The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 23, 1910, Image 7

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    mT iLiii in j i ulUUiW i iWMlfcl.ililA'.WHI WIllW iiailiMlilillllll
W IBW'TH i- J-B J"
Useful Household Article
We have just received some of the newest
of household Articles and desire to put one in
every home in this vicinity. We are not go
ing to sell them but are going to give one
with your next purchase of a pair of shoes.
Colburn's Cash Store
Thirty Thousand Dol'ars' Dam
age by Hal and Cloudburst,
The Largest Stock of
in Alliance. Onr stock this year
includes many new ones that have
not been seen here before. Because
of the large quantities we pur
chased the prices are low.
Groceries, Fresh and Cured
Meats, Fruits, Vegetables,
Nuts, Candies, and every
thing else good to eat
Some Stock Killed and Farm Build
ings Damaged by Worst Storm In
History of the Town, Which Con
tinues for Nearly an Hour, With
Heavy Fall of Hailstones.
"Wnjne, Neb, June 21. This town
was vlBited by the worst rain and hall
fctorm In Us history. The Btorm broke
about 10:30 p. m. and for three-quarters
of an hour hall came down In
fierce fashion. The rain continued
heavily for an hour, and a cloudburst
in the Immediate vicinity of the school
building was responsible for almost
as much damage ns the hail.
An estimate of $30,000 Is made as
conservatively representing the dam
age In Wayne, through flooded base
ments, broken glass, bulldlngB wrecked
or carried nway, gardens, orchard and
shade trees destroyed, and general
ruin wrought.
In the country surrounding Wayne,
for five miles south, two and half miles
north, and a mllo and a half enst and
west, all the small grain is ruined be
yond hope of redemption. Some Btock
was Hilled and farm buildings dam
aged. Corn Is also very' badly hurt.
On the ea6t and south sides of tho
school house nil the glass was broken,
and the same Is true of many storea
and houses.
Reports brought In of the destruc
tion in tho territory indicated leave I
no uouui oi me inorougnness oi me
destruction that resulted from the
storm. The destruction seems to
have been confined practically within
the territory outlined in the imme
diate vicinity of this town, as no re
ports of damage have come in from
any of the other towns or villages In
this and adjoining counties.
Say Ranee Cattle In Cherry County
Are Ruining Crops.
Lincoln, Juno 18. Homesteaders In
Cherry county have again appealed to
Qoernor Shnllenberger to ae them
frmn destruction at the hands of tho
big cattlemen In a letter the execu
tive received It is set out that tho
larte number of range cattle running
wild over Chorry county are ruining
the crops of tho settlors and leaving
them practically without prospects of
food for the winter. The letter said
an appeal was made to the county at
torney, who said tho only remedy for
the settlers was to fonco up tho'cnttlo
or herd them and then demand dam
ages through tho courts. This, tho lettor
snld, the settlors wore not financially
able to do. Tho letter was signed by
J. W. McCloud, Wesley McPherson, C.
E. Dllvens, I. H. While and Mrs. Laura
Phone 50
State Officers Decide Appropriation
In Available.
Lincoln, Juno 21. There seems no
doubt now that tho Wayne normal
school will bo opened for business by
tho Btnte at the beginning of tho Sep
tember term. President Conn was hero
discussing tho matter with Treasurer
Brian. Tho two went over tho appro
priation with Auditor Barton, who
gave them to understand ho felt that
tho law would permit the expenditure
of the balance of tho appropriation for
tho maintenance of the, Institution.
The legislature appropriated $90,000
for tho purchaso and "uso" of tho
normal school nnd only $70,000 was
Used In buIng the property. Tho
other ?20,0QO the board believes can
be used for maintenance.
Spring Wagons for Sale
We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring- Wagons ready
for delivery. They are better made, more durable and will
give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring
wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price.
If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are
all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn.
Donovan & Son
Young Man From Texas Appears In
Tecumseh to Establish Identity.
Tecuraseh, Neb., June 20. John
WllBon, Jr., of Houston, Tex., a claim
ant for the property of the estate of
the late Judge and Mrs. John Wilson
of this city, Is In Tecumseh to make
his claim In a legal way. Judge and
Mrs. Wilson left an estate estimated
to be worth $30,000, which was to go
to their son, should be come to Te
cumseh anu' claim It before July 1,
1910. The son left home many years
ago, follow In? a quarrel with hig father.
Following their deaths, which oc
curred near each other four or five
years ago, several claimants appeared
for the estate. The John WllBon of
Houston has declared that he would
not come to Tecumseh, but his wife
has been prevailing upon him and has
persuaded him to so do.
There has been much speculation as
to the rights of this man, and the out
come of his appearance here will be
watched with great Interest. It is
said that Judge Wilson, upon his death
bed, left certain questions, with their
nnswers, with the proposed executor
of the estate, which If John Wilson
can meet them, will establish his Iden
tity beyond doubt.
Fatal Automobile Accident.
Spalding, Neb. June 20. O. W.
Palmer, who was Injured In an auto
mobile accident, died. Mr. Palmer,
with a party of friends, was returning
from Petersburg when he lost control
of the machine and it went over a
twenty-foot embankment. The car
landed on top of him, the steering
wheel sinking hlra on the chest. Two
men and women with him ebenped se
rious Injury.
June Bulletin
of Excursion Rates
TO THE EAST! Unusually attractive summer tourist rates are In effect
every duy to New York, I Jos ton, Atlantic Coast and Canadian resorts,
Niagara Falls, Detroit and vicinity. Still lower convention rates on
frequent dates to many Eastern cities.
WESTERN TOURS: Desirable tourist rates all summer, to the Pacific
Coist Also all kinds of tours through Yellowstone Park, including Holm's
personally conducted eighteen day camping tours, $72 00 from Cody,
through the scenic entrance, leaving July 8th and 29th, August 19th
and September 9th.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS from the Eabt, on t,he first and
third Tuesdays of each month to your locality. Advise your friends
back East of any land or business chances in the new and growing
localities along the Iiurllngton Lines or send me tbelr names and
addresses. .
Csll or Write, describing your trip; let me help you plan It, Including all the
available privileges, etc.
L. W. WAKELEY, G.P. A., Omaha
Files to Run Again.
Lincoln, June 1 0. Frank M. Tyrrell
bna filed as a car ild&te for the Repub
lican nomination for county attorney.
Mr. Tyrrell is In the midst of some
very important litigation with corpora
tions of Lincoln, particularly the Lin
coln Traction company, and many
prominent citizens urged him to run
again that this litigation could be
fought to a finish.
Smuilin Disappears.
Beatrice, Neb., June 20. George
Smullln, a collector for the Metropoli
tan Life Insurance company, has dis
appeared, and A. E. Kahl, assistant
superintendent of the company here,
says he has checked up his books and
found him short about $100 and some
unpaid bills. Smuilin has been here
for several years and was active In
church work.
Three Die Near Germantown.
Seward, Neb., June 20. Three sud
den deathe occurred near German
town. One was that of a man named
Apponseller, who died from a kick
from the family horse. Tho next was
that of Mrs. Nobbman, and this was
followed by that of John Ohlwller, who
was one of the oldest residents of H
Governor Opens Meeting.
Omaha, June 21. Governor Shallen
berger presided at the meeting held
at the Comifterclal club In the Inter
ests of the Nebiaska council of the
National Chic Federation. The meet
Ing Is attended by John Mitchell, form
er president of the United Mine Work
era. Oor 100 buolness and profes
sional men are present.
Norfolk Drug Store Has Premature
Celebration of Fourth of July.
Noifolk, Neb., June 21. Rajs of tho
sun burning through a store window
set Fourth of July explosives aflra
in the Kelsnu drug store. A cool
headed clerk picked out the burning
bundles. The damage to the balldlng
was slight.
Hunting a cool sleeping place in
the woodshed, M. Williams, a Norfolk
plumber, fell on his hip, Igniting
matches In his trousers' pocket, which
set him afire. From waist up his body
and face were seriously burned, cloth
being cooked into the flesh. Nails In
the pocket scratched the matches.
Nebraska Mercantile Company Suffers
Fifty Thousand Dollar Loss.
Grand Island, Neb., June iO. Flro
originating, It Is believed, from defec-,
tlve electric wiring, gutted the four
story brick building owned by Richard
Goehrlng nnd occupied by the Nebras
ka Mercantile company. C. C. Hanson
and A. E. Cndy of St. Paul are tho
principal owners of the Mercantile
company. It is estimated that a stock
of 150,000 was carried and that It Is
about one-half covered by insurance.
Mr. Goehring's loss on the building
will be about $20,000, with Insurance
of $12,000.
Two Little Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Stevo
Baldwin Sink While Bathing.
Falrbury, Neb., June 20. Two broth
ers, aged eleven and thirteen years,
the sonB of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bald
win living in the northwest part of the
city, were drowned while bathing in
the Little Blue river about a mllo
north of town. A large posse of men
have been dragging the river, but no
trace of the mlsBlng bos have been
Grain Exchange Fight.
Lincoln, June 21. By snowing that
the Lincoln Grain exchange opened an
hour nnd a half earlier on May 20 than
the exchanges at Chicago, St. Louis,
Kansas City and Omaha the defend
ants In the Injunction proceedings of
the Chicago hoard of trade agalnHt
Herbert E. Gooch company hope to
prove that the allegations of stolen
quotations will be disproved.
Judges' Fund Exhausted.
Lincoln, June 21. Judges of the dis
trict court will receive no more money
from the state for traveling expenses
and hotel bills until the next legis
lature makeB an appropriation. The
late legislature appropriated $3,000
for this purpose and that sum has
been exhausted, and claims aggregat
ing about $350 have been filed as deficiencies.
Last of Smallpox Cases.
Taylor, Neb., June 21. The last
quarantine In the county waB ralBPd.
It Is practically nine months since the
Introduction of smallpox. Nearly evory
family In town that was not Immune
has had the disease. It 1b now be
lieved to be stamped out.
Liquor Case Submitted.
Lincoln, June 21. The suit brought
by the attorney general to prevent the
talo of liquor on the Burlington nnd
Union Pacific trains was submitted to
the supreme court on briefs. The
railroads attack the jurisdiction of the
Judge Stull Dies at Auburn.
Auburn, Neb., June 20 John Smith
Stull died hero at his home. Judge
Stull came to this county and located
at Brownsville, in 1871, and at the time
of his death he was a little over sixty
eight years of age.
E. I. Gregg & Son's
Big Premium Offer
We will give a spetial premium of Ten Dollars
($10.00) to the winner of first premium op best loaf of
bread at the Box Butte county fair this year, if the bread
was made from Hour bought of us.
To the winner of second premium on loaf of
bread we will give a special premium of Five Dollars
($5.00) on the same conditions.
Now Is the time to commence practicing
with this flour. t
We handle the
ED. I.Gregg fc Son
Farm Wagons Buggies
Everything in
Harvesting Machinery
Harness and Saddlery
319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block
r .
An invitation to nil
owntrs of cylinder xnacHin
Columbia, and otHcrs.
We could argue the quality cf Columbia
indestructible Cylinder Records until a year
from, now but what good would it do if
you could not prove it for yourself by coming
into our store and seeing and hearing it?
We could print a whole newspaper every
day about the special and original Colum
bia processes of manufacture and get no
where at all if the Records did not bear the
won't break, no matter how roughly they are used,
they won't wear out, no matter how often they are
played. Moreover, their tone is far purer, clearer,
more brilliant than that of any other cylinder
record made. Don't merely take our word for it
come inside our store and listen.Cost 35 cents I
Mrs. Ida It. Ross, Alliance, Neb.