The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 21, 1910, Image 7
''? ' TVT" naHwiA 'MMMMHibL. A'aarfiinBSCttastwiw(MiiiMi uiMwHtiUmwiWWtg'"' NWrBHR!I?frttt?iS"'ipHBZiI?i9,s!! IMgrnnftP tnrt '"'"""' -W-M MWMI M MMMHHMlMMHHHHMHMMMrWMMMMMnHHIMMMaM a. Mi M, Per Month buys an "Exhibit Piano" (c i yy low lira Eik w jiiii r Mr5 iiSpiP I JESSES -- - LJ!igg'!iM 1 MPRMM IT --W, if il f iim.:arMii'ai v ... . . i v , i , " , vrr-. per month iirti i mm Terms as low as $10 per J month See the pianos that brought exclamations of surprise and admiration from every important piano dealer in America, during the Piano Dealers' Convention held at Richmond, Va., during May of this year. If you are EVER going to buy a PIANO Buy it NOW --during our July SALE "Exposition" Pianos SHOULD command a PREMIUil, but are REDUCED instead! Many of the pianos included in this immense July Sale, were ex hibited ot the National Piano Dealers' Association Convention at Richmond, Va., on May last. Every instrument exhibited there was specially made; specially designed; specially carved and polished; equipped with special actions and wrought from specially seasoned woods. The makers were rival ing one another to exhibit the best the finest ever made. Such instruments you may be assured, cost MORE and are WORTH more than ordinary taken-from-stock pianos, but, in place of charging more, we are going to sell them at HUGE discounts for we purchased them that way from the makers. Chances like this come SELDOM and Quantities are ALWAYS limited when they DO come. Receive LARGEST allowance ever made on your OLD Pianos, Organs, etc, Don't imagine you are getting enjoyment out of that old piano or organ of yours, for you are NOT. Your chiidren growing up, are worthy of BETTER instruments you NOW have a chance to supply them with the world's best at comparatively trifling prices. And we will take that OLD piano or organ in trade on one of these newer "exhibit" pianos we will, during this special July Sale, allow you the LARGEST amount a dealer has EVER offered you on the instruments you turn in as part payment. And the terms will be adjusted to your needs. Have-a,Jjeart to heart talk with our two special district represen tatives; see Mrs. Wiker, our resident manager; you never have, never will have, a better "piano chance." rlessrs. C. C. Knapton and J. D. Morton, Special District Sales Hanagers for the chain of Bennett Co. Piano Houses, will lend assistance during this July selling of Pianos--a gala sales event that will overtop anything of the kind ever offered in Alliance. Mrs. Wiker, our resident manager, advises immediate action upon your part, if you are considering the purchase of a Piano. The Bennett Co., Alliance Spring Wagons for Sale We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring Wagons ready for delivery. They are better made, more durable and will give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price. If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn. Donoein & Son NELSON FLKT HER FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. llkrtfurd Fiiu Insurance Gotnpany. North Ainf rlcnn of Philadelphia. I'noenlx of Hlooklyn. New York. Continental of New York City. Niagara KJre Insurance Company. uonnectiuuu nre Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. New Hampshire Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Inn ,.. Hartford, ('onn Commercial Union Assurance Co., London Ftrenians Fund Insurance Co, Uermaiuu tiro ins. vo iiocuesteruerniun ins. to. State of Omaha Office ro'Stairf,.FIetchcr Illock. Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Phono 22 on in uocr oitoai 10. 0. Waters, Mgr. Edith M. Swan TISAOI-IEIi OK PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 424 Laramie Avenue T-" h o n n 12 Ci O YV0T6 6fc W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop en Dakota St, between Bex Butte ant Lmmie Avenues, Alliance, Neb. mwm FRANK REISTLE ENCRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PnOdf IIU 1420-24 LMVOlKCt PtNVtB COIO. Ennumii FAIR PRICE Notice cf Filing Final Account In County Court of Ilox Ilutto county No bruslui. Ill the matter of the estate of Morris Kel Iokk IVoasod; To nil persons Interested in the estate of Morris KoIIokk Deceased; Yon will tako notice that on tlift IS day of July 1010, A.S. Heed. Administrator of the estate of Morris KelloRt; tiled tn said court his tinnl account us administrator of said estate, and that said account will he for liearlnK oc tlm30th day of .Inly, 1PI0 at 10 o'clock u. m at the County Court room in the city or Alliance, In said county; and you are required to ap pear at thetlme and place uliove named and t-how cause If any there he, why said account should not he allowed. It Is ordered that said MdmiiiUtrator Rive notice of tho time mid place of said hearing. to all persons Interested lu said extute by causing this order to be published in the A I II aucolleiald u newsraper printed and'clr culatliiK In said oouuty, for three consecutive weeks prior to said hearing. L. A. llEitnv. County ,ludj:o. Dated July 1L' l'jl0-3wk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Count r Court: within and for Ilex Untie county, .Nebraska, Junes. 1P10, In the matter oi uie esiato or .cme i. layioroeceastu. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, That 1 will sit at the County Court Kooro In Alliance In said County, on the'.Tth day of December, 1810, at one o'clrck p. ni in receive and ixamlne all claims against suld Estate, with a vieiv to their ad justiumt and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims ucalnst said Kstate Is six months, from the 27 day if June A, I), 1W10 and the time limited for paymentof debts Is One Year from said Lrth day of June. lUio. Witness my hand and the Seal of raid County Court this 7 day or June 1010. , it)w L. A. lUititY, County Judua. LEGAL. NOT! OK In the County Court of Ilox Ilutte County, Nebraska, In the matter of the ) ni. f. i....i.... estate of Samuel A. f fft 'V' J',,'??r,l"J on hmtth, deceastxl. J uul account. How on thin ssuh duy of June, loio, cumo Faruh A Smith, execntrtx of said estate, ami prays for leave to render acconnt as such i-xvi'utrlx. It is therefore ordered tint tho S-'nti day of July, 1110. at ten o'clock a. ru., ul my olllce lu Alliance, lu said county ho fixed u the time and place ror examining and al i !ilug sach .iivotiut. And the heirs of suld 1 1 -eased, uud all persons interested In suld istalt , are reulrbd to Hppear at the time and p'u eso designated and show cause. If sui'h i x st, win said uci-ouiit should nut lw allowed It is furthtr ordered that said Harah A Smith txt. jtrlx give notice Ui all persons interested .u said estate by causing u Copy or trds order t ) ' published in the Alliance Herald, u mAa pat r- publishe.1 aud In general etrculuthm in ( ouuty. three sucuowrlve weoWs. uriof to the day set for kaid huuriug. jiuiea Juue 3D, 110. I A. IIuhiiy. County Judge. July 7-iw LEGAL NOTICE To rrrdrlck A . Gray, nou resident defend ant - Ynu are lierehy notified that on the 1st., day of December liKl'J, Eiltm I' Gray (lied a peti tion against you In the District Court or Uox Hulte County, Nebraska, the object unci prayer of which Ik to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of extreme cruelty, on the part of said defeuduul towards said piiuutltT, without just cause, and that suld defendant Is an habitual diunkaid. On May I7tli.. Ill 10. plaintia secured an order from, said Court, directing pervice by publication. You are rrqulred to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 2.'nd., day of August 11H0. KlA 1. Gicav. 31-4W I'lnlntlff. Contest Notice Ir.JAKTMKNT OK THK IXTEltlOU HTATtH mmi orrtct: Serial .No. Oi Contest No 7Kil. Alliance. Neliraska, July 7. M0 A sulliclcut I'oiiteat iilhuiHit huviug been lilt (I In this u i ce by Maggie Deersou. coli tesUmt agulust homostfnd Kntry No. 10540 serial No UMtrj made I)-c. 11, liv for t W ti-1 M. Si: U. SV '. W '4 HV ! Sw 27.KK t,. Ai; 4 bV M OJ Sec. K N ", NKMM 33. N M N W of Hee. 'M, ToHiihipS4 N . KiiiJKotf AV.,of the Otli 1. Meridian, by Henry C Ilolluw.iy, C-n. testee, in which it Is alleged that tho said Henry C. Uollowuy In. never resided ou tho said land and that he lias ubatulnued thesutne since date of entry. Mild pat ilex are hereby untitled to appear, resoi d. nun oiler evidence touching srflo ullegatifi) at 10 o'clock u in ou Augi.stlM. llifo, before the ileglster and lie ceh or ot the I tilted btules Land Ufflco ut Alliance. Nebraska Trio s'ald coute-tant having, in a proper utrutuvjt tfltd July t, 101'J. set forth facts which show that after duo diligence personal service of thtsnollcocun not he made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice tie given by due and proper nubllcutlon. Kecord inlilres of enlryinun Alliuncy, Nebraska. 81-6w W V. Wt)OP Ileglster OVER GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE B yet in- kill air, any Thace Madks Designs CopyniGHT3 &.c. Anyone lending nskeltli nmldCiicripMnnniay nillLMII.'lltlll. I 4111 I Int. IIAIIUuOOXoiil'uteiiu (inlcklr atrertaiu our opinion Ire Uitoiiiioii tirounniy pnii'iiiiixiii. lioiiiatrlctlyroiiilUr i kleat om :ukcn thriiUL'li Alunil Sl tvtrul notice, without cliaruo, lu the ulhcr un (oiiiiriiiitlrii Hunt frcu. ( I'aleut tuKen eat oiroiivv fursci urniir uulents. uiriiuvii iuiiii eo. nivive Scientific Hsnencatu A hsndiomcly lllnstratoil nceklr. I'liiaiiun in nay nieuuno journal. ioiu i Ijircest elr- Terms. 13 a by all newsilenlttr. rain four months, f L tioi MIINN&Co.88-8"--!' New York j-raucn umco, na v eu wainiuuton, it. u. Millions Spent on Frauds Oxer fi-, 000,000 annually is poured in to the coders ot those who explolte and ad vertiBe fake consumption cures, according to a statement issued today by the Nation al Association fof the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis; and for this vast sum the victims receive nothing in return, but nre often permanently injured and in tho majority of cases cheated out of the chance for n real cure. Worse still, most of this money is paid by those who can least af ford it. The National Association has investigat ed several hundred so-called "cures" and "treatments" for tuberculosis now being advertised throughout the country, and finds that more than $3,000,000 a year is being spent In soliciting the patronage of the public, On examination, it has been found that the great majority of these "cures"' contain harmful and habit-forming drugs, such as morphine, opium and chloroform. None of them will euro con sumption. The only cure for this disease that has ever been discovered is the com bination of fresh air, rest and wholesome food. All of the "cures" that attempt to destroy the tuberclo bacillus without these or to stop the progress of the desease in some mysterious way are branded as frauds and impositions. No drug, gas or other material has been discovered, which, when eaten, haled or injected into the body, will the germs of tuberculosis. Fresh which contains more oxygen than suostnnce Known, will destroy the germs of tuberculosis, if it is breathed continu ously for a long enough period, and if rest and wholesome food are employed at the same time to build up the body. It might not be amiss to add to the above that while many local papers give cut rates to secure advertising from these fake cure concerns, none of their adver tisements find their way into the columns of The Herald. We lose some revenue by not taking them, but we prefer to stand the loss rather than advertise the frauds. Summer Fallowing Some time since we received from F. J. Alway, eff tho Nebraska agricul tural cxperitnentstation at Lincoln, a request for help in securing the names of all the farmers in Box Butte county who ore practicing "8urnmerfallowiuE.,, Will readers of The Herald who know of any farmers in this or adjoining countieB who are doing so please sent! their names to us or to F. J. Alway, College of Agriculture, Lincoln. Nebr. Following is irom Mr. Alway's letter to us: I am anxious to learn the names of all the farmers in Box Butte county who are practising "clean summer fallowing", "summer tillage" or "summer culture" for the conservation of moisture. The three terms all mean the same. I wish to get into communication with every farmer in western Nebraska who is mak ing use of clean summer fallowing, which is the most important practice in connect on with the so-called "dry farming" methods, of which so much is being written at the present time. Butte Chautauqua Crnwlord, Nebraska, Aug. 5, 6, ft 8, 9 and 10. Butte Chautauqua offers just the vacation for a busy njan. Don't spend time and money in taking a long trip during Hot Old AugUBtv to stay a day or two at some great slim mer resort and then get back home more fogged then when you left. Come to Crawford and camp with Butte Chautauqua. There nre good reasons why you should do this. In the first place, you owe yourself some sort of a vacation, no man can long remain at his best, who does not take at leaBt one week in the fifty two off. Iu the second place. Butte Chautaugua Association has provided a SIX DAYS PROGRAM which will help a mau live this week better than he could possibly put in the time anywhere else, LISTEN TO ME NOW. There is nn abundance of shade in Crawford City Park, the crystal waters of White river flow on forever. Then Somebody is to be there, for instance, The Webber Male Quartette of Boston, Edmund Vance Cooke of ClevelandOhio, the "Nineteen Hun dred and Now" poet. Montaville Flowers, of Monrovia, California, who is known as "Master of the Platform." presents "Ben Hur." Alton PackarJ, a famous American cartoonist and entertainer, you will want to hear him in "Funnv People." Bill Boss one of the best humorous lecturers in the world or alive. Edith Charllon Salisbury, in Do mestic Science lectures, tells you what to cat and how to prepare it, shows you how you can live high on 15c per day. Chndron Concert Bnnd, you know the boys, the v tlwavB make good. G CHORUS of Crawford Voices and other voices under the direction of Mrs. Roy Hamilton. Watch for the program. Get a Reason Ticket, the ticket ad mitting you to everything on the whole six days course will only cost S3. 00 Engage a tent. You can have a nice family tent for tue whole season for only 52.50 or for 50 cents a day. Re member 510 INCLUSIVE. Talk about it, write about it, ask questions. Bother the Committees all you please. D. WEBSTER DAVIS. Manager. Crawford, Nebr. The Herald office acknowledged re. ceipt of an interesting hook of seventy- two pages entitled, Chicago, Its Natural Advantages as an Inrlimrrini and Commercial Center and Market." This was delivered to us with the com pliments of the Burlingtou Railroad. Its different chapters take up the fol fowing subjects; Chicago: Its Loca tion and growth, Its Climate and Health, As a Central Market, ItsTrans portation Facilities, Its Supply of Raw Materials, It? Labor Supply, Its Wage Earners and Their Wages, Its Busi ness Conditions, Its Internal Trans portation, As a City of Homes, Its Mural and Educational Utilities, and Eoouomioal Living, The Plan for a New City.