The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 02, 1910, Image 11

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State Norma! Schools of Nebraska
Paper read before U e Alliance Woman's
Club by Mrs. I). W. Hayes
(Continued from last week.)
The year 1SS2 was the most prosperous in
the school's history. Social life was not
neglected. As a forerunner of the annual
banquet, now a fixture in the school. Dr.
Curry gave the graduating class and stud
ents a reception in his parlors previous
to commencement. Ho encouraged health
ful sports and greatly enjoyed seeing the
students have a good time. He was not
only a man of high ideals, despising every
thing low in word, thought, or act, but was
a devoted Christian. His talks to students
in tho Tuesday evening prayer meeting
wcro replete with deep religious
thought. No doubt his influence has
donojnuchto mould the character of
many a young man and woman. He
was beloved by all The board granted
his every wish In behalf of the school,
but feeling that he had done nil in his
power to widen the Influence of the
school, he resigned his place- to some
other, who he thought might be able to
give the school a power to mould the
educational life of the state to a much
larger extent.
Tho board tried to induco the first
president, J. V. McKenzle, to again
take tho responsibility of the school
upon his shoulders, but being unable to
do so, elected Supt. George L. Farnam
of Council UlurTs, Iowa, to become Dr.
Curry's successor. During his first
year 217 young women aud l'J2 young
men were enrolled. Tho second year a
now wing was added to the building,
known us Chapel wing. Prof. Far nam
was known in educational circles as
tho author of tho "Sentence Method of
Teaching Reading " Ho assisted in the
construction of n large telescope, "thus
greatly increasing tho interest in tho
study of astronomy. Ho also purchas
ed instruments for the study ofsur
vcying, and gavo much practical in
struction on the subject.
President Farnam stayed at his post
of duty ten years, and did more ,for
his students than any man before him.
When he gavo up his work he was
loved by all, and 110110 could say they
were not better for having known him.
Miss Eliza Morgan, no relatlvo of
Hen. Morgan win preceptress at Peru
for twenty-five- years, beginning her
duties In 1872. She did much in shap
ing the most refined ideals of the
school. In the mutter of dress and
care of tho head, face and hands, she
was especially watchful aud Insistent.
Personally, Miss Morgan was a perfect
model, She taught more effectually
by her appearance and thoroughness
than by precept. Her Impress was left
indelibly on all young women who at
tended Peru Statu Normal. Tlioy still
remember her as a dear friend, it wise
counselor, and a competent aud
thorough Instructor,
The last three presidents, with the
exception of Mr. Crabtree were Drs.
Norton, Iteattio, and Clark.
Under Dr. Norton came the first
lecture courso. Under Dr. lieattie, a
a new and commodious dormitory was
built, the old one having burned.
Dr. Clark's administration saw the
athletic field dedicated which marked
n step in tho broader life of the school,
anil made it possible for the students to
como in contact with the other schools.
A fine green house was built, which
offered u splendid opportunity for the
study of plant life during all seasons
of tho year.
After pulling the schopl through the
hard financial struggles which bwept
tho state in 1904, Dr. Clark resigned.
Mr. J. W. Crabtree was called from
his position us state high bcliool in
spector to the presidency of Peru Nor
malln 1001." Uewusa former graduate
of Peru and had become one of the
leading educators of the state. His in
fluence as a leader may be estimated
by the following statistics-
Enrollment for 1902-3... , 720 1
" 19C3-4 St2
" " 1004-:. 933
There is no. risk taken when you buy a CHICKERING SON (Boston), IVERS & POND, PACKARD, KURTZMANN, STERLING, KOHLER
& CAMPBELL, HARVARD, HUNTINGTON, besides a number of less expensive Pianos that may be seen on our floors and are regarded as leaders
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Our aim has always been to sell the class of Pianos that would secure for us the confidence and esteem of the public. No Piano concern can produce a better asset
than a satisfied community of buyers, and we are in Alliance to stay. Call and see us in our new quarters, Brennan's old drug store, opposite postoffice
" 1D0.V0 1315
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During four years of his administra
tion the school bus grown from n local
normal to a medium-sized university.
To keep pace with tho growth In at
tendance, rapid material progress was
necessary. The frame library, built in
1539. was doubled in size and brick
veneered for use as a science labora
tory. The library, which then com
prised fl,540 volumes, now contains 20,
000, aud is housed in a splendid library
The gradunto of less than a decade
ago, on returning, now sees in place of
the old 84,000 heating plant, a fine,
new 25,000 plant. He also fluds
chapel held, not as a few years ago, in
a wing of the main building but in a
new chapel building, which also pro
vides a gymnasium.
On tho campus may now be seen the
historic Normal Hall, the library, Mt.
Vernon Hall, the chapel, the science
Hall, a 150,000 administration building
which will bo completed about January
1, 1911, the dormitory, observatory,
stand plpo, green house, and tbo old
and new heating plants.
The beauty of the campus at Peril in
spired one of tho students, S. It. Bar
ton, now state auditor, to write the
following poem:
If I could paint a picture,
And paint it with colors true,
I would spend my time in work sub
lime, Painting old Peru
I would paint those hills and valleys.
Those fields with their golden
The little squirrel with his swish and
Those beautiful uutumu leaves.
Those kings of tho stately forest,
Monarchs of nges past,
Those rugged hills, those rocks and
God grant they may always fast.
We mix our earthly colors
And call our paintings good,
Hut tlieDod above, with a heart of love,
Makes colors that no man could.
Ho has taken the rarest colors,
The gems of heavenly blue,
And painted a picture in nature,
God bless it, dear phi Peru.
For some time there has been a feel
ing through Nebraska that another
Normal was needed for the training of
our teachers. This need was especially
felt in the central and western part of
tho state, A bill passed the legislature
in March, 1903, which appropriated
$50,000 for the establishment of a Nor
mal school west of the ninety-eighth
meridian. Several towns were appli
cants for the new school, Allluuce being
utnoug them. However, Kearney se
cured the prize, and the Normal was
located on a -tract of about twenty-five
acres in the western part of the city.
In 1005, the legislature appropriated
580,200 for the full equipment and
opening of the school. The school
opened in June, 1905, In the Kearney
High school building. The regular
year's work began In September in the
Normal building, which, was not com-4
pleted. Temporary stairways
were put in, muslin was stretched
across the windows to keep out tho
draught, and two large traction engines
were attached to the steam pipes to
supply heat for the building. In this
way the building was kcrt comfortable
until the heating plant wus completed
in December.
The ICearnev Normal 1ms boon ri.
,..,., . , .,.,... , ., . I
uiuriiuuiu m uuii, it uu mill me most,
rapid growth of any new .school in the
United States. It Is tho plan of tho
board of education to establish in due
time as complete a plant at Kearney us
can bo found any where In the country.
To this end they have already plunned
the campus relutlvu to the location of
all future buildings. At present only
one building is in use, the main part of
wliloh cost $50,000. One wing bus been
added and the second oue Is now being
i s .'j
wv' '
constructed. Later tho third will be
built on at the rear. Aalu from the
main building the plans call for four
other buildings. There Is also a
beautiful dormitory for girls.
The board of education believes that
a school's ground should be the
plcasantest place In acoramunlty, next
to the home. They noted accordingly
and secured a landscape artist, who
laid out all the grounds, planning all
drives, walks, flower-beds and trees.
When the parking is completed tho
grounds will contain an arboretum, in
which may be found every forest tree
that grows well in that locality. A
fine athletic field is also provided.
Kearney has had but one president,
Dr. A C. Thomas. He is a strong man
' for the place, and has secured the best
men available for members 01 liis
fuctilty, which numbers about thirty.
In three years the school turned out
1 383 graduates. This gives some idea of
, tho great work of the State Normal of
. the middle west.
Who can measure the vast influence
and power of tho stato normals of Ne
braska over our young men and women
of today! Mrts. D. W. Hayks.
Ooodl a little shower for the sand
hills last Thursday.
Miss Mina McFall is papering and
cleaning house this week.
Lulu Nelson and cousins visited with
Mina McFall last Sunday.
Ohns Lelstritz moved a half mile of
fence for H. Hier last week.
Miss Mats, a consin of Miss Manchc
Berry, Is visiting nt tke Berry home.
John Daugherty was doing some
work for Henry Hler last Thursday.
Geo. Mallsh is planting potatoes this
week. Charlie Lelstritz is helping
The surprise party at Rev. Wash
burn's last Tuesday was well attended
and all enjoyed u fine time.
B. E. Betebenner, Henry Hier and E.
A. McFall are borne of the ranchmen
that are planting corn this week.
Rudy McFall took his father's cattle
about fifteen miles south of Lakeside
to his brother's place for the summer.
Mrs. Hier and Gladys went to Alli
ance Sunday to stay until after Decora
tion day. Mrs. Mary Maycock and
Johnnie accompanied them home Tues
day for a weeks visit.
Mrs. J. C. Berry und daughters spent
last week In Alliance taking in the
graduation exercises. Also Mrs. Warn-
baugh, son and daughter, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lea Storgeon went Friday to at
tend the last part.
There was quite an excitement in
Lakeside last Thursday when thirteen
or fourteen hobos were arrested for
breaking into the Jap's ears at Reno.
It proved to be a false report so they
were allowed to go on their way re
joicing. S. M. Mishlcr. son-in-law of Mrs. B
C. Keeler, arrived In Alliance last Fri
day from Denver. He was on his way
to Edgemont where he goes to work in
the shops as boiler maker. His wife
will follow in a day or two and will
visit with her mother and sisters in
Mrs. Beck preached at Canton Sun
Herbert Brown made a trip to Hem
ingford Friday.
Mabel Shetler Is the guest of Edith
Hroshar at present.
Miss Agnes Moravek Bpent the last
of the week at Mrs. Hood's.
Frank Caha made a business trip to
Alliance one day last week.
Well, Mr. Editor, uews is scarce tills
week so shall have to chop off.
Several Good Second-Haiid Organs from $10
John Moravek and daughters were
trading in Hemtngford Monday.
Louis Ilartaand family spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Hert Langford,
Oscar Howard, Mrs. Morson and
Walter Holling were tho guests of Mrs,
Hroshar Sunday.
Frank Ewing and family and sister,
Nellie Carter, visited with llert Lang
ford and family Sunday.
Mrs. Drown and son Orvis went to
Hemingford Saturday where they ex
pect to meet their oldest son and
brother whom they have not seen for
several years.
I A, Z. Nicola is plowing for corn.
I Fred Burn's father is making him a
I visit.
Miss Sadie Horn was in Mlnatare
Boston Meek Is the busiest man In
Nine Mile.
Miss Ermina Knight is on the sick
list this week.
Dr. Cole was out to see L. D. Hewitt
who Is very ill.
Will Hewitt and son Marlon drilled a
well for Earl.Wildman.
Land seekers arc getting thick
around Hope these days.
Pearl and Andy, Brown of Good
Streak visited at P. P. Wilcox's Sunday.
Miss- Nettle Crismond carried the
mail between Hope and Mlnatare Sat
urday, Elder Surber is farming E. O. Kirk's
place while Mr. Kirk is busy on the
south side of the river.
Mrs. Ed Mowry and son Harl and
daughters Itynta and Vernice visited
at the O, W. Horn home Wednesday
Walker Wood and Miss Hazel Cris
mond were united in marriage last
Saturday in Gering, Nebraska. The
bride is well known in western Ne
braska, being the oldest daughter of
Mr and Mrs. W. G. Crismond, and is
nn energetic and capable lady with
scores of friends in this community.
I The groom has made his home in this
vicinity for several years. He is an
industrious and hard working farmer
and has hosts of friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Wood will make their future home
north east of Scotts Bluff, Nebraska.
Their many friends extend their heart
iest congratulations and best wishes
for their future happiness.
Emit luetic was a caller at Alliance
last Friday.
J. T. Nabb has been on the sick list
the last few days.
Mrs. Jerry Wells was visiting at
Snake Creek last week.
Miss Itessie Weaver of Alliance is a
visitor in Berea this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sterkle are the happy
parents of a fine baby boy.
P. J. Knapp shipped u car of spuds to
Norfolk one day last week
Miss Marian Sollenberger closed a
nine months school last Friday.
Mrs. A. J. Gahagen hud the mis
fortune to fall und hurt her urm.
Joe Miller visited from Saturday un
til Monday with lie v. Nolteof Alliance.
Mr. Essex who was breaklngsod near
Alliance had to quit on account of dry
Gov. Shallenbi'iger und the graduat
ing class held u picnic at theBarkhuist
grove Friday afternoon.
Mr Karkhurst and grandson, dur
ance Gughageu, intend to leave for
Lincoln some time this week.
Amanda Nabb is home for a week's
vacation, after which uhe will return to
Alliance to attend the Normal.
The Misses Sylvia Hugnman. Eva
Beck and Mrs. Roy Gregg of Alliance
were nt the box social Friday night.
A box social was held at Berea Fri
day evening. A good program was
rendered, after which the boxes were
sold for twenty-three dollars and forty
cents which went to help with Iter
Nolte's salary.
Mrs. Abe Hutchcson was a Bonner
visitor Saturday,
Mrs. Sutton and daughter were Alli
ance visitors ono day last week.
Elizabeth Phillips of Alliance was
visiting with Mrs. Ralls last week.
R. M. Hampton came down to the
ranch Saturday for a few days stay.
George N. Bahas was visiting at
Bonner with his cousin, Frank Morris.
Mrs. Frank Boon and family took
dinner with her father and mother
Mr. and Mrs. Sclsco have commenced
house keeping on their homestead
north of Bonner.
Clyde Fairchlld returned home after
an absence of a few weeks In the south
part of the state.
Carl Babbit came down Sunday from
his work on the ditch at Bayard and
stopped over between trains.
A number of gardeners arc mourn
ing the loss of tomatoe plants that
Jack Frost visited not long ago.
Everyone has finished planting in
this section and are waiting for sum
mer to come so things will grow.
I. C. Williams arrived at Bonner Sat
urday with a car of fine horses and
cattle for his ranch south of town.
The Bonner Kid was a passenger on
304 to Alliance, returning on 302 Sun
day. Ho reported having a fine time.
Miss Avery Wood has severed her
connection with tho Bonner store and
post office and is staying with home
folks again.
Those who were passengers to Alli
ance last Tuesday were Josephine
Fickle. Avery Wood, R. K. Thomas and
Claude Vaughn.
Rufus Thomas has turned his atten
tion to gardening these days and we
are wondering who the cook will be
Look your best, girls.
In the District Court Bo Jiutto county,
hi the mutter of tho nnnHnatlnn nf It. l.
Gllmun, guardian of the person and estate of
iv. oiurio win, r.uuu u. null, Helen C. Hull,
Hneclul May 17, 1P10 Term
Tho cause came ou for hearing upon the
petition of B. V. Oilman, guurdlun of the es
tate of W. Mario Hall. Tidlth G. Hall and
He en ( . Hall, minors, praying for license to
sell their interest In northwest quarter Sec
tion 13 tOWIlSlllDL'j llnrtll Klinirn 4(1 uroet In
Box Hutto County. Nebraska, or a sufllclent
uuiuumoi mesamu tor tno education main
tenance und support of said minors, und Uup
pearlng from raid petition that said estate of
said minors, is an undivided Intorest In said
lnndsand unlmnroved wild prairie land, and
no Income is obtained therefrom. It Is there
for ordered that all persona Interested in said
entile appear before me at chambers at my
office in Kushvtllo. bherldun County, Ne
braska, on the 18tli day of .luue. UHO.ltoshow
eanje why u license should not bo grunted to
said H. V. Oilman to sell said real estate ut
guuidlanssue for the purposes mentioned,
and that u eopy of tills order be published for
three succt-s-tie weeks la tho Alliance Herald,
a weekly newspaper published nt Alliance.
Dated this 17th day of May, HU0.
. .. . V. II. WhSTOVKH,
fp May ltMt Judge of tho District Court
Iulhu(ouiit) Court of i.o. Butte (uiiats.
NeoraHka. I
In the matter of the ;,,. tJ1 . , ,
i-ttite of Itoiwrt. C0?! for !n irinjr nil ,
Manor, do i.-.swl. ) ,1,llU account.
Now ull this itllli day of : in, IfllP. earr" I'
M. ivnulit. administrator with v. ,it .,iwi.u
or said estate, and prajs for leave to reader
nccut.ui us m,i h sdu InM-i'nr H Is therefor
ordered thill uiuUrd da ...u.u .f n at i i
o clock u. i.. ut my oHice In Alliance, In oa.u
i-ouui) be hi it as tlio rime mid place for ox
iiintuiiig aiiu ....xwiiii. - 1 ii'-oum Vnd tl
.ttrsol ml (I'cmiM-il, 111111 ...1 puiauiis xi
i'stl in sum (.siaie, i,.. 1 quired to appear ut
.ut, n.j.0 ti-i 1 tuuca so designated and show
fans.'. If such ex 1st, i, .., 1 m-mirf ,
I'uii" ..i.ii.usl. It is further oiucin. .... t
notice lo given to uli persons Interested In
sulu 1 stale y ranking u copy of tills order to
bo published 111 tuo (l..aMto II,. -ltd a ihih.
p-iuoi-puliltshulutidltiKCi eral circulation In
siid Cotiut. three siiei'tssiie issues, pii,ir to
the day set for s ild hearing.
flA L. A. IlEltKV.
fp Ma) in :it. County J udge.
lu the District Court, of Hnr Hutu f'.,m,t..
Kebrasku. ' ,
In tho matter of the up. Mention of A.S.
teed, iiilmlnlstrator of thb estate of Morris
Kellogg, deceased, for license to sell reul
Notice Is hereby given that, lu pursuance of
an order of the Hon AV II. Westover, Judge
of the District Court of Box Hutto County,
Nebraska, made on tho 8th day of April,
1910. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter
described, tliero will be sold at public vendue
to the highest bidder for cash, or one-halt
cash, balance on not more than two years time,
at 7 per cent Interest secured by mortgage
on the land, at the front door of
the Court House In the Olty of Alliance.
In said county, on the pth day of June, 1910,
nt two o'clock p. m., the following
described premises, tho South half of tho
North West Quarter, und the North half of
the South West Quarter of Section One, Tqwa
shlpSS ltaugo47 Hox Butte county.
bald pale will remain open one hour,
fp May 1B-31 A. S. Held. Administrator.
In the District Court of Box Hutte county
In the matter of the application of Sarah A.
0 llle ran, guardian of tho persons and estate
of Mary Fiances (lllleran, Francis Gllleran,
and Leo Gllleran, for license to sell real es
tate. .
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of the Hon. V. H. Westover, Judge jof
the District Court of Hox Butte county. Ne
braska, made on the 17th day of May, 1910, for
the sale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, tliero will bo sold nt public auction to
the highest bidder, for ull of purchase price
except ono thousand dollars, cash, the balanco
of one thousand dollars may be at the option
of the purchaser be on not to exceed two
years tlmu, at 7 percent Interest, secured by
note and mortguge on tho land, at the front
door of tho Court House in the city of Alli
ance, In said county, on the Pth day of Juno.
1I0. at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described
premises, to-wlt. TlioNortll-west Quarter of
Section 84. Town. 23. Hange 4$. (NV. Si Sec. 24,
Town. 25.H.48) In Hox Uuttecouuty. Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
5-19-31 tiABAU A. UU.LEKAK, Guardian.
State of Nebraska ? .
Hox Butte County tbs
In the matter of tho estate of Annlo Mc
Carthy, deceased.
1, h. A. Uerry, County Judgo of Hox Batto
county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persona
having claims aud aemands against the estuto
of Aunle McCarthy that 1 have set und up
pointed the 17 day of October, 1910. at 10
o'clock In tho forenoon, at the ( ounty Court
room In Alliance, for the examination of all
claims against tho estate of said decedent
with u view to their allowance and payment.
All persons Interested us creditors of tho
said estate will present their claims to me ut
said time, or show cause for not so doing, and
In case any claims jire not so presented by
said tlmo they shall bo forever barred.
This notice shall bo served by publication
thereof for four consecutive weeks in tho
Alliance Herald, a newspaper published In
Alliance, prior to tho day of nearlug.
Given tinder my bund und tho heal of said
court this 17 day of May, 1910.
23-4w L. A. llcuitv. County judgo.
State of N6brask
ska I
utj p
Hox Butte Cou
In the matter of the estatu of I'lnrenn,. Mr.
Carili), deceased.
1, L. a. Uerry, County Judgo of Hox Hutto
county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons
ha ing claims und demands against the estate
of Florence McCarthy tliut I lmo set and ap
pointed tho i7day of October, liUOat to o'clock
in the forenoon, ut tho County Court room 111
Alliance, for the examination of ull glalms
against tho estate of said decedent with 11
lew to their allowance and payment.
Ail persons interested as creditors of tho
said estate will presenttheir claims to me at
said time, or show cuiisu for not so doing, aud
in ease any claims are not so presented by
said time they shall be forever barred.
This notice shall bo served by publication
thereof for four consecutive weeko In tho
Allluuce Herald, a newspaper published In
Alliance, prior to the day of hearing.
Given under my baud und tho seal or said
court this 17 day of May, 1910.
'3 4w U. A. IthituY, County Judge.
Dairy Farm Cheap
. SM
I If any reader of this paper
wishes to secure a good, cheap
dairy farm, near railroad town,
write the editor, John W. Thom
as, Alliance, Nebr.
31. err3r's
Brown Leghorn Eggs
&1 per IS
1-year-old hens, $1.50 each
924 Sox Butte Ave.
Alliance, Neb.
' !