The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 28, 1910, Image 5
r "jv -cirjasai' . to. WlLi.o-Mi. SECOND ANNUAL i BUTTE Chautauqua SESSION OF CRAWFORD CITY PARK, AUGUST 5 TO 10 INCLUSIVE ttL. i t, ' $ i U: t . i TICKETS Tickets for the sea son admitting to any or every event of the entire course will cost $3.00 for adults, $1.30 for children under 12 years. Single admis sion tickets for each program will cost 25 1 or50cts., children half price. See program. Any information re garding the Chautau qua will he cheerfully given. Just drop a line of inquiry to Ed Pritts or D. Webster Davis, Crawford, Neb. a OFFICIAL ID-A-IX-i-ST Is S O Q- S3 J JL FRIDAY, AUQ. 6 OPENING. 10 u. in Everybody singing "America" at the top of their voices. Invocation. Music by the orchestra Short addresses by Messrs. Acker, Weber, VanVorhis, Smith, Halslup and others. 2 p m. First concert by the Webber Male Quartette of lioston. S p. in. Recital by Moutu ville Flowers, "Ren Hur.'' Admission 50c. SATURDAY, AUG. 6 8:30 a in. Class in Elocution by Mr. Davis. 0:30 n. m. Concert by the orchestra. 10 a. in. Se lections, Webber Male Quartette. Mrs. Edith Charlton Salisbury, n Lecture on Domestic Science. Admission 25c. 2 p. m. 1'iuno duet. Recltul by Montavllle Flo uers, "A Christmas Carol " Admission 50c. S p. m. Music by orchestra Concert by Web ber Male Quartette. Admission 50c. SUNDAY, AUG. 7 Everything is free on tills date 0:30 p, in. Union Sunday School 10:30 p in. Selections by Webber Quartette Sermon by Rev. R R. ShoemaUct of Lush, Wyoming; subject, "Jesus, a Man Among Men," 12 tn. Dinner under the trees 2:30 p in Concert by orchestra and quartette. 8 p. in Vocal solo by Mrs Roy Ham ilton. Lecture by Hill Hone. MONDAY, AUG. 8 S:30n. in, Lecture in Psychology, Rev. Halslup. 0:30 a, in. A coueert by Crawford folks. 10 n. in, Lecture on Domestic Science by Mrs. Salisbury. 2:30 p. in Solo by Dr. Cutler. Lecture by Hill Hone. Admission 50c. 3 p. in Webber Quartette, Entertainment by the "Nineteen hundred and now" poet, Edmund Vance Cooke. Admission 50c. TUESDAY, AUG. 9 S:30 a. in Class in Elocution Willi e. m. Hand r Orchestra. 10 a. in, A Declamatory Contest. Admission 25c. 2 p. m. Duet by Messrs. Cutler and FrlttM. Pio gram by Edmund Vance Cooke Admission 50c. 8 p. m Concert by Webber Male Quartette Ad mission 50c. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10 S:30 a. in. Classes in Expression and Pschology. 10 n. in A Cantata rendered by the Crawford folks. Admission 25c. 2p in Hand conceit 8 p. in, An eutertaln ment entitled ''Funny People by Alton Packard, the cartoonist and Humorist. Admission 50c. lSC258a88 TENTS Tents may be secured by writing to tho Sec retary or Manager, ut price of $2 ")0 per week or 50c per day. MEALS First-class meals will ho served on grounds at reasonable prices. Como and enjoy your self. Plenty of shade and grass all through tho park. BONNER PatMangan had two cattle killed by the train last week. Wo are still wishing for rain and hope it may come soon, Mrs. S. A. Ralls went to Morrill this I week to visit her parents. Too Carey Is down on the Hampton ranch putting down wells. I. C. Williams came Tuesday for a few days stay on the ranch. Conrad Thomas from Kentucky came in on 304 for an extended visit with his brother, R. K. Thomas. Grace Cowen and sister from Scotts Hluft are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Abe Hutchison. The fence gang has been fixing up snow fence along here this week. It was badly needed and will be quite an improvement in the looks of the right of way. MARSLAND MARRIED On Wednesday, July 20, 1910, Charles Gregg of Maryland and Miss May Sco field of Hot Springs. S. D., were united in marriage at the home of the bride's step-father, George Gregory, at Hot Springs. The marriage ceremony was performed at high noon Only a few immediate relatives and friends were present, among them being George Gregory of Alliance and Vet Marsland. The bride was showered with beautrful wedding presents. A short hone) moon trip was taken to Deadwood aud other interesting points in the black Hills. They will be at home after July 23th in Mars land. The groom is one of Marsland's promis ing young business men and the bride is also known there, having been connected with the telephone company there for a long time. We join in wishing them a long and happy married life. BROADWATER Stilt but unit dry. II. 4. Nolte was in town Frlduy. Mrs. li. F. Smith tn enjoying :i visit from her mother. A. D. Wugicy U ar.ulliiK on HreuknecU hill this week. Mrs. Mulvalilll of Om.ili.i is vWUiik ut the Put HowUn home. Put Howlun and family drove to Hrtdi;epjrt Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welin spent Sund-iy with relatives at Bridgeport. There was u daui'e ut A. D. Wiley's ut R.istwood Huturduy evening. Krunk .rf cuma down from Bridgeport Tuesday to look utter hU homestead. John ('ovalt !fc Sons shipped two car of cattle from here to N Otnuli S iturday. Garland Wchn uml wlfeweiitto Bridgeport 1'riUny evening for a vKlt with home folks. Arthur Davis of Bridgeport was looking after his creamery business hero last l'riduy. Mary Itmvlmul made Until proof on her lmnitbtead Saturday. .1. D. Hagertj and An thony Johnson were her witnesses. The Platte river Is now entirely dry, the first time It Ins ever been Known since the advent of white men George. Hlslo unci Edna Johnson went to Bayard Wednesday to vMtut the . I. U. Urlm home. FAIRVIEW Herbert Nasou and family visited with Grindpu and Grmdniu L.mreiue -unday. J, It. Lawrence and family visited with the HaJley family Miuday. Wm Bust Jr uud wire visited at the homo of Win. Lortincn. Ed Curry and wife Islted with Sam TrenUlo and ulfenunduy. There v. as no church at Fulrvlew Sunday on ucuount of Bev. Nolte being sick. There was a party at tho home of Fred Nus sonBaturduyeehliiK. It being tho birthday of Miss Winnie. There were alxmt 35 present. Ice cream and cake was served mid a good time reported. J. B. Lawrence roturiied home Wednesday from Grand Island where he attended tho democratic state convention us u delegate from Box llutte count J. A number of Hie I'alrvlew ladles met with Mrs. Wm. Ask1oi lust WoJuesday to do some sewlui; for her. HUBBLE'S FLAT Mrs. John Duerr is on the sick list this week. Moust every one is meeting no one at work thesedays. There is talk of a Sunday School picnic and we hope it is not all talk. It can't be if we hae earnest workers. Geo. SentorLwent to Alliance to dig a well for J. Lore. Among our visitors at Sunday schcol Sunday were Av. Ross and wife, and'A. Cone from Wind Spring. Mr. and Mrs A. Koss visited at A. Lore's Sunday enroute to Alliance. John Duerr is building a new house which will probably be finished before cold weather. Ed Sweezy is drawing sand for a new mansion. Alas, Ed, )ou must hurry too. Covered wagons are a common thing t hese da) s in this vicinity, Furnished rooms for rent in good modern house. 405 To luca avenue. Phone 175. Resolutions of Respect The members of Alliance Council No. 975, Knights of Columbus, desire to extend their condolence to the husband and child ren of Mrs. Margaret Hagerty, whose death occurred recently. In the passing away of this good, old lady her relatives have cause to reflect that she has gained an eternal reward of happiness through ears of sickness. Peace to her soul. Committee. Miss Ethel Kiester of Hemingford is visiting in Alliance today. Mrs. V. R. Biroey left this morning on a trip to Omaha and Peoria, III. She expects to be gone about a month, being in Omaha a week and in Peoria the rest of the time. Furnished rooms for rent in good modern house. 405 Toluca avenue. Phone 175. Word comes tliis morning that J. W. Guthrie has just been elected a mem ber of the State Board of Control of the Volunteer Firemen of Nebraska. This comes as an honor in recognition of the ability of Air. Guthrie and the way that Alliance is being legardad over the state. M. L. Whittaker, otie of The Her ald's Sioux county subscribers, living five miles west of Canton, is spending a couple of days in Alliance on busi ness this week. M. D. Schuyler, who formerly was interested in another hall in the city, has rented the lodge room and dance hall in the new McCorlle building on a long term lea3e He announces that he will have the best of music and a good time is guaranteed. Furnished rooms for rent in good modern house. 405 Toluca avenue. Phone 175. W. II. Roland and two sons, Ira and Lee, and Frank Ewing and Chester Wright, all of the Hemingford neigh borhood, drove down to the counts seat through the drizzling rain this morning. They are here on a contest case. A slory has leaked out of a couple. o Chadron youths of the male sex who came to Alliance at the time' of the stockmen's convention to see a couple of youths of the opposite sex. They came prepared to take then for an auto ride, but after arriving could not muster courage enough to ask them. After a somewhat prolonged delay, a couple of married men earned the mi dying gratitute of the two Chadron boys by making a date for them with the two Alliance girls. M. O. New, the genial traveling salesman in Nebraska, and parts ot Colorado, Wyoming and South Da kota, for the Seward flour mills, drops iu on his Alliance friends between trains occasionally- M. O. is doing well as a successful salesman, besides holding down a claim on which Mrs. New resides during his absence- His homestead is near Orella station, in the northeast part of Sioux county. The postoffice at Orella is called Adelia, which fact should be remember ed by persons addressing mail there. On June 2gth the State Board ot Ir rigation issued an order closing the various irrigating ditches along the North Platte River above Bridgeport This of course caused a great deal of anxiety in the Valley and a big stir was made. Since that time we understand that the order has been resciuded and the ditches are getting part of their urn iBff -u.s.s. 1 A ft Jfi?wfr! ill v fI ?Lf JH Jt: T mm m EV p fPIB " .jflHm "iHfe .tfKr?4femt.,LftSvliBiilHf;3HHUi 1H&2S 1 Bk- S&t$F fJKT . AaflflBH. f uli mJwT'jWMmfmi iVBi 1 1 T fmwmimsKm BCW -yH 1 MBMMm cis i'Mji ' I . ' V iMffri f i"l un imm' n::. ,inLmm, r mi ,m rr 'j""i !harHw:'.&Ak'wHBHrHWv,HHr 1 jHMjtH Imni TTflrliiiii ' XWm I GQVTvy IMJwoSoh5w HBBHARr r.4 MivHTHP -Mr f l HI I II HW ISWiWlL3QN IB, HAV1 1 5JR WEETMAN HEAKSi SAMUEL UNTERMEYER " , inn W- NeWS SnaDshotS Prcsldent Taft ,s cruising along tho Maine const on tho U. 8. S. Mayflower. A deal supervised by Lawyer Samuel Untermcyer, A, Mr i oacked uy tllp Hngllsh engineer Sir Wectmnn Pearson, whereby oil land worth millions la being secured In Oklahoma, may Of the Week huve for Its IrPse tho Oghtlng of tho oil trust Itnly has reported tho Loaning Tower of Pisa as being In danger of col- lapsing New Jersey Democrata hnve naked Woodrow Wilson, Princeton's president, to become a candidate for uovernor. Indictments ugalnst Governor B. F. Carroll of Iown for criminal llbol. Grand Trunk nillroud, of which Charles M. Huya Is president, Is lighting the strito which baa affected tho entire syatem. Search is being made for Dr. Ilnwley II. Crippen, accuaed of murdering his actress wife. Belle Kluiore. In London flow of water. The North Platte is carrying. only about two-fifths . of its normal flow because of the dry season in the watershed in Wyoming. Box Butte county is getting a lovely rain this moruing, not verv heavy yet, but enough to do some good, with pros pects of more to follow. Furnished rooms for rent in good modern house. 405 Toluca avenue. Phone 175. Wedding The following taken from the "Emmett Examiner," of Emmett, Idaho is of in terest to many Alliance people. Miss Laravea is a sister of Mrs. Dr. Hand and was in the Alliance High School, graduat ing about two years ago. Since that time she has been teaching in Idaho: The wedding of Miss Bernice N. Lara vea toD. L. Rhodes, took place yesterday afternoon, at 3.00 o'clock, at the home of the bride's sister, Mn. II . T. Davis, on Main street. Rev. S. A. Paeker gave the Presbyterian form of marriage. Miss Jean Laravea, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. J. R. Sneed, of Boise, acted as best man. A wedding dinner followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Rhodes left jesterday evening for a short wedding trip to Ketch urn, a summer resort near llailey Upon their return they will be at home to their many friends at Sweet, where Mr Rhodes is a practicing attorney. Married Word comes to tne Herald that John Mann, of Chicago, and Miss Lydia Hoag of Alliance, were married in Denver last Thursday. It is expected that they will be here in a day or two and .after being here a short lime will leive for a six week's trip in the Blauk Hills Miss Hoag is a well known Alliance girl and Mr. Mann is a popular Chicago traveling man. The next issue of the Herald will have a more full account of the wedding Card of Thanks To the dear friends and neighbors who have been with us in our bereavement and by kind words and kindlv acts havi tried 10 lessen our sorrow, and to Rev, Godfrey, we extend our sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monfort. In Memoriam Died, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Montort, n3 West Montana Street, their little daughter, Kathern Nadine, aged eighteen days A brief funeral service was held at the home Mondav afternoon, conducted bv Rev Godfrev. interment being in Green wood cemetery. Many friends of the fur rowing family were present, and as they looked upon tlie sweet, placid little bouj in its white casket and surrounded by beautiful and fragrant flowers jet not more beautiful than the little face within, their hearts swelled in sympathy for the bereaved family. But let us not think of this little one as dead, for whom the time ou earth whs so short, but as living not as a flower that has withered, but as one that transplanted, and touched by a Div ine hand, is blooming in richer color and sweeter fragrance than these of earth. A terlflc cyclone swept over the dla trlJnorthwest of Milan, Italy, doing groat 'damage to tho towns of Saronno, Rovellasca aud Lonnte Pozzolo. About twenty five persons were killed and wounded. Russell Grlswold of Ilowayaton, Conn., has brought a $50,000 breach of promise suit against Helen Woodruff Smith of Stamford, Conn., who Is many years his senior. She Is worth $1,000, 000 or more. The federal parole law, passed by congress last session and now ready to be placed In operation, will apply to about 400 of the 1,087 Inmates of the United States penitentiary at Iavenworth. Central Sweden was visited by a tordano. No lives were lost, but there was much damage to property. Many farm houses and factories were un roofed, especially in and about the city of Eskllstuna. The American Zinc, Lead and Smelt ing company has adjusted the strike at tho company's mines at Joplin, Five hundred strikers went hack to work at tho new wage scalo, which Is a re duction of 25 cents a day. Representative Charles A. White of O'Fnllon, 111., who confessed to accept ing a bribe to vote for William Lorl mer for the United Stntes senate, was asked to resign I1I3 seat by the Demo crats of St. Clair county. A masked highwayman shot and killed Morton Craig, an ofllce em ployee or the Wldnon Coal company near Klttanlng, Pa., after being re pulsed in an attempt to take $2,800 In cash carried by Craig's two compan ions The treasury department Is still bent on ferreting out frauds of the va rious customs ports. It is the plan of Secretary MacVeagh to make an In vestigation through special agents of the customs administration at all the glilof nnrta Miss IVfl. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 50 j 4 West Idaho. Phone 205 Money to loan on real estate, F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. IMOM, ItOTIOE In the County Court uf liox llutte County, NeltraHka. ,r.iMili Olvlsli. Plaintiff. ) TS. ( The Unknown Holr of V I'hUt Poreiifceii, u- 1 cimhimI, Defendants. 1 ho unknown heirs of Pfter Horensen. iht fcmlunts. will take notice Hint on the :totli day of June. A. 1). I lli). the plaintiff horeln tiled his, petition In the dUtrict court or lto llutte county, uiratnst nald defendants the ohjecl a nd pruerof whit Ii are to unlet the tltln to the northwest nuartorof section i:i. In tnwn khhi 27 north, of range 51, wotof the nlxlh l M In Nehrusku, In said ululntltT ami for a de crt't- declaring mi Id plaintiff to Lot the Mile ouerof s.ild land and exclude all of said de fendants from any lntun,t or estat theruln. )oti are reqnlttd to answer said petition ou or Iwfore the fifth da of fientf tnlier, lio. . .. . JOSK1MI UIVISII. i'lulutlff. Hy V. M. Iournop, Plaintiff. .o-w I Am a Dentist V"- ji.Jt I have opened a modern dental office over lirennun's Drug Store in Alliauee and am now ready for business. For more than twenty years I have devoted my time and ability to the treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums. During that time I have been a constant attendant at the leading dental clinics and conventions. For two years I demonstrated before classes of the leading dentists in New York, Philadelphia, Toronto, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Salt Lake, Denver, and over one hundred other cities of the U. S. and Canada. I had tlie pleasure of meeting n great many prominent dentists, and while I was giving information along certain lines, I was absorbing new ideas from THEM. Invitations to dine and to their offices were numerous, where I was shown their methods of serving tlie public. However this mav not ititerest oti, hut m reason for telling you about it i to CONVINCE YOU that when ton com- to me for vour dentistry, YOU GE l THE benefit of uiv yeirs ot experience in prac tice and also the benefit of my clinical experience demonstrating to other dentists. I now put the question directly up to oti, Do You Need any Dental Work? I use the best matem!, the latest methods nut! if you want the BEST WORK and luve it muuuteed ut a ieaonahle price, come to my cfiics. I expect to make Alliance mv pmiiiatient home aud promise jou a "square deal." Don't forget the place, Room 10, Rumer Block A. GA1SER Sunday, 9 to 12 m. THE LEADER J. J. VANCE Cement Contractor Estimates on Cement Side walks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds. Phone 55 716 W. Dakota St. Alliance, Nebraska IVIiJLaOrS FLIOTCliEH FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENC Y REPRESENTS THE POLIOWINQ INSURANCE COMPANIES. Liverpool. London and Ulolw lus. Col? German American Ins. Co.. Nbw York. V iioir tiuuiuauiru lUrtfoni Klre Insur.iniOoiuuJinjr North American of Philadelphia. I'homilx uf Ulooklrn. New York. Continental of New York Oltx. Columbia Vlre Insurance Company. Coiiuectleutt Flru Phoenix In .. Hartford, Conn Commensal Union Assurance Ou., London Klreiuans Fund Insurance Co. Uermanlit Ktru Ins. (Jo. Uoehetr German Itm.t'o. 5Uit of Omaha Office I'o-Stalrs.rtetcherlllock. l'Hii"l' "-- -im