jmw'x.!"! WwmJMiii mmgiiiinimnimifn mwiia fW. MWt - tWMft . hk i.iinlbiiirmiii I3U ,ltjl;,ti,if;-T . , iAguUiiL TriryfTii I & - Useful Household Article GIVEN AWAY Wc have just rect-ived some of the newest of .household Articles and desire to put one in every home in this vicinity. We are not go in,tb sell them but arc going to give one with your next purchase of a pair of shoes. SEE OUR NICE LINE OF Boys' IUST RECEIVED AT Colburn's Cash Store I. LACH ESO N Hardware Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Harvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block E I. Gregg & Son s Big Premium Offer Wevill rivc a special premium of Ten Dollars ($10.00) to the winner of first premium on best loaf of bread at the Uox Butte county fair this year, if the bread was made from flour bought of us To the winner of second premium on loaf of bread we will give a special premium of Five Dollars ($5.00) on the same conditions. Now is the time to commence practicing with this flour. We v handle the CURTIS HIGH PATENT E. I.Gregg Sc Son A Broad Choice of Vacation Tours Very low round trip rates this summer to the Pacific Coast Chicaoro and the Lake Region 'Atlantic Seaboard and Eastern Cities and Resorts Colorado and Utan Resorts , Space does not permit giving them all in detail, but now is ' the time to get in touch with your nearest ticket agent or write ' me regarding fares, etc., and let me help you make your sum mer vacation plans. IIOMESECKtRS' EXCURSIONS the first and third Tuesdays of each month from the East to your locality. Write your eastern friends, and also mention the excellent opportunities open to business men and investors in the new towns springing up along the Burlington's new main line through Central Wyoming. mmtmmmmmmammKuuammmmmma NELSON FLETCHER FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENC'Y REPRESENTS THE FOttOWINQ tlmrtford Klro Insurance Company. North American ot Philadelphia. Phoenix of lllooklyn. New York. Continental of New York Olty. Vlmnifu ltra. InutlMinM fnlTinilDTi SlmilwniSininn Assurance Co.. LondonKiremans Fund InsurancoCo aermunlu Fire Ins. Oo. Suite of Omaha I Suits G. L. GRIGGS, AGENT Alliance L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A., Omaha INBURANOB OOMPANIES. I &. .a! I unflnn url ,21.. Va ." German American Ins. Co., New York. New Hampshire Columbia Fire Insurance Company. nltllfiHuVnhlrt II miarivrtf irw i'beentx Ins. '.o.. Hartford. Conn i ?5 i Xa ncVcherlUock Office I o-htairs.iicreheriilocK. Home Course In Poultry Keeping III. Poultry Houses and Furniture. By MILO M. HASTINGS. Formerly Poultrymtm at Kanmi Expert ment Station, Commercial Poultry Ex. pert of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, Author of "The Dollar Hen." (Copyright. 1910, by American Press Also elation. THERE tiro two ways la which money Is lost la the poultry houso construction. Too Qrst method, which Is the way many farmers lose their money. Is by giving the fowls such poor quarters thut they havo no protection against; the weather and predutory animals. On the other baud, vlllago poultrymca, and especially the novlco who proposes A UNIQUE VILLAGE rOUtiTItT HOUSE. to take up poultry keeping ns a pro fession, very frequently loso money by building more elaborate and expensive poultry houses tbnn there Is any ueed for. Indeed, many houses are built so tight and warm that poultry kept la them are less healthy than they would be in a house of a small fraction of the cost. There are throughout the eastern states a number of defunct poultry plants In which the cause of failure Is now attributed to the Idea of poultry house construction which prevailed teu or fifteen years ago. At thut time houses were made with pad ded walls and entirely inclosed, so that the chickens while roosting In the house at night were kept so warm that they caught cold upon going out Into the weather nest morning. The present tendency Is toward lighter, cheaper, better ventilated buildings. The two general forms of poultry houses In use arc the long house and the colony house. The long house has several pens under one roof and Is adapted to the village poultrymau who wNhes to keep several breeding pens of lowls and who must keep them yarded. The farmer or egg farmer will almost Invariably construct his poultry house or houses on the typo of the colony house that is, the house which Is to contain one tlock of fowls. Simple Houses Best. The house must be planned for the heu'a comfort. Auy embellishments or fancy work that is added' to please the owner should not be charged up against the productive powers of the hen, for she ueeds a place to sleep, cut and scratch out of the weather and cares little whether this protection be in the form of a painted building with a silver plated weather cock on the lightning red or a piano box covered with tarred paper. The poultry house should be only high enough for the keeper to stand erect, any greater space being a waste and making the house colder In winter. The house should contain about five square feet of Uoor space per lieu if the fowls are yarded, while the fowls 'i free range may get on with somewhat less Bpnce. The mild er the climate the less Indoor accom modations will be required by the lieu Good Drainage Is Vital. The poultry house should be located upon the bct drained soil available on the farm. The sandiest soil that will still grow crops Is desired for poultry. If the poultry house be located on pure sand there will be no green crop or Insect life for the fowls to furnish feed and amusement, and then results will be little better that) upon bare board llonrs. On the farm the lieu should be sepa rated as far as possible from the hog pen, especially if heavy breeds are kept; otherwise the hogs In snapping at fowls that are stealing their feed in i.v learn the taste of chicken tleah. Poultry may be placed near the or chard, but coops for young chicks should not be put under trees, especial ly with Leghorns, ns the young stock will form the habit of roosting in the trees, nnd serious trouble will be experienced when the cold weather comes on. It Is usually Impractical to locate poultry houses so that the hena will not find the garden, and we must chose between fencing the hens or the gnrden A stone foundation Is best for the poultry house that is permanently lo cated, but where stone Is expensive this may be replaced by cedar, hem lock or Osage orange posts. Colony houses nre best built ou hemlock mud Fills cut like sled runners so they may he moved to fresh ground. Kloors may bo constructed of rough boards or cement. Comeut floors are ivcucllent. tut If well constructed nr e.pen,slve f'heapfy const rwted ce eiciil floors will not last. P.oard floors ore common and arc preferred by many poultrymcn, but built closo to tbo ground they harbor rats, whllo If open uuderneath they make the house cold. Earth floors arc generally most" satisfactory for houses for mature fowls. It Is always desirable to grade up the site of the poultry houso so that the water will run away from tbo building. Where the soil is heavy this Is essential, for dampness lu a poultry house is nu evil which must bo overcome. Tho walls of the chicken house must first of all bo wind tight, Tho cheap est way to obtain this Is to use up right boards and batten the cracks, various kinds of lap-sldlng gtvo similar results. Single board walls may bo greatly Improved by Ilnlug with build lug paper, or the wall as well ns tbo roof of tho building may bo cov ered with prepared roofing. In very cold climates the wall may be built of double boards with building paper lu betweeu. Tho question of rootling Is an argu ment betweeu tho uso of shingles and of prepared rooQug papers. Tho for mer are preferable, but moro expen sive, and whero you know the tnako of a rooting which you aro suro is du rablo It Is usually to bo chosen. Ono typo of poultry houso roof that has given excellent satisfaction Is mado of matched cypress boards, with no other covering whatover. I havo seen such roofs ten years of age that wcro In a perfectly sound nnd weath er proof condition. The most common form of roof for the long poultry houso Is 'the single slope. In a houso of fourteen feet lu width a height of seven and one bnlf feet lu frout nnd five feet In tho rear Is a very good proportion. If tho shluglo rooting Is to be used it Is prob ably better to make tho house of dou ble nltch. This, in order to cot tlm i a . -- . house high enough for windows aud doors, will make the couo unnecessari ly high. The dllllcufty Is sometimes avoided by having an uneveu double pitch roof that is, having the cono uearer tho front side. The object of vcntltntlug chicken houses Is to supply a rcasonnblo umount of fresh air and, what Is equal ly Important, to keep the house dry. Ventilation should never be by means of cracks lu the walls or cupolas or openings In the roof. Systems of pipes which remove tho foul air from near tbu floor form a complication which experience has shown to be more trouble than It Is worth. The most practical schemo of ventilating poultry houses Is to have ouo 'or more windows lu front oT the house which arc cov ered with cloth Instead of glass or In less severe climates having the win dows covered with poultry nottlug only. An opening In one side of n room, the other three sides of whlcji are closed, will provide ample ventila tion, while the fowls roosting lu the far side of the compartment will keep comfortably warm aud free from drnfts If dry and protected from the wind a chicken will stnnd pretty low temperatures without 111 effects. Have as Little Furniture as Possible. Make all roosts on the snme level. The ladder arrangement causes tho birds to fight for tho highest perch COLONY BOUSE. and offers no advantage whutcver. Havo roosts and all other Inside poul try furniture so that It may be read ily removed for cleaning aud lice painting. Put lu only enough roosts to accommodate the heus and let them be lu the back side of the house. The Uoor beneath the roosts may be sepa rated from the rest of the house by u board set on the edge, which will pre vent the droppings being mingled with the litter of the feeding floor, or the roost may tie placed over a platform raised some two or three feet above the floor. In cold climates an extra cloth curtain is sometimes hung lu front of the roost, thus forming a cup board or closet. This curtain should be let down only on extremely cold nights. Poultry Yards. The farm poultry keeper of the old school does not yard his fowls. The fancier, who Is generally a village or city dweller. Is obliged to construct yards As tho fancy poultry breeders (tre the ones who do most of the writ ing for the poultry papers, the Idea of yards be nine Infused Into poultry lit erature. wth the resldt that farmers who begin to take an '.wierest lu poul try breeding often go to 'the expense of building poultry yard In Imitation of the town poultry man Now, us a matter of fact, yarded poultry can be made to give really better results than fowls on free range, ittt It takes a lot of unnecessary labor to supply them with the shade, xeielso and green food that they secure ou the range. Yarded fowl. If left ro take care of themselves to the evtcnt that the free range poultry nu be. will prove unprofitable. Uy nil mcniis those who are situated whero the clik-kem may run free should not Iwlhcr with yards, except a smalt run ur nne side of the house, which mat be used tu stormy wintry weather r when tho hens threaten :Ijh ilemj-jction of some fnv-irlte gard''i j CANNING VEGETABLES. How to Treat Them 8o They Will Keep Their Freshness. Tho glnsa jars that nro to bo used for canning should bo net In n boiler of cold wntor, placed on tho stove nnd boiled for from ten to fifteen minutes. This completely sterilizes them, de stroying the bacteria that cnusc fer mentation. The Jars should be left In the boiling water until the moment they are to be used, Tho lings ntul covers should be sterilized In the name way. Rhubarb cau be easily entitled and kept for winter use, when It mo ken an acceptable substltuto for oxperHvn canned fruit. Ilhubarb for canning should bo cut when it Is young nnd tender, wnshed well nnd cut Into pieces about two Inches long. Pack tllcso pieces tightly Into tho Jars nnd fill with cold wnter. After nbout ten minutes pour off tho water and All again, to overflowing this time. Seal the cans 11 ,.wly and tho rhubai'i 111 keep until you atjj ready to uso It. Wheu tho tomatoes do well there is usually an abundance of fruitmuch mora than can bo used whllo It Is fresh. It takes care to can tomntocs so that they will keep, but with a little prac tice it can bo done. Tho tomatoos should first be wnshed thoroughly and then boiled for nbout six minutes, Aft er this preliminary treatment they should bo peeled nnd sliced. Then put them in a kettle and heat slowly, stir ring frequently. Boll for half an hour uiul then put Into the Jars nnd seal tightly. These nro about the only vegetables that aro available for canning unless It Is ground cherries, which make de licious preserves. If the family likes horseradish an extra amount of It can be prepared In the spring, when It In plentiful, nnd kept for uso later In the season. Raising Ecrly Melons. Melons bought lu the market never havo the llnvor of those grown In the homo garden. Commercial growers Belect varieties because of their ship ping qualities, rather than for their flu' Yor. Melons nro not tho easiest vego- TINE HOME OltOWN muskmhlon. table raised, but n little time nnd ef fort spent in getting n successful crop will be well repaid. Tho best way to get early melons Is to plant the seed lu berry boxes in n hotbed or tu the house nbout six weeks before tho usual date for plautlnu. them outdoors. The soli should be rich nnd flue About ten seeds should be planted In oiuh box. Af or the plants aro well up nil but three of tho strong est can be destroyed. Wheu the weather becomes wanner the boxes can be transferred to the cold frame aud the plants hardened. Wheu nil danger of trust Is past and the soil uuttiilc has be come warm the melon plants cau be set out hi the garden. Six feet apart each way Is the best distance for muskmelons and eight or ten feet for watermelons. A fire shovelful of poul try muuutc mixed with the soil of each hill will greatly hnsteu the growth of the melons. In transplanting make a hole about tho size of tho berry box. Strip off the shies of the box carefully so as not to disturb the roots, place tho cube of dirt lu the hole and pack fresh dirt arcuud It. , The future cure will comi-t mainly of thorough cultivation and protection Horn striped beetles. Tomato Growing. Tomatoes inust be started 5n the hot bed rr lu tho house-jeuiiy lnJnrch. es pecially In fho ncftiiehf St-'c. If satis factory results are cspo r-d They Bhould be tnuiuplnnted i the eo:J frame about two weeks !;? re tli,. nre set out In the gardep lu mder to harden them. Kivijuont tran.ij lantlug also m ikes the pl.-.utu more stool v and develow I'je n.ct (ttMi, As soon as danger of frost Is past the plant may 'be set out In llu gar den. If early toinati.ea mv wnuted tho best pl-in Is to p!:ich off all side shoots, ha lug only the main stein. This should be tied to a strong slake four or five feet high to hold it ere.-t. When trained lu this way the plants can be get out in rows three and a half feet apart uud nlKiitt two feet apart in the row. Another plan Is to make a four sided rack about a foot square at the bot tom by a foot aud a half at the top. It should be about four feet high, with two or three slats on each side. One of those is placed over every hill und tho vines trained up over It. They ripen much better when handled lu this way than where they are allowed to spread out ou the ground, uud there Is not nenrly so much loss from rot ting. Where this method Is used tho plants will have to be set- out about three and a half feet apart each way. lu case there Is danger of a frost just ns tho fruit is beginning to ripen a little straw may be put over the vines nights nnd removed during the day. le Bee Hive The Alliance Racket Store 210 Box Butte Ave. Big Stock of New Goods at Prices Lower than Elsewhere Patronized by careful and discriminating buyers The one place in town where you can buy really good chocolates Elytra, IFIne Shoe Repairing. PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Glass H. D. Nichols BOX HUTTE AVENUE AT ALLIANCE SHOE STOKE W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmitliing and Wagg Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop on Dakota St, Intween Box Butte and Laramie Avenues, Alliance, Neb. E. C. Whisman Practical Painter and Paper Hanger Pull line wall paper samples PHONE 700 ALLIANCE. NEBR. Wm. James, Kxclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska.' Finding a Leak' is sometimes a danRerom and dirty job unless you are a Fractioal Plumber. If there is any trouble in the bath room or heating apparatus Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able charge. Wc do good work and guar antee it. Fred Bre n na n House phone, 356. Shop phone, 744 man's JimStflw