nebruaka, July 7, 1010. A sufficient contest attldiivit huvlnir been Bled In tills office by Massif Deerhon n- :i3S' iwerfcon r n- p-irt Entry No. Iuw. v. II. I IMS. forS HV. -Sv.ST.SKU.SK iKimi. anxinsr noniesrp-m f.nir.v .xTlul .No. UiHi! niaile Dee .h'..SH i. V I. SW i BW'J of Sor. iH. X '4 NE two. ;a. MV NW t of See. 34. Township 24 N.. limine 47 V.. of the 6tli l Mendlun, b) Henry (J. Ilolluwiiy. (' n teniee. In which It Is ullt-Kcil that the said Henry r. Hollowuy lixs never resided on the Mild lund and thut he hiis abandoned thesumy siuoe date of entry. Mild piirtip ure hereby untitled to unpeur, resinj d, mil olTer evidence touclilnir .il(i iillcuMtiiiii at 10 o'clock a ni. on AiiKnst 24. nn), lioforu the Uexlswr and lle celvurof tlit i nlted suites ,;ind Otnce lit Alliance, Nubntika. The siild conte-lant litiviim, iu it pinper iiitlcuivlt. tiled July 5, li'l'J. et forth fuels which alio Unit after iln diligence nerxontil service of this notice i.-.iu not i,- umiie, ll i herelij ordered mid directed that such notice, be xlven by due and proper iiublk-iitloii. !("Cor address (if entr uiiin Alllanc", Nebraska. :il-flw W. W. W'OOli, Register. Nstice of Filint Final Account In Count) Court of liox Unite county Ne braska. In the ntatler.if the estate of .Morris Kfl loitf IMiised; 'I'u ill! person- lllte-esled ill the estate of Mouis hclloiri; Deceased; Yon will t:iUe notice Unit on the VI day ot JulyUMO. A. S. Heed. Admtnintrator of the estate of Morris KeltoKi; tiled in said court his hiinl account as aumiulstrutor of said estate, and that said account will bu for hearlnt; o: the ami) day of .luly, lt)0 at 10 o'clock a. in. at the County Court rinjni in the city of Alliance, In saiu county; uud you, are. required to ap pear at the time and place above named aud hliow cause if any there be. why said account should not be allowed. It is ordered that said iidmiiilstrator xlve notice of the time aud place of said heariin;. In nil pervitin Interested iu said estate by ciuisiu!; this order to be published iu the Alli ance He utd a newspaper printed and cir culating In said x unity, for three conerutlvo weeks prior to said hearing. I.. A. ItKitHV, County .Indue. Dated .Inly I-' tyl0-:i wk. LEGAL NOTICE To i'redrli-U W, llray, mm resident defend ant. - You are hereby untitled thai on the 1st., day of December ll).i, Edna I. Gray tiled it putl tion against you iu the District Court of Hoy I Jut to Uoutity. Nebraska, the object and praL-r of which Is to obtain n divorce from oiii.n the grouudx of extreme cruelty, on the. pail .-f mi id defendant towards suld plaiutiir, wlHieut just cause, and that said defendant is mi Habitual diunkard. On Muj I7th I'.UO, plaintiff secured au order from said Couit. d I rect In g service by publication on uie r, i iu I red to answer said petition on or before Monday, the :f'nd daj of August IWO. 1.UN.A 1'. Giuv. lil-l-A IMalutltr. Edith M. Swan TEAOUKU OI--" PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 424 Laramie .Avenue Phnna 0 Cottage for sale at a bargain. In quire at The Herald office. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AXiLIATVCK. NEB. F. M. BROOME LAND ATTORNEY Long experience as Receiver U. S. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE - NEIIHASKA. jBRUCE W ILCOX L a wyer and Land Attorney Practitioner in civil courts since 1893 and Register U. S. Land Office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mail a specialty. Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCE, - - NEBRASKA OIUE COPPERNOLL Res. Phone 20 F. .t. PF.TEK3KN Res. Phone 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHS 7-8-9 Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND S if R Q H O Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat RTcrHTcHURCHII PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Oftlee hours ll-12a, m. 2-4 p.m. ";30-9 p, m. Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPi-lYrMTDr IMiysician and Surgeon Phone 300 Calls answered iiromptly day and night from ouilee. Ortlces: Alliance National llauk Hulktln? over the Post Office. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE r." WITH t .' DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention"- Paid to Eye Work 4 Dr. L. W. Bowman PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rumer Block, Rooms 12 and 13 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. in., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. in. Office Phone 63 Res. Phone 16 Dr. H. R. Belville ZEJiTIS? PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer PHONE 207 ALLIANCE, NEBR.' MRS. LOIS RILEY Trained Nurse lMIONi: 510 THE GADSBY STOKE funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 498 RESIDENCE PHONE. 510- J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, "AI.I.IANCK, NMIKASKA Parties out of town should write, as I am out much of the time Charges will not exceed $5.00 and ex penses per day. E. C. Whisman Practical Painter and Paper Hanger Full line wall paper samples PHONE 709 ALLIANCE, NEUR E. O. OOOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-class PHONE V HBD BASEMENT ZBINOEN BLOCK ALUANOB, NEBRASKA