The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 16, 1910, Image 3

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    MVISfw iiuCMiNflfwMiMtfltAKMtoMMfrriMtMflM
Products of the Salt River Valley
awhiiaaiattkrtwrtt'BuMwui umiiiiiwmuib!wmiu
In a country with the climate and
soil that the Salt IUver Valley has the
range of farm life is of course very
great and practically everything is
grown. However n brief description
of the principal crops will undoubtedly
be of interest.
Alfalfa is the largest crop grown in
this valley. When well cared for and
taken proper tare of a yield of as high
as twelve tons per acre has been
grown. The averago is from six to
eight tons per acre. This winter seas
on it brought sixteen dollars per ton.
Early in the spring barley or wheat is
disked In with the alfalfa and both
crops grown on the same ground, the
barley or wheat being cut with the
first alfalfa crop, making the finest
kind of hay. During tho winter the
alfalfa is green and before the spring
cutting begins cattlo are pastured on
it. Ordinarily there are about 40,000
cattle pastured in the valley during
the winter.
Uarley, wheat, oats and corn are all
raised and of course the yield is enor
mous. Corn is usually raised as a sec
ond crop, being planted after sugar
beets are harvested in May or June.
This gives two crops per year on the
same ground. "
The orange produced in the Salt Htv
er Valley is not equalled in any coun
try. In size, in color, in flavor and
texture, it is the finest produced. The
superb climate keeps away all smut
and scale and no spraying or fumigat
ing is necessary. The oranges go dls
rect to the market just as they come
from the trees, it not betng necessary
to brush or wash them. The bring
much higher prices than those from
other localities and there are never
enough to supply the demand. The
Arizona orange reaches New York in
time for Thanksgiving, ahead of all
others. It often brings as high as nine
dollars per box on that market.
An Excursion from
Railroad Milk Cans
Complete line at the following prices:
5 gal., 12y2 lbs $2'.25
10 gal., 17 lbs 2.50
10 gal., 20 lbs.'. 2.75
10 gal., 22 lbs 3-00
XeWT&. Co.
Twelve Years'
All Work
307 Toluca Ave. Phone 613
The grape-fruit grown in the Valley
is of exceptionally flue flavor, not hav
ing tho bitter taste so often found in
this delicious fruit, Lcmous do very
well and make big returns on the
An orchard of any kind is valuable.
All fruits do very well. The conditions
are the best for peach, pear, apricot,
fig, grape, plum, apple, crabapple,
nectarines, cherries, quince, blackber
ries, red, purple and black raspberries,
logan berries, dewberries, strawber
ries, mulberries, citrons and dates.
These are grown on a very large
scale and hundreds of carloads are sent
out from the valley every season. They
ripen very early and get the top price
on the market, excelling the Rocky
Ford in quality. The melons are sug
ary, sweet and tender.
Watermelons do equally as well as
cantaloupes and are also raised on a
very large scale.
The "Glendale loess", spoken of in
another Issue pt The Herald, is said to
be specially adapted to the sugar beet,
producing heavily and yielding a large
saccharine percentage. The writer re
cently made a trip through the million
dollar factory located near Phoenix
and It cares for from eight hundred to
one thousand tons of beets per day.
An income of sixty dollars per acre is
averaged by the ordinary furmer, the
experts making more than this. The
soil "contains the most wonderful pro
portion of soluble matter" of any 6oil
known and there is plenty of it for
sugar beet purposes.
The date is here a luscious fruit and
the trees give the valley a tropical
look. Dates are grown all through
the valley and is becoming a good in
dustry. The flavor of the fruit direct
from the tree is delicious and much
Los Angeles being shown over the
better thau Imported. 18 f varieties
are being grown on the liovornmurit
farm near Phoenix at Tonipe. They
were brought from Africa, Egypt,
Arabia and Persia.
Olives are to be seen everywhere.
Munger llrothers. a firm who put up
olive oil, have a large acreage hi olivo
trees and make good money out of
pickled olives and olive oil.
Cattle are grown on the range ami
fattened in the valley on alfalfa, not
knowing the taste of giftin, going to
the market in prime condition with the
least possible cost. Some range own
ers have their own alfalfa fields; some
hire the needed winter pasture; while
many farmers buy young range stock
and fatten them for market on their
own fields. It is all good, there being
no cold or severe storms, and very few
cattle ever see the Inside of a barn or
shed. Iloth feed and climate induce
rapid growth and early maturity.
Three to five head to the acre for pas
ture is not unusal. How is that com
pared with the short grass country?
As with man so It is with animals, the
natural life is that of the open, and it
makes for the health of the dairy cow,
Alfalfa makes a balanced ration; the
cow gets nothing else and needs noth
ing else. No barns are needed for the
storage of winter feed, nor stables for
shelter. Green feed is continuous and
good cows on these green fields return
a net profit of from $70 to $80. leaving
the calf out of the count. We have a
record of 120 cows, which produce an
average, each per annum, of $77.40 for
milk alone. Tuberculosis is unknown
among native cattle, and tho various
pests and diseases of cattle are practi
cally shut out by a vigorous enforce
ment of law. No diseased stock enters
tho Territory. The cities and towns call
for more butter than Is produced, and
the mining camps area very good home
Salt River Valley.
A Mode! Town
Under the above caption the Abing
don, III., Kodak has the following to
say about a neighboring town:
Hoopeston, Illinois, is a model town.
The mayor draws u salary of .10 cents a
year, the city clerk $1.80, city treas
urer $1 50. city attorney $.10. The city
is divided into four wards, the ulder
liien of u hleh are paid 25 cents for each
meeting. The city marshal is paid
$U00a)ear, the night policeman $600,
the night watch $310 by the city, $250
by the citizens which makes a total of
$600. The street commissioner is paid
for the actual work done. Hoopeston
had, according to the census of 1000. a
population of 3,853 The assessed valu
ation of the city is $3,000,000 The
output of its manufactories amount to
$3,000,000 yearly. Average number of
people employed is 1,550; averago
MMjf-, paid S19S.O00. The city main
1. 1 ins two banks and the average capi
ta. -tock of one is $200,(00 and of the
other, $175,000. Hesides all we have
j mentioned there are ten churches in
which to worship, ten miles of cement
walks, four school houses, a city hall
and a fire department which cost $10,
000. and numerous other utilities.
There is not a saloon in the town, the
citizens having decided upon that ques
tion thirty-three years ago. Under
the local option law a vote was taken
to determine whether Hoopeston was
to continue dry or go wet. The result
cf the election showed those in lavor
of the town remaining dry to out
number the wets 5 to 1.
Exchanges Please Notice
The Herald is not in the habit of
complaining of treatment received
either personally or in behalf of the
citv which it represents; but we think
we have a right to insist, in the interest
A Salt
Horses cost at two or three years
about one-third as much to reor as In
colder climates and brlug good prices.
They run at large In the pastures,
need little shelter, and reach maturity
early. Very close attention Is given
to the breeding.
Hogs, as Is every other domestic ani
mal belonging to the barnyard, fond
of aud thrive on alfalfa. Prices are
very good and a tine grade of hogs Is
the rule.
About .100,000 head of sheep come In
to the valley from the ranges to be
sheared, and many are bred here for
early lambs. The gain Is phenomenal
aud the sheep are well taken cari? of
iif.f.8 '
The desert itself is full of sweetness,
and the bee gathers It alike from thorny
cacti and blossoming sage und palo
verde. The mesqulte yields honey, und
the orchard and alfalfa field. Many
apiaries are in the valley and the nver
age yield per colony Is large. It is
counted as one of the profitable in
dustries of this region, and the man
who can manage the little workers
while caring for his farm Is happy.
Over twenty carloads of extracted hon
ey .are shipped every year.
of Alliance, that those newspapers in
northwestern Nebraska that have been
publishing "a scarlet fever scare at
Alliance" let their readers know with
out further delay that theie is not now
a case of scarlet fever here, at.d not a
home where there has been scarlet
fever hut what has been thoroughly
fumigated. We would not for any
thing advise parents to expose their
children to a dangerous disease, but we
are conSdent that there ' is no. more
danger in bringing children here now
than in taking them anywhere else.
Big Twenty-five Cent Show
The Sells- Floto which will be in Alli
ance June 23, has the reputation of be
ing the biggest twenty five cent show
in America. The owners of the show
are determined to make it the most
largely patronized show on earth, and
it looks to us as though it may not take
them many years to succeed in their
ambition. Shows, like other enter-
prizes, are. usually run for the money'
that can be made out ot them; but in
this case it seems that the proprietors
are working for a reputation as well as
for the money that can be made.
Appreciate Good Printing
While here last week the manager of
the Alaskan Comedy company ordered
a lot of bills printed at The Herald
office, some of which were used here,
but most of them were for other places.
Our prices were slightly higher than
what they had paid in the eastern part
of the state.' but the "Alaskan" people
said that our printing wos,done. better,
and they seemed to be quite willing to
pay the slight difference iu the price.
River Valley Date Palm in Full
Africa was originally the home of
the ostrich but the climate of this
valley was found to be so suitable for
the purpose of raising domesticated
ostriches that they were imported here
and now it is one of the leading In
dustries. Ostriches ore raised in other
parts of the United States but on a
much smaller scale than here. There
are now about fifteen ostrich farms In
the valley. The largest farm has over
four thousaud birds aud some of the
smaller have only a few.
The ostrich lives entirely on alfalfa
In the Salt River Valley nnd the profits
made out of the feathers are very
large. That the business is profitable
may be seen from n comparison be
tween an ostrich und a stper. At the
age of three years a steer Is worth from
J S3.1 to $45. and will probably net his
owner ten dollars over the cost of his
up-keep to the duti of his sale At thu
age of three years an ordinary ostrich
in the Salt River Valley, is considered
worth from $25u to $1.10 Every eight
months you pluck feathcisto the value
of from $3.1 to $luo anil have your
bird left. At thlsiigc Jic i- consuming
from six to eight pounds of alfalfa per
day whie the steer a.Uthe age nf three
years Is consuming fiom forty to sixty
pounds of alfalfa per day. It Is there
for easy to understand why o.trlclr
June 16th
I have just received
Come down to my place of business and I will show
you my cheap line of Oxfords, ox bloods, tans,
etc. They are cheap foi ihe money and they'
have got the wearing qu ilities, are guaranteed
and I stand back of ihe gtiirantee. These shoes
are the cheapest and best for the money in this
town. If you want to save money on shoes
come in and see my stock.
Special Sale on
Dry Goods and Clothing
Just received, a fine line of FELT and STRAW
' HATS for Men and Boys. These hats are
bargains at the prices asked
1 15 Box Butte Avenue
One-half block north of Burlington station,
":v Tu-ri-
raising is becoming very popular with
us. Thero arc not many birds for salo
In tho vally for tho reason that when a
farmer appreciated the enormous yaluo
of the bird, It Is hard to got him to Bell
it, and they llvo from seventy-five to
eighty years of age.
Phoenix, Arizona, Junel, 1010.
Bill Nye was a practical newspaper
man and somewhat of an advertiser
himself. Having a cow which he
wished to sell, he advertised her as
follows: "Owing to my ill health, I
will sell at my residence in township
19, range 18, according to the govern
ment survey, one pluah raspbgrry cow,
aged 8 vears. She is of undoubted
courage and gives milk frequently.
To a man who does not fear death hi
uuv form she would be a great boon.
She is verv much attached to her pres
ent home with a stav chain, hut she
will be wold tti nn one who will agree
to her riuht. She is one-fourth
Shut thorn ami three-fourths hyena. I
will uiso throw iit a douhleb.uieled
ohutgun, which goes with her. In
May she usually goes away for a
week or two and returns with a (all
red calf with wabbly legs. Her name
is Rose I would rather sell tier to a
uon t evident."
to July 7th
a large assortment of
on east side of street mb