t01$tmMtlfmmmm.foVm-'',VW"-T- "" - T,ftjfryQij "fry--T?-vy.y, y Mrjgjg I2dS2i2i 1 I; W Hi i ( !? ii! if - i. 1 ,i i Twenty-five of the Many Points of Superiority Con tained in The FREE Sewing Machine Sews Faster. Runs Light- Lasts Longer. Is More Oeautifut. Mas Less Vibration- Easier to Operate, Makes a More Perfect Stitch. The Most Beautiful Sewing Machine Made. Mort Rotary in Movement. Vibrating Shuttle. Ball-Bearing Rotosclllo Movement. Automatic Thread Controller Automatic Tension Release. Positive Self-setting Needle (cannot be put in wroog). Short Needle. Rigid Feed (bearing directly under feed points). Positive Four Motion Feed (without springs). Shuttle Ejector. Self-Threading Shuttle. Six Ball-Uearings in Stand. Revolving Spool-holder Cae hardened and Adjustable Bearings Automatic Head Latch holding head to stand. Automatic Drawer Locks. Automatic Lift the simplest and ,best. The FREE Is the only Insured Sewing Machine It is insured for five years against breakage, wear, fire, tornado, lightning and water This means that if your home burns and The FREE sewing machine is destroyed or injured, we will supply a new The FREE sewing machine with out cost; that if in a cyclone or flood, your machine is rendered unfit for use. we will replace it without expense to you, that should you through accident in moving or otherwise break any part or the whole machine, we wilt replace that part, or the machine, gratis; that if you break a m4l, If ywi break a blt or if omwihs ot) if yw btMk ny attaclww&t, we will replace these parts ta you absolutely without test In justice to youpelf you should, at least, see "The FREE sewing machine FOR SALE BY Geo. D. Darling Alliance, Neb. ' A. J ft QKHVMHRaE9ByMQMi!LnrralHil AI; iM m -'ymMmmmm MM !W.' VfnW 1 ORDER A CASE OF POP with your next grocery order. The following j& 1 grocery nrms wjii deliver ac your home 24 bottles, any flavor, for 75c: MMlIery Grocery Co. S. H. Desch & Co. Alliance Grocery Co. Geo. W. Duncan Son James Graham Phillips Grocery Co. A. D. Rodgers Watson d? Watson Manufactured by GOLDN NJB2IL.SON FLKTCHEH FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE POLtOWINB INSURANCE COMPANIES. Uartford Fire Inxurauc Company, North American of Philadelphia. PbotoU of Ulooklrn. New York. Continental of New York Oily. Columbia Fire Insurance Company Nlatrara fire I Dsurauce Company. Philadelphia Underwriter. Con nooticutt Fire . Phoenix Int. V.. Hartford. Conn Commensal Union Aftsurunce Oo., tondonl'lreuian 1'und Insurance Co. Sermunla I'lre Ina. Oo Hocliester German Ins. Co. State of Omaha Office I 0'Staira.Klctchrlltok Stallion for Sale or Trade Stallion for sale or trade for horses or cattle. Good disposition, range broke. Weight jS.oJ jevjiiA.years old, dapple gravi?"" JAy,BPoTrisu.,- i ti Long Lute. Nebr Wallaces Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone 4 Frank Wallace, Prop'r. ROD BOTTLING WORKS ''$ Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dierks Lumber &Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. Liverpool. London mid Qlolm tin. Co. German American Ins. Co.. New York. KaW Hi. m.vt.laM. Estray Notice One large Short-horn bull is at m plage, eighteen miles nest of Alliance, Owner may have same by proving pi op ei ty ayd, paying, charge-, , 17 4t lVtomie. He. .mt;ford, Nebi Successful Fruit Grower One of The Herald's Sheridan county subscribers, Jules Sandoz, who is well known tic a successful fruit grower, was in Alliance last week and guv? the editor some interesting information about Ills twentv acre orchard and his experiments. The trees in his orchard consist principally of apple, plum and cherry, all of which do well- He has a large amount of small fruit, also, such as currants, 'gooseberries, rasp berries, etc The trees have been bearing well Tor a number of ears, un til this ear the crop will be small on account of the late freeze which killed most of the tree fruit, .although there will be a proliSc crop of small fruit as usual. Mr. Saudoz does not regret the loss of fruit by freezing this year, as it will give the trees a much needed rest, which they have earned by bearing heavily for a long time. , He gave us some information that we think will be interesting to many of our readers aud that may be of value to some of them who wish to grow fruit in this country.. We had always be fore supposed that the Sandoz orchard was on low bottom land, but he in forms us that it is situated on a hillside varying from twenty to sixty feet to water. Another tact that surprised us is that the trees on the highef ground do better than those in the lowe3t part of the orchard. He believes that' fruit trees in this country will do better on sloping ground than on the level Any kind of slope will do, but a north' west slope is preferred. A very important fact, and oue that should be remembered by persons who contemplate starting an orchard, is that while many kinds of fruit do well, some varieties that thrive in other countries will not grow here success fully. As au illustration, Mr. Sandoz tried six different kinds of raspberries; five ot them proved to be a failure, while the sixth grows and bears splen didly. Will They Pay ? That is the question that is asked so many times by doubting ones who would like to carry insurance hut thev allow their doubts and suspicious to cheat them out of one of the gieatest blessings bestowed upou man or wo man, The following .testimonials will set at rest all doubts in the mind of any sensible petson: Alliance, Nebraska, June to, 1910. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Gentlemen I received jour check in full payment for my recent illness and wish to thank you for same, and the prompt manner in which you responded to my claim ' Fred E Morrison, 320 W Wyo Ave. Alliance, Nebraska, June 9, 1910 Western Life and Accident Co , Denver, Colorado, Gentlemen : I hereby acknowledge receipt of your check covering my recent illness in which I was operated upon for appen dicitis. I shall ever speak a good word for the Western Lite aud Accident Co Mhs. Geo C Hau. Western Life and Accident Co., Denver, Colorado. Gentlemen- My claim in your company amounting to $56 00 for accident was re ceived promptly and wis.t to thank you for your prompt method of helping your members when in distress Thomas Jackson, Alliance, Nebr Western Life and Accident Co., Denver. Coloratlo. Dear Sirs; Mr claim against vour com pany received and I want to thauk you for your kind attention which was satis factory in every wav, and for the small cost of pohev. I think it is something everyone should have. Respectfully yours John Hard Alliance, Nebr. Ve pav while von live: others pay when you die. Which is better? See Dr. Willis Covle, General Mauager, 211 E. Wyo. St., Alliance, Nebr. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured th services of a prac tical mechanic and can j-umautee all work done by him. Don't .titist vour work to tiavellinu repair men. Tint man will be here' permatteiitlv. Re pairs aud putts furnished lor all ma chines. I t'hone 139. Geo. D Dailitiv. HOT QUALITY FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROT YPf R fKOtt 1114 I4J0-24 lMKC MRVCB CDLO FAIR PRICE meKL O d from us. We are the agents and guarantee them PRICES FROM $1.00 TO $2000 HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW $1.50 Nickel Watch AND THE 5.00 Gold Watch AT HOLSTER'S. TO SUIT EVERYBODY FROM $1.00 UP HOLSTEN'S Drugs and Jewelry Information for School Boards County Superintendent Miss Delhi Heed bus received u circular giving the following rule in regurd to the reports of the s-uhool bo'irds. The meetinub of all boards of directors are to he held on the lust Monday in June. The fol lowing will assist greutly in getting .up the reports, 1. The eensus report must be made under oath. Notice that the census should be reported uurier the item "number of children in the district be tween five and t.weuty-one years of ago " The director's report of census must be made under oath us required by law. :.'. Report Hoys, Girls Total "Average Daily Attendance" may he taken from the "Term Summary," ns recorded in the register, or from the duplicate Hied witli the couuty superin tendent. In ull census, enrollment, und uttenduuee statistics, report boys, girls, total. 3.- Joint District. In the case of a ioiut district, wire should be taken to report the "Census" of only that part ot the district which lies within vour county: and the report for such joint disttielof finances, indebtedness, en rollment, etc., in short ull items except the ''census' should, to prevent dupli cation in our table of statistics, be re ported only from the couuty in which the school house is located, or if there be no school house in the district, from the county iu which the director re sides. 4. Summary. Make report of 'Gen eral Statistics" in figures, and exact. Do not Use "some", "but fev", "nearly all," uud such indefinite terms. 5. New Library Law, The School Library Law thut becume effective in July, l'.t07, provides tha the school board or the school trustees of every school district within thW state shall set aside uiiuuully fioui the general funds collected for the ue of the dis trict the sum of ten cents per pupil, to be Invested annually in books other thau the reirulur text boalts. 0. Kecouuneuded List of Hooks for Libraries. Attention Is called to the 'Twenty-five Hooks Hecommeiided for a Kurul School Library for 11M0-1I," In bulletin No. 0, which hits recently been issued by this department. A sutticieut number of copies of this Hulletiu will be sent to county snperinteudeuts to pluce oue in the bunds of every teacher in Xebrusku. Any teacher or school officer who fails to secure a copy of Bulletin No. (j may secure one from the county superintendent, or by address ing the state superintendent, 7. Graded Schools. The new uuuuul report blanks which are belug prepar ed bj this department cull fur addition al information In regard to graded schools. -I'lider this head couuty superintendents uie requested to report fur each of the graded schools of their respective counties, tl) Total number of pupils enrolled in grades from 1 to 8 inclusive ('J) Total uumber of pupils enrolled in the high school. (3) The number ot graduates for the current jurur, giving in each case boys, girls, total. s Slate Aid to Weult School 1)1- fhpp opriutiog $?'. lion to aid weak t VI I Ha liCIIMU IIICMin ,j(jmwv ... ...tr.?. hViiooi tiis'i'i ., f.ir the purpose ui ptwvidi n a ira'-t tiw monttisot seh.ul J Anffistart your I u 1 ih tit y WE HAVE WATCHES in all districts of the state that are un able to malutuin the same out of their own resources with a legally qualified teacher. Districts formed since March 29. lUO'J. containing less than twenty sections of laud are not allowed state uid under the provisions of this law. Districts that expect to qualify for state uid. should, at the anutml meet ing, vote to hold at least five months of school, and also vote school tuxes iu un amount equal to 35 mills on the dollar of assessed valuation. Count superintendents are required under the law to make their reports to the stute superintendent on or bclnre the second Monday in October, hein-e school (I'f trlct otllcers should niaitc their reports us soon after the annual meetiug ua possible iu order that the eniny superintendent may have time to audit the accounts of such '"KM-iets and flic the same with this department withju the time prescribed by law. The next apportionment of tne ate aid fund will be made December "JO, 1UIU tf. Ortiflc'ition -A special examination for life certificates -mi couuty certlfl cates wnl be offered on- Wednesa,. July 27, and Thursdav; July 28. No examination iu life eertiHc ite subjects will be offered at the time of the regu lar July examination, July l,r uud lit. Questions will be sent to all county superiuteudents. The examination will be at the option of the county superintendent. Those who desire to give this examination will make the needed local announcement, and will give Friday's program on Wednesday aud Saturday's program on Thursdav. EC. HISUOl, State Supt.' Juno II, llUO . One of the First Factories Iu mentioning Alliance's manufact uring establishments, the lu)t would not be complete without naming Louis Buechseiihteiu's cigar iactoiy at 213 Box Butte avenue, tie not only lias a ldige home patronage, but his goods are sold iu quite a number of other tonus iu this part of the west, including Crawford, Nebr., Hdgemont uud Hot Springs, S. D.. aud on the Guernsey line as far west as' Torringtou, Wyo. Mr. Busecsenstein came to this city at the very beginning of its existence in 1888, establishing the factory which lie is still running, although the loca tion has been changed during the twenty two years since it started. He is not only interested in his omi busi ness, but also takes an in tei est in the vatious enterprises that are designed to piumote the city's general welfare uud place it iu the front rank of Ne braska cities. The people of Alliance recognize him as one of the leading business men, fls an indication of which was his 1 lection to the office f mayor a few eurs Mtice- Small Blaze A gasoline stove used iu the oflice of Dr. Helville 011 the second floor of the Bhetnii block exploded Tuesday after nrwjii. It was thrown out u the win d w and what might have been a serious fire averted, The fue depart- rut responded with mual pr n ptness & k: . C.BOn SS3$ but luckily there was no work for them. Admitted to Bar We mean by the above that Alliance has another full-fledged attorney, A.F. Baldridge having been admitted ' to practice at Lincoln last week. This news came as a distinct surprise to manv of his frieuds who were not aware that he was planning to apply' for admission to the bar, although they kuew that he was familiar with letral I learning. We predict for Mr. Bald- ridge a successful career as an at torney. Married Miss Edna Barnes and Mr. Frank M. Vaughn were united iu marriage 011 Sunday afternoon. July igth. by Rev. Dr. Bogtie at his home in Alliance. Thev are both popular Alliance people and The Herald joins in extending con gratulations to them. Pref. Hayes Visits Alliance Prof. D. W. Haves had occasion to meet with the State Board of Educa Hon at Chadroy last week, and of course returned to eastern Nebraska via Alliance, stopping here for a brief visit with friends and to attend to some business matters last Thursday... Ho and his family will always receive a most cordial welcome when visiting this city. h Hive The Aifiance Racket Store 210 Box Butte Ave. Big Stock of New Goods at Prices Lower than Elsewhere .dafSKnrflfcltW fl HHRioVtiftr.wCS uHHBBIhi rtSsHflft 1 5.2131 p i rs 4, A A y "? VMfcWA'jH'-'-'ir jflwwwi-'