The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 14, 1910, Image 3

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Per Month buys an "Exhibit Piano"
!erms 2y I fcd V clrl" -- Fl Terms
aS kil I M jrlS Sfa as
low 13 IlkiliplPiffyMPffflllP low
as lgllall aii as
I1P1P.. IMP'fWf $1
mmmmm 't56' , ULi Lml I month
See the pianos that brought exclamations of surprise and admiration from every
important piano dealer in America, during the Piano Dealers' Convention held
at Richmond, Va., during May of this year.
If you are EVER going to buy a PIANP
Buy it NOW - - during our July SALE
w - ; , i ? i ' t . in'
"Exposition" Pianos SHOULD
command a PREMIUfl, but
are REDUCED instead!
Many of the pianos included in this immense July Sale, were ex
hibited ot the National Piano Dealers' Association Convention at
Richmond, Va., on May last.
Every instrument exhibited there was specially made; specially
designed; specially carved and polished; equipped with special actions
and wrought froni specially seasoned woods. The makers were rival
ing one another to exhibit the best the finest ever made.
Such instruments you may be assured, cost MORE and are
WORTH more than ordinary taken-from-stock pianos, but, in place
of charging more, we are going to sell them at HUGE discounts for
we purchased them that way from the makers. Chances like this come
SELDOM and Quantities are ALWAYS limited when they DO come.
Receive LARGEST allowance
ever made on your OLD
Pianos, Organs, etc.
Don't imagine you are getting enjoyment out of that old piano or
organ of yours, for you are NOT. Your children growing up, are
worthy of BETTER instruments you NOW have a chance to supply
them with the world's best at comparatively trifling prices.
And we will take that OLD piano or organ in trade on one of
these newer "exhibit" pianos we will, during this special July Sale,
allow you the LARGEST amount a dealer has EVER offered you on
the instruments you turn in as part payment.
And the terms will be adjusted to your needs.
Have a heart to heart talk with our two special district represen
tatives; see Mrs. Wiker, our resident manager; you never have, never,
will have, a btjtyer "piano chance. " c
Hessrs. C. C. Knapton and J. D. Horton, Special District Sales Hanagers for the chain of Bennett Co. Piano
Houses, will lend assistance during this July selling of Pianos a gala sales event that will overtop anything of
the kind ever offered in Alliance. Mrs. Wiker, our resident manager, advises immediate action upon your
part, if you are considering the'purchase of a Piano.
The Bennett Co., Alliance
Miss Pearl Waddetl is quite sick at the
present time.
John Mabin shipped a car load of horses
to Illinois last week.
Mr. Clatterbuck and Simpson are here
buying horses this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Oldt went out to the
Katen ranch to spend a few days.
Philip Rockey is here for a few weeks
visit with friends and relatives.
Mrs. Geo, Walker and children left for
Missouri the latter part of last week.
Sam Grass from Idaho is here for a few
days.visit with his sister, Mrs. Getger.
Dr McEuen returned'from Omaha last
Thursday where he went with Harold
Alvin Scott left on 44 Saturday for
ScottsblufI where he will be for some
Emery Abley lost a valuable colt last
week. It ran into the fence and cut its
Mr. and Mrs. George Fendrick are the
proud parents of a baby girl born Monday
July 11.
Miss Kathryn Carey of Alliance is here
spending a few dajs with her friend, Miss
Beryl Walker.
Mrs. Kay Wood came down from Alli
ance Thursday to spend a few days. Mr.
Wood came later and they returned to
Scottsbluff Monday, Ralph Foster ac
companied tnem to that place.
Misses Sophia and Anna Pelt returned
from Denver, where they went to spend
the Fourth They were guests at the
the Iverson home while there, liny and
Simon accompanied them home,
Harney Shepard was taken quite sick
Monday while out riding in his auto. Mr.
Sampy was with him at the time and he
not knowing how to run the machiue and
Mr. Shepard not able they took quite a
lively spin for a few miles.
Mrs. Hood died at her home near Can
ton Friday evening. She has been seri
ously ill for some time past suffering with
a cancer. She was taken back to her old
home in Iowa for burial. Her many
friends sympathize with the bereaved
Dr. and Mrs. Little and Gertrude
Bressee left Sunday morning for Colorado.
They will visit a few days at the Bressee
home and will then go to other parts of
Colorado. The. doctor's health has been
quite poorly for some time and they left
here with the hopes that he may be bene
filed by the change.
(Too late for publication last week.)
Mr. Lee Roland is on the sick list at
Mr. Chas. Uushnell from Morill, came
in for a few dajs visit with home folks.
Miss Gertrude Bressee is here for a few
days visit with, her sister, Mrs. Dr. Little.
Mrs. Waterman's aunt, Mrs. Williams,
from Yuma, Arizona, is here for a few
days visit.
'Miss Mable Strong left forCasper, Wyo.,
Tuusday, to visit friends and relatives at
that place,
Verne ,Burke from Mitchell, Nebraska,
stopped off here for a few dajs visit with
her old time friends.
Among those in from Sioux County
Saturday were, Mr. and Mrs. Hesseltine,
Mrs. King and Miss Zin.
Mrs, Frank Nagleschneider returned
from her visit to York. Her grandmother
came with her for a few days visit.
Misses Sophia and Anna Peltz, who have
been visiting here some tim, went to
Denver, Colo., to spend the Fourth.
Mr. John Kuhn returned from Henry, III.
Friday, where he has been for some time.
He says he likes it there, but the boys are
not satisfied.
Mr. and Mrs, Mclntyre and Lewjellen
went to Ruslnille Sunday to spend the
Fourth, Leuyellen stayed over for a few
days visit with his sister, Jennett.
Last week the lightning struck Robert
I.aughman's house, and it was burned to
the ground. There was no one at home at
the time, and everything was burned,
About 503 soldiers from Fort Robinson
camped over Saturday, until Sunday morn
ing. They were on their Alliance.
They plaed a game of ball with our boys
Saturday, the score was not learned by us
well it doesn't matter anyway, our boys
did their best.
Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Wildy left last week
for Chicago. They will spend a week in
Chicago before going on to other points in
Illinois, They expect to be gone a greater
part of the summer.
Ben Curtis from Sioux county was
seen on our streets lately.
John Wiltsey fell off of their barn
Wednesday of last week and injured
himself quite badly.
Will Fosket has returned from Chad
ron where he has spent the last few
days visiting his daughter, Mrs. Olds.
The Misses Ella and Delia Brown re
turned from Alliance Wednesday of
last week on 43 whore they have been
spending their Fourth.
Rev. and Mrs. Cor came in on 13
Wednesday qt last week from the saud
hills. Mr. Cox will preach in the Con
gregational church Sunday.
MUs Jean Rustin left for Waco, Nebr.,
Ki um( tier sister, Mrs Clyde Watson, and
from there she will go on to visit her
uHMer, who is at Geneva, and then she
will go onto Lincoln
Last week as Everett Clayton was return
ing home from town, he was struck by
lightning, while opening a gate. One of
his hands was quite badly burned, and he
was knocked unconscious for a time. He
was brought back to town for treatment
and has so far recovered as to be able to be
around again.
Mr. Harold Olds was seriously hurt last
Friday as he was swimming in a pond near
his home. He dived off of the bank into
the water in such a manner as to hit his
head on the bottom and injure his spine
He is in a helpless condition, and was
taken to Omaha, to the hospital, Sunday
night, for treatment,
We had a big rain here Monday.
Miss Belle Gregory spent a few days in
the vicinity of Marsland the past week.
Fay Abbott's horses ran away and
threw him down, hurting him quite badly.
CMiss Cecil Hack and Miss Mardel Wal-
den were out riding with Howard, We
hear there is to be a wedding at Belmont
in the near future, Ask Cecil and Howard.
Miss Lillie Gregary was invited down to
visit Miss Pearl Evens Saturday and Sun
day. Maud liach has gsne to Marsland ot
spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. J. Tolman has been very sick but
we are glad to hear that she is now con
valescing. F. Wendt has just received a large
quantity of new goods. His store room is
lull of tnem.
Mr. Hack resigned as section boss on
the.C. B. & Q. and J. B. King from Kan
sas took his place
Quite a few from Belmont and surround
ing country took in the show at Crawford,
They report a good time.
Miss Blessing has returned to Edge
mont to spend her vacation, 'lhe young
people of this place miss her very much,
Last Sunday Mrs Fred Tolman and
Miss Opha Semans from Belmont visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tolman near Marsland.
Mrs. McKee is assisting Mr. Wendt in
his mercantile business. She is an old
timer at the business, having owned the
store for many years.
Mr. and Mrs, Elswaith, Mrs. McKee,
Howard Pierce, Paul and Erank Hamacar
and others ate ice cream at Mr. and Mrs,
Lee Gregary's last Thursday.
We think it would pay the boys to see
that the phones were in perfect running
order when there are so many new i:e
cream freezers. Fred and Will take warn
ing. Will Abbott was in town Sunday and
took his best girl out riding. The horses
got frightened at an auto and he came
neaa having a runaway but he had a very
good time.
Belmont ball team played bull with
Squaw Mound the 4th of July. The Bel
moot team won a purse often dollars and
then played with the Dead Horse team,
winning every sdore, After the game the
ladies of Belmont cheered the winners and
advanced and placed the colors,, .red,
white and blue, on the coat lapels of each
winner, '
regarding the prize fight But what about
ina men that make laws to license such
evils' We wore a tittle disappointed after
subscribfng forfhfe Herald to find out that
it differed from us in politics, but the
stand it like against evil compensates ns
tor the political difference.
The 4th has again come and gone. So
accustomed are we to associate the boom
Ing ot the cannon, the cracking of tho
rifles, the explosion of gun powder, with
the small boy following in the rear with
his sky rockets and flro crackers with pa
triotism, that it almost seems if there was
no 4th there would be no patriots. But a
true patriot is one who serves his country
best, loves his God most, and instead of
seeking to destroy life seeks to save 'it
A very pleasant time was had at Mr.
Shoffner's the 4th. The Sunday school
scholars brought their well filled baskets
in true picnic tvl A tent was placed at
the east end 01 the jard and an awning
stretched from that to the porch, under
which was placed a long row of tables
covered with snowy white table linen and
if anyone donbts the ability of Quaker
Valley ladies as cooks their doubts would
have vanished as they partake of tho
savory viands placed on the table. Lemon
ade and fee cream was served in abund
ance. w
(Too late for publication last week.)
Mrs. R. K. Thomas spent Thursday
with Mrs. Ottie Briggs.
Mr, and Mrs, Abe Hutchison spent
Sunday with Frank Boons.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKeuney
visited the Bonner store Saturday.
Mr3. Ealyn Sutter and family visited
tier sister, Mrs. Jennie Boon, a few
days last week.
Nearly every one from Bonuer cele
brated the Fourth'of July at Alliance,
and reported 'a good time,
Mr. and Mrs. Sentel, Mr. and Mrs.
R.'K, Thomus and Fayette Wood were
Alliance passengers the Fourth of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood were trad
ing at the Bonner store, the Fourth of
July, and Mr Wood called on Mrs. Asa
Mr. Bonus Lihtiier, ourgeuial Post
master, returned from his trip to
Wyoming, Wednesday. While there
he iuvested in a quarter section of tim
ber laud.
The regiment from Fort Robinson
camped at the Hampton ranch, Monday
night, aud as their wagons were stuck
in the sand, eatables were in good de
mand in Bonner, as the soldiers did
not have any dinner.
Robert Shoff oer has gone to Kansas on
Leo and Albert Hauorth have also been
on the sick list,
Ous LeBeck and Peterson Brotberswere
visitors at the Stockmen's Convention,
Little LeRoy Jamison has been quite
sick but is much better at this writing,
Mr. Kreil and family of Grand Junction,
Colorado, are visiting Mrs. KreiJ's sister,
Mrs. Rex Haworth.
We are glad the Herald has backbone
enough to let us know which side it is on
(Too lato for publication 'aBt week)
,T, W. Cogar was In Mlnataro Tues
day. Everett Ilorn is living on hts home
stead, Mrs Beck ts living 011 her homestead lino days.
Mr, and Mrs. J. V. McAllister called
at Hope Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Evans were In
Scottsbluff Tuesday.
Arthur Lore and Roy Denton wore
In Mlnataro Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lore was In
Hope Friday afternoon,
Glenn Sharp and Elmer Ellenyar
were in Canton Wednesday.
Little Miss Janle Beeson was on the
sick list a few days last week.
Misses Vira Horn nnd Nettle Oris
mond were in Mlnatare Tuesday,
Tho wheeler ran aver J. VV, Cogar's
foot Monday, mashing it pretty badly.
He was wheeling for Contractor G. W.
Arthur Hubble, Mr. and Mrs, John
Derr and daughters attended the tele
phone meeting at district 33 Saturday
School election was well attended
Mbnday. Mr, Campbell was elected
Mr. and Mrs, A. 'A. Niuola attended
the S. D, A. camp meeting in AUlanco
a few days last week.
As there are to be no 4th of July
celebrations over the Valley this year,
the people of Nine Mile met, last Tues
day evening and decided to have a good
Fourth of July celebration at the Hope
school house, one mile eust of Hope
P. O. Those In attendance are asked
to bring well filled lunch baskets for a.
picnic dinner nnd supper. There also
will be a good stand on the grounds
where oue can get cool drinks, etc.
About 10:30 a in, there will be u Cala
thumpinn parade, all are Invited at join
it. During the day there will be sad
dle horse races, potato rnces, foot
races, a base ball game and other
harmless amusements. , There will be a
large nmltence tent provided otul elo
quent speakers are expected. The tent
Is floored und there will be a dance In
the evening with good music and good
order. Everybody Invited to attend
and huve n good time
(Too late for publication lapt week)
A. Hubble was a caller a', llopa one
day lust week.
Miss Bertha Huston Is visiting iu
Alliance for u few weeks,
The ilutiee at Wicker's school house
was well attended, Every one hud a
fine time.
The report from Scottsbluff N that
the Trl-stute ditch dam was blown out
by dynamite. t
We hud the finest rain of the season
Wednesday one we have so long
looked for There was not enough
hull to iluany damage.
Mr. AlriMii culled at Geo, Denton's
Tuesday evening Be is fencing quite
u .food ileal now-a days
Ray Hoover was In tills vicinity sell
ing hordes Wednesday. He stopped
over night at Geo. Denton's.
A. Lore cellar caved in yesterday
the hard rain und spoilt a five gallon
can of cream for creamery use,
Quite a number are going to Hope to
celebrate their Fourth. We under
stand they ure going to have a great
many games.
Don Overman is home again, bring
ing home of the company of his show
home with him. He expects to show
In Alliance the 4th We hope he may
have grand riucceV. ' '
Mr Deac was around a month ago
securing signers for a post ofllee at hla
place. Now all he hub to do Is to go to
Alliance and have his papers signed
anu the postotiice is his in a couple of
No one was greatly Interested iu
school Monday, as we are sorry to say
the number was ouly ten. No wonder
our school does not advance like others.
The old song Is. "Why don't parents
visit our school.'"
Quite a good many attended the tele
phone meeting last haturday night at
the Hope school house and they re
turned home with the phone fever.
We hope they will not get better until
the phone doctor comes.
Accordiug to the Alliauce Times the
following amount of vacant govern
ment land was under the Alliance Land
Office on July 1, toio:
llantier county 1S,W acres
llox llittte county 9,W acres
:,"',"""""" H.tKU acrtii
V:.? county 14d.s ackm
M.ibHlt n..iJ
.-cuii muii county
HJ.T20 acres
, W.800acrc
WW) acre
j.WtSlO acre