The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 02, 1910, Image 3
&&& VI&mJUuimmmmirmam.a. . .. - '- ;5. Swra?sSHBRWHlsl - 11 Kl -M hri n ! BREAKSJEGORDS Aviator Makes Tiip From Albany to New York. 60ES FIFTY-FOUR MILES HOUR. Makes One Short Stop Near Pough keepsle and After Intermission of One Hour Resumes Trip High Over Hudson Paulhan's Feat Eclipsed In All Except Distance. New York, May 30. Glenn II. Cur t!s flew from Albany to New York city In an aeroplane, winning the ?10, O00 prize offered by the New York World. He covered the distance of 137 miles In two hours and thirty ealnutes, and came to earth as calmly nd lightly as a pigeon. His avcrago peed for the distance 54.00 miles an hour surpaBses any record over made by an aeroplane in long dlstanco flight, and in its entirety his feat per haps eclipses anything man has at tempted in qn bcavler-than-alr ma chine. The start was made from Albany at 7:03 a. m., under weather conditions ss nearly perfect as the moBt fastid ious aviator could demand'. Ono hour and twenty-three minutes later ho had made his stopping placo near FoughkecpBlo, whoro thoro was an hour's intermission. Resuming his flight at 0:23, ho sped Bonthward and landed within the boundary of Man hattan island at 10:36. Only 100 yards north of the point on which his craft nettled stretched Spuyten Duyvil creek, separating Manhattan island from the mainland. Had ho failed to cross this, his flight would' havo been In vain, but as ho swept over it the .'& GLENN H. CUIITISB. prize was his. Thence to Governor's iBlnnd his tusk was easy, and tho con cluding lap of a race already won. Paulhan's flight from London to Manchester ISC miles exceeded tho Curtlss feat In distance, but not in speed and danger. The Frenchman's average was 44.3 miles un hour, nnd below him lay English meadowland. Curtlss followed tho winding course of tho historic HudBon. He swung high over tho gTent bridge at Pough keepsle, dipped nt times within fifty feet of tho river's broad Burface, and joekejed like a falcon at the turns. Only .once did his craft Bhow signs of rebellion. This was off Storm King, near West Point, whero at a height of nearly 1,000 feet, a treach erous gust struck his planes, The ma chine dropped like a rock for forty feet, and tilted perilously, but Curtlss, always cool, kept both his hold nnd his seat, 'and by adroit manipulation of his levers, brought renewed equilib rium to his steed. No Maneuvering. Curtlss nrose from the ground like a rocket. There were no preliminary maneuvers. The aeroplane ran hur riedly over the surface of the Island and' darted straight for Its goal to the southward, turning once for a moment to hold a level pace and' then to rise Again to further levels. Perhaps 700 leet would be a conservative estimate. Curtlss was flying at n height which ho had never attempted before In his life. In three minutes he wns a -minute speck in the distance. In seven minutes he vanished from sight The whole performance was ovrr in a twinkling. BRODERICK SURRENDERS Illinois Senator Accused of Paying Bribe for Lorimer Denies Charges. Chicago, May 31, State Senator John Broderick, indicted by the San eatnon county grand Jury, charged with giving a bribe of $2,530 to State Senator Holtslaw to vote for Larimer for United States senator, surren dered himself to Deputy Sheriff Long. "I deny absolutely all charges made against me by Senator Holtslaw of luka. 1 am Innocent of any wrong doing in the legislature," snld Mr. Broderick. "1 have never received nor given any money In connection with the election of Senator Lorimer nor with any other election. I expect a fair and impartial hearing in the Sangamon county court, and before the grand' Jury there, I am going there without any fuss. I have not been evading the officers here. I have al ways been willing to go to Springfield and tell anything I know. But I don't ltnow what I can say that will help them there." Broderick, together with Stanton C. Pemberton and Representative Joseph 8, Clark, appeared before Judge Creighton, and gave bonds. Ex-Mayor Hlbbard Dies at Boston. Boston, May 30. Former Mayor George A. Hlbbard of this city Is dead. ,. x ti r l .1 ' m --.jOia itA lfm Hi ISfcuJ SOCIETY BELLES WEO. i i - ' - Mrs. Peter Goelet Gerry and Mrs. G. G. Rumsey, Daughter Late E. II. Harriman Copyright by Thomaa 22. Marr. FIND BODY OF ALMA KELLNER Little Girl Thought to Be Kidnaped Was Murdered. Louisville, Ky., May 31. The discov ery of the mutilated and decomposed body of Alma Kellner In an old cistern under a hnrish houso of St. John's Catholic church, solved part of tho mystery surrounding her disappear ance. Alma wns tho eight-year-old daughter of Fred L. Kellner, and slnco her disappearance on Dec. 8, Frank Fehr, a millionaire brewer, her uncle, has spared neither time nor money In the search for her. He positively Iden tified tho body. Tho body was found only a few yards from tho ontrnnce to St. John's church, where Alma had gone to at tend services the morning of her dis appearance. The police are looking for Joseph Wendllng, former Janitor at St, John's church, who since Jnn. 14, a little more than a month after tho dis appearance of the Kellner girl, has been missing. Mrs. Lena Wendllng, wife of the missing man and' house keeper for Father Schuhmunn, pastor of St. John's church, was arrested, charged with being accessory to the murder of Alma Kellner. In a sworn statement made before Captain Carney, chief of detectives, Mrs. Wendllng admitted washing the muddy clothes of her husband shortly after the disappearance of the little Kellner girl. The defectives have these clothes, trousers shirt and hat and declnre there are shiall blood stains on them. A little more than a year ago, according to tho police rec ords, Wendllng was arrested and fined because of improper conduct with n young girl whom he accosted on the streets. Hot Fight Near Bluefields. Washington, May 31. Sevore fight ing between the troops of President MnCriz and those of Provisional Presi dent Estrada of the revolutionists took place near BluefleldB, Nicaragua, ac cording to a message from Consul MofTntt. Two hundred prisoners were taken by the Estrada troops. Indictments for Insurance Men. nock iBland, 111., May 31. Conspir acy, embezzlement, larceny nnd per jury, nro said to be among the accusa tions contained In the Indictments pre pared by States Attorney L. M. Ma gill for presentation to the Rock Island grand Jury iri the fraternal Insurance case. Former Governor Mickey Is Dying. Osceola, Neb., May 31. Ex-Governor J. H, Mickey has been in a comatose condition since Sunday noon and It Is believed can hardly live out the day, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Are Light and Gen eral Tone is Stronger. South Omaha, May 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,000; steady to strong; native steers, $5.507.90; cows and heifers, ?3.50G.75; western steers, $3.50 7.00; Texas steers, $3.00G.00; stock ers and feeders, $3.506.25; calves, (4.007.50; bulls and stags, $3.75 6.25. Hogs Receipts, 4,000; steady; heavy, $9.3000.40; mixed, $9,359.40; light, $9.37.i9 45; pigs, $8.00S,9.00; bulk nt sales, $9.359.40. Sheep Receipts, 2,000; shade stronger; year lings, $5.006.25; wethers, $4.75 5.50; ewes, $4.505.30; lambs, $0.75 8,60. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 30. Cattle Receipts, 13,000; 10c higher; beeves, $5.70 8.T5; Texas steers, $5.157.00; west ern steers, $5.257.60; stock ers and feeders, $3.906,45; cows and heifers, $2.807,00; calves, $5.758.00. Hogs Receipts, 31,000; Blow; light, $9.35 9.62; mixed, $9.8509.65; heavy, $9.30 9j2&; pigs, $9.159.60; bulk of sales, $9.5009.60. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; strong to 10c higher; natives. $3.605.60; westerns, $3.755.65: yearlings. $6.1007.50: lambs. 15.250S. rig VV rjl HEARS COMPLAINT Representatives of Western Cities Gail on Attorney General, PROTESTANTS ARE URGENT, Government Asked to Intervene at Once to Prevent Raise In Rates and Prosecute Western Trunk Llne Un der Sherman Act Attorney General Asks Many Questions. - Washington, May 31. The culmina tion of the nction of the shippers' meeting held in Omaha on May 24 came when a committee appointed at that meeting, accompanied by many senators and representatives from Ne braska, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois, had a confer ence with Attorney General Wicker sham, at which the committee pre sented to the bead of the department of Justice an urgent appeal that the machinery of that department be set In motion under the terms of the Sher man act to dissolve the association of railroads known as the Western Trunk Line compnny and to enjoin the rail roads and their agentB from putting into effect nnd collecting the advances promulgated by the association through its agent, W. H. Hosmer of Chicago. Tho appeal of the shippers was pre sented by Hon. William Duff Haynle of Chicago, counsel for the Illinois Manufacturers association. He repre sented that the obnoxious tariffs were to become effective June 1 and that shippers despaired of getting any ac tion undor the Interstate commerce law, slnco that action would neces sarily Involve complaint, hearing and argument, nnd consequently long do lay. Tho advances of June 1, he said, would follow numerous other advances that had been made since the Hepburn law took effect, and the unanimous expression of the meeting of shippers at Omaha wns to the effect that it would be impossible for the producers, manufacturers and consumers to benr this additional burden. Attorney General Urged to Act. For this reason and for the reason that both houses of congress had re fused to exempt rnllroads from the operation of tho Sherman law, the shippers,, finding railroads deaf to their appeals, decided to invoke the power conferred on tho attorney gen ernl by tho terms of that statute to prosecute combinations In restraint of trade. It was urged upon tho attorney gen eral that in the famous Transmlssourl Freight association case the federal courts had perpetually enjoined, all. ui mm uBnuL-jiiuuu uuui iruin continuing their conspiracy and from entering Into any similar conspiracy In the future. Inasmuch as a number of the defendants enjoined In that pro ceeding are members of the trunk line company, It wnB strongly repre sented that If that company wns shown to be In a conspiracy those roads were In contempt of the federal courts. By request of the attorney general, the members of the shippers' commit tee remained after the departure of senators and representatives to dis cuss with him In detail the basis of the complaint he was asked to file and evidence that would be forthcoming in support of the allegations that would necessarily be embodied In such a bill. This discission was continued for quite two hours. Official Delves Into Details. The attorney general was deeply in terested in the presentations made by the traffic experts and, not content with covering fully the ground on the conspiracy question, drew them out on the reasonableness of the proposed ad vances, the possible Justification of them and the feeling ot the shipping public with regard to them. The traf fic men were unanimous and emphatic in the statement that, based on all their investigations and the records of the railroads themselves, the ad vances were unjustified and unreason able, and that they expressed the feel ing of all communities they repre sented when they stated that the ad vance should not be put into effect. At the termination of tho confer ence, the attorney genera.l expressed himself as being gratified over the in formation furnished him and stated the appeal of the shippers would be given most careful consideration. As evidencing the grave importance to Omaha and other communities on the Missouri river of the advances nl ready made, E, J. McVann gave the at torney general a brief statement of the packing house situation, showing tnnt in 1909, 110,000 cars of produce from the packing houses on the Mis souri river were shipped to Chicago and the east. On this business the ad. vance of 5 cents per hundred weight recently made would have amounted to a minimum of $10 per car, or con jlderably over $1,000,000. Lease of Life For Hookworm. ' Austin, Tex.. May 31. Not one cent of the Rockefeller $1,000,000 fund for the Investigation of the hookworm dis ease will be spent in Texas. It was impossible for the state board of health and the hookworm commission to get together. Strike Ordered on Southern Pacific. Houston, Tex., May 31. A strike of all members of the International Or der of Maintenance of Way employees of the Southern Pacific lines was or dered by President Lowe of St. Louis, the order to go into effert tomorrow. ! -) fr CONDENSED NEWS X MM- Bernard Dlerkes, city auditor of St. Louis from 1901 to 1909, shot and killed himself. Tho Royal Geographical society en tertained Mr. "Roosevelt nnd several other distinguished persons at lunch eon in London. Tho Rev. Roy a. Young, pastor of the Christian church of Palmyra, Mo., announced his cnndldacy for congress on tho Prohibition ticket. Commander Robert E. Peary was the guest of honor at a dinner at the Savage club in London. Ho was elect ed a life honorary member. Two cars of tho California Electric railway and Leonn Heights lines col lided near Oakland and about forty persons wero hurt, some fatally. Jesse Overstreet, who represented the Seventh djstrict of Indiana In con gress from 1896 to 1908, died at his home In Indianapolis, after a long 111 neBs. The Presbyterian general assembly practically exonerated the New York synod in the Black heresy case. Tho report of the judicial cemmitteo was a compromise. Although tho Madrif forces gained a victory over the troops of General Estrada and captured Bluefields bluff, Estrada succeeded In repulsing tho enemy with heavy losses. While going eighty miles an hour In a practice run at Indianapolis, Barney Oldfleld broke tho steering knuckle of his machine. The car was thrown upon the embankment, but Oldfleld es caped Injury. An automobile driven by William Snyder, president of a lumber com pnny, ran over an embankment nenr Young's Bridge, 0 nnd Miss Lillian Wright and Miss Flossie Herman were Instantly killed. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barr, both sixty-five years old, were Instantly killed at Ravenna, 0., when the automobile In which they were returning from decorating their daughter's grave, was struck by an express train. Sixteen members of tho Fort Col lins (Colo.) High School Aldmnl asso ciation are seriously 111 from the ef fects of ptomaine poisoning, cnused, It Is believed', by eating impure ico cream served at a banquet. Tho case against Governor Charles N. Haskell of Oklahoma, in which ho Is charged with complfclty In an al leged conspiracy to secure Muskogeo townlots fraudulently, has been set for trial at McAlester, Sept. 26. Henry Watterson, editor of the Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal, was the guest of the New York Press club at a dinner In his honor. Mr. Watterson, In his address, told of the duties and 'Ideals ofCtho newspaper profession. A new world's record for big gun shooting has Just been made by the new battleship South Carolina. With its forward turret 12-inch guns it made sixteen bullseyc target hits out of six teen shots In four minutes and fifty ono seconds. After an eventful llfo In which he played an important part in the de velopment of California and Arizona, Richard Gird, seventy-four years old, known as the father of California beet sugar industry, is dead at hlB home in Los Angeles, Cal. In addition to the deportations or dered by the government, the Jews of Kiev, Russia, have been subjected to minor annoyances, such as the refusal of passports good over the year, and Interference with their residence at the summer resorts outside of Kiev. Chester Beecroft of Pelbam Manor, N. Y., announced that he will sail for Etah on June 15 with the Bernier ex pedition to the Arctic in the hope of finding the records which Dr. Freder ick A. Cook says he left In the north. It is said that he was supplied with funds by Dr. and Mrs. Cook. Thirtyfive men, women and chil dren were rescued from the upper floors of Long Bros.' building, 511 to 515 Mnin street, Kansas City, when a gas explosion started a fire that soon enveloped the stajrways with flames, cutting off all means of escape except down the fire escapes. Loss, $100,000. President Taft sent to Chairman Tawney of the house committee on ap proprlations a letter expressing deep resentment nt the criticisms passed by Democrats in the house debate on the traveling expenses of the presi dent. He Is especially distressed by "suggested reflection on southern hos pitality." Because a committee of citizens pro tested, the Erie rallroao has rescinded Its order to change the name of its station at Turner to "Harriman," In honor of E. H. Harriman, whose Ar den estate is near the village. Mrs. Harriman had agreed to give the vil lage $25,000 for improvements in rec ognition of the change In name. Salts against the Louisville and Nashville Railroad company for al leged Injuries sustained in a wreck, in which a train carrying members ol the Boston National league baseball club was Involved, were filed by Fred Lake, manager of tho Boston Na tionals, and about twenty-five others. The wreck occurred at Saxtons, Ky April 6 last. There Is a popular demand through out the country for paper money of the smaller denominations, which the treasury is unable to meet. In order to relieve the situation the depart ment will encourage banks holding silver certificates of $10 and over tc Bend part of them to the treasury do partment so that they may be ex I changed for sma'ler denominations. McCLUER'S A full HAIR Real Hair Switches, $4.00, $5,00 and $10.00 each Hygienic Human Hair Braids at $4 and $5 The Perfect Fitting Turban at 75c Sanitary Turbans with Rolls and Net Covered, 65c and 85c each Indestructible Natural Hair Turbans, 65c Railroad Milk Cans Complete line at the following prices: 5gal.,12fclbs $2.25 10 gal., 17 lbs 2.50 10 gal., 20 lbs 2.75 10 gal., 22 lbs 3.00 XeWYA. Co. WH JAS. GRAHAM'S Gin i pyan G-roceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, and every thing else good to eat Phone 50 N. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Montana St. OTTIS Sc BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CEflENT WORK A SPECIALTY Twelve Years' Experience AH Work Guaranteed 307 Toluca Ave. Phone 613 ALLIANCE, NEBR. line of GOODS McCLUER'S 4IHft4HHMH MM H VI ,'i "mi i il SttSSKHSW; : 5arfi3fiK3ass35s