The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 14, 1910, Image 1

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    rtyw . ' . . 1 i -i
-J iJl.UL
BUU UlBtorlcnl BooUty
The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
NUMtiER 31
1 t6 e
of the
First National Bank
Txrars 3ct, iio
- - -
United States Bonds (Par)
Banking House,
Capital Stock
Surplus 7 ,
Undivided Profits
deposits '; '-
This Bank is.a designated Unitei1 States Depository.
We have a modern and up-to-date equipped Bank and
are prepared to care for our customers in
any legitimate banking business.
We pay interest on deposits left for six or tvtfelve months.
We have safety deposit vaults for rent.
W '
Conducted by the SlSTZRStOF MERCY
Patients given best possible care by
trained nurses, and are permitted
to choose their own physician
are all of the highest quality we
can get and are all examined crit
ically after we receive them in
stock here before a single one is placed
on sale we do everything in our power
to be on the safe side. A good thing
for you to remember.
hi Front of the Palace Livery Stable
yon can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls promptly
and will be glad to serve ou in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
P.M--H--H"l"H"H":3"M"M- -j
Office in Alliance National Bank Elk
Over Postoffice.
'Phone 391.
..H""1"H"H"1"H"1 U"M"I"1"1"M' ' !!-
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted,
Esaa; ' -
i 0,000. 00
659, 644.02
$ 50,000.00
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
The Herald lias a stock of
little adding machines that
save time, worry and
money. Ask to see one.
They cost $2.50
They're worth $25.00
THe New Adding Machine
Herald Publishing
Tell Us About It.
This paper can glvo all the local
news only as our friends lend ub their
co-operation. If anyone visits you, If
you contemplate leaving town, It you
tee or hear or do anything out of the
ordinary day's routine, tell us abeut
It, that ire Bay tell the public.
1 1 . sn
Piano Contest Closes
The Herald's great piano con
test closed last Thursday even
ing. Miss Gladys Boon won the
piano with a vote of 82,150.
Attie Snow won second place by
a vote of 80,425; Ella Moravek
of Canton won third by a vote of
20,995; and Nell Acheson won
fourth by a vote of 13,800. The
votes of the other contestants
Alma Rosenberger 10930
Mrs. Jessie Nagelschneider
(nee Geiger), Hemingford 9135
Anna Dainton, Alliance ... 6675
Theresa Morgan, Lakeside. . 5900
Mr6. Emma O'Bannon, Alii
ance 5615
Jennie Sandoz, Srasburger. 5325
The line Bennett piano has
been delivered to Mis.i Boon
and Miss Snow has been paid
one-half of the cash paid in on
new subscription voted for her,
according to the rules of the
Daughters of Isabella
to Give Lawn Social
A lawn social will be given at the
Catholic parsonage under the direction
of the Ladies of Isabella next Wednes
day evening. Refreshments will be
served and an enjoyable time is pro
mised to all. All are invited to attend.
Remember the date.
Bad Accident
at Grand Island
A special telegram to R. T. Watson
early this morning from Grand Island
states that the walls which were left
standing after the Nebraska Mercantile
Company building fire fell and buried
two men. The telegram was sent by
K. C Strong, who is a traveler for the
Nebraska Mercantile Cpmpany and a
son-in-law of, Mr. Watson. Mr., Strong ttint Ti won Tint nt tVi nlonn
wlieu the accident- happened- TtftjjYecove.r.-f.l.vnO.r ordered- Wafickp to
telegram did s6t state who the men
killed were but- it is supposed that they
were workmen engaged in cleaning up
the debris of the fire.
Mrs. William A. Hoed Dies
Funeral services were held at Darl
ing's undertaking parlors Sunday after,
noon over the remains of Mrs. Evelyn
E. Hood, wife of Wm. A. Hood, of
Canton. Mrs. Hood died Friday even
ing. For several yeUrs they have been
living on a homestead near Canton.
The services were conducted by Rev.
J. M. Hu6ton, the remains being
shipped to Ottumwa, Iowa. The hus
band and other relatives have the
sympathy of all.
County Fair-Important Notice
Farmers and others who will co-op
erflte in securing a Box Butte county
exhibit for the state fair this year are
requested to notify Earl D. Mallery,
secretary, as soon as possible. This is
important and if you are interested we
hope you will lose no time in getting in
touch with the secretary in regard to
the matter, even though you may not
know just how how you can be of any
The premium lists for the Box Butte
county fair are printed and in the bands
of the secretary, ready for distribution,
but will not be sent' out for a few days
yet, as there are tobe some changes in
the speed list, which will be announced
on printed slips to accompany the
premium lists.
Mrs. A. C. Zehner Will Lecture
Mr6. A. C. Zehner who is to lecture
at the Scottsbluff Chautauqua on July
25th, will be in Alliance the preceed
ing day and will speak at the Baptist
church in the morning and at a union
meeting in the evening at the Metho
dist church. Mrs. Zehner is a billiant
speaker on popular and reform subjects
and a cordial invitation is extended to
the public to attend both meetings.
Address to Sunday Schnl Workers
Rev, Cbas. H. Lewis, general secre
tary of the Nebraska Sunday School
Union, will deliver an address at the
M. E. church in Alliance tomorrow
(Friday) evening- While the address
will be to Sunday school officers, teach
ers and workers, all who may be in
terested are cordially invited to attend.
Ceunty S. S. Cmvtntwn
One of the most interesting annual
conventions of (he Box Butte County
Sunday School association was held at
Hemingford, Tuesday aud Wednesday
of this week. The program as pub
lished in The Herald last week was
carried nut with slight changes. Rev.
R. D. Waterman could not take the part
assigned him on account of illness; the
automobile in which Rev. A. L. God
f rey nud others from Alliance started to
the convention refused to complete the
trip, bence Mr. Godfrey was not pres
ent at the time appointed for him to
take part in the program; Miss Delia
Reed, county superintendent, was not
present Wednesday afternoon on ac
count of other matters demanding her
attention at that time, hence her sub
ject was omitted.
The following officers of the county
association were elected for the ensu
ing year! J. V. Thomas, president;
John Wiltsey, vice pres.; C. W. Lock
wood, sec.-treas', department super
intendents Miss Delia M. Reed,
teacher training; Mrs. Broshar, home;
S. K. Warrick, temperance; Mrs.
Peter Rubendall, elementary; Alex
Muirhead, missionary; Rev. I. M.
Huston, adult class; Rev. Homer W.
Cox, pastors; Rev, J. F. Dundy, visita
tion; Mrs. L. BirrJey, intermediate.
Wcntworth E. Griffin, a lawyer, was
appointed chief of police ol Kiuif.ub
Fire destroyed' the business poitlon
of Dee Las, S. D., burning nineteen
stores. Loss, $100,000.
C. K. G. Billings, the amateur reins
man, diove his black gelding Uhlnn n
mile to a wagon at the North Randall
track in 2:02!J.
President Taft has appointed B S.
Rodney of Alpuquerque, N M., to bs
United States district atumey at
Nome, Alaska, vice George B. Grlgsby,
The last rites over the body of the
late Chief Justice Fuller were per
formed at Chicago. Interment was nt
Graceland, in a grnve beside that of
his wife.
John W. Cannon, a cattle dealer,
was hanged at Livingstone, Tex. He
wns convicted of killing Wnrren Per
rymnn, the main witness against him
in a cattle stealing case.'
The provincial court nt Berlin,
which 1b hearing the case of Rudolph
Francke against Commander Penr& o
produce Dr. Cook as 'a witness.
Goernor B. B. Coiner wbb slightly
injured In a runaway In Abb$vil)e,
Ala. He again hurt the leg wlrlch has
ben troubling him aB a resu t of a
house's kick several weeka.ago.
Continuous cold and wet weather Je
beginning totalise serious alarm In
France. The grape crop 1b suffering
heavily. The Iobb in the champagne
district Is estimated at $C,O0Q,000.
Dr. Leslie Ward of Newark, N. J.
vice president of the-Prudential Life
Insurance company, who hns been 111
at the Rltz hotel In London of acute
Kidney dleense, is believed to be dying
J. I. McLaughlin of Los AngeU'b
will he a candidate for the office of
commander in chief of the Spanish
war veterans when they hold their
annual encampment In Denver, Sept. 2.
Lee O'Nell Browne, legislative Dem
ocratlc leader uuder bribery indict
meats at Chicago and Springfield, an
nounced himself as a candidate ior
renomlnatlbn as a member of the leg
islature. A general railway strike is threat
ened In France. The men, who de
inand an Increase In wages, have al
ready voted to strike In principle,
pending the result of negotiations
with the companies.
Because his wife refused to return
to him and their home, James Catron,
a Cincinnati teamster, fired several
bullets into her body, Indicting prob
ably mortal Injuries, and then sent a
bullet through his own brain.
Smugglers with diamonds worth
$400,000 from the Southwest African
fields have succeeded In evading the
colonial officers at Luderltz bay and
escaped for Europe. It Is believed
they are aboard a German liner.
Fifty thousand New York garment
and cloak 'makers, of which 8,000 are
women, walked out at the call of the
Internationa Ladies' Garment Work
ers' union, which demands an eight
hour day and an Increase In wages
Major John M. Carson, chief of the
bureau of manufactures In the de
partment of commerce and labor, has
been selected to go abroad to look Into
the general trades conditions and op
portunltlea for American manufact
urers. Negotiations between the coal oper
ators .aud miners of the southwest
were declared off temporarily by the
operators because Alexander Howatt,
representing the miners in Kansas,
Ordered the firemen and engineers at
the mines In his district to quit work
in sympathy with the inineis.
The switchmen's strike on the Colo
rado and Wyoming railroad was de
clared off. The strikers' committee
notified Superintendent Van Brlmer to
that effect. Van Brlmer, however,
stated that the strikers' places had
all been filled and that none of those
'who walked out would be re-employed.
t&SlA&.t&&JZl5UL9JZ!l&t2Jt SAS
Keauce rour Living s
Expenses by Buying
Your Groceries Where
You Can Get Them thel
These are a few of the many bargains to be
found in our store:
Tomatoes in, No. 2 cans
Corn in No. 2 cans
o Green String- Beans
o ivrauc in 3 id cans
3 Hominy in 3 lb, cans. .,...
cj Snider's Pork and Bean's in
3 Snider's Pork and Bean in
3 Snider's Pork and Bean; in
a Canned Peaches
Canned Pears
We buy our Groceries yery week so they
are alwayfc fresh.
I A cordial invitation extended to everyone visiting the
oiucKinen a
Phillips Grocery Co.
Phone j
Miss Jennie M. Kennedy
'Pist Graduate (to Pius)
of Terence, Canada, Uftiverftity
e! Musk and Teacher in Ham
ilten. Canada. Cvnseryatery.
WUfOpeli CI asses
in Music on July 1 6th
At Her Studio, 811 Bfy Hern Ave
Phone 391
7 ?
v W-SM$ ...'...".4,M"l"l"l"MMi
Order of Services
Sunday Masses, 7-00, g 00, and 10 30 a.
m , except on the (bird Sunday ot every
month when the order is 9.00 and 10.30 a
m. Evening service every Sunday even
ing at 7 30. Key. W. L. McNamara, Pas
tor '
Duriut the mouth of July the ser
vices will be as follows,:
Holy Communionlat 8 A.M.
Morning Praver aud Sermon n A. M.
There will be no eveuinj: service.
Training School for Nurses
In connection with Mercy Hos
pital, conducted by the Sisters
of Mercy, is a Training School
for Nurses. Wanted, young
ladies to enter the Training
School of Mercy Hospital at
Alliance. Apply to
Sister Superior.
DR. BOWMAN: Office In Kurotm
bloclc. Rooms 13 aud 13. Phones (15
and 10 SO-tf
Don't Buy a
Trunk or Bag
Until you have seen
our line.
Wc are exclusive agents
for the celebrated "Slat
Binder Clamp" Trunks
guaranteed for five years.
A whole car load to select
from and hundreds of real
bargains in Suit Cases and
Grips. See them.
4 . .... . f 1.00 dozen
,- 1.00 dozen
1. 00 dozen
1.00 dozen
1.25 dozen
- . 1.20 dozen
No. 3 cans. . . 2.45 dozen
No. 2 cans... 1.80 dozen
No. 1 cans. . . 1.25 dozen
1,75 dozen
1.25 dozen
For Sale Sow and nine pigs.
a. neecan.
Lost, silver' watch, Sears Roebuck
BDecial works, cold ioh. B.lum a
LHerald 'foreward.- Alex Bulgrin it
Two sets Of beavy " work hftn&tis.
Nearly new. Also one top bugcy. P.
W. Hoy, 612 Missouri Ave, Phone
14?. 3I2t
Moneytb loan on real estate. F. E.
Rjeddisb. 3-tf.
For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs;
made by Cbas. Caffery; at Donovao 8c
Son's wagon Csbop. Owned by Fred
Countryman, 25-tf.
A five room house and two lots for
sale at a bargain. Inquire at The
Herald office,
The-C. VyT!vayCoTr Architects,
Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you
with plans and specifications for any
class of building you wish to erect.
Aek them for information, igtf
Notice to Settle
Having disposed of my coal, wood
and post business, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to me are request
ed to call and 6ettle, either by cash or
note, immediately. Wm. James.
Stallios for SaireTTrade
Stallion for sale or trade for horses
or cattle. Good disposition, range
broke.; Weight 1800, 6evo ears old,
dapple grav. James Potmesil.
iJ-tf Lone Lake, Nebr.
All water rentb paid ut City
Hall before July 20Ui. , Vuter will
pu&sltively lie turned" off acv-oidinr to
ordinance l'Sheu to.
30-$t J. II.Cah so.X. WttierCOin.
To All Concerned
You are hereby notified that as Ella
Boone, mv wife, 1ms lett my bed and
board I will not be responsible for any
obligutioub iucurit-d by her,
F. M. Boone,
I i gham. Nebr.
1 m wm H:rnuia BCNV CM.a