The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 14, 1910, Image 2

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., AcA. janAtti ftskassti.fc,?u. w. .j., ;.. .
Watermelons, Cantaloupes,
Fresh Friiitof ail Kinds
J Second door west of P. 0.
f i
li i
If' i
I f i
,7 1
&s&&mmimmimmi&&km& Battle in Nebraska.
M&at Market
G-roceries, Fresh and Cured
Meats, Fruits, Vegetables,
Nuts, Candies, and every
thing else good to eat
j-p- j
Phone 50
Farm Wagons Buggies
Everything in
Harvesting Machinery
Harness and Saddlery
319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
DierksLumber (SCoal Co.
D. Waters, Mgr.
Phone 22
On July 5th, W. J. Bryan is
sued a statement on the political
situation in this state, the same
being printed and sent out under
the capiion, "The Battle in Ne
braska." We would be delighted
to publish the'statement in full
if space permitted, but can only
give a resume for the present.
First, he takes up the matter
of the proposed calling of a
special session of the legislature
to submit the adoption of the in
itiative and referendum, and ex
presses his disappointment at
Governor Shallenberger's decis
ion to not call the special session.
While Mr. Bryan personally.
favors county option, he believes
that on that question, as well as
on all other questions of public
interest, the people should be
permitted to decide. Under the
present situation this question
cannot be reached in Nebraska,
for a long time yet by means of
the initiative and referendum,
hence he favors a platform de
claring in favor of county option,
and presents a strong array of
argument in favor of county
option, and presents i strong ar
ray oi argument m lavor tnereoi.
Following is a brief extract
from the statement, a copy of
which may be had by calling at
The Herald office, or writing us
for the same;
"Should our state convention take a
position on county option or should it
evade the question? Some say that
the question of county option should
be left to the senatorial and legislative
districts, and that the state conven
tion should make no declaration upon
the subject. But those who think
thus seem to forget that the governor
must concur in legislation. He must
sign or veto the bills which pass the
senate and bouse, and since it requires
a tbree-fiths vote in both both bouses
to pass a bill over bis veto, his position
is a matter of vital importance. Is it
possible that any will question the
the propriety of inquiring as to the
views of the governor upon an import
ant question which is to come before
him? Is it possible for a candidate for
governor to go through a campaign
without announcing his views, on a
great question, upon the decision of
which be will exert so large an infill
ence? Is a candidate worthy of the
confidence of the voters if he is not
willing to announce his position on
such an issue? And if the announce
ment is to be made, should it not be
made before the primary rather than
afterward? Since ibe declaration of
the candidate's position would be
equivalent to a platform declaration,
what objection can there be to the
declaration being made by the part) ?
Is it fair to the candidate to throw
upon him the burden of stating the
party position on a disputed quebtiou?
And it is fair to the party to throw
upon it the risk of having thecaudrdate
btate a position antagonistic to the
views of the members of the party?
"As our convention will be held be
fore the primaries it would it would
seem wise for the party to take such a
position as it thinks right upon this
subject, and then the voters can pro
ceed to select the caudidate who is best
fitted to carrv out the platform.
"But there are several objections to
silence at such a time as this- The
proposition before the state is an af
firmative proposition and silence under
the circumstances would be equivalent
to a declaration against countv option,
the only difference being that by
silence we would add cowardice to
Washington Letter.
both houses were in. favor of an income
tax. Aldrich saw that an income tax
amendment would be passed, and as
usual, appealed to President Taft for
The President knuckled absolutely
to the will of Boss Aldrich, urging
Congress to pass a corporation tax in
stead of an income, tax. To fool and
console the people the treatcherous
Aldrioh then smilingly consented to a
ratification of a constitutional amend
ment legalizing an Income tax, well
knowing that ways could be worked
out to thwart such ratification, at
least within the life of the present
But there still remains another
chapter of this legislative swindle that
the American people ought to know
about, As an excuse for having killed
an income tax, President Taft stated
that the corporation tax should con
tain a publicity clause which would
einable the government and the people
to secure information about the work
ing methods of the corporations. He
held out the hope thjs publicity clause
would make it possible for the govern
ment to bold the law-breaking trusts
responsible in court for their acts.
So Congress passed the corporation
tax, but jokered the people by purpose
ly failing to provide funds for the
handling of data which would come in
under the publicity clause. Even this
was not enough. Congress, in the
session just closed, completed the
swindle on the public by striking out
the publicity feature all together! And
Mr. Taft himself had declared the
publicity clause was th'e most valuable
feature in the bill! How long are the
people going to stand for such treach
ery as this?
Senator Clapp of Minnesota. Republi
can insurgent, was recently giving me
an Interview on the justness of tax on
incomes. Finally he stopped abruptly
and pointed out of his window.
"Tavenner," he said, "notice that mar
ble Wall yonder Which stone bears
the greatest weight? The stone at the
bottom or the one at the top? Before
you answer 1 will add that is just the
way it is without an income tax. Un
til the present tariff schedules are re
vised along lines of justice, and until
we have an income tax to take some of
the burden of taxation from the man
at the bottom, that stone wall will
stand as a deadly parallel to existing
Two big state conventions were held
recently Pennsylvania Bepublicans
declared as follows on the tariff:
'We believe that the tariff hill re
cently enacted is in accord with the
Republican -policy expressed in its last
national platform. We agree with
President Taft that it is the best tariff
the Republican party has ever passed,"
Said the Ohio Democrats:
"We demand a revision of the pres
ent unjust and oppressive tariff, re
ducing the rates so as to lower the
prices imposed on the consumers."
Consumers, it is up to you. Think
the matter over!
Our Ladies' and Children's
lines are complete
LADIES' VESTS, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40c,
to $1.75
, UNION SUITS, 40c to $1.50
Children's Vests and Pants,
. , ' and lisle
all sizes, cotton
Twelve Years' Experience
All Work Guaranteed
307 Toluca Ave.
Phone 613
Our Lincoln Letter
fei ,1,1,
ESP' " ?4v'"T-i"TiMi iVifl
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone 4
Frank Wallace, PropV.
fwith your next grocery order. The following
grocery firms will deliver at your home
eg 24 bottles, any flavor, for 75c:
S Mallery Grocery Co.
m Alliance Grocery Co.
Js James Graham
m A. D. Rodgers
S. H. Desch d? Co.
Geo. W. Duncan d Son
Phillips Grocery Co.
Watson d? Watson
Wushingtcn, July l). One of the
crowning sins of the Copgress which
recently passed into history was itb
failure to pat.s income or inheritance
tux legislation. All of the first eluss
nations of the world huve either uu
income tux or mi inheritance tax, and
luuny have both.
We now raise practically ull national
revenues by pluuihg tt tariff tax on
things eaten, worn or used by the peo
ple. This system is unjust becuuse it
requires, the workinginen to pay not
less than Que thousand per cent more
tuxes in propoi Hon to his income than
a milliouuhe. '
Our protective system of course re
quires the millionaire to pay a tux on
that which he eats, wears or uses, but
it does not tax him to the extent of one
penny on his wealth.
Thus it might, and no doubt frequent
ly does, liappen, that a section hand on
the- railroad with "a family of six or
6even children pays more towards run
ning the national government, toward
building battle ships and maintaining
them, towurd keeping our stauding
army, thun the millionaire bachelor
who is too proud to'inurry hnd raise
President Tuft, and President Taft
alone, must bear the brunt of respon
sibility for the. failure of Congress to
inek uu income tax, pfo,yisipu on the
Payne-Aldrich bill. A majority of
Lincoln, Nebr., July n. -(Special
Correspondence-) The condition of
the various state institutions at the
present time is of interest to the tax
payers of the state, nnd it is only right
that they should he taken into the con
fidence of the state administration.
Governor Shallenberger has every
reason to be proud of the record of the
state institutions as they have been
managed by his appointees. This
statement is borne out by fact6 that are
matters of public records.
There are -nore wards of the state in
state institutions today than ever be
fore in the state's history. The cost
of maintenance, as every one known,
has been greatly increased. In July
1908, with iewer people to care for
than now, the Sheldon administration
had upon the institutiynal payrolls 533
employes. In July, 1910, the bhallen-
berger administration has 483 upon the
institutional payrolls, a decrease of 50,
notwithstanding the material increase
in the growth of the state institutions.
This saviug lias beeu brought about bv
the personal direction of the governor,
who directed the heads of the state in
stitutions to dispense with the services
of every one who was not absolutely
necessary for the proper management
of the institutions.
County option may or may not be an
issue that political parties should take
a difinite staud upon. That is a ques
tion men of ail parties must decide for
themselves. But in view of all the
facts it would seem than any charge
that Governor Shallenberger is in any
way allied with the liquor interests
must fall of its own weight-
Wash Machines
If you are short
If you are tall
If you wish to stand up
If you wish to sit down
g "rr -' ' T ! f f iff iTrfMftHM
XeWvA)o. Co.
Governor Shallenberger has ap
pointed Rev I. F. Roach of Lincoln to
be a member of the State Normal
School board, succeeding H. M. Childs
of York, whose term has expired. Kev,
Mr. Roach's appointment will bear
date of Sept. 1st,, in order to give the
board as now constituted opportunity
to wind up busipess op hand with
which it is familiar. Rev. Mr. Roach
is pastor of St. Paul's M- . Church
in Lincoln.
Buy your carbon paper and type
writer ribbons at the Herald office. We
handle Carter's Ideal lines of carbon
and ribbons and the Reviio brand of
ribbons:- We quote1 city prices.' All
goods guaranteed. tf
1 Groceries and Provisions
A full line of fresh goods to order from
Our prices are right
Telephone orders filled promptly
Phone 54
S. W, Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block
north of Burlington station, on west side of street