r Alliance Cash Shoe Store Refined Snap and exclnsiveness in summer oxfords is to be had in our Barry and Hannan low shoes. If the air can frisk around your ankles over a pair of Barry and Hoinan oxfords you will enjoy real summer foot comfort and have a pair of "ties" that are of the latest best last, leather and workmanship. COLUMBIA DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS A different selection on each side They fit any machine That tells the whole story except that at 65 cents, for the Columbia Double-Disc you get a better record, on each side, than you ever bought be fore at $ 1 .20 for the same two selec tions Get a catalog! MRS. IDA M. ROSS RESIDENT DEALER Alliance, Nebr. THE LEADER J.J. VANCE Cement Contractor Estimates on Cement Side walks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds. Phone 551 716 W. Dakota St. Alliance, Nebraska H. D. HUNGER OF THE Munger Optical Co. OF DENVER, COLO., Sole Manufacturers of the Peerless Lenses, is equipped with the latest instruments for testing the Eyes, and has the machinery here in Alliance, Opposite Postoffice, ? for grinding1 lens to fit each individual eye. We solicit the most difficult cases and guar antee satisfaction with the Peerless Lens where all others fail; COME IIS AND SEE US h-H"H-"M"l"l-'M"H' RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS Frank Vaughn of the local made a trip to Sterling Monday. Conductor Ed Brindley made a short trip to Ctiadron, returning Tuesday on No. 42. East end local conductor C. D. Rider is on passenger this week. Con. Ken ner has his run. Chat ley Mathews of Marsland, came in Tuesday. He will be here a short time on business. Mrs. Clyde Miller, who has been spending a few days at Hot Springs, returned Tuesday. George Moffit, a well remembered engineer, spent a few days in Alliance. His home is now in Denver. Civil Engineer A. L. Jackson was on No. 36 when she was wrecked Monday. He was coming to Alliance. Doctors Uellwood and Slagle went with the wrecker Monday night and returned Tuesday on No. 42. Fireman C. H. Hull, who has been off nursing a very painful boil on his neck, has again reported for work. Miss Burchell and her friend, Miss Nolan, who have been visiting Hot Springs, came home Tuesday evening. Conductor C. D. Reed went to Craw ford Wednesday. He will attend the inquest held over those killed in the wreck. Fred Dill, Who has been switching at Seneca, had his right arm severely scalded. He has gone to his home in Thedford. Brakeman Tragresser deadheaded to Crawford Wednesday morning to be a witness before the coroner, who is investigating the wreck. Firemen Fredericks, Bacon and Treffney were among those who went to Deadwood Wednesday to be pres ent at the funeral of Fireman Keenan. Word comes from Grant and Cal lagy, who quit here a short time ago, that they have both secured employ ment with the C. & N. W. with their home at Chadron. Engineer E. L. Bishop and wife en tertained a few friends last Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Christoph of Norfolk. 500 was played and at mid night a lunch was served. Conductor Frank Chambers of the Sheridan division came in on delayed 42 Tuesday. Mrs. Chambers and the Misses Helen and Dortbea, who have been visiting in Alliance, will return with him to Edgemout Thursday morn ing. Word comes from Mrs. Hill in Long Beach, Cal., that her new cottage is nearly completed. Her son, Bunker Hill, is with her and both are very well pleased with their new home. The two daughters, Mrs. Wm. Eubanks and Mrs. Frank Chambers, are plan ning to visit Mrs. Hill this fall. Former Allianceites at Scottsbluff The following taken from the Scotts bluff Star will be of interest to our readers: The Diers Bros, store has secured the services of W. J. Fuller, formerly of Alliance, as manager of its grocery department. Mr. Fuller fs a thorough grocery man and has the reputation of holding the confidence of all who deal with him. Mr- Jackson, junior mem ber of the firm, informs us that plans are under way to haye a new building erected for the firm and the matter will be settled next week. H A. Feltz, for several years mana ger of one of Alliance's large stores, in the diy goods department, has ac cepted a position in the same capacity with the Weller Co heie. He assumed his duties last Fnday and will move his family here next week. The Wei- lers now have a force of twelve clerks and are well settled in their new quar ters. Their new dry goods depart ment will be ready for the opeuing as advertised in another part of this paper. Another Hew Building for Alliance Alliance will have another new building on Box Buite Avenue. It will be located on the third lot north of The Herald office and is being erected by S. C Reck. The Adler family who are the owners, of the lot have con tracted for the building which is to be of brick with basement- The si?e will be 25 by 80 feet. It will be completed within the next two months if possible. Twins M. Joseph Kelly of Carroll, Iowa, is a uephew of Mert Keane and brother-in-law to J. B. Gray and J. W. Guth ne, the genial insurance men, who re ceived the following telegram last Sat urday: "A pair, boy aud girl. Mother aud babies O. K. Joe." In reply to which the iollowing was wired back: "Hearty congratulations. Has any one there seen Kelly? Jim and John." Sewerage Taxes. Residents of the various sewer dis tricts in city of Alliance are notified that they will save costs to make im mediate payment of taxeb now due on account of construction of city lateral districts, the collection of same having been given me. Call at office in court house and settle without delay Fred Mollkjng, County Treasurer. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324., West Idaho. Phone 20 MID-SUMMER SALE OF Cool, Comfortable Wearables -Ladies' Department- Men's Department One lot light, cool Wash Suits, worth up to (SL'2 0& $7.50, go at poyo The balance of Wash , m?r? Suits go at 3 FF- .One lot fresh, cool qO Shirtwaists at V OC Sample line Shirtwaists Oil One lot fine linen Shirt waists that sold for $4.50 J? 'j no Exceptional vals., goat VvVO One lot $1 CQn Corsets at OuO 50c Girdles at 25c Children's Hose, all colors 'jr 2 pair for O' Children's Parasols, 15 Fine Pearl Buttons, 5C per doz. 100 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, broken lots, latest styles at FF 150 pairs Misses' and Children's A Oxfords in kids, oxbloods, tans and patent leathers at OFF One lot Men's Summer Suits. All this season's fa -d A m f Your choice of any suit in our immense stock of up-to-date summer clothing, worth $35.00, for $20 Oxfords Oxfords Oxfords Big line, all shapes and leathers 1 54 off Light, cool, perfectly fitting fC- Men's Underwear, Porosknit J jR and Balbriggan, 1 lot fcWw Boys' Summer Underwear, IO,C All Dress Straw Hats go at ls off Railroad Men's Straw Caps, 4hZ3 Norton' THE QUALITY STORE mm RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME Any $30.00, $27.50 or $25.00 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit YOUR FREE CHOCE FOR See those $15 Suits for $10 THE FAMOUS h l i