The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 28, 1910, Image 3

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    SBSSTnSw . mn&&m hcSjJWBL.
I aflf.-ft f'l
Mwa tGsWto.
JjiMwiwgw4wi.l.iW uiiiiiiiniOHKHK.
: , s
V -
I nyUUAffe
ml O d a k;
from us. We are the agents and
guarantee them
PRICES FROM $1.00 TO $2000
$1.50 Nickel Watch
$5.00 Gold Watch
Drugs and Jewelry
Munger Optical Co.
Sole Manufacturers of the Peerless Lenses, is equipped
with the latest instruments for testing" the Eyes, and
has the machinery here in Alliance,
Opposite Postoffice,
for grinding lens to fit each individual eye.
We solicit the most difficult cases and guar
antee satisfaction with the Peerless Lens
where all others fail:
Spring Wagons for Sale
We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring Wagons ready
for delivery. They are better made, more durable and will
give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring
wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price.
If you want one of them, call immediately, before they arr
all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn.
Donovan & Son
of ail descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber & Coa! Co.
Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr.
Be sure &
start your
right b y
getting a
. C.BOn
Notice to Contractors. ;
Seated proposals will be received by the
City Clerk of Alliance, Nebr., until 12 o'
clock noon Mountain time on the 10th day
of August, 1910, for the construction of ex
tensions to the water works system of said
The approximate quantities of work to
be done are as follows.
14 90S linear feet 4 inch cast iron water
C.440 linear feet 6 inch cast iron water
2,846 linear feet 8 inch cast iron water
26 4 inch valves.
3 6 inch valves.
5 S inch valves.
29 fire hydrants.
760 linear feet 4 inch main taken up and
400 linear feet 6 inch main taken up and
2 4 inch valves taken out and reset.
1 6 inch valve taken out and reset.
The engineer's estimate of cost is $22,
351.88. Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for five per cent of bid,
made payable to the City Treasurer, as a
Kinrantee of good faith.
Plans and specifications may be seen
and proposal blanks obtained at the office
of the 1'ity Clerk or at the oflice of the
engineers, Grant & Lettou, 401 F & M,
building. Lincoln. Nebraska. Extra
copies of plans and specifications may be
obtained from the engineers upon pa-
ment of S5 ooof which 300 will be re-1
turned upon return of the plans and speci
fications. 1
The City reserves the right to reject any j
ur nil uius ui Hiiv pan ui any uiu
Dyorder of the City Council, July 18,
V W. I risk, City Clerk.
Trade Marks
Anrone sanding aUelr-hn1 description nm?
quti-klr ajrert.tlu our oiilinmi froo whether ai
ti antlnn It prulinlilf pmeurnMn. ('omniimln.
I. isstrlctlrcoiiiiaeiuliil. HAHUB00K unrntctili
out frea. OMait niiencr foraocuriiieiiatciu.
I'ataut taken tlirouili Muim A Co. rvculrc
tprcbtl notice, without charge, lutbe
Scientific JMcricniu
K handiomolr tlluMrntod weeklr. Tjirceit clr.
nil itlim of atif trltiumo Journal. Termi, 1.1 a
Tftir: tour month, ft. Bold brail tieiraitenler.
IY1IINN & Co.3a'B"d-New York
t ranch Olllco. 0K8U Waahloulon. 1). C.
Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon
Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty
Shop an Dakota St, between Box Butts anf
Laramie Avenues, Alliance, Neb.
jrsa year
J' Counly Assessors Report 9,286
Autos in Stale.
Dawes, Deuel and Gosper Return Four
Times as Many Machines as Last
Year, Perkins, Greeley and Thurston
Five Times as Many York Cour.ty
Shows Increase From 72 to 204.
Lincoln, July 25 Tho number of
automobiles returned by county as
sessors to the state board of equaliza
tion will be double tho number to
turned In 1909. lu that year tuero
were returned 3,(311, while with six
counties not yet reported, there has
been roturned a total of G.481. April 1
when the assessment was made there
were registered In tho olllco of
the secretary of state a total of 9.28G
machines and the year before a total
of 4,877 TJils number, however, does
not represent tho total number of ma
chines in the state, as numbers havo
been cancelled In cases where tho
license has not been renewed, and nat
urally many machines have become
useless or worn out during the last
three years. Tho total assessed valu
ation of the automobiles as returned
by the assessors last year was $334,
379, or an average assessed' value of
Keya Paha county's assessor did not
give the number or machines In his
report nor th,e average value, but re
turned the total assessed value at 3G0.
Many of the counties have returned
twice as many machines this year
than last. Dawes couuty returned
four times ns many this year and ho
did Deuel and Gosper. Perkins, Gree
ley aud Thurston returned five times
as many this year as last year, while
Rock returned six times bb many
and Sherman nine times as many moro
than last year. York county shows
an Increase from seventy-two to 204.
Two Are Seriously Injured and Others
Take to Cornfields.
Osceola, Neb., July 2C A shooting
affair occurred hero between four Ital
ians, employees of the Union Paclllc
tallroad. The men wero getting ready
for dinner when a quart el arose be
tween four of the six men, as a result
of which two of the Italians grabbed
shotguns and began shooting at the
others, with the result that Frank De
vlto lu wounded in the right side, his
Injury being pronounced very serious
bv tho doctors.
iV.The other man wounded Is Tony
Mearzulbo, who received a charge of
shot In his leg, the flesh being torn
from tho bono badly between the kneo
and aukle. Immediately arter the
shooting the men escaped and they are
now hiding In the cornfields In this
Mike Deslto is one of tho escaped
men and the other Is Rosa Vesterto.
Big Derrick Collapses at Beatrice.
Laborer Has Foot Crushed.
Beatrice, Neb., July 25. The large
derrick used In constructing the new
addition to the government building
collapsed while 1,000 pounds of rock
were being hoisted and several work
men came near being killed. E. H.
Toomey, superintendent of construc
tion, escaped by Jumping fifteen feet
to the basement below and sustained
severe bruises. David Hoover, a work
man, had his foot crushed. The derrick,
which v milt to carry thtee tons,
was com,, ie!y wrecked.
Peru Boy Nearly Suffocated
Peru. Null., .lull- or. Tim ti
year-old sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. Morrow!
r,r MI..,..MI.. . .... .. . . .1
ui ..iiucioviiit.-, jjui mm me uiu 01
wheat as It was bclns loaded 10m
the elevator into the cars anl was
soon drawn under tho wheat. H.a
mother, In an attempt to save him,
also got into the wheat bin and only
the grasulnB of a rod crossing the bin
saved her from following tho boy. He
was finally released from his perilous
position only by cutting u hole in tho
side of the elevator and allowing tho
wheat to run out on the ground. It
Is thought the boy will recover.
Bank Stockholders Guarantee Deposits
Lyons, Neb., July 23. Something
new In the way of bank guarantee
was projected here by the Farmers'
bank of Lyons. An agreement was en
tered Into among the stockholders
whereby they waive the protection of
all laws favoring corporations nnd
place behind their guatantee all their
private property.
Aviation Meet at Omaha.
Omaha, July 25, Thrice circling
the nvlatlon flex Glenn H. Curtlss
showed thousanc of spectators what
flying Is Asifi rom tho excitement
of seeing cuima '00 feet high, cutting
the coinerH, tno spectators got two
) sharp thrills. J. C. Mnrs furnished
one of these and Curtlss the other.
Hoth men came as near nasty falls as
it Is possible to come and not hit the
Alliance Will Buy Light Plant.
Alliance, Neb., July 25. At a special
meeting of the city council It was final
ly decldod to buy tho electric light
plant from the present owners. The
cltv iia nn'e n formal offer of H,
841,21 for the plant
How Delegates to State Conven
tions Stand on Question
Mnr-oln, July 25 The following
Is the result of the Republican
county conventions throughout the
state on county option:
Delegates lu state convention.. 88G
Instructed for option 113
Instructed against option 434
Unlnstructed 208 ',
Democratic conventions on coun
ty option:
Delegates lu state convent Ion.. 835 ;
.Instructed for option.. 33
T Instructed against option 15 J !
f No Instructions. 281
Saengerbund of Northwest Decides oil
Biennial Saengerfest.
Omaha, July 23. St Paul won tho
it it saengerfest by acclamatlou.
Former President Theodore Uehrons
of Chicago was chosen president by
acclamatlou for the ensuing two years.
Otto Rohland, IL C. Sttohlow and
Peter Laux, all placed lu nomination,
declined to be considered as candl
Peter Laux, vice president; George
Kleck, secretary; B. O. Kney, treasur
er; John Wunder, librarian, and Theo
dore Kelbe, musical director, wero re
elected. Preceding tho election, retiring
President Rohland congratulated the
delegates of tho Saengerbund, of
whom between 400 and 500 attendod
the meeting at tho German home, on
tho success of the saengerfest just
closed In Omaha.
Tho German-American Press associ
ation adopted resolutions urging tho
Nebraska branch of tho Oorman-Amer.
Iran National alliance to work against
the adoption of any form of prohN
bltlon, including county option. They;
nlso urged the newly formed alllanca
to work against any Interference wlta
homo rule in cities.
The following officers wero olectoda
President, Adolpli Potorson 08 Daven
port, la.; first vlco president, Valen
tine Peter of Omaha; second vlca
president, Peter Kioto of Aurora, llij
secretary, Henry Heinz of Muscntlno,
In.; treasurer, August Hllmer of New
Hampton, la.
State Legal Department Gives Position
Upon Primary Suit.
Lincoln, July 23. Attornoy General
Thompson will reprosent Secretary of
State Junklu in the suit brought by
Victor Rosewater, Republican national
committeeman, to prevent placing the
names of candidates on moro than one
ballot when only one tiling fee bus
been paid.
The legal department will argue that
the fee charged .for -filing . refers only)
to the office and not to the ballots.
For Instance, the attorney general
says, the law Is that u candidate for
United States senator shall pay a fil
ing fee of $50. According to him It
makes no difference on how many bal
lots the candidate's name appears,
Just so he has paid the one $50.
In the office of the governor the
holding Is that tle county treasurer
has no right to ask what office the can
didate Intends to file for. If be ten
ders his $10 to file for governor It is
the duty of the treasurer to give him
a receipt for $10 and the ballot on
which he runs need not be designated.
Then the caidldate may present that
receipt to the secretary of state apd
have his name placed' oil as many bal
lots as he chooses.
Mr. Thompson does not expect to file
his answer until next Wednesday.
Two Youthful Oklahoma Travelers on
Way Home.
Omaha, July 23. The Abernathy
boys, made famous by their ride from
their home In OMabomn to Now York
to see President Roosevelt, aud who
ate adding another luurel wreath to
the honors they have gained by their
pluck and endurance, by their automo
bile trip back west, arrived In Omaha
last night ami left for the southwest at
8 o'clock this morning.
They. are accompanied by Fred M.
Hall of New York City, nut the boys
travel in an auto by themselves, Louis,
the elder, nged nine.driving, and hav
ing his six-year old brother, Temple, as
his sole passenger.
As the boy3 sat in the cafe of the
Henshaw hotel, thoy were the cjno
sure of the e.vcs of the other diners.
Louis answered the queries of all with
the com Isohms of the trained liuslnocs
man, while Temple sat back In his
chnlr with the bored air of the man of
tho world who has become blaso
through a surfeit of the good things of
Near Tornado Shakes Up Small Build
ings In West Part of Town.
Heaver City, Neb., July 23. Preced
ing an electric storm a small tornado
formed over the west part of town and
did considerable damage to small
buildings. A large tree was struck by
lightning and Utterly twisted to pieces,
leaving nothing but a stump. A wind
mill tower of G. W. Shatter was struck
and another bolt killed a horse for him.
Bellboy Takes Add.
Omaha, July 23. Despondent over
the apparent unfaithfulness of his
girl, William Klrchner, who Btatcd
that he had been acting as, bellboy at
the Rome hotel, attomptednto commit
suicide by swallowing carbolic acid.
A police surgeon was able to save his
I wish to call the attention of
hoisetncti to the conditions gov
erning tho sales which will bo
held at my new sale yards in
I have rcn.ydeled and rebuilt
Hie yards, mating them largo
enough to accommodate nearly
a thousand head of horses! each
yard is supplied with water, and
racks for hay.
For tho sales, the first of which
will bo held late in July, I iutend
to do thorough aud systematic
advertising. I will furnish an
experienced auctioneer .who is
himself a horseman and a judge
of value. I will supply the yards
nnd water; tho advertising; tho
auctioneer; such help as is need
ed on sale day; aud a clerk, who
will carefully attend to all settle
ments; at tho following rates:
$25.00 per car lot: $2.00 per head
if horses are sold singly or in
pairs. Hay and fe&l wilt be
furnished at the lowest possible
This will make it an easy mat
ter for horse growers in this sec
tion to find buyers, and at a cost
as low as at any sale market in
the state..
My wide acquaintance among
horsemen, of the state; the ex
cellent railroad facilities of Al
liance together with the number
of good horses raised iti this vi
cinity, should make the establish
ment of this barn a certainty aud
be of great benefit both to stock
growers aud townspeople' If
you have horses to sell, eee me
or write mo at once as it is my
I intention to put forth every hon
orable effort possible for the suc
cess of these sales and the first
sale will, without question, be a
m hummer aud a rare opportunity
for horse growers to fipd horse
consumers at home.
Auctioneer, Flavel L. Wright
Finding a Leak
is sometimes a dani?erou and dirty job
unless you are a Practical Plumber. If
there is anv trouble in the bath roolii or
heating apparatus
Send for Us
and we will fU it nromotlv and at rmsrin-
J able charge. We do good work and guar-
auicc k.
Fred Brennan
House phone. 356. Shop plione.744
Shoe Repairing
All Work Strictly First-Class
n. D. Nichols
Repair Work
Sewing Machines4 and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by hitn. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 130. Geo. D. Darling.