. W iR Wi ' s 1 Ri i lUIARjtRMD Published Every Thursday by Tin HtraM PttUtsMnj; CimiiMy. P. A. riEtisoK, Vtr h. M.orn TuostAn, Sec. John W. Thomas. Mitr JOHN W. THOMAS Editor J. B. KNIEST ..... Associate Editor Entered at the postofflce at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the malls, as second-class matter. Subscription, $1.50 per year In advance. THUKSDAY, JULY 7, 1910 Announcement I hereby announce myself as a candidate for State Representa tive of the 8rd representative district of Nebraska, subject to the Primaries of the Democratic and People's Independent Parties to be held Aug. 10, 1910. .1. A. Kobbutson. We're glad it didn't happen at Reno, Nebr. After which comes the big Box Butte county fair, Sept. 21, 22 and 23, 1910. A great many San Francisco people were bitter in their de nunciation of the governor of California because he forbid the Johnson-.Tefferies mill to disgrace that state, but it is probable that some of them are now glad that he did it. After all, we're glad it didn't happen in Nebraska. One of the most hopeful signs of the times in political affairs is the pronounced tendency among leading statesmen, who are laboring for the good of the mass of the people, to endeavor to se cure needed reforms by means of nonpartisan efforts. One of the best things about direct legiHlation.iSvthut it is nonparti san in its working, That is one reason why direct legislation is so detested by party bosses and political schemers and tricksters, and so much in favor with men of all parties who have tho in terest of the country at heart. The Alliance Herald To the Front The Herald never before had a better organization for getting out a first-class newspaper and giving satisfactory service in do ing job printing than it has right now, The addition to our force of Lloyd C. Thomas as business manager and Mrs. L. C. Thomas as bookkeeper and stenographer gives us the help that the paper has needed most recently, and assures success in every way. Briefly stated The Herald's line-up as follows: Tho editor, who homesteaded in Nebraska twenty-five years ago, is thoroughly familiar with the state. A reasonable degree of modesty forbids us saying anything too commendatory in this article, but we venture to say that many years' experience in newspaper and school work should be some help in conduct ing the editorial part of the lead ing paper of this part of the state. In regard to the business management, those who ai-e ac quainted with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas will agree with us that under their efficient work the business will be placed on a basis that will enable us to push the circulation and increase the usefulness of The Herald as never before. In the mechanical (or printing) department we have a force that for efficiency is not second to that of any similar printing office in Nebraska, so far as we know. Fortunately for us, we have a reserve force that we can draw on in emergencies that enables us to get out work that It would otherwise be impossible at times to handle. In addition to the above, im provements are soon to be made in the office equipment that will help us in getting up a larger amount of local news than ever before. The principal one .of these improvements is to be- a typesetting machine -of the lat est pattern,. JOHNSQNISVICTOR Knocks Jeffries Out Completely ; In the Fifteenth Round. FIGHT ONE-SIDED FROM START, Former Champlon'8 Blows Are D'ocked by Black Pugilist, Who Deals Out Severe Punishment In Last Five Rounds Jeff Doesn't Have Look-In After Thirteenth. George Hartlng, olllclal time-J! keeper, niado the following state- j ; njent: "Time was called at 2:45 ! I p. m. The fight lasted fifteen ; rounds. The thno for the last ! ! t round waa 2:27. Tho fight was;; stopped at 3:41 In tho nrteenth.. round there were three knock-1 1 downs. Tho first two of these 1 tlon. The last one was eight sec- ! onds Then Jeffries' Beconds rushed ', j In nnd tho referee gave tho de- j j ! cislon to Johnson. There is no ', ', doubt that Independent of this Jef- ' . fries would havo been counted out." Reno, Nov., July 5. Jack Johnson Is still tho world's heavyweight cham pion. Ho defeated James J. Jeffries In the fifteenth round here. Tho light was oue-sldod from tho start. The negro blocked tho old champion's uIowb at every stage of the game nnd punished him severely in the last live rounds of the fighting. At the beginning of the thirteenth round the experts at the ringside passed the verdict that if Jeffries would simply stand and not fight ho might stay the limit. As they carno up for the fifteenth round Johnson went at his man savagely. He sent Jeff down tho first time with a rain Df lefts and' rlghu to the jaw, and Jeff Vhoto by American Press Association. The Smile That Won't Come Off. took the count of eight twice. Each time Jeff fell outside tho lower ropes on the platform. As Jeff staggerod to n foothold after the third time he had been sent to the floor Johnson sprung at him like a tiger, and with a succession of lefts ami rights to the Jaw sent him down nnd out. As Jeff was helped to his corner he said: Crowd Breaks Through Ropes. "I am not a good fighter any longer. I could not come back, boys; I couldn't coma back. Ask JoluiHon if he will give me his gloves." Ah Jeff hung through the ropes, a hundred of his friends and admirers rushed close and cried: "Don't let the old nian got knocked out; stop it." Hut the timekeeper's inexorable count went on to tho fatal ten. When the count of soven had been reached at least a hundred people broke tluough the ropes and Hartlng was screened from the ring by the crowd, The confusion was so great that no announcement fiom'the ring ofllcials was audible. Jeffries was picked up by his broth er. Jack, and Corbett and carried back to his corner, still In a dazed condi tion. Johnson stood In tho center of the rln,; nnd receivod the congratula tions of BIMy Delaney and his other seconds. As he talked to Delaney he was breathing absolutely normal. Slg Hart said to the champion: "Go over nnd shako hands with the poor fellow." Jack said: "I don't owe him anything now." 1 nter he went to the Jeff coi ner, but Jim Corbett and Jack O'Brien wave l him awny. Then he 'returned to his own corner. The crowd was ho deno that the police had to keep the people hack. Jeffries was tnken, to Moana Spilnss Tho people tofe the ring to pkrt'K as souvenirs In live minutes ropes, cam. is and mats had vanished as If swept by a hurricane BRITISH WARSHIP MANEUVERS Three Hurired Start Summer Cam paljn Off South Coast. Plymouth, Eugp Jul 5. Approxl irately 3 0 It.Uibh flsht.ug bains, with ua aggiogiate displacement of mora hum l,fl00,uio tons, began summer i'.i.uitMers off the couth coast. AUlo.igh stiicl secrecy Is main t Itu'il couiern'.ug tho piogram, It Is liwlleml the Atlantic fleet unci the hilly coniml.sloneil divisions of the ho. ,n fleet will be combined against tnu los'-rvi ships of tho homo fleet uuJ tho Mediterranean fleet. IKe combined fleet includes Beven Druuhioughls, three Inviucibles, thlr ti t.vo other battleships, twenty-twc muvuo.f c rubers nnd a miscellaneous tolb'itlon of tornedo bo.it. destroyers I utihnmriues, scputs. mips layers and u.'i.v, repair nnd hospital bkj&s. J,l The South Omaha Delegation i Thomas H. Mi'Pheroon, President South Omnlia Live Stock I xrlmnge A O Davenport. repreteMlnf? Drovers' .hmrruil Stockmen .J.T.Sullivan, representing Olay, KobliiHon Sc l'a V. II t'licek. nurllimton Live titock Aeiil D. L. Tulbot, representing Ftrnnd Inspector A. D. Smith, representing !. Live Htnclt Coinmlsslon ( o. A. O. Itiii'1 r. present Iuk A G. r.i. ... A. ;-on J. O Alsw-i i. nprt-enlinz Qretit Wet-rn t oimnltulim d. abhiiiiiHbISl bbhiiiib IBBBbV r M bbbLc bbA nJBBBBBVmP BHBBbW ' 'bB bIbIbw"'' B 'HBBBBff SSr wtEjl BMBBkliBH vJjSrr k flrK w JLiKsA . 8. Walters representing Supt. Lulon Stock Yurdq Co. A. V Strjker. Sec South Onmlia Lite Stock n.xclmhgo E. W. rahuwt rppreseiitlnj Natlonul Llvebtook ComuiUslon Co. "Mu. to 1'. U Crone. repreufnt'tiiR Koseiiu.iuni llrux .tCd V. U. Huberts, repespntlusr K. ti UoberUJt Co. Oeorse MrhuW reiirt-KoiitlliK WikmI Hn. l Tusis r'ireMiiiln I Itrov Uf. PurMtumt. rvrM.-ntlnK Karuier 1 - Live MiH-l. t uniuiiiw.(tii Uji. ' bKT TSIv V 'HiHiBV'' bbbbVp I K BBV ' J bbLbW- bbbV ' V S BlBBBBBBBBBBHBTCy JHtU BbKbbbBL iTbbbB ' :,?1bB bIbbbbHbbU & JCbbIbIEj IbbbbbbHbk Bl H. D. Hunger of the Munger Optical Co. of Denver, Colo., Sole Manufacturers of of the Peerless Lenses, is equipped with the latest instruments for testing" the Eyes and has the machinery here in Alliance, Opposite Postoffice, for grinding- Lens to fit each individual eye. t We solicit the most difficult cases and guar antee satisfaction with the Peerless Lens where all others fail. COME IN AND SEE US .-V-.--V -y. 1),, ,-Jr-i'if-i .-lit i-jfi i-Bir ! m M fJ mW-m W -m m W W & I I Located Opposite Postoffice I : S 0 1 have a New and Complete Stock of m I Harness and Saddlery f G-oods. Harness, x and Collars of all I Whips, Fly Nets, Fly X Everything included in an Up-to- J uaxe Harness otocK am a Dealer and Manufacturer nf f mnnv venrzf fxnfrlfnrt nnH urlii Wi guarantee to please you. A Share of Your s : Q June Bulletin of Excursion Rates TO THE EAST! Unusually attractive summer tourist rates are in effect every day to New York, Iloston, Atlantic Coast and Canadian resorts Niagara Falls. Detroit and vicinity. Still lower convention rates on frequent dates to many Eastern cities. WESTERN TOURS: Desirable tourist rates all summer, to the Paelllc Coast Also all Uindh of tours through Yellowstone Pirk. including- HoltuVi personally conducted eighteen day eumpjng tours. 572.00 from Cody through the scenk- entrance, leaving July Sth and 211th, August 19th and September lth. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS from the liusl, on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to your locality. Advise your frieuds buck East of auy land or business chances in the new and growiuir localities along the Unrlington Lines or send me their names aud addresses Call or Write, describing your trip; let me help you plan It, Including all tho available privileges, ete L. W. nwiKHMPMrf BBaBBBBBBBBBHBajBHBflBBBBBBVjBflBHBBBB 1 JL I 1 mMWi-MlVY' mtKKKKKBSKSlESik Mi Hk Ht "bV lir Itr -bV wlr iHr V -in Hr Oti W WW f f f ff llfm NEW I HARNESS I STORE I Saddles, Bridles kinds and grades jj Covers, Lap Dusters, etc. s : : Patronage is Solicited' IUI I T Ui Q. L. GRIGGS, AGENT Alliance WAKELEY. G. P. A.. Omaha Wallace's Transfer Line Household goods moved promotlv and transfer work solicited. Phone 4 frank Wallace, PropY. .. priirt at imiii 1 IPS' (iiinreitv