The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 23, 1910, Image 4

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    -t -I -"Jr, -
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Published Every Thursday by
Tht Herald Publishing Company.
P. A. licnON. Pr . l.trn ('. Thomas, 8cc.
John V. TnOMAK. Mr.
J. D. KNIEST Associate Editor
Entered at the postolllco at Alliance,
Nebraska, for tranmision through the
malls, as second-class matter.
I Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for State Represents
tive of the 53rd representative
district of Nebraska, subject to
tho Primaries of the Democratic
and People's Independent Parties
to be held Aug. 10, 1010.
J. A. Robertson.
Candidate for Nomination for
Democratic and People's Indcp'cnd
ent Parties. Primaries August IG.
platform this year, the republi
cans ought to do it. Mr. Ham
mond says very truly: No be
liever in popular government
can consistently oppose it. Only
those who are afraid to trust
public questions to the people
argue against it. The people
for whose government laws are
made to have a right to say di
rectly for themselves what those
laws shall be, To deny them
this would bo a species of pro
hibition so arbitrary and incom
patible that evenji sane brewer
could not endorse it. It pro
vides a convenient method of
submitting'for popular approval
any public question that m-ay
arise. Can there be any valid
objection to that? So far as
heard from the Omaha Bee is
tho only paper of any promin
ence on the republican side that
opposes it. The principal mov
ing cause for this, as it appears
to us, is that it is because some
populists saw it first. Blair
Pilot, 5-18-10.
Twcntv-flve yen is in Western Ne
braskn, nnd n thorough acquaintance
with conditions surrounding the people
of the sixth congressional district
prompts mo to urge my fitness for
nomination nt your bauds.
1 hope you will take the pains to in
vestigate my record, and give me an
opportunity to show where I stand on
live questions, unless you already
know , And as a result that y.ou w.
give me your support August Kith.
The district has 1eet1 misrepresented
long enough. We want no gum-shoe,
soft-pedal congressman, hut u matt
typical of the west. We need repre
sentation in Washington.
A man of action, a thinker, 11 builder:
a man Of red blood, whd Mes so much
to do nnd so little done that I"! Hunts
to tear into the work, A forty-horse
powcr-ix'eyl'nder-man Notu man of
mere promises, of extravagant claims,
nor just becnuse someone thinks he can
be elected?'.
Six years ago. this district was 8000
republican. I reduced Kinkaid's ma
jority about 3.1UU four years ago. Two
years ngo'Judge Westover clipped oil
another 2.100. Last year the district
was about, .100 republican.
Yet wo cannot win with a doubtful
man. If there is any question as to
where ho stands on Cunnonlsm, Payne
Aldrichlsm, lialllngerism, Taftism. or
any of the pertinent questions effect
ing national legislation.
It U my earnest desire to learn some
thing while this contest is on, in which
the people are so much interested. I
want to bo fitted for congress whether
I win or not. To that end, I want the
opinions of as many as will take the
trouble to write me opinions on issues
and on candidates. Frankly tell me if
you have heard anything either for or
against me, and it will aid me to im
prove. Any man grows better if he- is
bombarded' with good advice.
If youro for me, t"ll me why; and
if atrainsUnc tell me why also.
Thanking you in advance for any
favors frhbwu, I am.
Yours to cnmmlud,
W. C. T. U. County Convention
A convention of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held in the
United Presbyterian church at Alliance,
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 28 aqd 29,
a cordial invitation to attend which is ex
tended to all. One of the important items
of business to be transacted is the organ
ization of a county union.
Following is the program
Tuesday Afternoon. June '&.
2:00. Huslueits hcrsIuu and program by Al
liance Union.
3'00 Count' organisation nod election of
Heading) Mrs. W. 11 Thomas,
4 00. Question llo, In charge of Iter. Alice
Tuesday Evening.
H 00, Address by Kev. Alice Palmer.
Wednesday Morning. June W.
fl;00. Devotional.
I'nfhitslied busings.
It: .TO. TeniuemtiCH nymnoMurn: ''How can
tlm yomnr people help win prohibition?" Nolte.
"Ilnw to observe TenineriiiiCQ Sunduy In tho
8. S.' Hundv.
"The nlco of the church In the Temperance
movement." llogue.
"The past history of the Temperance re
form ' (lodfrey.
"The prenent outlook for Prohibition."
"How to enforce our present laws " Vallow
"The power of the Press." J. V, Thomas.
Leaders Look tor Adjournment
8e!ore Saturday.
lt" KKKUK W. trirfyTcK Off first TVff -X nty Bb. . . .. . . 9jk
News Snapshots
Body of Mrs. Porter Charlton of .New York found iu trunk Lako Como, Italy; United States Ambassador John (J. Lelshman
Investigating mystery. Charles K Hamilton June 13 succeeded iu flying from New York to Philadelphia and return, making
Of the Week two BtPs' Ncw Continental nnd Commercial bank, Chicago, capital $200,000,000, headed by Banker Ueorge M. Reyuolda.
v Joseph Pulitser, owner or New York World, on way back from Europe, seriously III. Riding from Oklahoma on horseback
unaccompanied, Louis and Temple Abernathy, sons of United States Marshal Abernatby, arrived safely In New York. Never before was a private citizen
given as welcoming reception as Colonel Roosevelt oa bis arrival In New York June 18. Jeffries and Johnson both claim to be ready for Ugbt July 4.
will use two pens In approving the bill
and give one to Delegate Andrews,
representing New Mexico, and the oth
er to Delegate Cameron, representing
Arizona. , ,
In the last few days of this session
there will be a flood of requests In
both branches of congress for unani
mous consent to take up measures of
Importance to the communities of In
dividual members. Many members
are doomed to disappointment, for
neither branch of congress as a whole
shows much patience In dealing with
measures which have not commanded
nttentlon until adjournment Is imminent
The way it looks now, ".stand
pat" success nt the primaries in
tie nomination o republican
candidates means the success of
democratic candidates tit the
polls in November.
Eleverf employes of the inter
ior department, who would
rather be right than hold a gov
ernment job, have been forced
out by Ballinger. The people
ought to remember these men,
and if opportunity permits, give
them better than what they have
lost. '
"I will not lie for the repub
lican party," says Senator Cum
mins of Iowa. We believe that
the rank and file of tne repub
licans of the west will honor him
for the stand he takes; but the
standpat bosses 01 tne east, as
well ns a few of them in the
west, will hate him for bis hon
orable position.
Ross Hammond, editor of the
Fremont Tribune, is of the opin
ion that whether or not the
democrats endorse the initiative
and r&ferendum in their party
Measure, May. ie Put 0.ut of Way Be
fore Quitting Tariff, statehood and
Railroad Bills Are Most Important of
the Administration Measures Passed
by Both House.
Washington, Juuo 21. Congress
leaders confidently expect to wind up
ItiQ business, of the present session
this week and adjourn not later than
Saturday. If the session Is carried be
yond that time it will be because of
amendments to the general deliclency
bill or complications which may arise
iu connection with the omnibus and
public buildings bill. Somo members
look for tho adjournment to take placo
as early as Thursday.
It Is pointed out by Republican lead
ers that there never has been a con
gress where the president has obtained
the amount of legislation that nas re
sulted from the demands of President
Taft. Starting In on the demand tor
a revision of the tariff, ho procured
this at an extraordinary session. Then
at the beginning of tho present ses
sion, he demanded legislation ameuda
tory of tho Interstate commerce laws,
enabling the president to put sue a for
ward conservation policy, almlttlns
Arizona nnd New Mexico. to statehood,
creating postal savings banks and on
the subject of the use of injunctions
Dills on all these subjects have
passed both 'branches of congress,
with tho exception of the antl-lnjunc-tlon
measure. That will have to wait
until the next session, but It Is said
the prospects are good for Ub passase
at that time. All of the regular sup
pi) bills htuo passed both houses, ex
cept the general deficiency bill. That
was passed by the house Saturday,
and will bo reported to the sonate not
later than tomorrow. Unless there is
trouble In connection with a scheme
for the retirement of superannuated
employees of the government, which
tho bill tuny carry, it is thought its
passage will take not more than one
The postal savings bank bill is still
before tho senate, it came from the
house in the form of an ntnended bill,
and, Senator Carle moved that, the
nenatV concur In the bouse amend
ments. Opposition developed and the
motion has been debated Intermittent
ly Blnce the bill returned from the
house. President Taft approves of
the house bill, and It seems reasonably
certain that the senate will accept It.
The rivers and harbors bill Is await
ing the president's signature, and he
will soon have the omnibus nubile
buildings bill, which was reported to
the house Saturday With both of
these measures beforo him ho is In a
position to command that action bo
taken on such remaining legislation a3
he feels should pass.
Presfdent Taft today will sign tho
statehood bili. It Is likely that there
will bo a number of claimants for tho
Motor Boat Containing Five Reclama
tion Employees Is Upset.
Cody, Wyo., June 18. Tho lake
formed by tho backing of the Shushont
river behind the recently completed
government dam, eight miles above
Cody, claimed its first victims. Ralph
C. Soper, A. C. Downey, Don Calkins
nnd a young man named Soul were
drowned while trying a new motor
boat. A fifth man named Collins was
saved by clinging all night to tho
boat. In the early morning his cries
were heard at the reclamation camp
Across the river.
All five were in the employ of the
reclamation service, Soper and Dow
ney being cngineeis. Downey was
fiom Fort Collins, Colo.; Soul from
Butte, and Don Calkins. was the eldest
son of J. K. Calkins, one of the owners
and editors Of the Park County Enter
prise of this place.
House Adopts Reform Rule.
Washington. June 18 The house,
which has seen many days of dissen
sion during the present session over
the question of rules of that body, furn
ished the remarkable spectacle of pass
Ing, with only one lone member voting
In opposition, a strongly worded "re
form" rule, designed to correct an ac
knowledged legislative abuse the
"smothering" of legislation In committee.
A quiet wedding occured at the resi
dence of Rev. I. E. Nolte Wednesday
forenoon in which Mr. Glen M. Zerbe
of Harrison and Miss Efiie A. Forbes
of Andrews were the contracting
parties. They teft on the noon train
for a wedding trip to Denver. Both
prominent oung people of Sioux
Commercial Club Meeting
Members of the Alliance Commercial
Club are requested to meet next Thurs
day evening at the Commercial Club
rooms. Business of importance to be
transacted. R. M. HAMPTON, Pres.
Mrs. Ida M. Ross recently sold a
fine piano to Miss Florence Whiteman,
an out-of-town customer.
Tlie regular ssrvices of the Alliance
ciicuit will be held by the pastor, Rev.
I. E. Nolte, next Sunday at Fairview
and Berea.
A.J. Kjeldgaard, having been offered
a position in a drug store at Scotts
bluff, bid adieu to Alliance la3t Thurs
day and left for that city.
Sixteen pianos were sold from the
Alliance branch of the Bennett Piano
company in Mav bv Mrs. J. T. Wiker
and Messrs. J. D. Horton and J- T.
Increased Drug Store Force
An increase in the force of salesmen
at the popular Breunan drug store has
been made necessary since moving to
their present location in the new Rumer
block on account of the greatly in
creased business. The proprietor, F.
J. Brennan, is ably assisted in pre
scription work by Henry Mosher,
registered pharmacist, who came to
Alliance from Omaha, where he at
tended the Umaba College of Pharm
acy. Arthur Baisch, whose father was a
druggist at Broken Bow but recently
sold his store, is one of the salesmen.
He came to Alliance the first of this
Henry Keizer makes himself useful
about the store as ''handy man" and
assistant salesman.
An expert jeweler, Roy Smith, came
from Lincolti receutly to take charge
of the jewelry and watch repairing de
partment. At the soda fountaiu Joe Smith dis
penses refreshments with such satis
faction to the public that it has become
necessary to employ two assistants.
Knight Burris and Ralph Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Clark, who came
from Spokane, Washington, about June
8th, have purchased the Younkin fruit
and caudv store at 117, Box Butte
avenue. They have put in ice cream
tables, and also carry a fine line of
other refreshments, soda, pop, fruits,
caudy. nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc.
Cottage for sale at a bargain.
quire at The Herald office.
Wanted Work by day or take wash
ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf
Lost Silk umbrella, ivory "Lady
and the Tiger" head, lost in Alliance,
Tuesday, June 14th- Owner values
highly on account of it having been a
present to him. Finder will receive a
suitable reward by leaving at The Her-
aid office. 27-2t
Money to loan on real estate. F. E.
Reddish. 3-tf-
For Sale
A good 4 room cottage. Good cel
lar. Good barn and out buildings.
26 3t Christian Matz. 520 Mo. Ave.
That i
wht yonr
is, and
it will be of
intereit to
(he public
and bring to you that increase of businetiToa are
looking for if you give ui your store now to print.
Wheat In Need of Rain.
Sioux City, la.. June 21. Wheat In
this section is In need of rain, but
grain men say the situation Is not
alarming. Corn, which has been re
tarded by the cold weather, is now
making good nt ogress.
Rev. Robert Vanover of Williamsburg
Ky., Killed by Rev. Isaac Perry.
Williamsburg, Ky., June 20. Rev.
Robert Vanover and Rev. Isaac Perry,
mountain preachers, who had been
holding revival meetings, fought a
duel with knives In the Rock Couuty
Uaptlst church. Vanover was cut from
ear to ear. Ho died in a short tlm;.
Perry and his brother, Blaine, ate In
Jail at Williamsburg.
It Is said that Rev. Isaac Perry tan
at Rev. Mr. Vanoer while he was In
the pulpit. The two men clinched and
wete struggling In each others' arms
when Perry drew n Unlfe. At this June
tur Blaine Perry seized Vanover, It
Is said, and held hint while his brother
pulled the Unlfe across Vanuvet's
Tho church was ctowded and a
panic ensueJ The duel occurred dur
ing the hearing of sorlous chnrget
mnde against Vanover, who was one
of tho widely known mountain preach
ers In tho state.
We' are now prepared to do all kinds of
t i
Jewelry and Watch Work
This department is in charge of an expert
and all work guaranteed
Chicago Wheat Ki.-u, and Seven Otheia
Trapped Ly federal Law.
New York, Jrne 18. Tho govern.
ment came out In t.,o ojen In Us at
tempt to prove thr t manlpulati g tha
cotton market is against the law.
James A. Patten of Chicago an 1 seven
lesser figures in the speculative Held
have been Indicted, charged with con
spiracy In restraint of trade under the
Sherman anti-trust law.
The Indictment was returned by a
special federal grand jury and handed
up before Judge Hough, in the Unite I
States circuit coutt. Five of those In
dieted, James A. Patten, Eugene B
Scales, Frank B. Hayne William P.
Brown and M. H. Rothchlld, gave ball
of $5,000 through counsel. For tho
other three, who were neither present
In court, nor cpreseuted by lawyers,
bench warrants were Issued They am
Our Prescription Department
is kept up in the best manner possible, our drugs are
always pure, and all prescriptions
.- are carefully compounded '!-,'
Don't Forget the Place
RvilnAv .1. lttrmnn Trnhprt M. Thntnit
1 -" . "-.. -- -- .-. ,
pen usea. in sning- tuai nisiona in- 80u aBlj obanes A, Kltile.
striiment President Taft probably!
. is
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