The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 21, 1910, Image 6

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Useful Houshold Articles
We have just received some of the newest
of household Articles and desire to put one in
every home in this vicinity. We are not go
ing to sell them but are going to give one
with your next purchase of a pair of shoes.
Cqlbum's Cash Store
Twenty-five of the Many Points of Superiority Con
tained in The FREE Sewing Machine
Sows Faster. Runs Light Lasts Longer. Is More Beautiful. Has Less
Vibration. Easier to Operate Makes a More Perfect Stitch The Most
Beautiful Sewing Machine Made. Mort Rotary in Movement. Vibrating
Shuttle. BalNBearitii; Roioscillo Movement. Automatic Thread Controller.
Automatic Tension Release Positive Self-setting Needle (cannot be put in
wrong). Short Needle. Rigid Feed (bearing directly under feed points).
Positive Four Motion Feed (without springs). Shuttle Ejector. Self-Threading
Shuttle. Six Ball-Hearings in Stand. Revolving Spool-holder Case
hardened and Adjustable Bearings Automatic Head Latch holding head
to stand. Automatic Drawer Locks. Automatic Lift the simplest and best.
' Is the only Insured Sewing Machine
It is insured for five years against breakage, wear,
fire, tornado, lightning and water
This means that if your home burns and The FREE sewing machine is
destroyed or injured, we will supply a new The FREE sewing machine with
out cost; that it in a cyclone or flood, your machine is rendered unfit for use,
we will replace it without expense to you, that should you through accident
in moving or otherwise break any part or the whole machine, we will replace
that part, or the machine, gratis; that if you break a needle, if you break a belt, or if
om wears out; if you brtak any attachment, e will replace these piru to you absolutely without
cost In justice to yourself you should, at least, see " The FREE" sewing machine
Geo. D. Darling
Alliance, ISeb.
Warrants Ordered Drawn for About
City Hall, July it, 1910.
Called to order by Mayor Harris.
Councilmen present. Newberry, Holsten,
James. Minutes, read and approved.
Report ot special engineer Grant re
commending that the bid of the Inter
Mountain Bridge & Construction Co. for
laterals in sewer districts Nos. 14, 16
and 36, amount 81768, be accepted, was
Moved and duly seconded that the re
port of special engineer Grant be accepted
and the mayor be authorized to execute
contract with the Inter-Mountain Bridge
& Construction Co. in duplicate according
to specifications approved.
Newberry yea, Holsten yea, James, yea,
Following claims were presented and
warrants ordered drawn:
M S3
49 40
4 SO
52 05
77 34
O L'tudrlgan, sal unit exp
lid lioott, street work . ..
O D llenurlck, street work
K M NuHibaum. labor
It J Hill, street work
.tnlin Carlson, salami exn
V K.lollv. sneclal wollee II
Alll Klec Co, lliint, water 834 71
Hen .loder. killing doss, 4 50
WycolT & JulTers, huuldead anlmaU.. 1 110
ltenry Illume, hauling dead animals.. 5 45
11 Pool, street work 'Ill GO
Turn Tuck, boarding prisoners a) 00
, to -L iJfc m Jin
.5 km AUTOMATIC imBmmmmWM
3 H akK f W VHWmMmTfm
w s wKSEm&SSSSKsisSMmm HUB
ji - .RPlIlilHiHKiSIIIiHffl
4- iiJiiiiiMaBKrnBatviiainDHiijBtwiBinMfBMniafHiiiiH
V 0R1S-4tiiir BmBEAHIrWMH If
f y a Willi BALtBcnniNG-Hii JfyJH
Hv ll """ BM.LBSARIN3
J JUlBEflaiNSXll
E W Itav. nlummlnu.
C W Hrennan, salary
John I'eilersen
Ed Eld red, spiv police
O O Barker, city attorney
.1 II Hunsakcr, night marshal ...
K V Hay. plumbing
C A Nowberry, supplies
WmOrant, stake district No. II
Wm (Irant. stake district No. "to..
Wm James, coal and street work.
V Ul'iUks, suwer
Ilea Jordan, dog tax issued.
3 33
10 00
21x1 ao
so 00
41 ftj
73 00
4 50
1,002 50
5 00
40 00
1 00
ny Irish, salary 25
it 1
II Ifaudrow. street work
Herman Miller, street work
II KftiHlrow, street work ....
11 1.' union, street woric
11 00
4 03
10 05
5 50
H Hansen, street work 52 50
K C Young, laying tiles.
4 05
J Johnson, street list
ritnto Journal Co. sewer and tux rec
ord 10 -'3
DIorks Lbr & Uol (Jo. lumber 77 03
OUes Essex, street work...., 7 40
Hox UutteCo. rentgradlQgOQtUt... .. 20 -3
WmOrant, plans and spec sewer (list
No 50 .' S5 00
Wm Grant, plans and spec sewer dlst
NolO 3100
Wm Oram, plans and spec sewer dlst
Nol4 woo
O K Mark, rent lulling places......... 30 00
T SI Harrows Scion, supplies in 00
Albert lltayuiau, street work 'i'S
W II Yiiiiug, carpenter work 4 00
w r icoscnKraiiz, biacKsmitu work... 11 :
John Hunk, street worlc W 50
IiU llrown. bonds , 5 00
Frank Karf, street work 14 37
O W Shores, street work 70 50
IMctiard Pun ford, street work ,. 3 tO
Wm hsex, street work , ., 311 50
l'aul-Murray Co, pluming l 80
I'rank Karf, street work 3 00
J I Davis, street work 5 25
W I.eo, street work 7 50
Hum Fred, street work 4 S'l
Clde Ctirry, street won 1 -'5
Horace Poole, street work M 50
MT Krai.e, street work Si H3
llurr Kennedy, street worlc 2173
llurr Kennedy, street work 13 50
I, M K.mnecly. street work 119 50
John Workman, street work "J 75
John Liggett, street work 77 23
Melvln Johnson, street work
t- W lister, .street wurk
I'M O Voung. labor
Hlehard Kulcit. r mlinc meters.
Lloyd Kibble, Htreet work ...
K M NuhsImuiii, labor
John Hill Htreet work
K M Martin, street work and oil.
W Uedlker, pluming
1". V. Hinlth. hanllnz hose cart,...
V W Huehuiau. reeling hose . .
4t 75
71 5')
14 50
11 25
74 50
ai 25
45 00
10 04
3 IH
3 lb
5 00
JJuily Rate Tours
You can make an eastern trip any dai' at very low rates-
lower than ever before. There is such a variety of rate tours em
bracing so many sections of the East that it is impossible to de
scribe them here. Consult with us.
If the East does not appeal to you, try a Pacific Coast tour or
a vacation in Yellowstone Park or in Colorado.
The Wyoming Dry Farming Convention is held at Cheyenne
July 20th, and special rates have been authorized from Wyoming.
The Wyoming extension has been completed to Thermopolis,
where 18,000,000 gallons of water at a temperature of 130 degrees
How daily. This beautiful resort is destined to. become one of the
most attractive and effective health restoring localities in the
Call or write describing your proposed trip, and letuslielpyou.
Brennan's Corner
We are now prepared to do all kinds of
Jewelry and Watch Wqrk
This department is in charge- of an expert
and all work guaranteed
Our Prescription Department
is kept up in the best manner possible, our drugs are
always pure, and all prescriptions
are carefully compounded
Don't Forget the Place
L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha
Adjourned to meet July 15, tgto.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
City Clerk of Alliance, Nebr., until 12 o'
clock noou Mountain time on the 10th day
of August, 1910, for the construction of ex
tensions to the water works system of said
The approximate quantities of work to
be done ate as follows:
14 938 linear feet 4 inch cast iron water
6,440 linear feet 6 inch cast iron water
2,326 linear feet 8 inch cast iron water
26 4 inch valves.
3 6 inch valves.
5 8 inch valves.
29 fire hydrants.
760 linear feet 4 inch main taken up and
400 linear feet 6 inch main taken up and
2 4 inch valves taken out and reset.
1 6 inch valve taken out and reset.
The engineer's estimate of cost is $22,
851 83.
Each bid must bs accomnanied bv a
certified check for five per cent of bid,'
made payable to the City Treasurer, as a
guarantee of good faith
Plans and specifications may be seen
and proposal blanks obtained at the office
of the t-'tty Cleric or at the office of the
engineers, Grant & Letton, 401 F & M,
building, Lincoln. Nebraska, Extra
copies of plans and specifications may be
obtained from the engineers upon pay
ment of $5 00 of which 8300 will be re
turned upon return of the plans and speci
fications. The City reserves the right to reject any
or all bids or any part of any bid
Byorder of the City Council, July 18.
b. W. Irish, City Clerk.
I, F. V. Irish, city clerk, do hereby
certify that the following is an estimate of
expenses of the city of Alliance, for the
municipal year ending in May, 1911:
Officers' salaries $3,200.00
Streets and Alleys , 7,300.00
Fire and water 7.500 00
Stationary and ptu;;;n; 300 00
Street lighting , .2,000.00
City library 1,000 00
General fund 1,500 00
Water bonds 2,650 00
Water extension U M 1,000.00
Sewer bonds 1,600 00
Lighting bonds 930.00
City hall bonds 500.00
F. W. Irish. City Clerk.
Excellent Attractions
The 10 to State Fair Sept. 5 to 9
offers an excellent line of attractions.
Among them are 4 Mights each day by
Wright's Aeroplane, concerts by Signor
Lombard's band of 44 instruments and
Grand Opera Company of 24 singers,
15 harness speed contests and a num
ber of running races, the dei by, a 10
mile relay race 2 miles each day; the
Great Patterson Shou, Night Speed
Contests. Stupendous Fireworks and
Vaudeville attractions. Taken with
the great exhibit ia every department,
I this iudeed vvi.i make a great show .
$&&$$$$$$$$$$ && S&$3HfrH
1 Scottsbluff, INebraskaS
JULY 22 TO 31, lOlOi
Be Sure to Come
T h. e 1 e Is
Plenty of Shade
Electric Lights
Good Water
Tennis Courts
Large Grounds
Athletic Contests
Tents and Cots can be rented by addressing the Secretary at once
FRIDAY, JULY 22 Formal Opening. Organization of the Chorus, H. C. Probasco,
director. Band Music. Hon. Frank M. Ourrie.
SATURDAY, JULY 28 Tennis. Chorus and Asembly Singing. Hon. G. M. Hitchcock.
Scottsbluff Band. Hon. W.E. Reed. Base Ball. Eureka Glee Club. CO. Merica. Musical Chimes.
SUNDAY, JULY 24 Union Sunday School and Services. Rev. J. G. Clark. Rev. D.
A. Leeper. Mrs. Johnson. C. O. Merica. Chorus and Asstmbly Singing. Winifred Winter.
Mrs. Raymond, Tahan (J. K. Gritiis). Piano Duet, Misses Everett and Shumway. Eureka
Glee Club. Musical Chimes.
MONDAY, JULY 25Teachers' Institute. Miss Agnes Lackey, County Superintend
ent. High School Band. Leon A. Moomaw. Mrs. A. C. Zeliner, Lecturer W. C. T. U.
Chorus and Assembly Singing. Round Table. Band Concert. Tahan.
TUESDAY, JULY 20, Band Day Teachers' Institute. H. E. Bradford of Kearney City
Schools. Band Concerts and Contests under auspices of J. E. Keebaugh and F. W. Plehn.
Base Ball. Mitchell Ladies' Quartette. Leon A. Moomaw. Ross Crane.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 Teachers' Institute. C. R. Weeks of Peru Normal. Chorus
and Assembly Singing. Rosani. High School Band. Base Bull. Winifred Winter. Ross Crane.
THURSDAY, JULY 23 Teachers' Institute. A. O. Thomas. Chorus. Winifred Winter.
Fisher-Ship Concert Co. Stephen Marion Reynolds. High School Band. Base Ball. Rosani.
FRIDAY, JULY 29-Teachcrs' Institute. Miss Alice Orr. Chorus. Mixed Quartette. W. L.
McNamara. High School Band. Fisher-Shipp Concert Co, Steve Reynolds. Moving Pictures.
SATURDAY, JULY 30 Teachers' Institute. E. von Forell. Chorus. Senator Burkett.
Fisher-Shipp Concert Co. Governor Shallenberger. Scottsbluff Band. Brush, the Magician.
SUNDAY, JULY 31 Union Sunday School and Service. Rev. T. C. Osborne. Rev. J.
B. Burke. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ebert. L. B. Wickersham. Mrs. Raymond. Prof. Herbert
C. Probasco's tinal chorus, 'The Messiah," and other music. Scottsbluff Orchestra, P. J.
Barron, Director. Scottsbluff Quartette. Recitation, Irene Walsh.
Ns cluutiuqua la Nebraska bas evar offirei a program of larger variety or ersatsr suptriorlt;. Program will ba subject ta slight changas
f North Platte Valley Chautauqua Association, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
t 'si
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