The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 14, 1910, Image 6

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"Tl I" I" "Tri i I
Useful Houshold Articles
We have just received some of the newest
of household Articles and desire to put one in
every home in this vicinity. We are not go
ing to sell them but are going- to give one
with your next purchase of a pair of shoes.
1 v
Colburn's Cash Store
Twenty-five of the Many Points of Superiority Con
tained in The FREE Sewing Machine
Sews Faster. Runs Light Lasts Longer, Is More Beautiful Has Less
Vibration Easier to Operate. Makes a More Perfect Stitch. The Most
Beautiful Sewing Machine Made. Mort Rotary in Movement. Vibrating
Shuttle, Ball-Bearing Rotoscillo Movement. Automatic Thread Controller
Automatic Tension Release. Positive Self-setting Needle (cannot be put in
wrong). Short Needle. Rigid Feed (bearing directly under feed points).
Positive Four Motion.Feed (without springs) Shuttle Ejector. Self-Threading
Shuttle. Six Ball-Ueariugs in Stand. Revolving Spool-holder Case
hardened and Adjustable Bearings Automatic Head Litch holding head
to stand. Automatic Drawer Locks Automatic Lift the simplest and best.
Is the only Insured Sewing Machine
It is insured for five jears against breakage, wear,
fire, tornado, lightning and water
This means that if our home burns and The FREE sewing machine is
destroyed or injured, we will supply a new The FREE sewing machine with
out cost; that if in a cyclone or flood, your machine is rendered unfit for use,
we will replace it without expense to you, that should you through accident
in moving or otherwise break any part or the whole machine, we will replace
that part, or the machine, gratis, that if yau break a Media, if jau break a bill, or if
one wears oat; it you break any attachment, we will replace these parts to you absolutely without
cost In justice to joiirselfy ou should, at least, see "The FREE" sewing machine
Geo. D. Darling
Alliance, ISeb.
H-M1 t Ml 1'11'M H 1 nM"M"M"M-fr
Con. Dick Burke laid off convention
week for rest and rccreatiou.
Mrs. Bales, wife of the operator at
Provo, was in Alliance last week.
On Monday No. 44 was nine hours
late, caused by a delay on the N. P,
Eugineer Suavely returned Sunday
frani a short visit in Council Bluffs.
Con. V. W. Johnson has reported
for work aud gets Griffith's car and
Business has been pretty brisk on
the road, The men only have about
ten hours.
Couductor George Voutig visited last
week with relatives and friends in
Engineer Bennett and family have
moved into their new home in the east
part of town.
Brakeman Ray Hoag was off several
days ou account of a sore eye, caused
by a hot cinder.
Con. U. N. Hoskins has been on the
relief several days He hurt his side
chaining up a car
Mr. Wagner, the trainmaster's chief
clerk, went to Ellsworth ou a stock
train aud returned on No 41.
Couductor Nels Pederson of Raven
na, Mrs. Pederson aud Miss Dorthca
are in our city visiting at the Bullock
Mrs. John McDonald and daughter
of Raveuna returned home Sunday
after spending a month with relatives
in Iowa.
Mrs. Harbottle and little daughter
returned from Hot Springs Monday
where they spent the 4th with Engineer
Con. J. S. Ward and wife returned
from a ten days' honeymoon trip Mon
day morning. They visited in Denver
and Deadwood.
Freight Brakemen J. C. Grant and
W. T. Callagy have resigned. They
left Monday for Chadron where they
expect to go to work.
The Burchell brothers are enjoying
a visit from a sister from Spalding,
Nebr. She is being entertained by
Mrs- J. P. Reardon.
Brakeman Hoffman of the west end
passenger has been off several days
with two badly bruised hands caused
by a fall in Deadwood.
Engineer John McDonald of Raven
na spent July 4th in Alliance. Mr.
McDonald lias a fine new auto of
which he is justly proud.
Mrs. Ray Deitlein of Crawford spent
last week at the home of her parents,
Mr. aud Mrs. Win, Morris. She left
tor tier nome bunuay ou 1N0. 43.
Todd Berry and wife of the ranch
country near Reno were in Alliance
for the convention. Mr. Berry was
for ears a switchman in .the yards
Engineer "Dad" Hurst and Fireman
Branley of Crawford hill brought in
the 4001 for repairs Monday night.
They returned Tuesday afternoon on
the 3179.
Mr. Morton, for some time car fore
mau here, left for Billings Sunday.
From there he will go to Minneapolis
to visit relatives before he decides on
a permanent location.
Mtss Delia Nelson, daughter of
Engineer N'elbon, met with a very paiu
ful accident Saturday, She fell from
one of the horses on the merry go
round. The little lady was not dan
gerously hurt but badly bruised.
Arthur Gordon and wife of Merna
were in Alliance. Mr, Gordon is well
remembered here as he was a C, B.
& 0 conductor. He now owns a fine
drug store in Merna and is one of the
leading business men.
Tom Morris came in to spend the
convention week with relatives aud his
many friends in Alliance. Tom was
for several years an engineer here.
When he was set up he was the young
est man in vears ever promoted to
engineer on this division.
Uncalled For Letters
1 ' w
vrnnmn m i rnrrm it a f t hit aft i urn
DM 1
XScottsbluff, Nebraska
IJULY 22 TO 31, 19101
Be Sure to Come
Plenty of Shade
Ix e r e
Good Water
Electric Lights Free Tennis Courts
Large Grounds
Athletic Contests
w Tents and Cots can be rented by addressing the Secretary at once
d A I L Y Fr o g R A n
FRIDAY, JULY 22 Formal Opening. Organization of the Chorus, H. C. Probasco,
W director. Band Music. Hon. Frank M. Currie.
$ SATURDAY, JULY 23 Tennis. Chorus and Assembly Singing. Hon. G. M. Hitchcock.
S Scottsbluff BaYid.Hon.W.E. Reed. Base Ball. Eureka GleeClub. CO. Merica.'Musical Chimes.
SUNDAY, JULY 24 Union Sunday School and Services. Rev. J. G. Clark. Rev. D.
A. Leeper. Mrs. Johnson. C. O. Merica. Chorus and Assembly Singing. Winifred Winter.
X Mrs. Raymond, Tahan (J. K. Griffis). Piano Duet, Misses Everett and Shumway. Eureka
W Glee Club. Musical Chimes.
MONDAY, JULY 25 Teachers' Institute. Miss Agnes Lackey, County Superintend
ent. High School Band. Leon A. Moomaw. Mrs. A. C. Zehner, Lecturer W. C. T. U.
Chorus and Assembly Singing. Round Table. Band Concert. Tahan.
TUESDAY, JULY 26, Band Day Teachers' Institute. H. E. Bradford of Kearney City
Schools. Band Concerts and Contests under auspices of J. E. Keebaugh and F. W. Plehn.
Base Ball. Mitchell Ladies' Quartette. Leon A. Moomaw. Ross Crane.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 Teachers' Institute. C. R. Weeks of Peru Normal. Chorus
and Assembly Singing. Rosani. High School Band. Base Ball. Winifred Winter. Ross Crane.
THURSDAY, JULY 28 Teachers' Institute. A. O. Thomas. Chorus. Winifred Winter.
FisherShip Concert Co. Stephen Marion Reynolds. High School Band. Base Ball. Rosani.
FRIDAY, JULY 29Teachers' Institute. Miss Alice Orr. Chorus. Mixed Quartette. W. L.
McNamara. High School Band. Fisher-Shipp Concert Co. Steve Reynolds. Moving Pictures.
SATURDAY, JULY 30 Teachers' Institute. E, von Forell. Chorus. Senator Burkett.
Fisher-Shipp Concert Co. Governor Shallenberger. Scottsbluff Band. Brush, the Magician.
SUNDAY, JULY 31 Union Sunday School and Service. Rev. T. C. Osborne. Rev. J.
B. Burke. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ebert. L. B. Wickersham. Mrs. Raymond. Prof. Herbert
C. Probasco's final chorus, '"The Messiah," and other music. Scottsbluff Orchestra, P. J.
Barron, Director. Scottsbluff Quartette. Recitation, Irene Walsh.
No Chautauqua in Nebraska has ever offered a program of larger variety or greater superiority. Program will be subject to slight changes
I North Platte Valley Chautauqua Association, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
J (gSifJ
Be sure &
start your
right b y
g a
Bartford Fire Insurance Company
North American of I'litlailelpula
Phoenix of UtooWln. Now YorU.
Continental of New York Olty.
Niagara Klre lnsurunce I'onip my.
uonnecucuii fire
Liverpool. London and Globe Ins Co.
Gorm in American Ins. Co.. New York.
New Hampshire
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
i'iioeni ins o.. iiartroru. Conn
Commercial Union AsMir-uice Oo., UmdonKiremtins fund ln-ur nice Co
uernmnlii 11 re in l Koenesteruertuin in. 10
State of Omaha Office I'o-Mulrs.rietcher lllocV.
Spring Wagons for Sale
We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring Wagons ready
for delivery. They are better made, more durable and will
give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring
wagons. . We will sell these wagons at reasonable price.
If vow want one of them, call immediately, brfore they are
all taken. Shop opposite Palace Liverv li,i
Following is a list of letters remain
in); uncalled for in the postoffice at
Alliance, Nebraska, for the week end
July 4th, igto; if tint called for on
or before July 18, 1910, will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office at
Washington, D. C.
Adams Thos O pi) Johnson Mr L V.
Itucklew Mr (le M .lr Undborir Mr C. V
Itut-uiniin Miss Ail J
Mills Mr-Con
Morrow Uuv
1'asstnore V O
MwaiiMin Mr IV io
Stephens Mr Geome
Miitnkmtui Ch is
TnlblUer Mr Willi mi
VmiKIrk Mr Wilbur
White Mr. I S
Wllllitm-. V.rsCoWe )
Mention advcitisal when calling for
letters on this h-t
Ira L bii Postmaster.
Hotei mini Mr V 11
lieumtui Mr i'red
Charlton It A C'l
CnrrMrh Clyde L
Casper August
Dale MisUurtrudu
Krlckson MIsn Kdtth
lluyes Mrs Nevada
Huens Miss Grace
.lohnsou Mr KdiliC)
Huse Get: Honor
K O dak:
from us. We are the agents and
guarantee them
PRICES FROM $1.00 TO $20-
$1.50 Nickel Watch
. ci.BOrs
al taken. Shop opposite
Donovan & Son
W. N. Muse, publisher of the Nor-J
folk News, appears on the program of
the fcixth annual convention, Associated
Advertising Clubs of America, which
meets in Omaha, July i8-to, and Mr.
Huse will speak on "The Country
Newspaper as an Advertising Medium."
This is not only the first time a Ne
braska speaker has been placed ou the
National Program but also the first
tune a speaker has been selected to
advocate the country newspaper as an
advertising medium. The Omaha com
mittee made the,arranpr"nnt, not only
insisting that a Nebraska!! be placed
ou the program but a' country paper
publisher who cou'd briug these papers
before the b'g buyers of space.
$5.00 Gold Watch
Drugs and Jewelry
.wVlrrFAv4v3KlW 1
B.2I3I P
J ,V'