The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 23, 1910, Image 3
L, tiwmmiMWWn mug tim A4k Do You Care for Expenses;? Most people do. You can reduce them if you will study our prices. Nothing special, regular prices given here. No discount. HMKwomnmMm tij' lrV If 4 If S " ' ; 4l . ' CANNED VEGETABLES . Per Doz. Wisconsin Sweet Wrinkled Peas $1.10 Maryland's First Quality String Beans Sweet Kernel Corn. .............'.... i.oo Libby's Pork and Beans in No. i, cans.. , .... i.oo Libby's Pork and Beans in No. 2 cans.'. .".' . 1.50 Better-Than-Gold Sauer Kraut...'. .y.V 1.25 Tomatoes in No. 2 cans , is. 1.00 Pumpkin in No. 3 cans . . . ...... ..:,.;..... .-... . 1.25 Hominy in No. 3 cans....'. .............. 1.20 f . ' ' i Sweet Potatoes in No. 3 cans .'-. .,. ff 1.80 Canned Fruit Per Doz. Apricots in ix,i cans 1.80 Peaches in 2j cans (Halves) 20c grade 1.75 We are not Alliance Grocery CORRESPONDENCE NINE MILE CANYON Paul Seward was in Uope Friday. Geo. Evans is planting' corn for Geo. Horn. Miss Ettie Willson Scottsblurt'. is nursing' iu Wilfred Cogar- wus at the Hope I. 0. Tuesday. Johnnie Crismond visited Thursday with Bert Horn. Ira Butcher is helping Mr. Nicola with his farming Ralph Mooreheail spent Friday with W. T. Farnesworth. Mrs. Nan Burns visited Thursday with Mrs. Crismond. W. (J. Crismond is working on the ditch for J. l McAllister, Abe Smith's pet pony and colt was struck by lightning Wednesday. Boston Meek stayed over Sunday with hi parents in Sioux county. Misses Sadie Horn and Annetta Cris mond were iu Minatare Thursday. Mr. Fulton of Hebron. Nebr., visited with his aunt, Mrs. Burns, over Sun day. Mr. Nicola had a little mule cut in the wire and before anyone could get to it, it bled to death. Leroy Nicola, who has been attend ing scliool In College View, has re turned home for the summer. Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. Karr and family of Doniphan, Nebr.. are visiting friends und relatives in this vicinity. There Is talk of having a Fourth of .July picnic at the Hope school house. We hope It will get farther than talk, Mrs. A. D'. May aud daughter Jane have returned from u six weeks visit with relatives aud friends m eastern Nebraska, HRiNO Henry Hiei finished dipping last Monduy. Miss Gladys Hier is breaking a colt to ride this week. Heuluh Smith of Alliance returned home lust Mouduv. Bennie Keeler returned home to Alli ance on 43 Tuesday. Mrs. Lelstritz and children visited at the Hiers'last Sunday. V. G, Wambaugh has three men shearing sheep for him. A dance was given at the Murphy home lust Tuesday jiight. Henry Hler and one of his men dug out llvt) young coyotes Wednesday. Sam Mishler returned to Alliance from Edgeinout to be at the bedside of his wife, mk m :ist rtnie. and children visited , X atO. E, MuiniUs last ai.maay ine '. V fo enter are muking preparations to atO. E. MuFalls last Monday The Fancy Prunes in to I Fancy Prunes in 25 Loose Muscatel Raisins, 10 lb. box '. . ."ivi','.7 Fancy Evaporated Fancy Evaporated Fancy Evaporated overstocked on anything. always fresh move to Seattle, Washington, in the .near future. They having already dis posed of their land and cattle. Mrs. Elmer McFall and sons spent the past week at ScottsbltinT visiting relatives and friends. Quite a nuuber from this vicinity are going to take in the show at Alliance on the 23rd, if it don't rain. The dance at Boyers was pretty well attended, there being some twenty odd couples present and all report a splen did time. Mrs. J. C. Berry left early Friday morning on 42 to be at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Moultou, whose home is at Anselmo, Nebraska. Some emigrants passed through here last Wednesday bound for Alliance. They were looking for land but vacant laud is very scarce in these parts now. There was a ltttle surprise party at C. E. McFalls last Tuesday night, given in honor of Mrs. Mastrude and child ren who start for Washington Wednes day, where they Will make their home. Things are looking pretty dry in this vicinity and if we don't get some rain soon there will not be many spuds raised around here. The sand has cut about all of the gardens off. Quite a shower of rain and hail passed over here last Thursday. It rained very hard for u few minutes but didn't keep it up long enough to do any good, but the hail did no damage what ever. Mrs. Grace Mishler, sister of Mrs. H. Hier, arrived iu Alliance from Denver lust Sunday. Monday she was taken suddenly HI and Dr. Itowiuuu was called. She Is very much improved at this writing. AFTON Ho, hot, did you ever see such hot weather? Dora Coker is vihltiutr her mint. Mr O. E. ilagaman for a week. , Fred Robblns and family visited ut I the home of Mr. Mills Sunday. Kalph Worley and wife took dinner at the home of G. G. Clark Sunday, Lizzie Coker is spending a few duys visiting with the family of W. S. Coker. Lysle Coker spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Butts and reports a good time. Monday afternoon Oyma Hagaman and .losie Carey visited Eldon und Helen Coker. , Auntie Mniieyund Miss Bonnie Hag aman are visiting at Bayard and other river towns this week. Mrs. J. C. Hawkins and Mrs. W. S. Colter were callers at the home of Mrs. Clark Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Nettie Westley and littlcdaugh ter Thelma are iu Alltanoe for a week attending the udventlst camp meeting. J. C. Wright and family und Clarenue Huwkinstiad wife were guests ut tlje hospital homo of Harry Duiutou Sun- Ralph W' or ley lias changed UJV his Per Doz, Peaches in 2H cans (Sliced) 25c grade...... ...2.45 Plums (Green Gage or Egg) 20c grade. . v 1.S0 Blockberries in No. 2 cans .... , 125 a ' 'r "' Red Pitted Cherries in syrup '. V ..'."! i ii'J 2.25 Raspberries in syrup ......... 2.35 Strawberries in syrup 235 DRIED FRUIT Each -95 lb. box.. . . 1 lb. box.... , .. 2.20 85 - . ft t, , Peaches, 10 lb. box. . . .'.';i!.; ;' 1.20 Peaches, 2s lb. box 2.90 Apricots, 10 lb. box 1.65 cupatiou from farmer to telephone man and was around Sunday repairing the line. Bassel Undirwood returned home Sunday from Gilette, Wyoming, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs Nettie Barton. Mr. Allen and Mr Jolley drove out to the home of W. S. Coker Monday afternoon to attend to a young mare that had been badly cut on the wire Mr. Jollev thinks he can save the mare all right although she is iu pretty bad shape. . HUBBLE'S FLAT Tramps are quite plentiful with their ( pleasant uo-worK story. Roy Denton and Arthur Hubble went fishing one day this week. Everyone is rejoicing over the tine rainswe had the last few days. Mrs. Mathews is e.fpectsd this week from Omaha for a short stay with her husband. Arthur Hubble returned yesterday from a visit with his sister. Mrs. Lily Ashford, near Freeport. Mr. Boyer and wife with other com pany made short 1-ulls ut Arthur Lore's and Geo. Denton's Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Lore and daugh ter, Anmabele, visited with old friends and neighbors near Alliance Inst week. The Banner Crockery Is llere-ln tke Banner Store We don't let our energies "flag," either, to keep up our reputation for selling the best Crockery of all kinds at the lowest prices. We have full Din ner, Tea and Breakfast Sets, or odd HIatters, Plates, Cups, Saucers. Bowls, Tureens, Pitchers, Tumblers, Basins, Goblets, etc., and all are' of the finest appearance and most durable quality, but we do not exact fancy prices. Here every day is a veritable'bargain day. The Fair Store ' W.J. Hamilton, Prop. 40 J lib Butte Ave. - Canned Fish and Cove Oysters in No. t cans Cove Oysters in No. 2 cans !.. Pink Salmon in tall cans... Mustard Sardines, 2 for 25c grade Dried Beef in No. X tins.. , Roast Beef in No. 1 tins.... . Pickles in Mason quart fruit jars, sweet, sweet mixed, sour and sour mixed 30c each, $3,00 per doz. Sour Pickles, per gal 35c Pure Fruit Jelly in No. 8 tumblers, 20c each.... (2. 00 per doz. Imitation Jelly in large ice tea tumblers, 15c each, St. 25 doz. White Cross Olive Oil in 2t oz. tins....... 80c each Vanilla or Lemon Flavoring Extracts in quart bottles $1.25 each, pint bottles 65c each Cocoa Hard-water Toilet Soap, 50c per doz, or box. of 3 doz for $1.25 Buying more goods every and up-to-date.. Order of Hearing; on Orifinil Probttt of Will Statu of Niura!lu, (..,. Hox Uuttefounty. M At 11 County I'mtrt. held at tlie County Court. Itoom, In and for ulU County. June 8th A. I). 1010. Present, I.. A. Herry, County Juilxe. In the matter of the entitle of ellle K. Tay lor decern,-(1, On reading and fllliiif the petition of I). V,. Taylor, nrayiiiL' tlmt the. lnHfuinent, filed 011 the Hth day of June. IPio, unit puruorttiutto I the. lust Will und Testament of the said de-. censed, tuny be proved, approved, probated allowed, und recorded us the hint. Will and Testament of the said Nellie K. Taylor, de ceuacd. and that the execution of said Instru ment may be committed and the udmlulstrii tlou of said eittatu may he Kranted to I). C. Taylor, us Executor. , Ordered, That Juno :.7th A. I). II'IO, at 10 o'clock A, M., I UBslKiied for hearli'K aid petition, when all nersoiik Interested In Mild mutter may appear ut u Couuiy Court to be held In mid Tor said County, and show cans why the prayer of petitioner should not be uritnted! und that notice of ihii nendunev of said petition and the hearing thereof be (riven to an persons tnieresteu in saia mutter ani KjbllsfiliiKa copy of this order Iu the Alliance erald a weekly newspaper printed In said County, for three aurcMnlve weeks, prior to said day of hearing. (A true copy ) L. A. ItEltltY. County Judge. NGTICE To Joseph I'rankand Jas. Kennedy. You are hereby notified that I. the under blued, did on the 3rd day of November A, L). UHM. purehUHe ut tux Hitleof the treasurer of Itux Itutto County. NehrusUu. the following described lund-iol situated in Hox Uutte County. Nebraska. To-wlt: The Northwest nuarter(U) or Section thir teen (IS) Township twenty six ()) uud Range fifty two (5?) for the tuxe of the years lSXXJimd lWi.and 1 huve since, nnd after the same be came Delinquent, paid u suusequeut tux, the tales for the yewrs VOH und liOii: That said luud-lot was tuxed for tho yours of UKX) und H07 In the mime of Joseph 1-ruuk uud for the years or ll08 und 1109 In the name of Jus. Kennedy and you are, further untitled that after tho expiration pt three months, fronrtbe date of the service of this notice. I will apply to sjiIiI treasurer for 11 lux deed of said ianu-lot. Von will govern yourself accordingly. Dated this llh day of June A. It. 1110. fp Juno 93t A. O. Itiiu-E. l.lvGAI. NOTICE. Inthe District Court Hox itutto county, Nebraska. In the mutter of the uppllcatloii of II. I Oilmun. guardian of the person und estate of W. Marie Hull, KdithU. (lull, Helen C. Hall, Minors. OKIICIl TO HIKUV CAUSK . ttpeolul May 17. IP10 Term The cause ciimo 011 for hearing uimjii the xlltlon of II. V. Ulluiun, Kunrdlun of the .es tate of W. Marie Hull. Kdltli U. Hall und Helen C. Hall, minors, praying tor llceiiso to sell their Interest In northwest qnurter sec-th-n IU township 25 north Hnngu 49 west In Hox Hutte County Nebraska, or u suttlcleut amount of thesame for the education inuin tenunce und support of said minors, und itup ix.'urlng from suld ietitlon that said etnteof said minors, I un undivided interest In suld lands uud unluiorovwt wild nralilu land, aud 110 Ineomo Is ohlalned therefrom. It Is there for ordered tbut all persons interested in suld eduteatmear beforo mo nt cliniiiUtr ut niv orllce in ltushvllle. Bhorlduu County. No brasku. on the 18th day of June. JPlO.ito show Csiise why a license should not bo grunted to said 11. V. Oilman to sell said real estate ut guiwdlunsHtnc for the purposes mentioned, and that u copy of tills order be published for three successive WHeksiu the Alliance Herald, it weekly newspaper published at Alliance. Nebraska. Dated this 17th day of May. IPlO. . If. WtsT0vr.11. f May IP- II J udge of the District Court- ES E. O. OOOL Plumbing and Fitting (All work guaranteed first-class PHONE tV ItlkO 0A3EMENT ZBINOEN BLOCK .ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Meats . Per Doz. 1.93 1.95 , ..1. ... . 1,50 Rico, Jap type, whole grain 6c per lb., $5.00 cwU No. 10 Can (called gallons) Tomato Catsup... . 55c each r. ,.. aoaa iracxers in 10 id. Oyster Crackers in about Pure Cider Vinegar. Corn Syrup..... ., Sal Soda .. ..'... 1,80 3 lb. can Calumet Baking Powder..., .. ....,90c - 11. o' n . j- r 5 iu, cao u. 1 . uri. v., Large packages Kolled .. .. .. io lb. pail Jelly alb, pall Lake Herring Holland Herring (full We have the best 20c Coffee in the northwest. Stilt a better qno for 25c, " ' There Tea on the market that will equal our 60c grade. ' Will make you to for $5.50. Co mpany 1 TEaiESBB 'WEEKS W SPECIAL SALEl k . June 16th to July 7th M I have just received a large assortment of p I MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES '$ 1 '! 3$ Come down to tnv placn of business and I will show j? vk you my cheap line of Oxfords', ox bloods, tans, OB & etc. They are cheap for the money and they have got the wearing- qualities, are guaranteed 4 and 1 stand back of the .guarantee., These shoes are the cheapest and best for the money in this town. If you want to save money on shoes come in and see my stock. r Special Sale on ! Dry Goods and Clothing I f,J.ust received, a. fine line of FELT and STRAW I HATS-fof'Men and Boys. These hats are I bargains at the priors asked B. ESSAY 115 Box liutte Avenue 1 One-half block north of Burlington station, on east side of street .aQH THE LEAD E F Estimates on Cement Sidewalks, Hollow Blocks, Foundations and Cement Work of all kinds Phone 551 Alliance, ooxea.. ......... . ....ajc each . .. .' 20 lb, boxes. . . , ..',. . .', . .,7c per lb1 1 .t " 35c per gal.,, 5 gal. for it. 50 50c per pall, case of 6 pails for $2.70 i . . ; ..0 lbs, for 25c r n-l.l r J uaiung 1 owuer. ....... , 70c r1. . Oats, 23c grade ..$2.60 per doz- ' J3" (usually sold for white fish).,. ,.,..950 r white hooped kegs), ... . ." .$1.20 day. Stock J.J. VANCE 9 Cement Contractor 716 W. Dakota St. Nebraska