-i-a'-' -f a iJy wWW. 'X. "trij;ii3eeS3ttSMe'- - . r.ii MHmmmtks-' twn. -s tx $&&.: . m 1 1 :t H Alliance Cash I , Shos Store Refined Snap i. . . " and exclusivoness in summer oxfords is to be had in our Bnrry ancVHnnnan J.ow shoes. If the aif can frisk Around your ankles over a pair of Barry and Hornan oxfords you will enjoy veal summer foot' if) comfort arid have n pair of "ties" that are of the latest best last, leather and work manship. "OH YOU HENRY!" -Vbwfca Yokn. "u ?" "" I iriYouWU2v) fVivoNtnuT; fu,M,Yu I iMMwVPiSHiiiMniMMi iisurss XfetfJAnf jtinf 9. jV-. J Art l$ttJbMAttAy"dc7KtnBriai0 hry m UrWowKtbboirrltYauBsomiKTM TA8vPisaCoi'!J)cav,lHTaThM GM r 2Sn vfaoM:Ari 1 ' I I I L fHXFirttTli THgitU tfoit Co rung MjriV ry ry r. w ''''iifMiwnirrrrTwnHrfi r tc . If UUI riAftitl iIV . s... uila i tvwv uf ftEtrrnivi'ujf mi iDunmiuKi fji I " V C POl TO . L.-L .'Y k WMl-m, h 111 flvctt 7 t PTCIl Ja ' 1 Bft "i ii ' ' i I'll III 1 sb rXA vOw 1H lU 31 v r 5 ! Kiv i lEv i - n lea) m 11 k V ftffS wwM7mR J Umf I H.VJ r .-LWm o- v 'An WMM yiVM . -SS ,:i. 'I n y am luu 1 lWiiii 1IQ i .jIuJmbihaWJ, i ". '" rl ' ' ' I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS I Engineer Jay Carr b&s gone to Rivenna for a ten days' visit with his family. H. C. Sternberg ii a new fireman. Ho was formerly call boy at Edgemont, F. D. Shirk, night foreman at the stock yards, is enjoying a visit from his brother. Brakeman A. . Marti has bought a house from Boyer in the north part of town. Business has been rather quiet the last few days, The men appreciate some time at home. Fireman Branley writes that he is well pleased with the work on Crawford hill and has "bid in" the place. Among the new men employed in the machine shops are Eugene Whitman, P. J, Morris, and G. H. McLain. The Burchell brothers enjoyed a three days' visit from their friend, Mr. Brennan of Greely. From here he went west, and will make a trip to the coast. , Owing to slack business four cars and crews were pulled oil Tuesday. They were Picket, Olson, Heizenbottle and Evans, This will only be for a short time. Mrs, Engineer Heizenbottle and little daughter returned Sunday from Edgemont where they had been visiting Mr. Heizen bottle, who Is working between Edgemont and Deadwood. bred lyler, tormerly ol the express office, is now running a hotel at Ellsworth, lie will be there until July ist when he will havo to begin baying. Both be and his wife own fine hay claims near Ells worth. Passenger brakeman Charley Hoffman is in Denver this week. His mother, who has been making her home here with Mr. and Mrs. Albro is on her way to the home of a daughter in Colorado, Mr, Hoffman will return Saturday. Passenger conductor C, W. Betebenner and family have moved to Ravenna where be will run od 39 and 40 Ravenna to Sen eca, tie has sold his property here. This move will make either Con. Bennet or Gaddis move back to Alliance. Trainmaster M- O. Joder came in Mon- ' Asbby where he had been in charge of the ' wrecker. A long, heavy train of seventy cars broke in two and ran together again, piling up seven cars. Fortunately no one was hurt. Mrs. Dick Kennerpaid an over Sunday visit to her friend, Mrs. Hosklns. She reports Dick with the work train at Ard- more. He is assisted by two ol our best brakemen, Hack and McKenzie. The prospects now are that the work will last all summer. Walter Metz received the sad news Wednesday of the death of his mother at Falls City. The funeral will take place t-rlday. Mr. and Mrs. Metz and Master Sidney left on No. 42 Thursday, Friends here extend their sincerest sympathy to Mr. Metz in his bereavement. Mr. L. W, Park who left here seven years ago, going to Lincoln, came back the first oi the week. Mr. Park and his brother were both engineers here, lie has again entered the engine service. Mr. Park wilt either buy or build him a home and bring his family here as soon as he can, He was very much surprised and pleased over the growth and improvement in Alliance in the last seven years. Ofd fnemSs5r Conductor W. R. Cun ningham aro glad to know that be has again entered the employ of the Burlington. He came to Alliance Saturday and im mediately reported for duty. He is now making his home with Conductor Baird at the Bullock home His wife, who is in Grand Island, will come to Alliance soon. The news of the death of Mrs. D. C. Taylor of Guernsey came as a shock to her many friends here. The operation at the hospital some time ago seemed so very successful. When Mrs. Taylor left here for her home she said she was enjoying better health than she had for years. Her friend, Mrs. I. U. Hager, was with her when she died The body was brought in on the Guernsey train Tuesday and buried from the Methodist church. A large crowd of railroad people, lodge members, and other friends attended. ''Dad" Tay lor is one of the oldest engineers out of Alliance, and both he and his wife were known and liked by all. Words cannot express our sympathy for Mr. Taylor. We commend him to a higher power for we know "Ha doeth all things well". Utter from Prof. Hayes The editor of The Herald haB a per sonal letter from Prof. Hayes, written from Peru, Nebr., to which place, as our readers know, he went last week to take charge as presideut of the Peru State Normal school. The letter was not written for publication, but as it contains information that many of our readers will be interested in we venture to publish it: "Dear Mr. Thomas; Please send The Herald to me at Peru hereafter. I am greatly pleased with the pros pects at Peru. I have purchased the residence of PreR, Crabtree, which is very conviently located. A quarter of a block goes with the property that has some of the finest oak trees and fruit trees in this part of the state. A new administration building which will cost $50,000 la just being started this gives us a total of eight good build ings, and all are needed. Sincerely yours, D. W. Hayes." W. C. T. U. County Organization Miss Alice Palmer, National W. C. T. U. organizer, will be in Alliance June 28 and 29 for the purpose of effecting an organization of Box Butte county, All ladies residing in the county who are interested in this work will be cordially welcomed and hos pitably entertained at this time. Watch for more definite notice later, A Beautiful Window Reporters are sometimes inclined to be extravagant in their reports of things that impress them favorably; but we think it would be difficult to exaggerate in depicting the beauty of Mollring's show window this week, representing a "June bridal scene." It is the artistic work of "W. A. M," and will compare The Typewriter Brthe Home "V1 &'-. - as Well as for the Office The Oliver Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer It is, first of all, a woman's machine. lts com pactness, simplicity, ease of movement, visibility, ra pidity of action, all combine to make it an ideal ma chine for the ladies as well as for the gentlemen. It is made for the Office, the Shop, the Factory and the Home The Oliver 1 7-cents-a-day selling plan places this machine on the threshold of every Home and every Office in America. fmV 11 "T nriTi l?" 5TPffi r rM.rmmT mm mimzzzi? Nm. of3 7 . 11 J&Z Alliance Agency for the Oliver Typewriter at the office of The Alliance Herald. For further m- 1 formation call, write or call up Phone 340. favorably with anything of the kind that may be found in the show win dows of retail establishments in the large cities.- Tag Day. June i8tb has been designated as "tag day" by the sisters who have charge of Mercy Hospital. On that day three ladies, Miss Mary O'Keefc, Mrs. W. D. Rumer and Mrs. John Brennan, each assisted by six girls, all of Whom will be supplied with suitable tags, will solicit donations to be used in furnishing the new hospital building when it opens July ist. Every person making a donation will be given a tag, to wear during the balance of the day. Ab this will be something new for this city, .and as the donations will be to help a work of mercy and charity, it is expected that the public will respond liberally on tag day. If Dairy Farm Cheap any reader of this dairy farm, near railroad town, write the editor, John W. Thom as, Alliance, Nebr. mwm iiiamn.iiwitwniiim.il wishes to secure a good, paper cheap FRANK BEISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPE rt10M 1114 MZO-24 UWTBIBCT. PtWYCT IQlll 111 lllIlllL'lEml II FAIR PRICE $ ' ' "'"--iOaitiifriiprS This store agrees to re fund your money any time you are displeased with your purchase THE FZMZOTTS GOOD NEWS You get the most change back at this store, because we sell good merchandise cheaper than elsewhere THE .nOTJ-S Boys Mexican Hats 19c Boys' Wool Hats 25c sizes 1-2, worth $1.75 now sizes 2l3-5JA worth $2.voo Boys' Knee .Pants - 50c quality 25c Boys' Shoes strong serviceable It is seldom so early in the, season that we have so many broken lines of New, Stylish Suits. This is accounted for by the fact that we have sold more fine Suits.during this time than any time in the history of this Progressive Store. There are 75 Suits that sold none lower than $25.00, yours now for $20 Including Hart Schaffner & Marx make, which, as you know is the last word in clothing for men. Here is some good news for wearers of good cloth ing. We have on sale about 150 Men's Suits worth $20.00 and $18.00. When we say WORTH we mean they were BOUGHT to SELL at that price and SOLD at that price earlier in the season. These goods are all in indelibly stamped with Spring of 1 9 10. A wonderful array of Patterns and Sty'e. Fabrics are the best. Trimmings and make unex celled. We put them all on sale at $15 a"eaatPour$7.50Trunks Suit Cases at p I 35 $1.45 $1.65 Boys' Dress Shirts 50c values 25c This Sale Positively Lasts Only 1 0 Days r& Famous One-Price Clothing House Boys' Suits, knee pants $5.00 values, now $2.50 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA A Store for Men The Home of Hart Schaffner & Harx Clothes This store sells none but Standard Makes. The , ' Diamonds of the Men's v' Wear Trade are here Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing Stetson Hats Douglas and Tilt Shoes Star and Manhattan Shirts, Munsing Underwear, B. V.D., Perrin's Gloves, Corliss Coon Collars Carhartt's Work Clothes 1 big lot of Men's $1.25 Shirts your free TQr choice JJr Hot Weather Underwear in profusion from Qq up "' ' (ThiS don't go if it snows) " ' Cow Boy Boots Ask to see that stemwinder at I $4.50 60 beautiful Plaited Shirts for Men, $2,00 values, sale price $1.19 U. S. Army . Porous Nit Cow Hide Men's Black and 200 Men's Dress Cavalry Pants Underwear Suit Cases White Standard Shirts worth $5.00 , ... .L for Men fine mJke with Work shirts 75c values (P J rJ straps all around Tcof 19c - $5.00 39c 39c a , . 250 pairs new all-wool Trousers, $5.00 grades, sale price $3.50 Come early 20 fine Raincoats Priestly cloth, regular $25.00 values, sale price $20.00 i .- t i s4- . s At y i